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Clinical Therapeutics/Volume 40, Number 12, 2018

A Review of the Efficacy and Safety Profiles of the
Novel Oral Anticoagulants in the Treatment and
Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism
Alexis A. Coulis, MS; and William C. Mackey, MD
Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA

ABSTRACT ensure these medications are being used to their full

potential. (Clin Ther. 2018;40:2140e2167) © 2018
Purpose: This study aims to review the published
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
literature concerning the use of novel oral anticoagulants
Keywords: NOACS, novel oral anticoagulants,
(NOACs) in the treatment and prevention of venous
venous thromboembolism, VTE.
thromboembolism (VTE) and to identify the appropriate
niche for each NOAC by comparing their behaviors in
Phase III and Phase IV clinical trial settings.
Methods: The database was used to INTRODUCTION
identify Phase III and postmarketing (Phase IV) Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is the third most
randomized controlled trials concerning the efficacy and prevalent vascular diagnosis after myocardial infarction
safety profiles of the oral NOACs (apixaban, dabigatran and stroke. It is estimated to affect 300,000 to 600,000
etexilate, exodaban, and rivaroxaban) for the treatment persons in the United States each year.1 Deep vein
or prevention of VTE. Studies of special interest included thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) are
those that compared the administration of a NOAC the 2 acute manifestations of VTE. The mainstay of
versus standard anticoagulation therapy with low- treatment and prophylaxis of VTEdanticoagulation
molecular-weight heparin and/or a vitamin K antagonist. therapydworks to inhibit blood clotting, lowering the
Findings: Overall, the NOACs offer a simplified risks of DVT or PE. An overview of the coagulation
anticoagulation regimen that has noninferiority and cascade and the antithrombotic therapy targets are
similar rates of bleeding when compared with standard illustrated in Figure 1.
therapy throughout multiple studies. This finding held Conventional anticoagulants include heparin, a
true across several VTE conditions that required naturally occurring anticoagulant produced by
anticoagulation, such as the treatment and prophylaxis basophils and mast cells that works by activating
of acute VTE, including both deep vein thrombosis and antithrombin, an inhibitor of thrombin formation.
pulmonary embolism. Absence of dietary restrictions Unfractionated heparin (UFH), the pharmaceutical
and fixed oral dosing that does not require monitoring version of heparin, contains polysaccharide molecular
makes NOACs ideal for the outpatient setting. Apparent chains of varying lengths. Low-molecular-weight
niches for each individual NOAC are discussed in detail; heparin (LMWH), commonly enoxaparin sodium,* is
however, the paucity of trials comparing NOAC
performance in specific clinical settings makes precise
definition of these niches problematic. ®
Implications: It now seems reasonable for clinicians * Trademark: Lovenox (sanofi-aventis U.S., LLC,
to consider NOACs as first-line agents for both the Bridgewater, New Jersey).
treatment and prophylaxis of VTE and to attempt to
tailor their particular medication choices for each Accepted for publication October 9, 2018
patient scenario. More trials comparing NOAC
0149-2918/$ - see front matter
performance in specific clinical settings are essential to
© 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

2140 Volume 40 Number 12

December 2018

Figure 1. Coagulation Cascade and Antithrombotic Therapy Targets. Warfarin inhibits the synthesis of Vitamin K-dependent clotting factors

A.A. Coulis and W.C. Mackey

including FII (Prothrombin), FVII, FIX (not pictured), and FX. Direct Thrombin Inhibitors including Dabigatran inhibit FIIa (Thrombin).
Direct Factor Xa Inhibitors including Apixaban, Edoxaban, and Rivaroxaban inhibit FXa. Heparins facilitate the physiological antico-
agulant Antithrombin (AT). Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH) and Fondaparinux preferentially work through AT's inhibition of
FXa while Unfractionated Heparin (UFH) preferentially works through AT's inhibition of FIIa (Thrombin). Working to disrupt platelet
aggregation, Aspirin inhibits the generation of TxA2 while Clipidogrel inhibits the ADP receptor P2Y12.
Clinical Therapeutics

a further modified version of heparin that has wide therapeutic window that eliminates the need for
undergone fractionation to sequester only short-chain frequent clinical monitoring, easy oral administration,
polysaccharides. This helps to increase its minimal food and drug interactions, and the availability
pharmacodynamic predictability. LMWH of an antidote that quickly and effectively reverses
preferentially works to activate antithrombin's anticoagulation. Recently, pharmaceutical companies
inhibition of clotting factor Xa. Fondaparinux developed novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) with
sodiumy is a synthetic pentasaccharide factor Xa many of these attributes.
inhibitor that also binds antithrombin but instead Three of the 4, apixaban,x edoxaban,jj and
accelerates its inhibition of thrombin. UFH, LMWH, rivaroxaban,¶ are direct factor Xa inhibitors. Although
and fondaparinux must be administered by injection. the heparins achieve anticoagulation by increasing
The effects of UFH and LMWH can be reversed with antithrombin's inhibition of factor Xa, these
protamine sulfate, a medication that binds to these medications inhibit factor Xa directly. The fourth
agents and inhibits their anticoagulant activity. NOAC, dabigatran etexilate,# is the prodrug of
A second major class of conventional anticoagulants dabigatran, which is a direct thrombin inhibitor.
includes the vitamin K antagonists (VKAs), most Taken once or twice daily at fixed oral doses, these 4
notably warfarin.z By inhibiting the vitamin medications are approved by the US Food and Drug
Kedependent synthesis of several clotting factors, Administration (FDA) for a variety of anticoagulant
VKAs effectively decrease patients' coagulation regimens in the treatment and prophylaxis of VTE as
activity. Although given orally, and therefore easily well as in the prevention of stroke and systemic
administered to outpatients, VKAs have a narrow embolism in adults with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation.
therapeutic window and require regular blood tests to Figure 2 describes the current FDA dosing and
monitor their therapeutic effect. Prothrombin time and administration recommendations regarding NOAC
the international normalized ratio (INR) are 2 values anticoagulation therapy for clinical conditions related
obtained to ensure correct dosing. Failure to properly to VTE.
monitor blood clotting parameters could result in Benefits of anticoagulation with the NOACs include
subtherapeutic anticoagulation, risking thrombus ease of their oral administration, fewer drug and
propagation, or a supratherapeutic effect that dietary interactions, and predictable pharmacokinetic
increases the risk of major bleeding. In addition, properties that do not require clinical monitoring (see
because the effectiveness of VKAs is a direct result of Table I for a full comparison of anticoagulation
their ability to inhibit a vitamin Kedependent regimens). However, because less is known about
pathway, this therapy is extremely sensitive to dietary these newer medications and there is limited research
intake of vitamin K. Patients undergoing anticoagulant to speak to their behavior in clinical practice, efficacy
treatment with VKAs must work daily to regulate their and complication rates in comparison with
diet to ensure their medication remains in a traditional VKA or heparin therapies are of major
therapeutic range. Although this often complicates interest. Although these drugs have great promise,
patients' daily eating habits, one clinical benefit is further investigation is needed to firmly establish
vitamin K's ability to reverse VKA anticoagulation in their place in clinical practice and define the optimal
the event of major bleeding or VKA overdose. role(s) for each of the 4 agents.
Although these anticoagulation regimens have been
used in clinical practice for many years, they have
numerous limitations. Characteristics of an ideal x Trademark: Eliquis (Bristol-Myers-Squibb, New York,
anticoagulant include a simple dosing regimen with a New York).
jj Trademark: Savaysa (Daiichi Sankyo Co, Ltd, Tokyo,
® ®
y Trademark: Arixtra (GlaxoSmithKline, Brentford, ¶ Trademark: Xarelto (Janssen Pharmaceuticals Inc,
United Kingdom). Raritan, New Jersey) .
® ®
z Trademark: Coumadin (Bristol-Myers-Squibb, New # Trademark: Pradaxa (Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma-
York, New York). ceuticals, Inc, Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany).

2142 Volume 40 Number 12

December 2018

Figure 2. Anticoagulation Regimens in Treatment and/or Prevention of VTE. Regimens are according to the FDA prescribing recommendations in
the United States. Of note, Edoxaban is not currently approved by the FDA for the extended treatment of VTE or prophylactic treatment
following Total Knee or Hip Arthroplasties (TKA/THA). Additionally, Dabigatran Etexilate is not approved by the FDA for prophylactic
treatment following a TKA. *Reduced 30mg dose is intended for patients with CRCL 15-50 mL/min, body weight £60kg, or those
taking concomitant P-gp inhibitors. **Reduced 2.5mg dose is intended for patients with at least 2 of the following characteristics: age
80, body weight £60kg, or serum creatinine 1.5 mg/dL.

A.A. Coulis and W.C. Mackey

Clinical Therapeutics

Table I. Comparison of anticoagulants.

Variable Heparins Vitamin K Antagonists Novel Oral


Administration Parenteral (intravenous or Oral Oral

Dosing Dose adjusted to INR 2.0e3.0 Dose adjusted to INR 2.0e3.0 Wide therapeutic
requiring frequent monitoring requiring frequent monitoring window and
because of a narrow therapeutic because of a narrow therapeutic predictable dose
window and varied dose window and varied dose response allows for
response response fixed dosing
Food-drug Fewer drug interactions Many drug interactions and Low potential for drug
interactions directly affected by foods rich interactions and
in vitamin K unaffected by diet
Reversal agent Protamine sulfate Vitamin K Andexanet alfa,*
Clinical Reliably used for years in clinical Reliably used for years in clinical Short history of clinical
reliability practice practice use

INR ¼ international normalized ratio.

* Antidote for factor Xa inhibitors, approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2018 as a reversal agent for apixaban
and rivaroxaban.
Antidote for direct thrombin inhibitors, approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2015 as a reversal agent for
dabigatran etexilate.

METHODS for use internationally, it was also excluded from this

The database was used to identify review because this medication did not gain approval
published Phase III and postmarketing (Phase IV) from the FDA because of concerns regarding
randomized controlled trials concerning the efficacy hepatotoxicity. Electronic searches to supplement the
and safety profiles of the oral NOACs (apixaban, reported data with additional relevant articles were
dabigatran etexilate, edoxaban, and rivaroxaban). conducted as needed.
Each of these primary sources was subsequently This review aimed to speak to the practical clinical
reviewed for their results concerning the treatment or applications of each of these medications by
prevention of VTE. This process excluded active trials comparing their efficacy and safety profiles in Phase
that were not yet published during or after February III and Phase IV trial settings. As such, reported data
2018 and Phase I or Phase II trials. Particular studies include the individual trial designs, study outcomes,
of interest included those that compared the and trial authors’ commentary regarding the studied
administration of a NOAC versus standard drug in clinical practice. Specifically, the measured
anticoagulation therapy with LMWH and/or a VKA. efficacy end points included VTE progression or
Additional exclusions included trials focused on the recurrence in treatment studies and incidence of DVT
prevention of stroke or systemic embolism in adults and PE in prophylaxis studies, whereas rates of
with atrial fibrillation because this topic was beyond major bleeding and/or clinically relevant nonmajor
the scope of the present review. In addition, although (CRNM) bleeding events were primary safety profile
the oral direct thrombin inhibitor ximelagatran** was end points.
evaluated in Phase III clinical trials and was approved The Phase III and Phase IV clinical trials, which
constituted most of the reported results, were funded
by the medications’ respective pharmaceutical
® companies; however, a formal risk of bias assessment
** Trademark: Exanta (AstraZeneca, Cambridge,
United Kingdom). was not performed.

