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The Spaces and Times of Globalization: Place, Scale, Networks, and


Article  in  Economic Geography · February 2009

DOI: 10.1111/j.1944-8287.2002.tb00189.x

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1 author:

Eric Sheppard
University of California, Los Angeles


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Limits to Globalization (OUP, 2016) View project

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This article originally appeared in Economic Geography Volume 78, Number 3, July 2002.
Copyright © 2002 by Clark University.

#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard

The Spaces and Times of Globalization:

Place, Scale, Networks, and Positionality*
Eric Sheppard
Department of Geography, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Abstract: Discussions of the spatiality of globalization have largely focused on place-

based attributes that fix globalization locally, on globalization as the construction of
scale, and on networks as a distinctive feature of contemporary globalization. By
contrast, position within the global economy is frequently regarded as anachro-
nistic in a shrinking, networked world. A critical review of how place, scale, and
networks are used as metaphors for the spatiality of globalization suggests that
space/time still matters. Positionality (position in relational space/time within the
global economy) is conceptualized as both shaping and shaped by the trajectories
of globalization and as influencing the conditions of possibility of places in a glob-
alizing world. The wormhole is invoked as a way of describing the concrete geogra-
phies of positionality and their non-Euclidean relationship to the Earth’s surface.
The inclusion of positionality challenges the simplicity of pro- and antiglobalization
narratives and can change how we think about globalization and devise strategies
to alter its trajectory.
Key words: globalization, place, scale, networks, positionality, space-time.

When Captain James Cook sailed the places that had developed in separate social
Resolution into Waimea Bay, Hawai’i, on 19 universes.
January 1778, the effect was to radically These spatial dynamics have many simi-
restructure the space/time vectors larities with those highlighted in accounts of
connecting Hawai’i with London. This rift contemporary globalization processes,
in global space/time instantiated what I such as the impact of free Internet access in
1998 on the traditional hammock industry
conceptualize here as a dramatic shift in
of the remote Guyanan village of Lethem,
positionality, opening a wormhole in social connecting weaving women to elite
space/time that qualitatively increased the customers in global cities and triggering a
connectivity between the two places. The losing gendered struggle for control over the
19-month voyage to Hawai’i seems desper- new wealth between the women and village
ately slow by contemporary standards, but elders (Romero 2000). In both cases, the rift
it effectively connected for the first time two in space/time had asymmetric consequences.
For example, it dramatically changed the
trajectory of Hawai’ian society, initiating
* Stimulating discussions in a globalization its enrollment into European colonialism
seminar at Minnesota, at the Atwood Lecture at and culminating in annexation by the United
Clark University, at the Semple Lecture at the States (after Queen Liliuokalani’s attempts
University of Kentucky, and at the Leir confer- to disengage from the United States were
ence on Global Economic Change at Clark quashed by a coup led by Sanford Dole).
University influenced this article. I am particu-
larly grateful to Neil Brenner, Vinay Gidwani,
Hawai’i’s impact on London was more
Jim Glassman, Susan Hanson, Helga Leitner, marginal and beneficial, reinforcing
Bongman Seo, Daisaku Yamamoto, Jun Zhang, London’s growth as the preeminent polit-
and three referees for their criticisms at various ical and financial center of an emergent
stages. The usual disclaimers apply. world system.

