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Structural Determinants of Real Exchange Rates and National Price Levels:

Some Empirical Evidence

Article  in  American Economic Review · February 1991

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Jeffrey H. Bergstrand
University of Notre Dame


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American Economic Association

Structural Determinants of Real Exchange Rates and National Price Levels: Some Empirical
Author(s): Jeffrey H. Bergstrand
Reviewed work(s):
Source: The American Economic Review, Vol. 81, No. 1 (Mar., 1991), pp. 325-334
Published by: American Economic Association
Stable URL: .
Accessed: 25/05/2012 16:43

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StructuralDeterminantsof Real Exchange Rates and
NationalPrice Levels: Some EmpiricalEvidence


Contrary to the long-held notion of pur- Although Christopher Clague (1986)

chasing power parity (PPP), economists have showed that other "structural" characteris-
found systematic evidence that the general tics (such as the trade balance, tourism re-
level of prices across countries at a point in ceipts' share of GDP, and minerals' share of
time varies dramatically. Irving B. Kravis, GDP) have significant explanatory power
Alan W. Heston, and Robert Summers when also included, why per capita GDP
(1982), for example, report that some coun- has such a robust empirical correlationto
tries' national price levels are no more than the price level and what economic factor(s)
one-third the U.S. price level. Extensions of it represents have not yet been determined.
this work show that such departures from In the study of structural determinants of
PPP have persisted for decades. the price level, the two predominant com-
Recently, efforts have been made to ex- peting theories for per capita GDP's role
plain systematically these persistent, or are the productivity-differentials (or Ricar-
structural, departures from PPP. Pioneering dian) model usually attributed to Bela
work by Kravis and Robert E. Lipsey (1983, Balassa (1964) and Paul A. Samuelson
1987, 1988) has demonstrated that a posi- (1964) and the relative-factor-endowments
tive correlation between the price level and (or Heckscher-Ohlin) model discussed in
(real) per capita gross domestic product is Jagdish N. Bhagwati (1984).
robust across numerous cross-sectional The purpose of this study is to distinguish
specifications. For instance, using data from empirically these two competing supply-ori-
Kravis et al. (1982 table 6-12), 87 percent of ented hypotheses, along with a possible third
the variation in national price levels (PL) of demand-oriented hypothesis that has re-
21 countries' in 1975 is explained by per ceived virtually no attention. This third hy-
capita GDP (y) and a constant: pothesis suggests that, assuming nonhomo-
thetic tastes,2 price levels are higher in
countries with higher per capita GDP's be-
(1) ln(PL)= 2.20 + 0.56 In y
cause nontraded services are luxuries in
(12.25) (11.72)
consumption while traded commodities are
necessities. The empirical evidence in the
(R2 = 0.87, RMSE = 0.18; t statistics in pa- second section suggests that the null hy-
rentheses). pothesis that per capita income has no ef-
fect on the national price level via this de-
*Department of Finance and Business Economics, mand channel is rejected.
College of Business Administration, University of Notre
Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. I am grateful to Ron
Balvers, Tom Bundt, Jim Hartigan, Ron Jones, Nor-
man Miller, J. David Richardson, Rich Sheehan, and
two anonymous referees for helpful comments on an Japan, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, France,
earlier draft, which was presented at the Western Denmark, Germany, and the United States. These
Economics Association annual meeting, June 1989, in countries were selected for constraintsthat will be-
Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Financial support from the Cen- come apparentin SectionII.
ter for Research in Business at the University of Notre 2Nonhomothetic tastes imply that the income-
Dame, with funding from the Transamerica Fund, is expansionpath throughthe indifferencecurvesof the
gratefully acknowledged. representativeconsumeris not a straightline through
1The 21 countries are India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the origin,generatingan income elasticityof demand
the Philippines, Korea, Columbia, Jamaica, Brazil, greater(less) than 1 for the nontradedservice(traded
Yugoslavia, Ireland, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, commodity).


