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ATE Clty CT LLL LTA WH Watch. Listen ond point, Listen and say the name. Listen and repeat. Point and say. “He's funny. ) {She isn’t dangerous! Listen and repeat. Point. Ask and onswer. Is she friendly? am ‘Yes, she is. ie Ishe sporty? z x No, he isn't yall Tm Has she's Ishe/ she... f vvY VY ww ery g ‘4 . Chorus Yi Allabout me, ail about you, 5 All about our friends and family, too, q All about home and school, too, 4 All aboutus, 1 What's your name? How old are you? Have you got any brothers and sisters? Have you got a pet? Where do you live? What ore your fovourite things? Chorus 2 What's your name? How tall are you? Have you got any brothers and sisters? Have you got a pet? Where do you live? What ate your favourite things? Chorus My pet, Elvis Listen and point. 2 @ listen and repeat. Listen and sing. ae ‘Ask and answer the questions in the song. - Tm... centimetres tall. in rt got. t's your name? Tve got / I haven't yy Tlive in. OL pi came seal My favourite things ae How old @ (ore you? Personal information. Tmnine. ‘Watch. Listen, point and repeat. Let's chant. Listen and repeat. 5 Mime. Ask and answer. ‘What's your favourite Isitatiger? ‘animal in danger? No, it isn’t. \ a Or * Isita whale? -” 16s, its isita..? aD 1 Lots of animals are in danger. hippos, , tool In sayonnahs, they're in danger Let's save them, Me and you! Chorus Are they sofe in the wild? No, they aren't ‘Are they in danger in the wile? Yes they are. Let’s save them! 2 Lots of animals are in danger. ; whales and: , tool In the oceans, they'e in danger. Let’s save them. Me and you! Chorus 3 Lots of animals are in danger. cand pandas, too! In the forests, they're in danger. Let's save them. Me and youl Chorus 4 ds i Wotch. listen, point and sing. 3 Match the words and pictures. listen and repeat. 5 Play Guess. Ask and answer. Are they big? ‘Yes, they are. Are they big? Are they brown? Yes, they are. ‘No, they aren't. They're ee black and white. ‘They're black and white! Tknow! They're pandas. They're = They are Watch. Look and say what you see. Read and match. Say the number and the letter. Can you see the Scottish wildcats? There is a mummy and a kitten. They are small and furry. They eat small animals. They're in danger! There are only thirty-five wildcats in Scotland. o. Red squirrels are small and furry and very lively. They eat nuts and fruit. They are in danger from grey squirrels. © Hedgehogs are small. They orer’t furry! ‘They've got lots of spines. They eat insects. They are in danger from people cand trafic. | 4 ff Watch. @ Listen and repeat. ‘Act out the conversation. 7 ims Which animals do fi | you tke best? ry like squirrels best. on LS aN > ©) <(think it’s OK. \ ed i ashe ‘ai = a What do you think about Tom’s project? Tell your friends. (think ts Prepare your project. Have you got everything? @ Listen and answer. Ask and answer, Design a sandwich. Read and do. .X, 1) Draw and colour your sandwich. 2) Write about your sandwich. Hello, everyone! This is my sandwich project. Fist, I've got ‘some cheese in my sandwich. Then, P've got some chicken . Rote your project. Tell your friends, Present your project your emily. Evaluate Kay Competences Teacher’ Resource Materia Lesson 1 Vocabulary (2 ploy computergames 2readcomics 3rideabike &tolktofriends 5 flyakite 1 fd Wotch Tom, 2 @ Listen, point and repeat. 3 @ Let's chant. 4s @ listen ond repeat. 5 Mime and say. © WGAee es Lesson 2 Ng, Grammar & Communication Weekends are great. Weekends are great 1 Doyou fy a ‘Oh, yes, I do. Thaive opienicat the weekend And play computer games oo 2 Doyou listen to music atthe weekend? Oh, yes, I do. Tridea bike atthe weekend And tlk to fiends too 3 Doyou swap cards atthe weekend? uf ~ ‘Oh, no, I don't. I don't swop cards ot the weekend, Tread comics! 6swap cards 7 listen to music 8 have a picnic e | | fii Watch. 2 @ Listen, point and sing. 3 Match the words and pictures. 4 @ listen and repeat. 5 Ask and answer about your weekend. Do you read comics od at the weekend? 4 Yes, Ido . Do you play computer games at the weekend? at the weekend? ree eed {@ do you read comics atthe weekend? Yes, Ido. No, don’t No, I don't. {GH Wotch. 