#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
Both are particular moments within much consequences of contemporary globaliza-
broader processes of capitalist globalization, tion, albeit less pessimistically. They demon-
shaped by political-economic processes, strate how places can stem the destructive
facilitated by technologies that transform tendencies of globalization through territo-
space/time, and framed by discursive under- rial governance structures that assemble local
standings of development and its human capabilities for holding down the global
consequences. Thus, Cook was under secret (Amin and Thrift 1994). They argue that
orders from the British Crown to extend contemporary globalization is shifting the
British dominion over the southern hemi- geographic scales at which territorial regu-
sphere and to report back on resources lation is most effective, challenging that of
that Britain could exploit. His expedition the nation-state. They also point to the anni-
required the development and assemblage hilation of space by time, arguing that
of a network of geographic and other tech- although globalization does not mean the
nologies, including credit systems, ships, end of geography, it is being restructured
maps, and sextants. Local knowledge, freely into networked spaces (Castells 1996;
provided by those who were eventually colo- Dicken, Kelly, Olds, and Yeung 2001).
nized, was vital to this process (Law 1996; In this paper, I wish to build on these
Latour 1987). It also entailed a commodifi- important contributions. I argue that
cation of space and time, through the place, scale, and networks have been
interrelated technologies of clock making deployed, in turn, as geographic tropes for
and cartography. In all these ways, Cook discussing globalization, sidelining a fourth
participated in a close eighteenth-century trope: positionality within the global
alliance among European science, imperi- economy. I begin by suggesting that discus-
alism, and geography (Livingstone 1991). sions of space, time, and globalization tend
Discursively, generations of English to suggest that time trumps space, neglecting
schoolboys, such as myself, learned of ways in which situation still matters, both
Captain Cook as a heroic white male within the global economy in general and to
promoting science and civilizing the the trajectories of particular places. Hawai’i’s
“natives.” In this discursive frame, dubbed trajectory was shaped not only by its abstract
“the white man’s burden” by Rudyard incorporation into globalization, modified
Kipling (penned when the United States by local conditions, but by its specific
occupied the Philippines in 1899, just five connections to particular other places—
years after Dole’s Hawai’ian coup), colo- notably the United States. I review research
nialism was legitimized through a modernist on the role of place and scale, suggesting
and orientalist discourse that Euro-American that the focus on territories has attenuated
capitalist development is good for you. attention to the role of connections between
Critics analyzed such space/time rifts as territories. The recent fascination with
the proximate cause of underdevelopment networks does stress horizontal spatial
and the destruction of indigenous lifeworlds relationships, but in my analysis tends to
in the global periphery that was created place too much emphasis on the possibili-
(Naoroji 1901/1962; Frank 1978). ties of, rather than the relational inequali-
Proponents of contemporary globaliza- ties within, networked spaces. I advance the
tion, from Colin Powell to the mainstream idea of positionality as a way of capturing the
business press, still frame it as a process of shifting, asymmetric, and path-dependent
modernization (Massey 1999a), whereby ways in which the futures of places depend
eliminating barriers to the rational opera- on their interdependencies with other
tion of the free market will bring pros- places, proposing the metaphor of worm-
perity for all who are prepared to adapt holes (from physics) as a way of representing
and work hard (except for the prisoners of the highly non-Euclidean spatiality of the
geography; see Hausmann 2001). Critics still global economy since at least 1778. Finally,
stress the geographically differentiated I discuss some implications of positionality
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
for how we conceptualize the processes space/time imaginary—one that eliminates
behind, the differential livelihood possibil- spatial difference in favor of a universal
ities enabled by, and the alternatives to narrative of change; a new modernization
contemporary globalization. Although theory (Porter and Sheppard 1998, chap. 5).
positionality is presented here by stressing While critical of this imaginary, geogra-
some limitations of the other tropes, I do not phers have nevertheless collaborated in
intend that it should replace the others. mobilizing metaphors that emphasize a
Rather, I make a broader plea for a both/and, “shrinking world” (Kirsch 1995), in which
rather than an either/or, approach to our use space is progressively dominated by time.
of geographic concepts when theorizing This emphasis can be dated to Don Janelle’s
spatial economic dynamics (cf. Brenner (1969) writings as part of the “spatial science”
2001). tradition of the 1960s, resurrected more
recently within both this tradition and polit-
ical economy. The phrases used to articu-
Metaphors for Space/Time in late this include “time-space convergence”
Globalization Research (Janelle 1969), “collapsing space and time”
(Brunn and Leinbach 1991), and “time-space
It has been widely asserted that space has
compression”—coined by David Harvey
become less important as a result of glob- (1989) to express the foreboding that our
alization. Examining international financial globalizing world can be “characterized by
relationships, Richard O’Brien (1992, 1–2) speed-up in the pace of life, while so over-
gained notoriety among geographers for coming spatial barriers that the world some-