I. Theoretical Issues factor, relative-factor-endowments model,

services (commodities) are assumed to be
Across countries, price levels are ex- relatively labor-intensive (capital-intensive)
pected to be positively associated with in production. Relatively capital-abundant
[real per capita] income because prices rich countries will have a comparative ad-
of nontradeables [mainly services] are vantage in producing commodities, so that
higher relative to prices of tradeables
[mainly commodities] in rich countries the price of services relative to commodi-
than in poor countries. ties, and thus the national price level, will
[Kravis and Lipsey, 1988 p. 474]3 be higher in countries with larger per capita
Consider the national price level as de- However, little attention has been de-
composable into (nontraded) services' prices voted to a Linder-type hypothesis as an
and (traded) commodities' prices. Accord- alternative demand-side explanation for why
ing to the productivity-differentials model, per capita GDP is positively correlated with
rich countries are believed to have absolute the real exchange rate and national price
productivity advantages in both services and level. Although Rudiger Dornbusch (1988)
commodities, but a relative productivity ad- and J. Peter Neary (1988) noted that shifts
vantage in commodities. Consequently, the in tastes as well as in technologies and rela-
relative price of services to commodities tive factor endowments can change the real
(henceforth, the "relative price level" or exchange rate, no one has attempted to link
"real exchange rate") will be higher in explicitly differences in tastes across coun-
countries with larger per capita incomes. tries with differences in their per capita
Since commodity arbitrage will tend to GDP's (as suggested in Linder [1961]) and
equilibrate commodities' prices across coun- differences in their real exchange rates. To
tries, the national price level will tend to be illustrate these linkages, consider the fol-
higher in rich countries, since their price of lowing model (see Neary [1988] for a more
services relative to commodities is higher. general discussion using trade-expenditure
One would then expect to find a similar functions).
high correlation between the relative price
level (p) and per capita GDP across coun- A. Demand
tries. Indeed, using the same data set as for
regression equation (1), 85 percent of the Staffan Burenstam Linder (1961 p. 94)
variation in relative prices is explained by suggested that a "whole array of factors
per capita income and a constant: influences the demand structure of a coun-
try," but that per capita income was likely
(2) ln p= 2.20 + 0.50 ln y to be the "most important single factor."
(12.48) (10.58) He argued:

(R2 = 0.85, RMSE = 0.17; t statistics in pa- At higher [real per capita] incomes,
rentheses). products of different kinds, although
The predominant alternative explanation filling the same basic needs, are likely
to replace less sophisticated types of
to productivity differentials involves relative products; furthermore, products filling
factor endowments. In the two-good, two- new needs are added.... But the more
we divide total production into sub-
3Bracketed terms added. In the Kravis et al. (1982) groups, the greater will be the varia-
data, the empirical distinction between nontradeables tions in income elasticity. [pp. 94-5]
and services and between tradeables and commodities
is fairly minor and rests entirely upon the treatment of I formalize the Linder claim that per
construction. Tradeables consist of all commodities capita income has a dominant influence on
except construction; nontradeables consist of all ser-
vices plus construction (see Kravis et al., 1982 p. 193).
the structure of demand by assuming the
Consequently, reference here will be made to non- following nonhomothetic, nested Cobb-
traded services and traded commodities. Douglas-Stone-Geary utility function for the

representative consumer-worker: where x denotes dx /x = d(ln x). In the

cross-country context of this paper, x is
(3) U = (XT-XT) (XN-XN)'8 interpreted as a percentage difference be-
0<8<1 tween two countries. For example, a 1-per-
cent-higher per capita income in country B
where XT (XN) is the amount consumed of relative to country A will cause B's per
the traded commodity (nontraded service) capita demand for the nontraded service to
and XT (XN) is an exogenous minimum-con- be 1 + [(1- 8)XT - 8PXN]/PXN percent
sumption requirement that exists for the higher than A's and will cause B's per capita
traded commodity (nontraded service), com- demand for the traded commodity to be
mon to the Stone-Geary utility function. 1-[(1- 8)XTTPXN]/XT
- percent higher
Ready examples of traded commodities and than A's. The nontraded service (traded
nontraded services that would have mini- commodity) will be the luxury (necessity) in
mum per capita consumption requirements consumption if the parameter-weighted
are food and government-provided police minimum-consumption requirement for the
and fire services, respectively. Assume the traded commodity, (1 - 8)XT, exceeds that
budget constraint for the nontraded service (expressed in the
numeraire), 8PXN, and vice versa.
(4) Y= XT +PXN The demand for the nontraded service
relative to the traded commodity (X) is
where y is real income of the representative
consumer-worker and p is the relative price (9) X (XN/XT) = (XN/XT) = XN XT
of the nontraded service, both expressed in
terms of the traded commodity (the nu- = (rDp
This utility structure yields nonunitary in- XT + PXNN

