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Static directional stability

 Static directional stability is a measure of

the aircraft's resistance to slipping. The greater
the static directional stability the quicker the
aircraft will turn into a relative wind which is
not aligned with the longitudinal axis.

 In an equilibrium condition (figure (a)), an

airplane flies so that the yaw angle is zero. To
have static directional stability, the appropriate
positive or negative yawing moment should be
generated to compensate for a negative or
positive sideslip angleexcursion

Directional (Weathercock) stability

 The main contributor to the static directional stability is the fin. Both the size and arm
of the fin determine the directional stability of the aircraft. The further the vertical fin is
behind the center of gravity the more static directional stability the aircraft will have.
(This is often called the weather veining effect, because it works the same way as a
weather vein.)
 As mentioned previously all rotational motions of the aircraft occur around the center
of gravity. Directional stability refers to motions around the normal axis

Stable/unstable aircraft
This figure shows the variation of yawing-moment coefficient with sideslip angle.
This positively sloping line indicates a directionally stable case.

Wing contribution to directional stability

A wing produces two effects that give a yawing moment with sideslip. The important one
is due to sweep-back angle, and the other minor effect is due to geometric dihedral.

(Both effects are stabilizing)

The second effect,

due to dihedral,
results from a tilt of
the lift vector
with sideslip.
Directional and lateral effects of wing sweep due to sideslip
Lateral Effects

 Wing Dihedral

– Dihedral effects due to sideslip

– Sideslip produces two important effects
other than those mentioned directional
• rolling moment
• side force

 Wing Sweep


Contribution to directional stability

Fuselage and engine nacelles (in general are destabilizing)

Reynolds number
correction factor
Wing-body interference factor
Vertical tail contribution

Sidewash due to wing vortices

Vertical tail volume ratio

Dynamic pressure ratio

Moment produced by a side force

USAF Stability and Control Datcom:

Some comments
 The moment associated with yawing and rolling are cross-coupled, i.e., the angular
velocity in yaw produces rolling moments and vice versa. If a pilot steps on a rudder pedal
causing the aircraft to yaw one wing will advance and the other will retreat. The faster
moving wing produce more lift than the other which will cause a roll in the same direction
as the yaw. This will be exaggerated by wing dihedral.

 At a normal flight, i.e., steady rectilinear symmetric motion, all the lateral motion and
force variables are zeroes.

 There is no fundamental trimming problem: control surfaces (ailerons and rudder)

would normally undeflected.

 Lateral control provides secondary trimming functions in the case of asymmetry.

 Effects of CG movement are negligible on lateral and directional stability

 Due to cross-coupling effect, (e.g., the rolling motion will cause sideslip), we investigate
the directional and lateral effects of sideslip.
Directional Control

Positive rudder deflection,
produces a positive side force,
that will produce a negative
yawing moment

Rudder control effectiveness

Requirements for Directional Control

 Adverse yaw
 Crosswind landings
 Asymmetric power condition
 Spin recovery

Adverse Yaw

Roll-Yaw Coupling

 Asymmetric aileron
deployment produces
asymmetric drag
Asymmetric drag
produces adverse yaw

 Rudders required for

coordinated turn
Static Roll Stability

The roll moment created on an airplane when it start to slip depend on:

– Wing dihedral angle G

– Wing sweep L

– Position of wing on the fuselage

– Vertical tail

Dihedral Effect

Figure (a) shows a head-on view of

an airplane that has dihedral where
the wings are turned up at some
dihedral angle to the horizontal. If a
disturbance causes one wing to
drop relative to the other
(figure(b)), the lift vector rotates
and there is a component of the
weight acting inward which causes
the airplane to move sideways in
this direction. When wings have
dihedral, the wing toward the free-
stream velocity, hence the lower
wing, will experience a greater
angle of attack than the raised wing
and hence greater lift. There results
a net force and moment tending to
reduce the bank angle (figure (c)).
for the sideslip
Down-moving wing

Up-moving wing

Effect of wing placement on lateral stability

Fuselage contribution to dihedral effect

Wing sweep effect on roll stability

The windward wing (less effective sweep) will experience more lift than the trailing wing.
The result is that the sweepback adds to the dihedral effect

 On the other hand, sweep forward will decrease the effective dihedral effect

Roll moment due to vertical tail

Roll Control
 By differential deflection of ailerons or by spoilers
 By differential deflection of ailerons or by spoilers

Tapered wing

Control power

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