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Description Fractionation is fun!

By pulling you down and up again you will feel so

wonderfully fuzzy.
Intended Effect Fractionation and deepening.
Type Gentle
Category Induction
Feature Fractionation, Participation, Open ending, Obedience

This recording is intended to bring you into a lovely state of trance, where you're becoming very
sensitive to suggestions.

But it doesn't end: instead, it is intended to be used with one of the other recordings that will
help you feel something. So this recording by itself will just make you nice and floaty.

Of course, if that's what you want that's perfectly fine. But, I'm telling you, it will be more fun with
something afterward.

Because, if you already feel nice and floaty, imagine how nice it would feel to listen to one of the
others. Oh well, it's up to you.

Let's begin.

To get yourself nice and fractionated, first we have to get you nice and deep. And to do this, all I
will have to do is say the magic words: empty and obedient.

And as I say them, you feel yourself drift deeper and deeper. And you'll feel yourself go even
deeper as I count you down.










1... deep.
Now of course, this is just deep, this isn't fractionation. For that, we're going to have a little bit
more fun. Whenever, in this recording, I say "sleep," you'll go down deep.

And whenever I say "wake," you'll awaken easily again. But you'll find that after a few times of
this, it becomes easier to sleep and more difficult to wake.

Let's begin with that now: Wake. Feel your eyes open, feel your mind return to the land of the
waking. And just as you're about to stretch a little bit...Sleep, and go deep again.

And you feel yourself go deeper and deeper...before, you Wake. Your eyes open again, a little
smile on your face. And you go deep...Sleep.

And you drop deeper and deeper. And just for a moment again, you Wake. You take a deep
breath and then...Sleep. You go immediately deep, immediately very, very deep. Just relaxing
just going deep.

And as you're nice and deep, it'll surprise you when we go a little bit awake again: Wake. And
again your eyes open easily and you feel lighter and more awake. And before you know it,
you're back to Sleep, deeper and deeper.

Now I'm going to bounce you up and down again a few times, just for fun, just to let you feel
how nice it just Wake...and Sleep...and Wake...and Sleep...and Wake...and Sleep.

And almost like the ocean, you feel yourself going in, and out of consciousness. As you
Wake...and Sleep...Wake...and Sleep. Wake...and Sleep.

And just in this recording, the word "Sleep" has the same meaning as "empty and obedient." It
brings you deep and calm, nice and relaxed, where there is nothing left, but just the fractionation
of your mind.

Wake...and Deep. Wake...and Sleep. Wake...and drop. Wake...and Sleep. Empty and obedient,
deep... So very deep, so very relaxed, so close to my voice.

Wake... And see? Right now, you're awake, but you still feel sort of floaty. Right now you're
awake but you feel yourself drifting, unable to think clear or sharp thoughts. And that's fine, isn't

It's fine to just float and drift. To you Sleep, deeper and deeper. And you Wake again.

Now, just for me: empty and obedient, very deep...and then Wake.

And then empty and obedient. And again Wake.

And once more: empty and obedient, deeper and deeper, and Wake. And you can barely open
your eyes now. Sleep, deeper and deeper...Wake.

And another nice time: Sleep, empty and obedient, and Wake.

Now, do you feel nice and floaty?

Do you feel nice and drifty with your mind unclear and foggy?



Sleep. Very good.

Wake. Almost awake.

Sleep, even deeper.

Wake, more difficult to wake.

Sleep, so drifty.

Wake, obeying my words.

Sleep, just empty and obedient.

Wake, impossible to stop listening.

Sleep, following my words.

Wake, empty and obedient.

Sleep, no choice, as you Wake.

So drifty, Sleep. So fractioned, Wake. So drifty...

And you're still awake for a moment, but you're sort of not awake as well: you're in that lovely
state in between: between drop and Wake. Between Sleep, and awareness. Between empty
and obedient and Wake.

Now, you feel very, very nice, don't you?

And this file is nice and neutral, allowing you to listen to whatever you want afterwards.

And I'm sure you'll do your best to listen. I'm sure you'll do your best to keep this feeling, this
nice, fractionation, as long as you can. Will you do your best?


And Wake.

And Wake.

And Sleep, deeper and much deeper, so much deeper.

And now, we're almost done: just a little bit longer, for some fun.











Aware...drop, deeper and deeper.

No more choice.

Just drifting, completely drifting.

Wake, enough, to feel the start of the end.


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