come elasticities of demand for the two + [(15-8)T-8p~N]I9

products. Maximizing (3) subject to (4) yields
first-order conditions solvable for demand
functions: where XN (XT) denotes aggregate demand
for the nontraded service (traded commod-
(5) XN = (1- )P'(y-XT) ? + XN ity) and CD is the elasticity of substitution
in consumption; formally, CD = 1 -
(6) XT = 8y + (1 -)XTT PXN. (8XN/XN)-G3pXN/XT), which is likely to
be positive and close to 1. Per capita GDP's
The differing income elasticities of demand coefficient may be positive or negative; a
implied by this structure for the two prod- 1-percent-higher per capita income in coun-
ucts are made more transparent following try B will cause B's relative demand for the
some mathematical manipulation to yield nontraded service to be higher (lower) than
A's if the weighted minimum-consumption
requirement for the traded commodity is
(7) XN= -(1_ XN~
NTP greater (less) than that for the nontraded
+ (1+ (16X AX Is there reason to believe a priori that the
PX N minimum-consumption requirement per
capita for traded commodities exceeds that
for nontraded services? The theoretical
model reveals no such presumption. How-
(~8) X~ ~~1 ever, casual observation of per capita con-
XT sumption patterns of the poorest countries
in Kravis et al.'s (1982) data set (group I)
suggests that the minimum-consumption re-

quirement for commodities is likely to dwarf of both factorsrequires

that for services. The only product group in
Kravis et al. (1982) that included commodi- (11) /3LNXN + PLTXT= L
ties (services) exclusively was food (govern-
ment compensation for services provided). (12) 83KNXN +P8KTXT= K
In terms of international prices, group I's
per capita GDP in 1975 was only 9 percent where L (K) is the overall endowmentof
of U.S. per capita GDP; yet 38 percent of labor (capital) and XN (XT) is aggregate
this group's low per capita GDP was spent productionof the nontradedservice(traded
on food, while only 5 percent was spent on commodity). In a competitive equilibrium
government compensation for services pro- with both goods produced, unit costs must
vided. Also, Linda C. Hunter and James R. reflect marketprices of the goods:
Markusen (1988) used the same data set to
estimate linear expenditure systems by (13) PLNW+ f3KNR=PN
Kravis et al.'s (1982) product groups; the
results suggested that nontraded services (14) PLTW+ PKTR PT
(traded commodities) had income elastici-
ties greater (less) than 1. Nevertheless, the where all factor prices (W,R) and goods
empirical results in Section II will systemati- prices (PN, PT) are expressedin terms of a
cally reveal whether the coefficient on y is monetaryunit, as in Jones (1965).
positive or negative. The productionframeworkfollowsclosely
Finally, for the special case in which XN sections 2, 3, and 9 in Jones (1965). Hence,
is zero, the coefficient on y is positive, and derivations for the solution need not be
CD equals 1. This will be of interest for reproducedbut are availablefrom the au-
Section II. thor upon request.With some mathematical
manipulation, the production framework
B. Supply can be solved for the supply of nontraded
servicesrelativeto traded commodities(X)
The purpose of this section is to motivate as a function of their relative price level
a function for the supply of nontraded ser- (p), the capital:labor endowment ratio
vices relative to traded commodities in the (k = K/L), and the level of productivity in
representative country. I assume a standard traded commodities relative to nontraded
simple-general-equilibrium framework simi- services(H):
lar to that in Ronald W. Jones (1965) for
production of these two goods, using two (15) X = sj-(1/IAI)k-(1+crs)f
factors: capital (K) and consumer-workers
(L), the endowment of which is fixed at a where the level of productivityin each in-
point in time for each country. Perfectly dustryis a weighted averageof the level of
competitive firms are assumed to minimize productivityof each factor in that industry
costs given the constant-returns-to-scale (ij) IAI = PLNXN/L - PKNXN/K =
technology, yielding the optimum input re- 13KTXT/K -13LTXT/L, (Ts is the elasticity
quirements per unit of output: of substitutionbetween goods in production
(along the transformationschedule) as in
8 N Jones (1965), and as > 0. In the cross-coun-
try context of this paper, a 1-percent-higher
level of productivityin traded commodities
relative to nontraded services in B com-
Each f?j (i = L, K; j = N, T) is a function of pared with A will cause B's relative supply
the relative factor price (i.e., the wage rate of nontraded services to traded commodi-
[W] relative to the rental rate on capital [R]) ties to be 1+ as percent lower than A's.
and the state of productivity (rij) in the The coefficientfor the capital:laborratio is
country. An assumption of full employment ambiguouslysigned, depending upon rela-

