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Pakistan International School Jeddah English Section

Department of Pakistan Studies [Session 2020- 2021]

History and Culture of Pakistan 0448/1

TOPIC: Khilafat Movement

NAME: ___________________ CLASS: Y 8_______ DATE: ______________

Chapter 7 : Khilafat Movement
Section B
Worksheet 1
Date: _____________________ Marks /15

Q1. Why did Non- Muslims support Khilafat Movement? [4]

____The Non-Muslims had their own reasons to support the Khilafat movement, they wanted independence and

they saw Khilafat movement as a way for it, they basically tried to use the khilafat movement for their own

advantage. Other than that, it would also make Non-Muslims as the good guys in the Muslims views.

Q3. Why did the Hijrat Movement fail?                                                                                [4]

___The Hijrat movement miserably failed because it was unplanned, the Afghan government refused to

let in such a big amount of people in there country as they thought it would destroy them, they sold

everything and had nothing left with them

Q4. Why was the Khilafat Movement founded?                                    [7]

__The Khilafat movement (which was found in 1919) was founded to Pressure the
British Government to preserve the authority of the Ottoman empire, Protect the
Holy cities (Makkah, Madinah, Jerusalem, Damascus). It was started by the Ali
brothers (Mohammad Ali, Shaukat Ali)
Protecting the Caliph was very important for the Muslims because he was the
symbolic religious and political leader of all Muslims in the world. Similarly, the
disintegration of caliphate would harm the concept of Muslim Ummah. So, the
Khilafat Movement was launched in November 1919 by Maulana Muhammad Ali
Jauhar and his brother in order to protect the caliphate from breakage and save the
Caliph from being dethroned. The Ottoman Empire contained the Holy places of
Arabia. The Muslims of India feared that collapse of the Caliphate could result in fall
of the Holy places under the control of non-Muslims. Muslims all over the world
have strong religious attachment with these places and their sanctity is of topmost
priority to them. Therefore, the movement was launched to defend Turkey and the
sacred places.
 During World War I, Indians were supporting the British against Germany. When
Turkish Empire joined the war on the side of Germany, Indian Muslims came in a
very awkward position because it was very difficult for them to fight against their
Muslim brothers. The British realized the situations and put a number of prominent
Muslim leaders behind the bars, which obviously offended their feelings. Secondly,
the British prime minister had given assurances that Turkey would be protected, but
later on the allied powers changed their mind and decided to remove the Caliph.
These actions were convincing the Indian Muslims to launch massive protests
against the British Government in the shape of Khilafat Movement.

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