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Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana

Department of Civil Engineering

Program B.Tech.(CE) Semester 5
Subject Code PCCE-111 Subject Title Building Cons. & Practice
Mid Semester Test (MST) 2 Course Coordinator(s) Gurdeepak Singh
No. Bhupinder Singh
Ajitpal Singh
Max. Marks 24 Time Duration 1 hour 30 minutes
Date of MST 26-12- 2021 Roll Number

Note: (1) Attempt all questions. (2) Assume any missing data.
Q1 (i) Discuss in detail about the works needing quality control.
(ii) What is the importance of safety in construction projects? Discuss the safety measure adopted
before and after firing a blasting hole?

Q2 (i) What are parties to a contract and common contract clauses?

(ii) What are the dispute resolution methods?

Q3 For the following network.

(i) Find all the floats
(ii) Critical path and standard deviation.
(iii) Completion time for 95% probability of completing the project in time.
Time periods for activity 5-6 are 3-5-8 and activity 5-7 are 4-7-10.

Course Outcomes (CO)

Students will be able to
1 Identify various construction methods with their respective features
2 Decide various resources required for a particular construction project.
3 Use CPM and PERT techniques to identify the best course of action for the given parameters.
4 Explain different techniques and elements of monitoring for a construction project
5 Draw a comprehensive checklist required for quality control at a construction project
6 Differentiate and explain various types of civil engineering contracts including their important

RBT Classification Lower Order Thinking Levels (LOTS) Higher Order Thinking Levels
RBT Level L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
RBT Level Name Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

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