tive factor intensitiesin production.If non- ment for traded commoditiesexceeds that
tradedservicesare relativelylabor-intensive for nontradedservices,implyingan income
in production (i.e., |A|> 0), a 1-percent- elasticity of demand for nontradeables
highercapital:laborratio in B relativeto A (tradeables)greater(less) than one.
will cause B's supplyof nontradedservices Thus, all three hypothesespotentiallycan
relative to traded commoditiesto be lower explain structuralvariation in the real ex-
than A's. change rate. Since per capita income is
correlated positively with the capital:labor
C. Equilibrium ratio and the level of productivityin com-
modities relative to services across coun-
Demand function(9) and supplyfunction tries, earlier studies have not tried to dis-
(15) can be solved for the equilibriumrela- tinguish empirically among the relative
tive price level (or real exchange rate), p, importancesof these three channels. How-
and the equilibriumrelativeoutputlevel, X, ever, if capital:laborratios and relative-pro-
in the representativecountry: ductivity measures are available, a ready
method of distinguishingbetween the de-
( 16) ^ + ' S II 1 A mand and supplyroles of per capita income
is to examine empiricallythe cross-country
relationshipbetween per capita income and
the output of nontradedservicesrelativeto
+ [(1- 8) -T - 8PXNI(XT + PXN) A
traded commodities, as demonstrated by
( OrD+ crS)( XTPXN) equation(17). A 1-percent-higherproductiv-
ity in traded commoditiesrelative to non-
A =X D(1+ S) [ UD A
(17)k traded services in B comparedwith A will
O-D + kS ( D + CJS)lkAk cause B's output of nontraded services
relative to traded commodities to be
OrD(1 + o(S)/(oD + US) percent lower than
+ S)xT 8PXN] (XT + PXN) .
( ?D + S ) ( XT PX N))
A's. A 1-percent-highercapital:laborratio
in B relative to A will cause B's output of
Equation (16) demonstrates how the pro- nontraded services relative to traded com-
ductivity-differentials, relative-factor-endow- modities to be oD /[(OD + rs)IAI]percent
ments, and Linder hypotheses are all poten- lower than A's. However,a 1-percent-higher
tially relevant for explaining variation across per capita income in B relative to A will
countries in the equilibrium relative price of cause B's relative output of nontradedser-
nontraded services to traded commodities vices to traded commodities to be higher
(and the general price level). A 1-percent- than A's if, to be consistent with equation
higher productivity in traded commodities (16), the income elasticity of demand for
relative to that in nontraded services in nontradeables(tradeables)is greater (less)
country B compared with country A will than one.
cause B's relative price level to be (1 + The theoreticalargumentsare illustrated
cS)/(AUD + O') percent higher than A's, sup- in Figure 1. CountryB might have a higher
porting the productivity-differentials model. relativeprice level than A because B has a
A 1-percent-higher capital:labor ratio in B higher productivityin traded commodities
relative to A will cause B's relative price relative to nontraded services or a higher
level to be 1/[(0-D + os)jjAI]-percenthigher capital:laborratio (assumingnontradedser-
than A's if nontraded services are relatively vices are labor intensive)or both, causinga
labor-intensive in production (tAI> 0), sup- lower supply of nontradedservices relative
porting the relative-factor-endowments to traded commodities. However, if non-
hypothesis. A 1-percent-higher per capita traded services (traded commodities) are
income in B relative to A will cause B's luxuries (necessities) in consumption,
relative price level to be higher if the higher-per-capita-incomecountry B might
weighted minimum-consumption require- have a higher relative price level than A