asserting that “geographical location no times seems to collapse inwards upon us” (p.
longer matters, or matters less than hitherto. 242). These phrases have been applied to a
. . . Money, being fungible, will continue to variety of experiences of space, from the
try and avoid, and will largely succeed in lived to the representational (Lefebvre
escaping, the confines of the existing geog- 1974/1991), but present a common imagi-
raphy.” Similarly, Frances Cairncross (1997, nary—a simultaneous speeding up of time
xi) of The Economist wrote: “Distance will and collapsing of space in absolute terms.
no longer determine the cost of communi- Harvey made much of the “annihilation
cating electronically. . . . No longer will loca- of space by time,” originally expressed by
tion be key to most business decisions.” Both Karl Marx (1857–8/1983) in Die Grundrisse.
are deliberately provocative, restrict their Mobilized in conjunction with space/time
comments to activities that can be carried compression, this phrase has come to
out electronically, and describe their vision mean that, while space is collapsing and time
of the near future rather than the present. is speeding up in absolute terms, under glob-
Nevertheless, they are consistent with the alization time is becoming relatively more
space/time imaginary of many mainstream critical than space (see also Jessop 2001).
neoliberal globalization theorists who argue Indeed, speed has become a central
that globalization makes old territorial struc- metaphor for what is distinctive about
tures irrelevant and equalizes development contemporary globalization. Nigel Thrift
possibilities everywhere. Some mainstream (1994) discussed the emergence of a “struc-
economists have recently highlighted an ture of feeling,” a culture of mobility empha-
important role for geography as a constraint sizing speed, light, and power. Paul Virilio
to realizing full globalization (i.e., ubiqui- (1995, 151; 1993, 10) referred to this “third
tous development) because of the constraints interval” as one in which “the computer
imposed by tropical climes and distance from motor” is bringing about a situation in which
the sea (Gallup, Sachs, and Mellinger “the tyranny of distances” gives way to the
1999; Hausmann 2001). Yet all these “tyranny of real time.” Tim Luke and
analyses share what Doreen Massey (1999a, Gearóid Ó Tuathail (1998, 90) described an
1999b) identified as an impoverished era of postmodern fast geopolitics, in which
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
“global flowmations . . . are re-mastering on how territories still matter in a space of
global space.” Like many globalization theo- flows. Two complementary approaches have
rists, Virilio and Luke and Ó Tuathail been taken on this issue. Some, drawing
concluded that the digital revolution is inspiration from the literature on industrial
enabling time to trump space (Agnew 2000). clusters, have sought to understand how
Others are more cautious about the domi- globalization has been accompanied by the
nance of time. Harvey’s use of the “annihi- growing influence of certain localities,
lation of space by time” in his political such as new industrial spaces or financial
economic theorizing is more nuanced than centers. The economic dynamism of such
the term suggests. Harvey stressed how places is typically explained in terms of
space is continually restructured and certain place-based attributes that can fix
produced under capitalism, both in the globalization locally. By contrast, others have
abstract as a commodified space/time looked at how globalization is associated with
(Harvey 1996), and as a concrete spatial fix the construction of scale, noting the
for the crises of capitalism (Harvey 1982). enhanced importance of supra- and subna-
It is less widely recognized, although Harvey tional scales since the crisis of First World
does discuss it, that Marx used the concept Fordism. In this view, local trajectories
also to describe how speeding up the spatial depend on how places are embedded in a
circulation of commodities enhances prof- range of territorial scales, from the local to
itability, making investments to reshape the global. In both cases, the conceptual-
space (new means of transportation and ization of space/time can be characterized
circulation) that are essential to capital accu- as territorial. The prospects of localities
mulation. Thrift (1994, 221) argued that depend on place-based processes and both
mobility “takes up both space and time” and shape and are shaped by the regional,
that it is misguided to prioritize time or national, and global territories in which they
space. Although Manuel Castells (1996) are embedded.
went further in some respects than anyone
in arguing that time has changed under the The Significance of Place
digital revolution, he insisted that the new
“space of flows” determines a “timeless” A major intervention by geographers into
time: “Space shapes time in our society, thus debates on globalization has been to demon-
reversing a historical trend” (p. 465). Yet, strate the importance of territorial
while some geographers insist that spatiality economies and governance structures.
Geographers have been critical of priori-
still matters, such analyses are posed at a
tizing the nation-state scale in such analyses
high level of abstraction. There are, in fact,
(Agnew 1994; Taylor 1996), highlighting
contrasting views on what aspects of
smaller-scale territories or places: industrial
spatiality matter most.
districts and city-regions, located within but
occasionally seen as crossing, national
Territorial Thinking: Place and boundaries. There is widespread agreement
Scale that globalization has increased the impor-
tance and influence of such subnational terri-
Discussing the end-of-geography thesis, torial economies and polities. Marxist geog-
Ron Martin (1999, 15–16) took a position raphers have long argued that capitalism
that resonates with much recent work in successively creates agglomerations of
economic geography: “Globalisation may economic activity as spatial fixes to facilitate