2144 Volume 40 Number 12

A.A. Coulis and W.C. Mackey

RESULTS inhibiting P-gp. Specifically, strong P-gp inhibitors (eg,

Medication Characteristics antifungals such as ketoconazole as well as the HIV
Although the NOACs can be misinterpreted as a protease inhibitor ritonavir) increased medication
homogeneous group of medications with similar routes effect and therefore elevated the risk of bleeding.6e9
of administration and mechanisms of action, there are For this reason, coadministration of rivaroxaban or
slight variations that could have clinical relevance. dabigatran etexilate with the aforementioned
Table II provides an overview of these characteristics, medications or other strong P-gp inhibitors is not
which are discussed below. recommended.6,8 Conversely, P-gp inducers, such as
the antibiotic rifampicin, or hypericum (commonly
Adverse Effects known as St. John's wort, an herb thought to calm
In Phase III clinical trials, all 4 NOAC regimens feelings of anxiety or depression), decrease NOAC
revealed a relatively low adverse effect profile2e5 effect and could lead to subtherapeutic levels of
Besides bleeding, the only frequently reported significant anticoagulation.6e9
adverse effect was dyspepsia associated with dabigatran In addition, because apixaban, edoxaban, and
etexilate. In clinical study, this affected 3% of patients.2 rivaroxaban are all metabolized by liver oxidative
pathways, including cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4),
Drug Interactions medications that induce or inhibit this enzyme
As substrates of the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) transporter, will affect these anticoagulants. Including the
all 4 NOACs interact with medications, inducing or anticonvulsants carbamazepine and phenytoin as well

Table II. Medication characteristics according to the highlights of prescribing information published by the US
Food and Drug Administration.

Variable Apixaban Dabigatran Etexilate Edoxaban Rivaroxaban

Dosage forms Tablets: 2.5 and Capsules: 75 and Tablets: 15, 30, and Tablets: 10, 15, and
5 mg 150 mg 60 mg 20 mg
Adverse effects Bleeding Dyspepsia, bleeding Rash, abnormal liver Bleeding
function test results,
anemia, bleeding
Drug Strong dual P-gp inducers Anticoagulants, P-gp Strong dual inhibitors
interactions inhibitors or (rifampin), P-gp inducers (rifampin) or inducers of
inducers of inhibitors CYP34A and P-gp,
CYP34A and P- (dronedarone, anticoagulants
gp systemic
Contraindicated Breastfeeding Elderly people Breastfeeding mothers, Breastfeeding
patient mothers, renal impairment, mothers, renal
populations pregnancy, moderate-severe impairment,
severe hepatic hepatic impairment hepatic impairment
Antidote Andexanet alfa Idarucizumab Procoagulant agents Andexanet alfa
recombinant factor

CYP34A ¼ cytochrome P450 3A4; P-gp ¼ P-glycoprotein.

December 2018 2145

Clinical Therapeutics

as many of the same medications mentioned above, availability of a reversal agent or antidote in the case of
coadministration with apixaban, edoxaban, or medication overdose or uncontrolled bleeding.
rivaroxaban should be avoided.6,7,9 However, because Although potential reversal strategies, including the
of its limited hepatic metabolism and primarily renal administration of activated charcoal or nonspecific
elimination, dabigatran etexilate is not significantly procoagulant agents (eg, prothrombin complex,
affected by pharmaceuticals that alter CYP3A4 recombinant factor VIIa) may be used, agents that
activity.8 specifically reverse NOAC anticoagulation are preferred.
Finally, concomitant use of apixaban or rivaroxaban Developed as a reversal agent for factor Xa inhibitors
with other medications that affect hemostasis is not and recently FDA approved, andexanet alfa is a modified
recommended.6,7 Because both these medications human factor Xa decoy protein that was designed to
are intended to be used as a monotherapeutic, single- sequester factor Xa inhibitors, thus restoring
drug approach to anticoagulation, overlapping coagulation by permitting the activity of endogenous
administration with an additional anticoagulant factor Xa. Using this mechanism, the recent Phase III
increases the risk of bleeding. With regard to common Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-controlled Study
antiplatelet agents, such as aspirin or clopidogrel,yy in Older Subjects to Assess Safety and the Reversal of
although coadministration with apixaban or Apixaban Anticoagulation With Intravenously
rivaroxaban is not specifically contraindicated, FDA Administered Andexanet Alfa (ANNEXA) trials,
prescribing information in the United States includes a ANNEXA-A and ANNEXA-R revealed that within 2
warning regarding the increased risk of bleeding and to 5 minutes, andexanet alfa reversed 94% and 92% of
recommends that concomitant use be conducted with apixaban's and rivaroxaban's antiefactor Xa activity.10
caution.6,7 In the subsequent ANNEX-4 study, andexanet alfa
restored hemostasis in 79% of patients with acute
Specific Populations major bleeding associated with these 2 factor Xa
Systemic anticoagulation effect increases with inhibitors.11 Although it is a factor Xa inhibitor as
decreasing renal function for all 4 NOACs.6e9 For this well, no research currently exists on andexanet alfa's
reason, patients with severe renal insufficiency effect on edoxaban anticoagulation. An additional
(creatinine clearance [CLCR] <30 mL/min) were reversal agent designed to inhibit antiefactor Xa
excluded from study during Phase III trials and are not activity, ciraparantag, is also under current investigation.
currently candidates for anticoagulation via a NOAC. As a direct thrombin inhibitor, dabigatran etexilate
Because of the likelihood of increased anticoagulant follows a different mechanism of action and is
effect, rivaroxaban and apixaban are additionally susceptible to a unique method of inhibition. On the
contraindicated in patients with hepatic disease recent publication of the Phase III Reversal of
associated with coagulopathy.6,7 Although the effect Dabigatran Anticoagulant Effect With Idarucizumab
of edoxaban does not appear to increase in patients (RE-VERSE AD) trial, idarucizumab, a fully
with mild to moderate hepatic impairment, the FDA humanized monoclonal antibody fragment, competed
warns against its use in such patients because of the with dabigatran etexilate for thrombin binding and
potential for underlying coagulation abnormalities.9 completely reversed its anticoagulative effect.
Again resulting from its renal clearance, the Specifically, researchers reported that idarucizumab
pharmacokinetic properties of dabigatran etexilate normalized clotting times of 88%e98% of patients
are not significantly affected by mild to moderate within minutes.12
hepatic impairment.8
Treatment for Acute VTE
Reversal Agents In the event of acute VTE, including DVT and/or
Since their development and use in clinical practice, a PE, standard treatment consists of a multiple-phase
major concern with NOAC therapy has been the anticoagulant regimen. The initial component of
standard therapy lasts for 5 to 10 days and calls for
parenteral LMWH (enoxaparin sodium, UFH, or
yy Trademark: Plavix (Bristol-Myers-Squibb, New York, fondaparinux sodium). This regimen overlaps with
New York). and is followed by a long-term therapy that consists

2146 Volume 40 Number 12

A.A. Coulis and W.C. Mackey

of a VKA taken for usually 3 to 6 months. Long-term published 2 separate clinical studies individually
therapy is not only meant to complete the treatment of revealing rivaroxaban's noninferiority to enoxaparin
acute VTE but also works to prevent recurrent and warfarin for the short-term treatments of DVT
thrombotic episodes. and PE.5,15 In each Phase III clinical trial, apixaban,
dabigatran etexilate, edoxaban, and rivaroxaban were
Dosing and Administration noninferior to conventional therapy for the short-term
Both apixaban and rivaroxaban were approved as a treatment of VTE.
single-drug approach for the treatment of acute VTE Further investigating rivaroxaban's efficacy in the
and do not require initial parenteral treatment with clinical setting, the noninterventional, prospective XA
LMWH or UFH.4,5 Specifically, apixaban is dosed at Inhibition With Rivaroxaban for Long-term and
10 mg twice daily for 7 days followed by 5 mg twice Initial Anticoagulation in Venous Thromboembolism
daily for 6 months. Rivaroxaban is administered at (XALIA) study supported the results of the
15 mg twice daily for 3 weeks and is followed by 20 EINSTEIN trials, which revealed rates of recurrent
mg once daily for 3 to 12 months. VTE (for rivaroxaban vs LMWH/VKA: 1.4% vs
Dabigatran etexilate and edoxaban were both 2.3%; propensity score-adjusted hazard ratio [HR] ¼
approved for the treatment of acute VTE after initial 0.91; 95% CI, 0.54e1.54; P ¼ 0.72) and major
parenteral anticoagulation with heparin.2,3 On the bleeding (for rivaroxaban vs LMWH/VKA: 0.8% vs
completion of the initial heparin regimen, dabigatran 2.1%; HR ¼ 0.77; 95% CI, 0.40e1.50; P ¼ 0.44)
etexilate is dosed as 150 mg twice daily for 6 that were consistent with the Phase III findings.16
months, and edoxaban can be prescribed at 60 or 30 However, subgroup analysis of the XALIA study,
mg/d for 3 to 12 months. The 30-mg reduced dose of which investigated the outcomes of early switchers
edoxaban is intended for medically fragile patients (patients who received LMWH or fondaparinux and/
who were defined in the study conditions as those or a VKA for >2 to 14 days before switching to
with a CLCR of 30 50 mL/min, those with a weight rivaroxaban) revealed that this patient population
of 60 kg, or those receiving concomitant treatment experienced higher rates of major bleeding (1.4% vs
with a strong P-gp inhibitor.3 0.7%) and recurrent VTE (2.2% vs 1.4%) than the
original rivaroxaban cohort.17
Study Findings In addition, all 4 NOACs depicted similar or
Through Phase III clinical trials investigating the lowered bleeding profiles.2e5 Apixaban, however,
tolerability and efficacy of the NOACs versus was the only NOAC to reveal a clinically relevant
enoxaparin and warfarin standard therapy, each of reduction in major bleeding events. Specifically, only
the 4 NOACs were approved by the FDA for short- 0.6% of patients taking apixaban compared with
term treatment of VTE, including DVT and PE.2e5 1.8% of those receiving conventional therapy
Although Hokusai VTE Cancer trial was the only experienced major bleeding (relative risk ¼ 0.31;
Phase III trial to speak to the efficacy of edoxaban, the 95% CI, 0.17e0.55; P < 0.001 for superiority).4 The
use of the other 3 NOACs was supported by numerical results from each trial are given in Table III.
secondary studies designed to confirm the initial In their investigations of NOACs versus standard
results. Specifically, after Apixaban for the Initial anticoagulation therapy, 2 separate Cochrane reviews
Management of Pulmonary Embolism and Deep-Vein spoke to the effectiveness and tolerability of these
Thrombosis as First-Line Therapy (AMPLIFY), a oral medications for the treatment of acute DVT and
smaller but similarly structured trial in Japanese PE. In the review concerning DVT, 11 randomized
patients (AMPLIFY-J) was conducted in Japanese controlled trials in which participants had confirmed
patients and restated apixaban's noninferiority to DVT were evaluated. Meta-analysis of the 3 studies
conventional treatment.13 In the case of dabigatran (n ¼ 7596) concerning the oral direct thrombin
etexilate, an identical Randomized Trial of Dabigatran inhibitors dabigatran etexilate and ximelagatran
Versus Warfarin in the Treatment of Acute Venous found no difference in the rates of recurrent VTE
Thromboembolism (RE-COVER) II trial was run and (odds ratio [OR] ¼ 1.12; 95% CI 0.80e1.49) and
confirmed the results of the original RE-COVER associated these 2 medications with reduced rates of
investigation.14 Finally, the EINSTEIN researchers bleeding (OR ¼ 0.68; 95% CI 0.47e0.98).18