A. Reduced-FormEstimates
Given these 1975 estimates of capital:
PT \/
labor endowment ratios (k) and levels of
productivityin commoditiesrelative to ser-
vices (H), econometric analogues to re-
duced-formequations (16) and (17) could
be estimated using ordinaryleast squares
//\ (OLS). Estimationof the log-linearversion
of (16) yields:5
(18) lnp=-2.81 + 0.171nfl + 0.231nk
\/ D (12.68) (2.25) (2.84)

XA +0.181ny
(R2 = 0.90, RMSE = 0.14; t statistics in
parentheses). Equation (18) suggests that
each supply-orientedhypothesisfor the re-
lationship between the real exchange rate
because of a higher relative demand for and per capita GDP has partialexplanatory
nontradedservices.Only by examiningem- power. The level of productivityin com-
piricallyboth reducedformsor their under- modities relative to services has the ex-
lyingstructuralequationscould one hope to pected positive effect on the price of ser-
disentanglethese three influences;these are vices relative to commodities,accordingto
examinednext. the productivity-differentialshypothesis;the
coefficientestimate is statisticallysignificant
II. EmpiricalResults at the 2.5-percentlevel (one-tailed t test).6
Recent estimates of capital and labor en-
dowments and of levels of productivity in ratio of national output in commodities industries to
commodities and in services across coun- the level of employment in commodities industries
tries now make it possible to distinguish divided by the ratio of national output in services
empiricallyamong the three competingex- industries to the level of employment in services indus-
planations for the robust positive correla- tries, that is, (XT/LT)/(XN/LN), the inverse of the
calculation in Kravis et al. (1983) for the level of
tion between countries' price levels and their productivity in services relative to commodities. Em-
per capita GDP's. Edward B. Leamer (1984) ployment data are from the International Labour Or-
provides measures of capital and labor en- ganization's (1979) Year Book of Labour Statistics, as in
dowments for numerous countries circa Kravis et al. (1983). The output of commodities relative
to services and all bther data are from table 6-12 in
1975,of which 23 countriesoverlapwith the Kravis et al. (1982).
34 in Kravis et al. (1982) and Kravis and sTreating the coefficients of II, k, and y in (16) and
Lipsey (1983). The technique of Kravis et al. (17) as constants, indefinite integration of those equa-
(1983) could be used to approximate the tions yields log-linear forms with constants appended.
level of productivity in commodities relative 60ne referee noted that differences across countries
to services for 21 of these countries.4 in (XT /LT)/(XN /LN), the proxy for I'T / IN, could
largely reflect differences across countries in their capi-
tal per unit of labor in (traded) commodities relative to
(nontraded) services- the latter denoted
4This explains the 21 countries for regressions (1) kT/kN -rather than differences in 11T/ rIN. As noted
and (2). Capital and labor (LABOR1) for 1975 are in Section I, each country's I3LT ( = LT /XT) and /3LN
from Leamer (1984 appendix table B.1). The level of (= LN /XN) are negative functions of the country's
productivity in (traded) commodities relative to (non- states of productivity (TLT and 7LN, respectively) and
traded) services, II = 11T / 11 N is approximated by the of the country's relative factor price (W/R). Assuming