well have eliminated space . . . , but it has accumulation, only for these spatial fixes later
by no means undermined the significance to become barriers to further accumulation.
of location, of place.” Places are usually Spatial fixes require investments by both
represented as territorial spaces, and debates firms and the state in the built environment
about place and globalization have focused and social infrastructure in places that
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
become problematic as growth sectors, which economic activities are embedded and
production technologies, and locational pref- through which they may be catalyzed
erences shift. Thus, space adds an important (Storper and Scott 1993). Yet the logic of
extra complication to the instabilities of capi- argument has not shifted and, indeed, has
talism (Harvey 1982; N. Smith 1984; Storper been embraced across the ideological
and Walker 1989). spectrum of economic geography (Sheppard
Under conditions of space-time compres- 2000).
sion, relative locational advantage is argued This logic has two components. First,
to have become less important, and place- globalization after Fordism is seen as
based characteristics more important, in promoting a regime of accumulation, a flex-
determining the relative attractiveness of ible capitalism, which has catalyzed the
places for capital (Leitner and Sheppard growth of subnational industrial and tech-
1998). Places aggressively seek to differen- nological districts that are becoming increas-
tiate themselves in the competition for ingly influential, relative to nation-state terri-
investment, and geographically mobile tories. Scott (2000, 87) argued that current
capital becomes both responsive to small economic conditions involve two kinds of
differences between places and able to transactions: those requiring close physical
manipulate localities to create favorable proximity because “the spatial costs of trans-
conditions (Leitner 1990). A real differen- acting are . . . extremely high” and those
tiation has thus accompanied globalization: for which these costs are “extremely low.”
as the global economy shrinks, differences These conditions are ideal for the formation
and inequalities between places are growing. of “new urban superclusters” in which firms
The observation that the end of Fordism in those economic sectors characterized by
brought with it the rise of new industrial the former kinds of transactions agglomerate.
spaces (Scott 1988) catalyzed a place- Second, and following from this point,
based spatial imaginary.1 Economic geog- successful places are seen as possessing
raphy shifted from a paradigm dominated key relational assets that create competi-
by ideas of uneven development, industrial tive advantage. This competitive advantage
restructuring, and dependency theory, in enables them to channel the uncertainties
which the economic prospects of a place of globalization to their advantage because
were argued to be driven by external forces, they offer attractive conditions for globally
to one dominated by industrial districts, mobile investment capital. As a conse-
whose economic prospects were argued to quence, territorial economies can still
be driven by local, place-bound character- flourish and local livelihoods can prosper
istics. Over time, the list of these charac- within the space of flows (Amin and Thrift
teristics has broadened from the transac- 1994; Storper 1997; Leyshon and Thrift
tional advantages of industrial 1997). Considerable theoretical and empir-
agglomerations, particularly when charac- ical effort has been devoted to determining
terized by the emergent characteristics of which place-bound characteristics support
flexible specialization, to embrace the local the kind of local market-oriented coopera-
political, social, and cultural milieu within tion that breeds success when localities
compete with one another (Jessop 1999)
through a close examination of the attrib-
A place-based geographic imaginary has
utes of successful agglomerations (Signorini
become remarkably popular in and beyond geog- 1994; Markusen 1996; Malmberg, Sölvell,
raphy. It can be traced to Andrew Sayer (1984); and Zander 1996).2
for critique, see Sheppard (1996). By the end of
the 1990s, Dirlik (1999b) had identified a general
“irruption of place consciousness into social We still lack systematic parallel analyses of
and political analysis,” now also diffusing into failed places, which makes it difficult to deter-
mainstream science (Kates et al. 2001). mine definitively the causes of success.
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
In focusing on territorial economies, this socially beneficial kind of globalization than
literature does not conceive of such places the neoliberal model. Their success is based
as bounded. What happens within a terri- on their possessing certain economic,
tory depends heavily on its interdependence political, and cultural characteristics,
with the broader political economy, the loca- rather than their location in global cores or
tions in which such clusters emerge are seen peripheries. Scott struggled to make good
to depend on the locational conditions on this vision, however, when he noted
favoring an emergent industrial cluster, and that 24 of the world’s potential city-regions,
the very existence of industrial districts all located in the global south, do not yet
depends on the importance of proximity as qualify as such. Perhaps situation still
a locational factor. At times, it is also matters.
acknowledged that such territories need not In many ways, such territorial economies
be geographically contiguous places. At invoke a global sense of place:
the same time, the burden of analysis is on
the coherence and functional effectiveness Instead, then, of thinking of places as areas
of the territory as the key to its economic with boundaries around, they can be imagined
prosperity. Transactions whose spatial as articulated moments in networks of social
relations and understandings, but where a large
costs are extremely high take place within
proportion of those relations, experiences and