December 2018 2147


Clinical Therapeutics
Table III. Trial results for the treatment of acute VTE.*

Variable Apixaban Dabigatran Etexilate Edoxaban Rivaroxaban


Dosing Apixaban 10 mg Apixaban LMWH or UFH LMWH or UFH for Enoxaparin or UFH Rivaroxaban 15 Rivaroxaban 15 mg
twice daily for 7 10 mg twice for 5e11 days, 5e11 days, then for up to 5 days, mg twice daily twice daily for 7
days, then 5 mg daily for 7 then dabigatran dabigatran then edoxaban for 7 weeks, then weeks, then
twice daily for 6 days, then etexilate etexilate 150 mg 60 mg/d (or 20 mg/d for 3, 6, 20 mg/d for 3, 6,
months vs 5 mg twice 150 mg twice twice daily for 6 30 mg/d) for 3e12 or 12 months vs or 12 months vs
enoxaparin and daily for 6 daily for 6 months vs months vs warfarin enoxaparin and enoxaparin and
warfarin months vs months vs warfarin VKA VKA
UFH and warfarin
Patients Apixaban Apixaban Dabigatran Dabigatran Edoxaban (n ¼ Rivaroxaban Rivaroxaban
(n ¼ 2691; (n ¼ 40; 22 etexilate etexilate 4118; 2468 with (n ¼ 1731 with (n ¼ 2419 with
1749 with DVT, with DVT, (n ¼ 1273; 880 (n ¼ 1280; 877 DVT, 1650 with DVT), PE), enoxaparin
678 with PE), 18 with PE), with DVT, 270 with DVT, 298 PE), warfarin enoxaparin or or VKA
enoxaparin and UFH and with PE), with PE), (n ¼ 4122; 2453 VKA (n ¼ 1718 (n ¼ 2413 with
warfarin warfarin warfarin warfarin with DVT, 1669 with DVT) PE)
(n ¼ 2704; 1783 (n ¼ 40; 23 (n ¼ 1266; 869 (n ¼ 1288; 873 with PE)
with DVT, 681 with DVT, with DVT, 271 with DVT, 297
with PE) 17 with PE) with PE) with PE)
Results Recurrent VTE Recurrent VTE Recurrent VTE or Recurrent VTE or Recurrent VTE Recurrent VTE Recurrent VTE
occurred in 2.3% occurred in death occurred death occurred occurred in 3.2% occurred in 2.1% occurred in 2.1%
of patients 0 patients in 2.4% of in 2.3% of of patients taking of patients of patients
taking apixaban taking patients taking patients taking edoxaban and 3.5% taking taking
and 2.7% of apixaban dabigatran dabigatran of those receiving rivaroxaban and rivaroxaban and
those taking subjects and etexilate and etexilate and warfarin 3.0% of those 1.8% of those
Volume 40 Number 12

enoxaparin and 1 patient 2.1% receiving 2.2% of those (HR ¼ 0.89; 95% taking raking
warfarin (−0.4% taking UFH warfarin receiving CI, 0.70e1.13; enoxaparin or enoxaparin or
difference in risk; or warfarin (HR ¼ 1.10; warfarin P < 0.001) VKA (HR ¼ 0.68; VKA (HR ¼ 1.12;
95% CI, −1.3 to 95%, CI 0.65 (HR ¼ 1.08; 95% 95% CI, 0.44 95% CI, 0.75
0.4; P < 0.001) e1.84) CI, 0.64e1.80; e1.04; e1.68;
P < 0.001) P < 0.001) P ¼ 0.003)
December 2018
Table III. (Continued )
Variable Apixaban Dabigatran Etexilate Edoxaban Rivaroxaban

Major bleeding Major or Major bleeding ¼Major bleeding Major or CRNM Major or CRNM Major bleeding
occurred in 0.6% CRNM occurred in occurred in 1.2% bleeding occurred bleeding or CRNM
of patients bleeding 1.6% of patients of patients in 8.5% of patients occurred in 8.1% bleeding
taking apixaban occurred in taking taking taking edoxaban of patients occurred in
and 1.8% of 7.5% of dabigatran dabigatran and 10.3% of those taking 10.3% of
those patients etexilate and etexilate and receiving warfarin rivaroxaban and patients
undergoing taking 1.9% of those 1.7% of those (HR ¼ 0.81; 95% 8.1% of those taking
enoxaparin and apixaban receiving receiving CI, 0.71e0.94; taking rivaroxaban
warfarin therapy and 28.2% warfarin warfarin P ¼ 0.004) enoxaparin or and 11.4% of
(RR ¼ 0.31; 95% of those (HR ¼ 0.82; (HR ¼ 0.69; 95% VKA those taking
CI, 0.17e0.55; taking UFH 95% CI, 0.45 CI, 0.36e1.32) enoxaparin or
P < 0.001) or warfarin e1.48) VKA
(HR ¼ 0.90;
95% CI, 0.76
P ¼ 0.23)
Pooled analysis revealed HRs of 1.09 Pooled analysis revealed HRs of 0.89
(95% CI, 0.76e1.57) for recurrent for recurrent VTE (95% CI, 0.66
VTE and 0.73 for major bleeding e1.19; P < 0.001) and 0.54 for
(95% CI, 0.48e1.11) major bleeding (95% CI, 0.37e0.79;
P ¼ 0.002)
Outcome Noninferior No clinically Noninferior Noninferior Noninferior efficacy Noninferior Noninferior

A.A. Coulis and W.C. Mackey

efficacy with a important efficacy with a efficacy with a with significantly efficacy with a efficacy with a
clinically relevant difference in similar safety lowered risk of less bleeding potentially potentially
reduction in efficacy with profile bleeding improved improved
major bleeding a favorable benefit-risk benefit-risk
safety profile profile profile

AMPLIFY ¼ Apixaban for the Initial Management of Pulmonary Embolism and Deep-Vein Thrombosis as First-Line Therapy; AMPLIFY-J ¼ Japanese AMPLIFY;
CRNM ¼ clinical relevant nonmajor; DVT ¼ deep vein thrombosis; EINSTEIN-DVT ¼ Oral Direct Factor Xa Inhibitor Rivaroxaban in Patients With Deep Vein
Thrombosis; EINSTEIN-PE ¼ Oral Direct Factor Xa Inhibitor Rivaroxaban in Patients With Acute Symptomatic Pulmonary Embolism; HR ¼ hazard ratio;

LMWH ¼ low-molecular-weight heparin; PE ¼ pulmonary embolism; RE-COVER ¼ Randomized Trial of Dabigatran Versus Warfarin in the Treatment of Acute
Venous Thromboembolism; RR ¼ relative risk; UFH ¼ unfractionated heparin; VKA ¼ vitamin K agonist; VTE ¼ venous thromboembolism.
* Major bleeding and clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding were defined according to the International Society on Thrombosis Haemostasis and bleeding scale.
LMWH and VKA were dose adjusted to INR of 2.0e3.0.
Clinical Therapeutics

Concerning the oral factor Xa inhibitors apixaban, subgroup analysis for each NOAC regarding its
edoxaban, and rivaroxaban, meta-analysis of 8 performance in patients with active cancer, these 4
studies (n ¼ 16356) found similar rates of recurrent medications remained noninferior to warfarin in the
VTE (OR ¼ 0.89; 95% CI, 0.73e1.07) and reduced prevention of recurrent VTE and continued to be
rates bleeding (OR ¼ 0.84; 95% CI, 0.43e0.76).18 associated with a lower risk of bleeding
In the review concerning PE, 5 randomized controlled (Table IV).20e23 Edoxaban was the only medication
trials in which participants had confirmed PE were to undergo further research to investigate its
evaluated. For direct thrombin inhibitors, analysis of performance against the recommended long-term
2 studies (n ¼ 1602) indicated no difference in the LMWH monotherapy. Evaluating the efficacy and
effectiveness of dabigatran etexilate or ximelagatran tolerability of edoxaban 60 mg/d after a 5-day
versus standard anticoagulation in the prevention of regimen of LMWH, the Hokusai VTE Cancer trial
recurrent VTE (OR ¼ 0.93; 95% CI, 0.52e1.66) or established edoxaban's noninferiority to LMWH
in the number of major bleeding events (OR ¼ 0.50; monotherapy in the prevention of recurrent VTE in
95% CI, 0.15e1.68).19 In the analysis of direct patients with cancer (12.8% in the edoxaban group
factor Xa inhibitors, 3 studies (n ¼ 6295) also compared with 13.5% in the dalteparin group; HR ¼
indicated no significant difference in the rates of 0.97; 95% CI, 0.70e1.35; P ¼ 0.006 for
recurrent VTE (OR ¼ 0.85; 95% CI, 0.63e1.15) or noninferiority and P ¼ 0.87 for superiority).24
major bleeding (OR ¼ 0.97; 95% CI, 0.59e1.62).19 However, the rate of major bleeding was significantly
Summarizing their results, the Cochrane review higher with edoxaban (6.9% in the edoxaban group
authors concluded that both oral direct thrombin compared with 4.0% in the dalteparin group; 2.9%
inhibitors and oral factor Xa inhibitors may be difference in risk; 95% CI, 0.1e5.6).24
tolerable and effective alternatives to conventional
anticoagulation for the treatment of both acute DVT Impaired Renal Function
and PE.18,19 Because renal function directly affects the rate at which
a medication is eliminated from the body, renal
Subgroup Analysis impairment could increase NOAC exposure and
Subgroup analysis of the Phase III trials investigated potentially result in more adverse bleeding events.
whether the results reported above could be Acknowledging this, subgroup analyses of renally
generalized to vulnerable populations, specifically impaired patients in the RE-COVER II and the Oral
patients with active cancer, impaired renal function, Direct Factor Xa Inhibitor Rivaroxaban in Patients
or advanced age. With Deep Vein Thrombosis (EINSTEIN-DVT) and in
Patients With Acute Symptomatic Pulmonary Embolism
Active Cancer (EINSTEIN-PE) studies examined the effect of
Although patients with cancer are at risk for decreased renal function on dabigatran etexilate's
developing VTE, anticoagulant treatment with VKAs (primarily renal clearance) and rivaroxaban's (both
in this population is associated with an elevated risk hepatic and renal clearance) efficacy and tolerability
of recurrent VTE and higher rates of bleeding. As compared with the warfarin standard (primarily hepatic
such, current guidelines recommend that patients clearance). On subgroup analysis of patients taking
with cancer and VTE be treated with a monotherapy dabigatran etexilate with mild (CRCL 50e80 mL/min)
of LMWH for 6 months. However, because a long- to moderate (CRCL 30e50 mL/min) renal impairment,
term regimen of this subcutaneous injection is decreasing renal function was associated with lowered
extremely inconvenient, many patients with cancer rates of recurrent VTE. This trend was not reflected in
and VTE continue to be treated with VKAs. If the warfarin group. In both the dabigatran etexilate and
NOACs had noninferiority with respect to VKAs in warfarin groups, however, the rates of bleeding
the prevention of recurrent VTE while additionally increased with decreased renal function.25 Similar
exhibiting fewer rates of bleeding, these medications subgroup analysis of patients taking rivaroxaban
could be convenient options for patients with active revealed slightly different results because decreased
cancer and VTE who decide against LMWH renal function was associated with increased rates of
monotherapy as per current recommendations. On recurrent VTE and bleeding for both rivaroxaban and