The capital:laborendowment ratio has a ever, this positiveestimateis also consistent

positive effect on the relative price level, with per capita GDP having some residual
suggestingthat servicesare relativelylabor- influence through supply on the real ex-
intensivein production,consistentwith the change rate unrelatedto capital:laborratios
relative-factor-endowments hypothesis; the and relative productivitylevels. A ready
coefficient estimate is significantat the 1- method of distinguishing empirically be-
percent level. The presence of both k and tween a potentialdemandor supplyrole for
17 has significantlyeroded the explanatory per capita income is to examine the cross-
power of per capita income.7 countryrelationshipsbetween the outputof
However, real per capita income is still services relative to commoditiesand rI, k,
positively related to the price of services and y, as suggestedby equation(17).
relative to commodities,albeit only at the Ordinary-least-squares estimation of the
10-percentsignificancelevel. In the context log-linearversion of (17) yields
of the model, the remainingstatisticalsig-
nificanceof this coefficientsuggeststhat per (19) lnX= 0.45 - 0.101nlI - 0.261nk
capita income may also be influencingthe (1.42) (0.89) (2.17)
relative price level through demand. How-
+ 0.26Iny
Hicks neutrality,TLN - TLT = I1T - IIN = implying
(R2 = 0.13, RMSE = 0.20; t statistics in
that (XT/LT)/(XN/LN) is a positive function of
parentheses). Consistentwith the relative-
fl; yet (XT/LT)/(XN/LN) could also be reflecting factor-endowments and productivity-dif-
(kT/kN) if countriesare using differentcost-minimiz- ferentialsmodels as well as equation(18), a
ing relative factor intensities owing to differing higher level of productivityin commodities
wage:rental ratios [variation in which is not al-
ready explained by capital:laborendowment ratios, relativeto servicesor a higher capital:labor
anotherright-hand-side variablein eq. (18)].However, ratio is associated with a lower output of
this latter possibilitydoes not seem to be empirically services relative to commodities, although
confirmed.While calculationsof kT/kN for all 21 the coefficientestimatefor rI is not statisti-
countrieswas beyond the scope of this study, ready
estimates of such intensities were available for six cally significant. Moreover, a higher per
"countrygroups" (I-VI), reported in Kravis et al. capita income is associated with a higher
(1983 table 12). Those authors found no systematic relative output of services to commodities.
patternfor kT /kN acrosscountrygroups.Moreover,I In the context of the model, this result
found no systematiccorrelationsof kT/kN with re-
spective observationson (XT /LT)/(XN /LN), y, k, suggests that a higher per capita income
p, or X for these groups. causes a higher relative price level because
7Note that this specificationdiffers from that in of a greater demandfor nontradedservices
Clague (1986), which retained per capita GDP as a relative to traded commodities.The coeffi-
proxyfor (non-natural-resource) relativefactor abun- cient estimatefor y is statisticallysignificant
dances and relative productivitylevels. Clague notes,
"Ideally,we wouldlike to treatreal [percapita]income at the 10-percentlevel (one-tailed t test).
as an endogenousvariable,but since we cannot mea-
sure resourceendowmentsper capita,efficiencylevels, B. Simultaneous-EquationsEstimates
and other determinantsof real income,we are forced
to use [per capita income]as an exogenousvariable"
(p. 320). Not surprisingly,a regressionof per capita Although the results presented in re-
GDP on k and II revealsstrongevidencefor interpret- duced-formequations(18) and (19) are en-
ing per capita GDP as a proxyfor capital:laborratios couragingto the hypothesisthat the positive
and for levelsof productivityin commoditiesrelativeto relationshipbetween per capita income and
services,respectively.The estimatedregressionfor the the relativeprice level is also attributableto
same 21 countriesis
a Linder-typedemandchannel, the statisti-
lny=-0.31 + 0.681nk+ 0.31InLI cal evidence is far from conclusive. More-
(0.63) (7.88) (2.05) over, the coefficientsfrom the reduced-form
equationsare nonlinearcombinationsof the
(R2 = 0.85, RMSE= 0.31; t statisticsin parentheses). structuralparameters from the underlying