2 Look and say what you see, Read and match. Say the number and the letter. These girls and boys are in a football team. They have training one day a week and they have matches at the weekend on Saturdays or Sundays. Do you like their football kit? 8 Paul rides a bike in the park at the Weekend. Look! He's got a red helmet. David's got a scooter. He goes to the Park, too. He can jump on his scooter! € This is Keira and Joe. They like dancing, They go to an urban dance club on Saturdays. They can dance very well: 1 Watch. @ Listen and repeat. ‘Act out the conversation, What do you do at the weekend? - play football. co% . Itide my bike. @ Wotch. Read and listen. Which words can you see in the pictures? AD Look! I've gat some headphones Tim istening to music on my teblet. My tablet is touchscreen, can swipe the screen with my finger! T'm doing my homework with my tablet. can search the internet for information. can download information. Read, look and choose the best answer. ‘Ask / Don’t ask your porents to search the internet or download information. (touch)screen swipe search the internet download information headphones (i Watch. Listen, point and repeat. listen and read. [Gy ia, Max and Bruno lve on [@) Maxis a ively sheep dog, He works on the «farm, They are good frends. | form, He can run fast and he can jump high [Gy tic cn pay the pro, Dod con paythe duns) KA] uth con Bruno cn ploy the gutar and sing Max cont skateboard! f No, he can't. Im sorry. a ‘Max saves Bruno, Bruno is OK, but Max can't walk or run now. © marssod mia ona run or skateboard ‘Max can do lois of things, but he can't play the piano! Yes, he can. And he can ploy catch! He can't walk or | Read and say Mia, Max, Bruno or Dad. Who can ... play the piano? sing? play catch? play the guitar? ploy the drums? jump high? skateboard? make a wheelchair? We all need a little help sometimes. What do you think about the story? listen and repeat. Tell your friends. 3 Tthink it's great! 4 think it’s good. Z I think it's OK. Read and answer the questions. @ Listen, check and repeat. ° ° Can Max play the guitar? -—Yes,he can. No, he can't Can Mia play the piano? Yes, shecan. No, she can’t. Can Max play catch? Yes,hecan. No, he can’t. Can Dad play the drums? _—Yes,hecan. No, he can't. Can Dad skateboard? Yes,hecan. No, he can't. Can Bruno jump high? Yes, he can. No, he can’t. ‘Ask and answer the questions about your friends. ‘Make the game. X, Can he ride a bike? ] Can he skateboard? Listen and repeat. Play the game. Yes, he can. No, he can’t. G@ listen and read the cartoon. Answer, a What can Nick's friend do? b Is Ruby angry / happy / sad? L Say, (think the cartoons funny /OK/ boring. ) IN He con jump up on the garage! 3 Act out the cartoon. 4, @ listen and read. @ Listen and repeat. ‘Oh, my friend isn’t a bou, Here he comes now, Hello, Whiskers. | Pronunciation -y as /i Gary ond Betty Con play the guitor. Are they funny and lively? Oh, yes, they are! Lesson 8 Language re All about the weekend 1 MM @ Watch Becky's project. What does she do on Saturday? J) Hi, everyone! This ismy weekend poem project. } 2 Talk about Becky's project. Use these words. i Ce eC CMe Le Ruy Oma ce Tir eur 3 @ listen and match. Say the letter and the name. | ® 5 Prepare your project. ‘You need: Eade = 4. for |1 Have you got everything? @ Listen and onswer. Ask and answer, 2 Create a weekend poem. Read and do. . (2) Write your poem on the project template. (2) Draw or stick pictures from magazines or the internet to decorate your poem. Hi, everyone! This is my weekend poem project. What do you do at the weekend? (On Saturday, I play the guitar... 3 Rate your project. Tell your friends. Present your project to your family listen and read. 2 Act out the story ¢ | Lh & Zagat She con skateboard. © @ Gan you ide ake, ge ‘Yes. Hey he can fly a kite! Telcorne boc What ® oyu coche SK 17. weekend on Earth? af aes ay Oy i, iN D2, Can Tve got some cheese «and some tomatoes. haven't got any onions, Ride a bike, skateboard, talk to fiends, listen to Tusic, read comics, fly a kte, have a picnic Collaborate and, ‘communicate! 2) Youneed: scissors) (2) Work in groups. Os Plan your animaltron. ae paper and card ZY peneils s has mogezines JO ve too. Bap glue se > : Drewe: Let's have a whaletron! ) 3) Think about your animaltron. Ask and || (@) Draw or stick pictures of your animaltron, ‘answer. Tell your friends your ideas. Write about it. Stick the pictures and. writing on the card to make a poster. I she can swim very fast Evaluate Key Competences ‘Teacher fancewce Manet Lesson 1 | {Gi Watch. 2 @ Listen, point and repeat. 3 @ Let’s chant. 4 @ listen and repeat. 