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ae GX 1008
Twelve-point Mission Statement 48 CR 204 (5-2) (NGS)
By Keith Raniere

Successis an internalstate of clear, honest knowledge of what | am, myvalue in the world, and my
responsibility for the way | reactto all things.

There are no ultimate victims; therefore, | will not choose to be a victim.

| am committed to be successful. | understand each of us must raise ourselves—and therebyraiseall

others—asall others raise us. This is interdependence.

Success in my ownright is my earned success. True success cannotbestolen, copied or received by

happenstance. | will not masquerade as successful by these methods or any other. | will earn my success.

Tribute is a form of payment and honor.It is giving credit where creditis due. | will use tribute to uphold
others beyond mypettylikes anddislikes. As a result, | will define my self and my trueveontribition to

Successful people do notsteal and they have no desire or need to steal, | will not steal anything. | will
always earn what | need and desire. Copying without permissionortribute is not the highest form of.
flattery; it is theft. Theft is also taking or receiving something withoutfully earningit; it is always at the
expense, no matter how small, of others.

Inner honesty andintegrity are the highest human values and the foundation of the human psychology,All
othervalues arise from them.| will never trade myintegrity or inner honesty for any othervalue.It is
never worth,it.

The methods and information | learn in ESP are for my use only.| will not speak of them orin any waygive
others knowledge of them outside ESP. Part of the condition of being accepted into ESP is to keepall its
information confidential. If | violate this, | am breaking a promise and breaching mycontract, but more
importantly, | am compromising my inner honestyandintegrity.

True success is never at the expense of others. As a successfulindividual,| will never envy another's
success, | will rejoice because| realize the success of others raises meupjusta little bit more because | am
also part of the human team. The actualization of human potential by anyoneis a tribute to all team
humankind. If others are successful, | will protect their success against those who envy them. | pledge to
purge myself of all parasite and envy-based habits, and replace them with the habits of effort and

| will unreservedly accept the success| have earned. | will accept no moré and no less; this is accepting with
integrity, | will give unreservedly to those who have earnedit; this is giving with integrity. | will accept with
integrity as easily as | give with integrity. To not accept what | am worth, or what | have earned, is to
devalue myself and therebyall others.

People control the money, wealth and resources of the world. It is essential for the survival of humankind
for these things to be controlled by successful, ethical people.| pledge to ethically control as much of the
money, wealth and resources of the world as possible within my successplan. | will always support the
ethical control of these things. 3

A world of successful people will be a better world indeed; a world devoid of hunger,theft, dishonesty,
envy and insecurity. People will no longer try to destroy each other, steal from each other, down each
otheror rejoice at another's demise. Success,ethics ‘and integrity are co-inspirational. | share and
enroll people in ESP andits mission for myself, and to help make the world a betterplacetolive.
(© 1998, ExecutiveSuccess Programs, neAllright eezerved

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