structural equations. Since this particular Second, the estimate of the elasticity of
model is overidentified, the underlying substitution in demand (oD), 0.9, is statisti-
structuralparameterestimatesfor the rela- cally significantand has a plausible magni-
tive demandand supplyvariablescannotbe tude. As noted in Section I, for the special
determined immediatelyfromreduced-form case in which the minimum consumption
equations(18) and (19).8 requirementfor nontradedservices (XN) iS
However, two-stage least squares (2SLS) zero, SD should equal 1 or - oD = -1. In
convenientlyenables determinationof the fact, the linear restriction that the coeffi-
structuralparameterestimates of theoreti- cient estimate equals - 1 could not be re-
cal equations (9) and (15).9 Two-stage jected even at the 10-percent significance
least-squares estimation of log-linear ver- level (F[1, 18]= 0.056). This suggests that XN
sions of (9) and (15) yields the following is not significantlydifferentfrom zero, con-
demand (D) and supply (S) equations for sistent with earlier observations noted in
the relativeoutput of servicesto commodi- Section I.
ties: Third,the relativeprice level, the level of
productivityin servicesrelativeto commodi-
(20) ln XD = - 1.96 - 0.901np ties, and the capital:laborendowmentratio
(1.87) (2.10) all have the expected relationshipswith the
supply of services relative to commodities,
+0.401n y althoughtheir coefficientestimates are not
(1.79) significant. The linear restriction on this
supply equation's coefficient estimates im-
plied by theoretical supply function
(21) lnXS= 4.61 + 1.481np (15)-that the coefficientsof the price and
(1.15) (1.07) fl variablesshould sum to - 1-was tested
also. This linear restriction was rejected
-0.351nfl - 0.601nk at the 10-percent significance level, but
(1.00) (1.20) could not be rejected at the 5-percentlevel
F[1,17]= 3.838).
(RMSE = 0.11 and 0.33, respectively; t Fourth,as noted in footnote 2, the empir-
statisticsin parentheses). ical distinction between services and non-
Several points are worth noting. First, tradeables and between commodities and
empirical implementation of theoretical tradeablesis a fairly minor one, resting on
structuralequations (9) and (15) yields re- the treatment of construction activity.
sults consistent with the Linder-type de- Equations(18)-(21) were also estimatedus-
mand hypothesis.The demand for services ing nontradeables/tradeablesdata instead
relative to commodities is significantly(at of services/commodities data. The results
the 5-percent level, one-tailed t test) re- are similarbut are omitted here for brevity;
lated to per capitaincome, holdingconstant these are available from the author upon
the influencesof relativefactorendowments request.
and productivity differentials on relative In concludingthis section, I emphasizea
supply. In the context of the model, this key empiricalresult that has been omitted
suggests that the income elasticity of de- in this literature:the null hypothesis that
mand for nontraded services (traded com- per capita income has no effect on real
modities)is greater(less) than one. exchangerates and nationalprice levels via
demandis rejected.
8This system would be just identified if one of the III. Conclusions and Policy Implications
supply variables were deleted.
9The t statistics reported are asymptotically valid.
Given that there are only three exogenous variables, This study has provided empirical evi-
2SLS estimation can only be used appropriately here to dence that the systematiccross-countryre-
determine relative outputs and prices. lationshipbetween real per capita incomes

and national price levels (or real exchange exchangerate. The resultshere suggestthat
rates), commonlyattributedto the supply- relative productivitylevels, capital:laborra-
oriented productivity-differentials and rela- tios and tastes can explain as much as 90
tive-factor-endowments hypotheses,can also percent of the variationacross countriesin
be attributedpartly to a demand-oriented real exchangerates. Consequently,the vari-
"Linder-type"hypothesis.Assumingnonho- ation in such diverse real economic vari-
mothetic tastes, countries with higher real ables over time will tend to obscure the
per capita income will exhibit, in equilib- policy identificationof the equilibriumreal
rium, stronger demand for nontraded ser- exchangerate.
vices relativeto tradedcommodities,raising
their relative price. Empirical evidence
showed that, even when differences across REFERENCES
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