5 Play Who am I? Who am I? I'm wearing ) o-curly wig and a beard. G, Pa Ihaventt got glasses. = 3 ‘re you Tom? ~We ab Gaye eee tog ippearance words? What do you Took like? Jim wearing .Tve got. Thaven't got GY Lesson 2 Communication Guess the person! Can you see? Who is i? Who can it be? Has he got blue eyes and short hair? No, he hasn't. Has he got glasses and long hair? No, he hasn't. Has he got a beard and big ears? Yes, he has. Tknow, I know, I know, it’s Tom, Chorus Has she got blue eyes and short hair? No, she hasn't. Has she got a beard and a curly wig? No, she hasn't. Has she got glasses and long hair? Yes, she has. know, know, I know, its Becky. Chorus | fi Watch. 2 @ Listen, point and sing. 3 Match the words and pictures. 4 @ Listen and repeat. 5 Ask and answer about the children in the picture. Es ad @ Has he/she got glasses? Has he got « beard? Yes, he /she has. a aC © No, she hasnt Has he got shor. hair and blue eyes? J | (Yes, he has!) waRiey: (know. It's Sam! big ears oe This is the Notting Hill Carnival in London. Lots of people dress up and wear colourful costumes. Maya's got a yellow hat with flowers. She’s got glasses, too. ‘On World Book Day we dress up at school. Teachers and children dress up 4s characters from their favourite stories. Becky is Winnie the Witch and Sam's Robin Hood. I'm the careless giant. I've got big | ears ond a beard! | This is Holly. She's going to a fancy dress | party. She’s a pop stor! She’s got funny 4, aj Watch. @ Liston and repeat. 5 Act out the conversation. Te = (50 BAA dress in your country? Who's your favourite character? My favourite character's... po See apt enre ents ti the planet hat! It’s bad for the cp planet. cardboard ) re eee Sree Po! on This robot is made of Look at this hat. These shoes are made of cardboard and silver paper. It’s made of paper. cardboard and plastic bags. plastic/glass/ cardboard —_tincans/plastic/ paper cardboard / glass / tin cans se and Ae Eevee cordboord glos pestle tncans paper vee abish e : li 9 The careless giant, [NNER Seer cond repeat. 3 @ listen and read. Watch, 2 @ listen, poi visits dl! Every day the careless the village. The people ore s (Oh, no! The careless giant is coming! (Quick! Run! Jide! Its the careless giant! Jey, come back, 2verybody! The gant’ got big fet! He's verre Oh, look tthe trees! Whoops! Oh, ded Sis: Oh, no! Look! He stepping on the We and flowers! ascii ‘Nafrator. The giants gota big mouth! jt Hom, Tim thirsty! sStiairy, What's he doing now? sie Hes drinking water! He's wasting water! airy Oh, no! He isnt taking care! lor The glant makes a mess! ry: Oh, no! Now he's eating! Giant: Mmm, Ike food! Susie: He's dropping litter everywhere, Child 3: Go away, Giant! ‘ Narrator: The glantis big and careless, but he isn't kad. He's sad. Susie: What's he doing now? Horry: He's crying! Thaver‘t got any friends! The people ‘gre scared, They don't tke me! Come cn, Susie, Lets talk to him! Hey, Giant! Are you listening? . Giont: Who's that? Hello! Can we be fends? Horry: Yes, but Giant, you need to be careful. [Giont: Oh, OK! need to be careful Lesson 5 Sen oF: Now, the giant isnt careless. 10h, no! The giant is coming 1 Runt e ‘Oh, look! He's with Susie and Harry Giant: Let me help! hil },Oh! He's helping, [Child 2 Oh, look! He's picking up liter 1: He isnt wosting water! Now, he's saving wat Giant: Yes! Im savirg water, ‘Giant: Let me help! Adult | Whats he doing now? Now, he's planting trees ‘ond flowers. Hurroht He's taking core ofthe village! >: Now the people arentseared: They ve n peace with the giant Giant: I'm not the careless Giant. tim the Look and read. What does the giant do? Say the words in order. Point and say careless or carefull eeaseuyal world around you. @EIID What do you think about the story? @ listen and repeat. Tell your friends. "What o fantastic ~Tlikeit.—) quite like it. { story! I think t's great! J {think i’s good. } ink t's OK. ) 7 i. “BSE _ Bawmere® FS 1 @ Listen and say the number. 