2150 Volume 40 Number 12

A.A. Coulis and W.C. Mackey

Table IV. Results of subgroup analysis for patients with active cancer.*

Variable Apixaban Dabigatran Etexilate Edoxaban (Hokusai Rivaroxaban (EINSTEIN-

(AMPLIFY4) (RE-COVER II2,14) VTE Cancer Trial3) DVT and EINSTEIN-

Patients Apixaban (n ¼ 88), Dabigatran etexilate Edoxaban (n ¼ 378), Rivaroxaban (n ¼ 354),

enoxaparin and (n ¼ 114), warfarin warfarin (n ¼ 393) enoxaparin or VKA
warfarin (n ¼ 81) (n ¼ 107) (n ¼ 301)
Results Recurrent VTE occurred in Recurrent VTE or Recurrent VTE occurred Recurrent VTE occurred in
3.7% of patients taking related death in 4% of patients 5% of patients taking
apixaban and 6.4% of occurred in 5.8% of taking edoxaban and rivaroxaban and 7% of
those taking enoxaparin patients taking 7% of those taking those receiving
or warfarin (RR ¼ 0.56; dabigatran etexilate warfarin (HR ¼ 0.53; enoxaparin or VKA
95% CI, 0.13e2.37) and 7.4% of patients 95% CI, 0.28e1.00; (HR ¼ 0.67; 95% CI,
taking warfarin P ¼ 0.0007) 0.35e1.30)
Major bleeding Major bleeding Major and CRNM Major bleeding occurred
occurred in 2.3% of occurred in 3.8% of bleeding occurred in in 2% of patients taking
patients taking patients taking 12% of patients taking rivaroxaban and 5% of
apixaban patients and dabigatran etexilate edoxaban and 19% of those receiving
5.0% of those taking and 4.6% of those those taking warfarin enoxaparin or VKA
enoxaparin and taking warfarin (HR ¼ 0.64; 95% CI, (HR ¼ 0.42; 95% CI,
warfarin (RR ¼ 0.45; 0.45e0.92; P ¼ 0.017) 0.19e0.99)
95% CI, 0.08e2.46)

AMPLIFY ¼ Apixaban for the Initial Management of Pulmonary Embolism and Deep-Vein Thrombosis as First-Line Therapy;
CRNM ¼ clinically relevant nonmajor; EINSTEIN-DVT ¼ Oral Direct Factor Xa Inhibitor Rivaroxaban in Patients With Deep
Vein Thrombosis; EINSTEIN-PE ¼ Oral Direct Factor Xa Inhibitor Rivaroxaban in Patients With Acute Symptomatic
Pulmonary Embolism; HR ¼ hazard ratio; RE-COVER ¼ Randomized Trial of Dabigatran Versus Warfarin in the Treatment
of Acute Venous Thromboembolism; RR ¼ relative risk; VKA ¼ vitamin K agonist; VTE ¼ venous thromboembolism.
* Major bleeding and CRNM bleeding were defined according to the International Society on Thrombosis Haemostasis bleeding
scale. VKA was dose adjusted to international normalized ratio of 2.0e3.0.

warfarin.26 In both subgroup analyses, however, the rates dabigatran etexilate within equivalent ranges of
of recurrent VTE and bleeding were lower in the NOAC CRCL.25 Although the EINSTEIN investigators speak
groups than in their warfarin counterparts, maintaining to the efficacy and safety profile of rivaroxaban in
their noninferiority to standard anticoagulation elderly patients by establishing its noninferiority in the
treatment in patients with mild-to-moderate renal broader subgroup of medically fragile patients (age >75
impairment (Table V).25,26 years, CLCR <50 mL/min, or weight 50 kg),27 an
independent trial was able to confirm that the
Advanced Age maximum plasma concentration of rivaroxaban is not
In conjunction with the investigations on the effect of increased in elderly people.28 Meanwhile, although the
renal impairment, subgroup analyses regarding elderly AMPLIFY investigators state that the efficacy and
patients (75 years old) were additionally performed tolerability of apixaban remain consistent across a
for dabigatran etexilate and rivaroxaban. Analysis of broad range of subgroups, including those older than
the RE-COVER II subgroups revealed no increase in 75 years, no in-depth subgroup analysis has been
VTE recurrence or bleeding in older (75 years old) published on apixaban's efficacy and safety profile this
versus younger (<75 years old) patients taking population.

December 2018 2151

Clinical Therapeutics

Table V. Results of subgroup analysis for patients with decreased renal function.*

Variable Dabigatran Etexilate (RE-COVER II2,14) Rivaroxaban (EINSTEIN-DVT and EINSTEIN-PE5,15)

Results In patients taking dabigatran etexilate, VTE and In patients taking rivaroxaban and warfarin
associated deaths occurred in 3.1% of those combined, VTE occurred in 1.8% of those with
with normal renal function, 1.9% of those with normal renal function, 2.8% of those with mild
mild renal impairment, and 0.0% of those with renal impairment, 3.3% of those with moderate
moderate renal impairment. In patients taking renal impairment, and 4.8% of those with severe
warfarin, VTE and associated deaths occurred in renal impairment.
2.6% of those with normal renal function, 1.6%
of those with mild renal impairment, and 4.1%
of moderate renal impairment.
In patients taking dabigatran etexilate, major In patients taking rivaroxaban, major bleeding
bleeding occurred in 0.3% of those with normal occurred in 0.8% of those with normal renal
renal function, 1.8% of those with mild renal function, 1.4% of those with mild renal
impairment, and 5.7% of those with moderate impairment, 0.9% of those with moderate renal
renal impairment. In patients taking warfarin, impairment, and 0% of those with severe renal
major bleeding occurred in 1.1% of those with impairment. In patients taking warfarin, major
normal renal function, 3.0% of those with mild bleeding occurred in 1.0% of those with normal
renal impairment, and 4.4% of those with renal function, 3.0% of those with mild renal
moderate renal impairment. impairment, 3.9% of those with moderate renal
impairment, and 9.1% of those with severe renal

EINSTEIN-DVT ¼ Oral Direct Factor Xa Inhibitor Rivaroxaban in Patients With Deep Vein Thrombosis; EINSTEIN-PE ¼ Oral
Direct Factor Xa Inhibitor Rivaroxaban in Patients With Acute Symptomatic Pulmonary Embolism; RE-COVER ¼ Randomized
Trial of Dabigatran Versus Warfarin in the Treatment of Acute Venous Thromboembolism; VTE ¼ venous thromboembolism.
* Major bleeding was defined according to the International Society on Thrombosis Haemostasis bleeding scale.

Because edoxaban offers a 30-mg half-dose for the VTE (3.0% for edoxaban and 4.2% for warfarin) and
patient populations described above and other a reduced rate of bleeding (7.9% for edoxaban and
medically fragile patients (specifically defined as those 12.8% for warfarin).29 These results indicate that not
with a CLCR of 30e50 mL/min, those with a weight only did edoxaban 30 mg maintain the efficacy of
60 kg, or those receiving concomitant treatment with edoxaban 60 mg but also it was more tolerable than
strong P-gp inhibitors), an independent study was warfarin in medically fragile patients.
conducted to determine the efficacy and safety profile
of this reduced dosage. Published results of this study Extended Treatment of VTE
exhibited similar rates of recurrent VTE and bleeding Although guidelines recommend a 3- to 6-month
between the fragile patients in the 30-mg group and regimen of anticoagulant treatment after diagnosed
those in the 60-mg study group. Specifically, recurrent VTE, patients with a higher risk of VTE recurrence may
VTE occurred in 3.0% of the 30-mg group and 3.2% be prescribed extended or lifelong anticoagulation
of 60-mg group, whereas major or CRNM bleeding therapy. Extended treatment with a VKA only amplifies
occurred in 7.9% of 30-mg group and 8.6% of the 60- its characteristic drawbacks, prolonging the needed
mg group.29 When comparing this fragile edoxaban for dietary restrictions and frequent laboratory
population to fragile patients receiving warfarin, 30 monitoring. To simplify extended anticoagulation
mg of edoxaban resulted in similar rates of recurrent therapy, 3 NOACs (apixaban, dabigatran etexilate, and

