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• Greta Thunberg is an 18 years old girl, and she is know for her

fight against the climate change.

She was born on 3th january 2003 at Stockholm in sweden.
She is Malena Ernman and Svante Thunberg’s daughter, and she
is suffering from asperger's syndrome.
In 2018 Greta has started to strike from school until the
legislative elections, her choice was born from the heat waves and by
the fires that struck your country in summer.
She wanted the government to reduce carbon dioxide emission.
She participated at many events, at rise for climate in front of the
European parliament at Bruxelle, and she spoke at London's event.
In a short time her strikes have attracted the attention of social media,
and were organized a lot of events against climate change in another
On 4th december 2018 she spoke at COP-24 and she was explained the
gravity of situation.
She participated at others events on 25th january, on 21th february and
on 1st March.
Thanks for her, on 15th march was held the mondial strike for the future.
In august 2019 she crossed the atlantic oceans aboard a sailing yacht,
to proved the importance of emission reductions, to purpose of the trip
was the participation at COP-25 on climate change.

• Greta thunberg is a girl that despite the young age has always
expressed her opinion about our planet and that I share a lot.
Greta, over to say at all the world the problem of pollution, she found the
solution and with her speech she was able to make people understand
how serious is the situation.
I appreciate a lot her actions because i support the people that fight
against the climate change.
But i think it's something that many people have to do because more we
wait the worst the situation gets.
I was participated at a lot of events of greta, against the climate change
and i try to do the different.
• It all start with Nathan Grossman and Greta Thunberg.
Nathan, director of photography but also writer of documentary and
friend's of greta's family, learns from her father that the girl was going to
go on strike form school and protest about the climate situation on our
planet.For her, the priority in that moment of her life was the health of the
At that point Nathan decided to follow her filming what she was doing
from the beginning before she was even know in the whole world, but
slowly we see that she attracts the attention of a lot of people and so on
until she reaches important people such as macron president of the
french republic and other heads of state. One impressive thing is that
greta goes from sitting with a sign in front of the swedish parliament to
the UN.
It must be said, homever, that all this hasn't come so but that there is a
lot of work behind so many trips and so much effort and in the
documentary I AM GRETA you can see. 

• This film made me understand that we must save our planet

from the pollution and from the politician that don't act to
make a difference and don't think at our future, it's a
message that he say that we must say our opinion at any
• The film I AM GRETA was very interesting, both for the
subject and for the skill of a young girl.Despite her young age
she has activated herself with all her strength in favor if
the environment, it makes everyone reflect on the wrong
behaviors that are destroying it.
She had so much courage in demonstrating outside the
swedish parliament because she was alone, at first with no one
to encourage her, over time thousand of people followed her
example, after realizing the importance of what she said.
She also found many opponents but she with courage and
determination continued her way up to the UN traveling on a
sailboat across the ocean.
Today greta is know all over the world and continues to defend
the environment by contuingcontinuing on the support not only
of her father but also of thousands af supporters

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