282 2 Look ot Activity 1. Read and make questions and answers. @ Listen, check and repeat. res ee e What's he doing? He's ‘wasting water. He's Heisn't saving water. He's Heisn’t stepping on the trees and flowers. He's Heisn’t dropping liter. What's = What is He's Heisn’t picking up liter. He's = Heis What's she doing? She's Sheisn’t planting trees, She's = She is 3 Mime. Ask and answer with your friends. Listen and repeat. Play the game. repeat. Play the ga He's planting trees...) He isn't planting trees. He's droppingliter! No pair! ) What's she doing? She’s picking up litter .. Sh 1g up litter ve cot a pair! co Let’s read and speak integrated ate «Comma 1 @ listen and read the cartoon, Answer. «a Is Nick’s grandad a wizard? bb Is Ruby angry / happy / sad? This is @ photo of my Yes, look! Hes got ‘grandod, Wiliam, wy grey hair. Tknow! That's my grandad at Halloween. He's a wizard! But he hasr't got long, grey fi hair OR a tong, grey beard. 3 Act out the cartoon. 4 @ Listen and read. @ Listen and repeat. (Gawler wos) (2m witiam the Wizard LY / { Psa Who's that at the window ‘With a wand and a wig? It's William the Wizard! Wow! Yes, itis! Hi everyone! This | is my giant project. | 2 Talk about Tom's project. Use these words, beard curly ears glasses long short awig he’s wearing he’s got 3 @ listen and match. Say the letter and the name. @ < What a fantastic project! @ << Tthinkit's great! J = Kate 4 @ILUD What do you think about Tom's project? Tell your friends. (Ithinkit’s.. > 5 Prepare your project. er) uae Have you got everything? @ Listen and enswer. Ask and answer. 2 Design a giant. Read and do. X, (2) Draw and colour your giant. (2) Now write about your giant. q SS Ee oe ‘This is my giant, Amy. She’s very big. She's Hi, everyone! This is my giant project. (got tong, black hair and big, blue eyes. 3 Rate your project. Tell your friends. Present your project to your family. Po tag ce ntact tn } @ Lesson 1 Vocabulary Lapork 2acnema 3abusstop 4accfé Sasportscentre Balibrary 7 shops | ij Wotch. 2 @ Listen, point and resect. 3 @ Let's chant. 4+ @ listen and repeat. 5 Ask and answer. Point. Can you see the | sports centre? ](Yez ws here | ‘Can you see the shops? ‘What's your favourite place in town? Yes, they're here.) ‘Con you see... Lesson 2 Song, Grammar & Communication’ 1 Is there a bus stop near here? Yes, there is. It's opposite the café, Is there a cinema near here? Yes, there is. It’s opposite the park, Chorus There are lots of places in my town, Come with me and see, Explore my town with me, x2 2 Isthere a library near here? Yes, there Is. I's next to the sports centre. ‘Are there any shops near here? Yes, there are. They're near the police station, Chorus | fil Watch. 2 © Listen, point and sing. 3 Match the words and pictures. 4, @ listen and repeat. 5 Ask and answer about Tom’s town, ry ea © 1s there park near here? Ye, theres No, therein © pce tere ony shops near here? 6s, there are. No, there aren't. Is there 's opposite th daiena ||'s opposite the park. Are there any shops near here? ae ey're near the police station. ) 5 ail near, opposite, next to Lesson 3 Watch. 2 Look and say what you see. “There is a lot of traffic in Oxford. Ths isa tourist bus. It has an open top. You can see the buildings and take photos! What colour is lt? 1's red and yellow. This is 0 taxi What colour is it? It's blue, pink and yellow Is there a bookshop rear here? Yes, there is. It’s over there, near the bikes. Lots of people ride a bike in Oxford. There ore two rivers in Oxford, the River Thames | and the River Cherwell Look at ail the boats. What colour are they? They're red, yellow, Purple and green. You an go on a boat on the river. Its funt D) ] Oxford has lots of old | buildings. Tis bridge is very old and beautiful. It ome buildings in the university 4, jj Wotch. © Listen and repeat. . 5 Act out the conversation, What colour is the taxi? What colour are the buses in your town? Let’s learn about maps 1 ij Watch, * ; eS cial 5; 2 @ Read and listen. What places can you see on the map? Look at this map of a town. A A B map is o plan of a place. Maps ‘can have numbers and letters ‘or just numbers. On a map, the numbers and letters show us the position of different places. They are called grid references. ‘Where's the cinema? It’s in 82 Fé is the sports centre, Assymbol isa picture on a map ‘and shows places. The list of symbols is the key. Can you see the key? To read a map, you need to know the points of a compass: North, East, South and West. North is at the top of a map. 3 Read and answer. 1 Where's the park? 2 Is the café south or north of the bus stop? 3 Are the shops west or east of the police stotion? 4 What's in these grid references? Fo AK AG C5 D3 station cafe b,| shops Bdjcrme [BQ [Bal] Library -& Bus stop 4 Ask and answer.

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