2152 Volume 40 Number 12

A.A. Coulis and W.C. Mackey

rivaroxaban) were investigated against placebo in Phase than aspirin 100 mg in the extended prevention of
III clinical trials for the prolonged treatment of VTE. recurrent VTE and was associated with a similar rate
of bleeding. Specifically, recurrent VTE occurred in
Study Design 1.5% of patients taking Rivaroxaban 20 mg, 1.2%
To confirm the clinical benefit of extended of patients taking rivaroxaban 10 mg, and 4.4% of
anticoagulation with a NOAC versus the standard 3- patients taking aspirin 100 mg (HR ¼ 0.34; 95% CI,
to 6-month regimen, each of these 3 medications 0.20e0.59 for rivaroxaban 20 mg vs aspirin 100 mg;
underwent Phase III clinical trials to determine HR ¼ 0.26; 95% CI, 0.14e0.47 for rivaroxaban 10
their superior efficacy compared with placebo in mg vs aspirin 100 mg, P < 0.001 for both
lower-risk patients for whom there is clinical comparisons).32 Rates of major bleeding were 0.5%
equipoise regarding the continuation or cessation of in the rivaroxaban 20-mg group, 0.4% in the
anticoagulant therapy. For patients who carry an rivaroxaban 10-mg group, and 0.3% in the aspirin
increased risk of recurrent VTE and would be 100-mg group.32
explicitly indicated for extended anticoagulation with
a VKA, dabigatran etexilate was further investigated Prophylactic Treatment After Major Orthopedic
against warfarin. Surgery
VTE is a potentially fatal complication that can occur
Study Findings in patients after major orthopedic operations, such
The EINSTEIN-Extension and Twice-daily Oral as total knee or hip arthroplasties. As such,
Direct Thrombin Inhibitor Dabigatran Etexilate in the thromboprophylaxis for at least 10 days after major
Long Term Prevention of Recurrent Symptomatic orthopedic joint replacement surgery is now standard
VTE (RE-SONATE) studies confirmed rivaroxaban's practice. However, as the mean length of stay in the
and dabigatran etexilate's superiority versus placebo in hospital has decreased to 3 to 4 days, an oral
the prevention of recurrent VTE.5,30 Similar findings anticoagulant regimen that is easily administered in an
were evident in the AMPLIFY-EXTENSION trial, outpatient setting is ideal. Acknowledging this, all 4
which investigated apixaban at both 2.5 and 5 mg. NOACs were investigated for their efficacy regarding
Both doses were superior to placebo in reducing the thromboprophylaxis in patients after major orthopedic
risk of recurrent VTE.31 Furthermore, trial results joint replacement surgery.
from these 3 studies indicate that apixaban,
dabigatran etexilate, and rivaroxaban were all After Total Knee Arthroplasty
associated with similar risks of major bleeding when The optimal thromboprophylactic strategy for
compared with placebo. Undergoing further patients after a total knee arthroplasty (TKA) has not
evaluation in the Phase III, Randomised, Multicenter, been established, and different guidelines exist in the
Double-blind, Parallel-group, Active Controlled Study United States, Europe, and Japan. Specifically, the FDA
to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Dabigatran recommends that in the United States patients receive
Etexilate (150 mg Bid) Compared to Warfarin (INR 30 mg of subcutaneous enoxaparin every 12 hours
2.0e3.0) for the Secondary Prevention of Venous (twice daily) beginning 12 to 24 hours before surgery
Thromboembolism (RE-MEDY) study, dabigatran and continuing until 10 to 14 days after wound
etexilate was found to be noninferior to standard closure. European recommendations state that patients
warfarin therapy for extended anticoagulation and should have 40 mg of subcutaneous enoxaparin once
was associated with a decreased rate of bleeding.30 daily starting 12 hours before surgery and again until
Results of these trials are given in Table VI. 10 to 14 days after wound closure. Recommendations
In comparing NOAC and aspirin treatments for in Japan are slightly different and state that patients
patients in equipoise regarding the need for continued should be administered subcutaneous enoxaparin 2000
anticoagulation, the Reduced-dosed Rivaroxaban in IU (equivalent to 20 mg) twice daily beginning 24 to 36
the Long-term Prevention of Recurrent Symptomatic hours before surgery and lasting for the next 11 to 14
VTE (EINSTEIN CHOICE) trial found that days. Apixaban, dabigatran etexilate, and rivaroxaban
rivaroxaban (at the treatment dose of 20 mg/d and all underwent 2 separate Phase III clinical trials to
the prophylactic dose of 10 mg/d) was more effective determine their efficacy versus US and European

December 2018 2153

Clinical Therapeutics

Table VI. Trial results for the extended treatment of acute VTE.

Variable Apixaban (AMPLIFY- Dabigatran Etexilate Rivaroxaban (EINSTEIN-

EXT31) EXT5)

Dosing Apixaban 2.5 mg or 5 mg Dabigatran etexilate Dabigatran etexilate Rivaroxaban 20 mg/d vs

twice daily vs placebo 150 mg twice daily vs 150 mg twice daily vs placebo for 6 or 12
for 12 months placebo for 6 months warfarin for 6e36 months
Patients Apixaban (n ¼ 840 at Dabigatran etexilate Dabigatran etexilate Rivaroxaban (n ¼ 602),
2.5 mg, n ¼ 813 at (n ¼ 681), placebo (n ¼ 1430), warfarin placebo (n ¼ 594)
5 mg), placebo (n ¼ 662) (n ¼ 1426)
(n ¼ 829)
Results Recurrent VTE or death Recurrent VTE occurred Recurrent VTE occurred Recurrent VTE occurred
occurred in 1.7% of in 0.4% of patients in 1.8% of patients in 1.3% of patients
patients receiving receiving dabigatran receiving dabigatran receiving rivaroxaban
apixaban 2.5 mg, 1.7% etexilate and 5.6% of etexilate and 1.3% of and 7.1% of patients
of patients receiving patients receiving those receiving warfarin receiving placebo
apixaban 5 mg, and placebo (HR ¼ 0.08; (HR ¼ 1.44; 95% CI, (HR ¼ 0.18; 95% CI,
8.8% of patients 95% CI, 0.02e0.25; 0.78e2.64; P ¼ 0.01) 0.09e0.39; P < 0.001)
receiving placebo P < 0.001)
(−7.2% difference in
risk for 2.5 mg; 95% CI,
5.0e9.3; −7.0%
difference in risk for
5 mg; 95% CI, 4.9e9.1;
P < 0.001 for both
Major bleeding occurred Major bleeding Major bleeding Major bleeding occurred
in 0.2% of patients occurred in 0.3% of occurred in 0.9% of in 0.7% of patients
receiving apixaban patients receiving patients receiving receiving rivaroxaban
2.5 mg, 0.1% of dabigatran etexilate dabigatran etexilate and 0 patients receiving
patients receiving and 0 patients and 1.8% of those placebo (P ¼ 0.11)
apixaban 5 mg, and receiving placebo receiving warfarin
0.5% of patients (HR ¼ 0.52; 95% CI,
receiving placebo 0.27e1.02)
Outcome Superior efficacy with a Superior efficacy with a Noninferior efficacy with Superior efficacy with a
similar safety profile significantly higher fewer major bleeding similar safety profile
risk of major bleeding events

AMPLIFY-EXT ¼ Apixaban for the Initial Management of Pulmonary Embolism and Deep-Vein Thrombosis as First-Line Therapy
Extension; EINSTEIN-EXT ¼ Oral Direct Factor Xa Inhibitor Rivaroxaban Extension; HR ¼ hazard ratio; RE-MEDY ¼ Phase III,
Randomised, Multicenter, Double-blind, Parallel-group, Active Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Oral
Dabigatran Etexilate (150 mg Bid) Compared to Warfarin (INR 2.0e3.0) for the Secondary Prevention of Venous
Thromboembolism; RE-SONATE ¼ Twice-daily Oral Direct Thrombin Inhibitor Dabigatran Etexilate in the Long Term
Prevention of Recurrent Symptomatic VTE; VTE ¼ venous thromboembolism.
Major bleeding was defined according to the International Society on Thrombosis Haemostasis bleeding scale.

2154 Volume 40 Number 12

A.A. Coulis and W.C. Mackey

recommendations. The efficacy of edoxaban was rivaroxaban 10 mg/d were each evaluated against
evaluated only against the Japanese guidelines. The subcutaneous enoxaparin 40 mg once daily for a period
results of each trial are summarized in Table VII. of 35 days. Study results revealed apixaban and
With respect to US recommendations for dabigatran etexilate (at both 150- and 220-mg doses)
thromboprophylaxis after TKA (subcutaneous were noninferior to the standard enoxaparin
enoxaparin 30 mg twice daily), dabigatran etexilate therapy and exhibited similar rates of bleeding.40,41
at doses of 150 and 220 mg/d, as well as apixaban Rivaroxaban was additionally determined to be
2.5 mg twice daily, each failed to find noninferiority clinically superior to enoxaparin 40 mg/d without an
versus the recommended enoxaparin treatment.33,34 increase in adverse events or rates of bleeding.42 The
Of note, both apixaban and dabigatran etexilate numerical results of these Phase III trials are given in
were noninferior to subcutaneous enoxaparin 40 mg/ Table VIII.
d as per European recommendations.35,36 In all Phase Extended anticoagulation with rivaroxaban was
III trials concerning the thromboprophylaxis after further evaluated against the short-term 10- to 14-
TKAs, these medications exhibited similar rates of day Enoxaparin therapy recommended by FDA
bleeding compared with the enoxaparin regimens for guidelines. In the Rosiglitazone Evaluated for Cardiac
both US and European guidelines.33e36 In contrast, Outcomes and Regulation of Glycaemia in Diabetes
rivaroxaban 10 mg/d was superior to standard (RECORD) 2 trial, rivaroxaban 10 mg/d for 40 days
enoxaparin treatments recommended in the United was compared with enoxaparin 40 mg/d for 10 to 14
States and Europe.37,38 In addition, prophylactic days. Results of this study indicated the superior
therapy with rivaroxaban exhibited similar rates of efficacy of long-term rivaroxaban as compared with
bleeding as enoxaparin treatment.37,38 short-term enoxaparin therapy.43 Once again, there
Studied against the Japanese recommendations for were similar rates of bleeding between the study
thromboprophylaxis after TKA, edoxaban 30 mg once groups.43
daily exhibited superior efficacy versus enoxaparin As with the other Phase III trial concerning
2000 IU (20 mg) twice daily in the Phase III Studying edoxaban's efficacy in thromboprophylaxis after
Thrombosis After Replacement Surgery (STARS) E-3 orthopedic surgery, the STARS J-V trial compared
study.39 Rates of bleeding between the edoxaban and edoxaban 30 mg taken once daily to the Japanese
enoxaparin treatment groups were similar.39 guideline of enoxaparin 2000 IU (20 mg) twice
daily. Edoxaban 30 mg/d exhibited superior efficacy
After Total Hip Arthroplasty with a similar rate of bleeding for patients after
Recommendations in most countries, including North THA.44 Edoxaban additionally underwent further
America and Europe, regarding thromboprophylaxis Phase III testing to determine its efficacy against
after total hip arthroplasty (THA) include a enoxaparin in patients undergoing hip fracture
subcutaneous injection of enoxaparin 40 mg once daily surgery (HFS) for medial or lateral femoral neck
beginning the evening before surgery and continuing fractures. Revealing a decreased incidence of major
for a minimum duration of 10 days. There is also or CRNM bleeding (3.4% of patients taking
speculation that an extended prophylactic regimen of edoxaban vs 6.5% of patients taking enoxaparin)
up to 35 days would be beneficial. Of note, although a and a slightly increased number of thromboembolic
subcutaneous regimen of enoxaparin 30 mg twice daily events (6.5% of patients taking edoxaban patients vs
is alternatively used in some countries and is approved 3.7% of patients taking enoxaparin) Edoxaban
by the FDA, this dosage is less frequently used and is exhibited results comparable to the Japanese
not approved for an extended 35-day prophylactic standard of enoxaparin for patients undergoing
regimen. Once again, because the typical duration of HFS.45 However, because the power of the study
hospital stay is only between 3 and 4 days, adherence was low (n ¼ 92), no official statistical comparison
to a parenteral anticoagulant regimen is difficult, and could be made. Additional research was also
an oral treatment would be preferred in an outpatient conducted on the safety profile of half-dose
setting. edoxaban 15 mg for thromboprophylaxis in patients
In Phase III clinical studies, apixaban 2.5 mg twice with severe renal impairment (CRCL 15e30 mL/min)
daily, dabigatran etexilate 150 and 220 mg/d, and after lower-limb orthopedic operations, including

