English Short Story

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were the giant brown tree sorrounding me.

when i couldn't find the ball i ,looked

up, got dizzy and satrted to panic. My body began running in every possible
direction whn i finally stopped i fell to my knees and aggressively
started to shout , 'wher am i? someone help me!' i blacked out .when i finally
reganed my senses i felt

i just never noticed it but wher was i?I began to look around and soon found myself
by the biggest and beautiful creek , i had ever seen but this was no ordinary creek
i follow the trees and the sound of the water to the creek with a most amazing
seeneryi started to gaze my eyes and take it all in there were soft blue waster
allmost crystal clear the sound of the bird was sos sweet as syncranize tool.
Suddenly, there was a dark voicethat sent shivers down my spine. It whisperd so
softly but greatfully behind me ,:Drink the water"I began to shiver with the idea
that i was not alone "Go Away! " leave me alone ! i began to screem and weak ."I
just want to go home .." with tears coming out of my face my heart stopped as the
dark and mysterious voice talked again like nothing but a whisper of thi air."Its
okay" Drink the water it will help you go home."
i was frozen in time, couldn't move for the voice had full control aver my mind.As
i stood by the creek and looked at my reflection ripplet through the current,my
eyessuddenly caught hold of a dark shadow passed behind me i spened around quickly
only to realise their was no one there the day become night and with what little
light i was left with , i began to follow it.
"I just want to go home i don't want to drink water !" i screamed at the whisper
wuth all my might but i get nothing in return i started to walk down the creek
following the wormth of the light hoping i would find my way out before night
"bring the water" the wizard kept following and wouldn't shut i felt thrept in this
woods all alone i tried and fell to the ground if

just help me !" i sat by the water fondering should i drink it or not after feeling
what little wormth of the sun slowly o down between the crack of the trees i stood
up looked around took a deep breath and walked into the creek it was so cold that
my body tensed up when it reached my knees i took a second and puffed out some
air ." Am i really going to do thid?" i kept qustioning myself looking at my
reflection against the current flow i decided to take drink when i looked up i
gazed around searching with what word could crackeled out in fear i speak can i go
home now i drank the water ?

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