December 2018 2155


Clinical Therapeutics
Table VII. Trial results for thromboprophylaxis following total knee arthroplasty.*
Variable Apixaban Dabigatran Etexilate Edoxaban Rivaroxaban
33 35 34 36 (STARS E-339)
Dosing Apixaban 2.5 mg twice Dabigatran etexilate 150 mg or 220 mg Edoxaban 30 mg/ Rivaroxaban 10 mg/d vs
daily vs twice daily vs d vs
enoxaparin 30 mg enoxaparin 40 mg/ enoxaparin 30 enoxaparin 40 mg/ enoxaparin 2000 enoxaparin 30 mg enoxaparin
twice daily for d for 10e14 days mg twice daily for d for 6e10 days IU twice-daily for 11 40 mg/d for
10e14 days 12e15 days (20 mg) twice e15 days 13e17 days
for 11e14 days
Patients Apixaban (n ¼ 1599), Apixaban Dabigatran etexilate Dabigatran etexilate Edoxaban Rivaroxaban Rivaroxaban
enoxaparin (n ¼ 1596) (n ¼ 1501), (n ¼ 871 at (n ¼ 703 at (n ¼ 360), (n ¼ 1584), (n ¼ 1254),
enoxaparin 150 mg, 150 mg, enoxaparin enoxaparin enoxaparin
(n ¼ 1508) n ¼ 857 at n ¼ 679 at (n ¼ 356) (n ¼ 1564) (n ¼ 1277)
220 mg), 220 mg),
enoxaparin enoxaparin
(n ¼ 868) (n ¼ 694)
Results VTE or death occurred VTE or death VTE or death VTE or death DVT or PE occurred VTE or death VTE or death
in 9.0% of patients occurred in 15% occurred in 33.7% occurred in 40.5% in occurred in 6.9% occurred in
taking apixaban and of patients taking of patients taking of patients taking 7.4% of patients of patients taking 9.6% of
8.8% of patients taking apixaban and dabigatran dabigatran taking rivaroxaban and patients taking
enoxaparin (RR ¼ 24% of patients etexilate 150 mg, etexilate 150 mg, edoxaban and 10.1% of patients rivaroxaban
1.02; 95% CI, 0.78e1.32) taking enoxaparin 31.1% of patients 36.4% of patients 13.9% of taking enoxaparin and 18.9% of
(RR ¼ 0.62; 95% taking dabigatran taking dabigatran patients taking (absolute risk patients taking
CI, 0.51e0.74; etexilate 150 mg, etexilate 220 mg, enoxaparin reduction ¼ enoxaparin
P < 0.0001) and 25.3% of and 37.7% of (RR reduction ¼ 3.19%; 95% (absolute risk
patients taking patients taking 46.8%; CI, 0.71e5.67; reduction ¼
enoxaparin (8.4% enoxaparin P ¼ 0.010) P ¼ 0.0118) 1.6%; 95% CI,
risk difference for (absolute risk 0.4e2.8;
150 mg; 95% CI; 2.8% for 150 mg; P ¼ 0.01)
3.4e13.33; 95% CI, −3.1- to
Volume 40 Number 12

P ¼ 0.0009; 5.8% 8.7; risk

risk difference for difference, −1.3%
220 mg; 95% CI, for 220 mg; 95%
0.8e10.8; CI, −7.3 to 4.6)
P ¼ 0.0234)
December 2018
Table VII. (Continued )

Variable Apixaban Dabigatran Etexilate Edoxaban Rivaroxaban

(STARS E-339)
Major or CRNM bleeding Major or CRNM Major bleeding Major bleeding Major bleeding Major bleeding Major
occurred in 2.9% of bleeding occurred occurred in 0.6% occurred in 1.3% occurred in occurred in 0.7% bleeding
patients taking apixaban in 4% of patients of patients taking of patients taking 1.1% of patients of patients taking occurred in
and 4.3% of patients taking apixaban dabigatran dabigatran taking rivaroxaban and 0.6% of
taking enoxaparin and 5% of etexilate 150 mg, etexilate 150 mg, edoxaban and 0.3% of patients patients
(P ¼ 0.03) patients taking 0.6% of patients 1.5% of patients 0.3% of taking enoxaparin taking
enoxaparin taking dabigatran taking dabigatran patients taking (P ¼ 0.1096)
(P ¼ 0.09) etexilate 220 mg, etexilate 220 mg, enoxaparin
and 1.4% of and 1.3% of (P ¼ 0.373)
patients taking patients taking
enoxaparin enoxaparin
Outcome Inferior efficacy with Noninferior efficacy Inferior efficacy with Noninferior efficacy Superior efficacy Superior efficacy Superior efficacy
reduced rates of without increased similar rates of with similar rates with with similar rates with similar
bleeding rates of bleeding bleeding of bleeding similar rates of of bleeding rates of
bleeding bleeding

ADVANCE ¼ Apixaban Versus Enoxaparin For Thromboprophylaxis After Knee Replacement; CRNM ¼ clinically relevant nonmajor; DVT ¼ deep vein thrombosis;
PE ¼ pulmonary embolism; RECORD ¼ Rosiglitazone Evaluated for Cardiac Outcomes and Regulation of Glycaemia in Diabetes; RE-MOBILIZE ¼ Prevention of
Venous Thromboembolism After Total Knee Arthroplasty; RE-MODEL ¼ Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism After Total Knee Replacement; RR ¼ relative
risk; STARS ¼ Studying Thrombosis After Replacement Surgery; VTE ¼ venous thromboembolism.
* Major bleeding and CRNM bleeding were defined according to the International Society on Thrombosis Haemostasis bleeding scale.

A.A. Coulis and W.C. Mackey


Clinical Therapeutics
Table VIII. Trial results for thromboprophylaxis after total hip arthroplasty.*

Variable Apixaban (ADVANCE- Dabigatran Etexilate Edoxaban (STARS J- Rivaroxaban

340) V44)

Dosing Apixaban 2.5 mg Dabigatran etexilate Dabigatran etexilate Edoxaban 30 mg/d vs Rivaroxaban 10 mg/ Rivaroxaban 10 mg/
twice daily vs 150 or 220 mg/d vs 220 mg/f vs enoxaparin 2000 IU d vs enoxaparin d for 40 days vs
enoxaparin 40 mg/ enoxaparin 40 mg/ enoxaparin 40 mg/ (20 mg) twice daily 40 mg/d for 35 enoxaparin 40 mg/
d for 35 days d for 35 days d for 35 days for 11e14 days days d for 10e14 days
Patients Apixaban (n ¼ 2708), Dabigatran etexilate Dabigatran etexilate Edoxaban (n ¼ 225), Rivaroxaban Rivaroxaban
enoxaparin (n ¼ 1163 at (n ¼ 1010), enoxaparin (n ¼ 2266), (n ¼ 1252),
(n ¼ 2699) 150 mg, enoxaparin (n ¼ 248) enoxaparin enoxaparin
n ¼ 1146 at (n ¼ 1003) (n ¼ 2275) (n ¼ 1257)
220 mg),
(n ¼ 1154)
Results DVT, PE, or death VTE or death occurred VTE or death occurred VTE occurred in 2.4% VTE or death occurred VTE or death occurred
occurred in 1.4% of in 8.6% of patients in 7.7% of patients of patients taking in 1.1% of patients in 2.0% of patients
patients taking taking dabigatran taking dabigatran edoxaban and 6.9% taking rivaroxaban taking rivaroxaban
apixaban and 3.9% etexilate 150 mg, etexilate and 8.8% of patients taking and 2.6% of and 9.3% of
of patients taking 6.0% of patients of patients taking enoxaparin patients taking patients taking
enoxaparin taking dabigatran enoxaparin (risk (absolute enoxaparin enoxaparin
(RR ¼ 0.36; 95% etexilate 220 mg, difference, −1.1%; difference, −4.5%; (absolute risk (absolute risk
CI, 0.22e0.54; and 6.7% of 95% CI, −3.8 to 1.6; 95% CI. −8.6 reduction, 2.6%; reduction, 7.3%;
P < 0.001) patients taking P < 0.0001) to −0.09; 95% CI, 1.5e3.7; 95% CI, 2.0e9.4;
patients (1.9% P < 0.001) P < 0.001) P < 0.0001)
difference in risk for
150 mg; 95%
CI, −0.6 to
4.4; −0.7%
Volume 40 Number 12

difference in risk for

220 mg; 95%
CI, −2.9 to 1.6)
December 2018
Table VIII. (Continued )
Variable Apixaban (ADVANCE- Dabigatran Etexilate Edoxaban (STARS J- Rivaroxaban
340) V44)

Major or CRNM Major bleeding Major bleeding Major or CRNM Major bleeding Major or CRNM
bleeding occurred occurred in 1.3% of occurred in 1.4% of bleeding occurred occurred in 0.3% of bleeding
in 4.8% of patients patients taking patients taking in 2.6% of patients patients taking occurred in 3.4%
taking apixaban dabigatran etexilate dabigatran etexilate taking edoxaban rivaroxaban and of patients taking
and 5.0% of 150 mg, 2.0% of and 0.9% of and 3.7% of 0.1% of patients rivaroxaban and
patients taking patients taking patients taking patients taking taking enoxaparin 2.8% of patients
enoxaparin (−0.2% dabigatran etexilate enoxaparin enoxaparin (P ¼ 0.18) taking
absolute difference 220 mg, and 1.6% (P ¼ 0.40) (P ¼ 0.475) enoxaparin
in risk; 95% CI, −1.4 of patients taking (P ¼ 0.25)
to 1.0) enoxaparin
(P ¼ 0.60 for
150 mg; P ¼ 0.44
for 220 mg)
Outcome Superior efficacy with Noninferior efficacy Noninferior efficacy Superior efficacy with Superior efficacy with Superior efficacy with
similar rates of with similar rates of with similar rates of similar rates of similar rates of low rates of
bleeding bleeding bleeding bleeding bleeding bleeding

ADVANCE ¼ Apixaban Versus Enoxaparin For Thromboprophylaxis After Knee Replacement; CRNM ¼ clinically relevant nonmajor; DVT ¼ deep vein thrombosis;
PE ¼ pulmonary embolism; RECORD ¼ Rosiglitazone Evaluated for Cardiac Outcomes and Regulation of Glycaemia in Diabetes; RE-MOBILIZE ¼ Prevention of
Venous Thromboembolism After Total Knee Arthroplasty; RE-MODEL ¼ Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism After Total Knee Replacement; RR ¼ relative
risk; STARS ¼ Studying Thrombosis After Replacement Surgery; VTE ¼ venous thromboembolism.
* Major bleeding and CRNM bleeding were defined according to the International Society on Thrombosis Haemostasis bleeding scale.

A.A. Coulis and W.C. Mackey

Clinical Therapeutics

TKA, THA, and HFS. Reporting similar rates of Study Design

bleeding between patients taking edoxaban 15 mg Phase III clinical trials were conducted to compare
with severe renal impairment (20.7%), patients with an extended anticoagulation regimen with apixaban
severe renal impairment taking fondaparinux 1.5 mg or rivaroxaban to the short-term enoxaparin 40-mg
(40.0%), and patients with mild-to-moderate renal regimen that is currently recommended. Each NOAC
impairment taking edoxaban 30 mg (33.3%), this was administered at their respective doses for 30 to
study suggests that edoxaban 15 mg/d is similarly 40 days. Enoxaparin 40 mg was given via
tolerated in this patient population.46 However, subcutaneous injection for 6 to 14 days.
given these high rates of bleeding, a larger study is In its investigation of rivaroxaban, the
needed to confirm these results and assess the MAGELLAN study performed 2 efficacy analyses: a
possible clinical tolerability concerns of these noninferiority study at day 10 of administration and
regimens. a superiority study at day 35. In this way, the
MAGELLAN researchers explored whether
Prophylactic Treatment for Acutely Ill Medical rivaroxaban was as effective as enoxaparin in the
Patients short-term prophylaxis of acutely ill medical patients
Patients hospitalized for acute medical illnesses, as well as whether extended treatment with this
such as pneumonia, stroke, or heart failure, pose an medication exhibited clinical benefit.
increased risk of VTE that is often compounded by
additional risk factors, such as prolonged Study Findings
immobilization, age 75 years, or a history of In their respective Phase III clinical trials, an
previous VTE. Current guidelines regarding such extended regimen of apixaban 2.5 mg twice daily or
high-risk patients, hereafter referred to as acutely ill rivaroxaban 10 mg/d were each compared to
medical patients, recommends the use of a low-dose enoxaparin 40 mg/d for the extended
6- to 10-day parenteral anticoagulant regimen thromboprophylaxis in acutely ill medical patients. In
(typically subcutaneous enoxaparin 40 mg/d). their investigations of apixaban, the ADOPT48 trial
Because this treatment is rarely extended beyond revealed that this medication did not exhibit superior
hospital discharge, the trend toward shorter hospital efficacy to enoxaparin therapy. Furthermore,
stays means that many acutely ill medical patients apixaban was associated with significantly more
receive anticoagulant therapy for a shorter duration bleeding events.48 Although rivaroxaban was also
than recommended. Investigating the benefit of associated with an increased rate of bleeding in the
extended thromboprophylaxis in this patient MAGELLAN trial, it was determined to be
population, the Extended Prophylaxis for Venous noninferior to enoxaparin 40 mg/d at the 10-day
Thromboembolism in Acutely Ill Medical Patients efficacy analysis and had superior efficacy at the
With Prolonged Immobilization (EXCLAIM) trial conclusion of 35 days.49 Results for these 3 trials are
revealed that enoxaparin 40 mg/d for 40 days given in Table IX.
exhibited a reduced incidence of VTE compared with
placebo and was the first study to indicate that
extended anticoagulation for acutely ill medical DISCUSSION
patients may be advantageous.47 However, because Overall, the NOACs offer a simplified anticoagulation
daily enoxaparin injections are not ideal in the regimen that generally has noninferiority in efficacy
outpatient setting, the Apixaban Dosing to Optimize and similar rates of bleeding when compared with
Protection from Thrombosis (ADOPT) and standard therapy throughout multiple studies in the
Multicenter, Randomized, Parallel Group Efficacy published literature. In the absence of head-to-head
and Safety Study for the Prevention of Venous trials directly comparing each NOAC, patient
Thromboembolism in Hospitalized Acutely Ill preference for certain medication characteristics may
Medical Patients Comparing Rivaroxaban With be valuable in determining the anticoagulation
Enoxaparin (MAGELLAN) researchers investigated regimen that is most appropriate for an individual.
whether an extended anticoagulant regimen with oral Although each NOAC treatment was well tolerated
apixaban or rivaroxaban could be effective. among most patients, because dabigatran etexilate

2160 Volume 40 Number 12

A.A. Coulis and W.C. Mackey

Table IX. Trial results for thromboprophylaxis in acutely ill medical patients.*

Variable Apixaban (ADOPT48) Rivaroxaban (MAGELLAN49)

Dosing Apixaban 2.5 mg twice daily for 30 days vs Rivaroxaban 10 mg/d for 31e39 days vs
enoxaparin 40 mg/d for 6e14 days enoxaparin 40 mg/d for 6e14 days
Patients Apixaban (n ¼ 3255), enoxaparin (n ¼ 3273) Rivaroxaban (n ¼ 4050), enoxaparin
(n ¼ 4051)
Results VTE and associated death occurred in 2.71% of At day 10, VTE occurred in 2.7% of patients
patients taking apixaban and 3.06% of patients taking rivaroxaban and 2.7% of patients
taking enoxaparin (RR ¼ 0.87; 95% CI, 0.62 taking enoxaparin (RR ¼ 0.97; 95% CI, 0.71
e1.23; P ¼ 0.44) e1.31; P ¼ 0.003); at day 35, VTE occurred
in 4.4% of patients taking rivaroxaban and
5.7% of patients taking enoxaparin
(RR ¼ 0.77; 95% CI, 0.62e0.96; P ¼ 0.02)
Major bleeding occurred in 0.47% of patients At day 10, major bleeding occurred in 2.8% of
taking apixaban patients and 0.19% of patients patients taking rivaroxaban and 1.2% of
taking enoxaparin (RR ¼ 2.58; 95% CI, 1.02 patients taking enoxaparin; at day 35, major
e7.24; P ¼ 0.04) bleeding occurred in 4.1% of patients taking
rivaroxaban and 1.7% of patients taking
Outcome Did not have superior efficacy with significantly At day 10, noninferior efficacy with increased
more bleeding events rates of bleeding; at day 35, superior efficacy
with increased rates of bleeding

ADOPT ¼ Apixaban Dosing to Optimize Protection from Thrombosis; MAGELLAN ¼ Multicenter, Randomized, Parallel Group
Efficacy and Safety Study for the Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Hospitalized Acutely Ill Medical Patients
Comparing Rivaroxaban With Enoxaparin; RR ¼ relative risk.
* Major bleeding was defined according to the International Society on Thrombosis Haemostasis bleeding scale.

was associated with an adverse effect of dyspepsia, this administration with a medication affecting CYP3A4
medication may not be the first choice for those activity. Offering a variety of dosing options,
sensitive to gastric upset. In addition, because edoxaban and apixaban are valuable treatment
apixaban and dabigatran etexilate require twice-daily alternatives for patients still indicated for NOAC
dosing, edoxaban or rivaroxaban may be better therapy but who may be highly sensitive to
suited for patients who prefer a medication with treatment. However, only half-dosed edoxaban was
once-daily administration. Tailoring the prescribed explicitly studied and found to be tolerable and
therapy to fit these patient preferences may promote effective in patients with mild-to-moderate renal
medication adherence. impairment, a low weight, or concomitant
Excluding those with severe hepatic or renal administration with strong P-gp inhibitors. Although
impairment as well as breastfeeding mothers, the apixaban is available in 2.5-, 5-, or 10-mg tablets,
NOACs can administered to a wide variety of patient reduced doses were not specifically studied in Phase
populations and only exhibit serious drug III clinical trials. Further research is needed before a
interactions with strong dual P-gp and CYP3A4 decreased dose of apixaban can confidently be
inducers or inhibitors. Owing to its renal clearance prescribed for vulnerable patient populations.
without CYP metabolism, dabigatran etexilate may Because the ability to quickly reverse the effects of
be the best NOAC option for patients with impaired anticoagulation continues to be of clinical interest,
hepatic function or those requiring concomitant the approval of andexanet alfa and idarucizumab as

December 2018 2161

Clinical Therapeutics

antidotes is especially important for patients taking the 4 NOACs in the treatment of PE are needed to
apixaban, dabigatran etexilate, or rivaroxaban who more firmly establish this.
are at risk of serious bleeding or who may require When considering tolerability, all 4 NOACs had
emergency surgery. However, because edoxaban similar or reduced major bleeding profiles when
remains without a specific reversal agent, use of this compared with standard therapy. Apixaban was the
medication in high-risk patient populations poses an only medication that exhibited a clinically relevant
increased chance of irreversible bleeding. reduction in the risk of major bleeding. While this
indirect comparison should be interpreted with
Treatment of Acute VTE\ caution, it is reasonable to postulate that apixaban
Because apixaban and rivaroxaban were approved may be a logical anticoagulant option for patients for
as monotherapies, this opportunity for a simplified whom there are bleeding concerns.
oral regimen would be especially ideal for patients In addition, the NOACs maintained their overall
who do not require hospitalization and are stable for noninferiority and similar tolerability in subgroup
outpatient management. However, patients who were analyses of multiple vulnerable patient populations.
initially started on parenteral treatment with LMWH However, only edoxaban offers a reduced dosing
or UFH are not optimal candidates for subsequent option with published evidence supporting its use for
treatment with apixaban or rivaroxaban. This is medically fragile patients. In the event that edoxaban
confirmed by the poor outcome of patients taking is not an option for patients with mild-to-moderate
rivaroxaban in the subgroup analysis of early renal impairment or advanced age, subgroup analyses
switchers from the XALIA trial. For such patients, support the use of dabigatran etexilate and
dabigatran etexilate or edoxaban would be superior rivaroxaban. Because individuals with severe renal
choices. This is especially applicable for patients function (CRCL <30 mL/min) were excluded from the
with pronounced symptoms of VTE who were original studies, further research is needed before
initially hospitalized and administered inpatient either of these medications can be confidently
anticoagulation. With dabigatran etexilate or prescribed for this patient population.
edoxaban, such patients would be able to begin a Although NOAC anticoagulation in patients with
NOAC anticoagulation regimen at discharge after active cancer may be a valuable alternative to VKAs,
initial heparin treatment. only edoxaban was further investigated against the
The efficacy and tolerability of NOAC recommended long-term LMWH monotherapy. In the
anticoagulation for the treatment of acute VTE were absence of published data establishing the
substantially supported with multiple Phase III noninferiority of the other 3 medications, edoxaban
trials, 3 of which were able to reproduce and should be the first-choice in NOAC anticoagulation for
confirm the initial noninferiority results. Although patients with active cancer. In addition, patients with
only one Phase III trial exists for edoxaban, the advanced cancer and a life expectancy of <3 months,
sample size should be noted. With almost twice as many of whom require the recommended long-term
many trial participants as the others, the data LMWH regimen, were excluded from the original
supporting edoxaban's noninferiority to warfarin is Phase III trials and subsequent analyses. Therefore,
of similar strength to the other NOACs with 2 further research is needed before NOAC
confirmatory trials. Of additional note, as the anticoagulation can be recommended for this
EINSTEIN-PE study sampled the largest number of population.
individuals with diagnosed PE (n ¼ 4832), almost NOAC anticoagulation may have the greatest
twice as many as in other trials, it presents the clinical benefit in patients who require prolonged or
strongest supporting data concerning life-long therapy. With no dietary restrictions or need
anticoagulation treatment for acute PE. For this for routine coagulation monitoring, long-term NOAC
reason, in the absence of additional preferential therapy would impose little effect on patients’
factors affecting a clinician's decision, rivaroxaban activities of daily living. Although long-term therapy
may be the first choice of treatment for patients with aspirin also exhibits these lifestyle benefits, it
with PE. However, head-to-head studies directly was inferior to rivaroxaban in the EINSTEIN
comparing the safety profiles and effectiveness of CHOICE trial. For these reasons, in patients for

2162 Volume 40 Number 12

A.A. Coulis and W.C. Mackey

whom there is clinical equipoise regarding the regimen is rarely administered in clinical practice and
continuation or cessation of anticoagulation, LMWH therapy is often discontinued at hospital
apixaban, dabigatran etexilate, or rivaroxaban would discharge. Because apixaban and rivaroxaban were
be valuable options. Because dabigatran etexilate is superior without increasing the risk of bleeding, these
the only medication with published evidence on its medications would be ideal for the recommended 35
noninferiority to warfarin in the extended treatment days. Confirming the benefit of long-term NOAC
of VTE and additionally was associated with a lower anticoagulation over short-term enoxaparin, the
risk of major bleeding, it is the logical oral RECORD 2 trial found that rivaroxaban 10 mg/d for
anticoagulant for patients who require extended 40 days was superior to enoxaparin 40 mg/d for 10
anticoagulant therapy. to 14 days with a lower risk of bleeding.
Although unable to prove superiority like apixaban
VTE Prophylaxis and rivaroxaban, through its reported noninferiority
In the case of thromboprophylaxis after a TKA, and reduced dosing option, dabigatran etexilate
rivaroxaban exhibited superiority over both US- and could fill a crucial niche in NOAC
European-recommended enoxaparin regimens thromboprophylaxis after THA. Further investigation
without increased rates of bleeding. Because conducted in an independent study revealed that
rivaroxaban 10 mg/d was the only medication with when dabigatran etexilate 150 mg was administered
clinically proven superiority over the FDA once daily to patients with moderate renal
recommended enoxaparin 30 mg twice daily in the impairment (CLCR <50 mL/min), the steady-state
United States, it may be the NOAC of choice, drug concentration in this population was in a
offering a simple and effective treatment alternative. similar and therapeutic range to those with mild
If solely considering the European standard of care, renal impairment (CLCR of 50-80 mL/min) receiving
apixaban and dabigatran etexilate may also be dabigatran etexilate 220 mg in the Oral Dabigatran
valuable options because of their proven Versus Enoxaparin for Thromboprophylaxis After
noninferiority compared with enoxaparin 40 mg/d. Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty (RE-NOVATE II)
Although the Phase III trial of edoxaban seemed trial (47.5 ng/mL in patients taking 150 mg;
promising, its unique study characteristics must be interquartile range, 29.6e71.2 ng/mL vs 32.0 ng/mL
taken into consideration. Most obviously, edoxaban's in patients taking 220 mg; interquartile range,
superiority was established against a 19.4e55.0 ng/mL).50,51 Offering a tolerable and
thromboprophylactic regimen that is not effective reduced dosing option, dabigatran etexilate
recommended for patients in the United States or 150 mg could be indicated for medically fragile
Europe. Enoxaparin 2000 IU (20 mg) twice daily is a patients, such as those with moderate renal
lower anticoagulant dose than used in the West and impairment or elderly patients. Because this
is adjusted for the lower mean weight of Japanese encompasses a significant portion of patients
patients. Of note, the mean weight of studied receiving a THA, dabigatran etexilate 150 mg is an
participants in the edoxaban trial was 60.2 kg.39 For important option for thromboprophylaxis.
reference, mean weights of participants in the Although the STARS J-V trial indicated the similar
apixaban and rivaroxaban studies were 78 and tolerability and superior efficacy of edoxaban therapy
80.7 kg, respectively.39 For this reason, although for thromboprophylaxis after THA, these results
edoxaban exhibited favorable results in the Japanese were compared against the Japanese guidelines,
population, these data cannot be extrapolated for US which recommends a lower dose of enoxaparin. In
or European patients and do not indicate superiority addition, the mean weight of the STARS J-V study
with respect to Western guidelines. participants was 57.5 kg, approximately 20 kg lower
Phase III analyses of apixaban and rivaroxaban than the other Phase III trials (mean weight in the
found superior efficacies and similar safety profiles RECORD 1 trial for patients taking rivaroxaban was
compared with enoxaparin 40 mg/d after THA. 78 kg).44 However, because edoxaban continues to
Although each of these studies investigated their exhibit favorable results in supplemental avenues of
results for 35 days as recommended by current study, namely in the thromboprophylactic treatment
guidelines, this lengthy parenteral anticoagulation of patients after HFS and in the successful half-dose

December 2018 2163

Clinical Therapeutics

adjustment for patients with severe renal impairment medical patients with varied results. In Phase III
(CRCL of 15e30 mL/min), further evaluation is clinical trials, apixaban failed to establish superiority
warranted to establish edoxaban's place in Western with respect to the recommended enoxaparin regimen
medical practice. Furthermore, the potential exhibited of 40 mg once daily for 6e14 days. Speaking to the
by edoxaban highlights areas of study that are potential of apixaban, ADOPT trial researchers state
currently lacking for the other oral anticoagulants. that their study was underpowered and insist that no
When considering the clinical role of NOACs in clinically directive conclusion can be drawn from
thromboprophylaxis after major orthopedic surgery, their results. Specifically, the authors postulate that
additional avenues of study should include their the study conditions, namely the required
effectiveness compared with aspirin. Offering the ultrasonographic screening for VTE even in the
same lifestyle benefits and ease of oral absence of symptoms and continued enoxaparin
administration, the relative low-cost and convenience treatment for the full recommended 6 to 14 days, do
of over-the-counter aspirin would make it a valuable not accurately portray clinical practice.48
anticoagulant option. Investigating this possibility, Acknowledging this, although apixaban is not
the Extended Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis currently indicated for the extended
Comparing Rivaroxaban to Aspirin Following Total thromboprophylaxis in acutely ill medical patients,
Hip and Knee Arthroplasty (EPCAT II) trial further research that better represents clinical
established the noninferiority of aspirin 81 mg/ conditions is warranted. In addition to the favorable
d versus rivaroxaban 10 mg/d for the prevention of results, the study design of the MAGELLAN trial
recurrent VTE after TKA or THA. Numerically, VTE provides the greatest support for the use of
occurred in 0.64% of the aspirin group and in rivaroxaban in the thromboprophylaxis of acutely ill
0.70% of the rivaroxaban group (0.06 difference in medical patients. Establishing its noninferiority at day
percentage points; 95% CI, −0.55 to 0.66; P < 0.001 10 indicates that oral rivaroxaban is as effective as
for noninferiority and P ¼ 0.84 for superiority), subcutaneous enoxaparin, the short-term
whereas major bleeding complications occurred in anticoagulant regimen recommended by current
0.47% and 0.29% of the aspirin and rivaroxaban guidelines. Because most patients remain in the
groups, respectively (0.18 difference in percentage hospital for <5 days and it is standard practice to
points; 95% CI, −0.65 to 0.29; P ¼ 0.42).52 discontinue enoxaparin injections on hospital
However, subgroup analysis of patients who were discharge, oral rivaroxaban would be a much simpler
undergoing long-term aspirin therapy before surgery option. Furthermore, it was the only NOAC that has
revealed higher rates of bleeding for those in the superiority versus placebo in an extended 35-day
aspirin group. Specifically, the trial results indicated thromboprophylactic regimen. However, because this
that for this subgroup of 885 patients, 0.7% in both medication was associated with increased risks of
the rivaroxaban and aspirin groups experienced a bleeding, the benefit to risk ratio must be considered
recurrent VTE, whereas 0.23% of the rivaroxaban by the physician.
group and 0.94% of the aspirin group experienced
major bleeding events.52 These results suggest that CONCLUSION
for patients already undergoing long-term aspirin Overall, Phase III and postmarketing VTE treatment
therapy, an additional dose of aspirin 81 mg for VTE and prophylaxis trials found that NOACs can
prophylaxis is not recommended. Although it seems effectively simplify anticoagulation therapy for a wide
that thromboprophylaxis with rivaroxaban would be range of patients. With no restriction on dietary
advantageous for such patients, further research is intake and administered in fixed-oral doses that do
needed to establish the safety profiles and efficacy of not require routine monitoring, these medications are
the NOACs (especially apixaban, dabigatran ideal for the outpatient setting. Although not
etexilate, and edoxaban) compared with aspirin addressed in this review, additional factors, such as
therapy. patient satisfaction and overall cost of treatment,
In addition to major orthopedic surgery, apixaban should be considered. Offering a brief insight into
and rivaroxaban were evaluated for efficacy and additional benefits that may be associated with
tolerability in the thromboprophylaxis of acutely ill NOAC therapy, subgroup analysis of the EINSTEIN

2164 Volume 40 Number 12

A.A. Coulis and W.C. Mackey

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Address correspondence to: Alexis A. Coulis, MS, Tufts University School

of Medicine, 145 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA 02111, USA. E-mail: Alexis.

December 2018 2167

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