a territory and are key to building the bundle understandings are constructed on a far larger
of relational assets that make success scale. . . . And this in turn allows a sense of
possible. By contrast, for transactions whose place which is extroverted . . . which integrates
spatial costs are extremely low, relative loca- in a positive way the global and the local.
tion does not matter. The broader situation (Massey 1994, 5, 154–5)
of these places within the global economy is
not seen as important to their success. These Industrial geographers share many aspects
places tend to be seen as fixing themselves of this vision and that of other feminist and
within an undifferentiated space of flows postcolonial scholars, which emphasizes that
whose structural logic is “placeless” (Castells resistance to globalization will come from
1996, 413), a “pure flow economy” (Storper below—formed within the local places
1997, 28), or a field of transactions of “unlim- whose importance to globalization has been
ited geographical range” (Scott 2000, 88). underestimated. Phil Cooke (1989) stressed
Global space thus has become so small, fluid, the proactive nature of localities. Arif Dirlik
and interdependent that relative location (1999a) contended that place-based politics
matters much less than territorial conditions. are the key to resisting and challenging capi-
As a consequence, the residents of a place talist globalization from below. In his view,
are held primarily responsible for its success negative local experiences of globalization
(Sheppard 2000). stimulate people to question the universal
Scott argued that this conceptualization and placeless narrative of globalization that
of territorial economies has dramatic dominates discourse and to recover the
implications for the geography of global- importance of distinctive local understand-
ization, in ways reminiscent of Kenichi ings, norms, and narratives of social change.
Ohmae’s (1995) arguments. Global city- Carla Freeman (2001, 1012) argued that
regions now “constitute a mosaic that is feminizing globalization theory requires chal-
beginning to override the core-periphery lenging “the portrayal of the local as
relationships that have hitherto character- contained within, and thus defined funda-
ized much of the macrogeography of capi- mentally by, the global” (see also, Nagar,
talist development” (Scott 2000, 87). They Lawson, McDowell, and Hanson 2002), and
also may play an important normative role— Cindy Katz (2001) called for a topographic
facing distinctive governance challenges that, analysis of how places are affected by, but
if resolved successfully, may catalyze an alter- also find ways of resisting, reworking, and
native governance structure and a more surviving, globalization.
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
There remain important differences one another, scale theorists have sought to
between an industrial geographic and a femi- conceptualize how scales come into existence
nist perspective, however. Industrial geog- and articulate with one another and how
raphers stress the coherence and capability events at a particular scale are shaped by
of territories as political economic units, their relationships with different scales
whereas Massey (1994) emphasized differ- (Smith 1992; Delaney and Leitner 1997).
ence within and the openness of global This approach has been applied to analyze
places. In particular, feminists have argued globalization. Stimulated by Neil Smith’s
that local alternatives to globalization are reflections on the production of scale (1992,
part of this difference—heterogeneous 1996), and Bob Jessop’s speculations on the
realms of local life, such as noncommodi- hollowing out of the nation-state (1994), Erik
tized social reproduction or local noncapi- Swyngedouw (1997b) and Neil Brenner
talist production systems, that others over- (1999) pioneered a scalar theory of global-
look (Katz 2001; Gibson-Graham 1996). ization. In this view, between 1945 and the
Feminists have also stressed that collabo- early 1970s, when First World industrial
ration, rather than competition, between capitalist nations were dominated by a
places is the key to successful resistance, Fordist regulatory regime, the nation-state
articulated variously by Gillian Rose (1993) was the dominant geographic scale at which
as paradoxical spaces and by Katz as coun- economic relations were organized and
tertopographies (see also Leitner and governed. Buoyed by strong national regu-
Sheppard 1999 for a similar argument in lation of international economic flows and
political economy). It is only in this last topic, unequal international exchange with Third
however, that the positionality of places World nations (Jessop 1999) and in a geopo-
within the global economy receives much litical era that saw the dissolution of supra-
attention—focusing on positionality as a national colonial-scale empires under the
resistance strategy, rather than the role of Bretton Woods agreement (Porter and
positionality in shaping local trajectories of Sheppard 1998), the national scale was
globalization. produced as the dominant arbiter of
economic fortunes. New scales have
emerged as important, however, since
The Construction of Scale
Fordism entered a crisis triggered by
Any discussion of place and globalization, declining national productivity (particu-
and thus of the local-global nexus, invokes a larly in the United States and Britain), by
concept of geographic scale, but scale has organized labor’s ability to demand more
recently become an influential theoretical of the surplus, and by intensified interna-
framework for thinking about the spatial tional competition that has undermined key
dynamics of globalization. Theorists of scale Fordist industries in the First World.
build on research on place by asking how Most often discussed, of course, is the
change in any one territorial unit is affected rising importance of the global scale. Yet the
by change at other geographic scales. The argument developed by scale theorists is
existence of a vertical hierarchy of scales more complex. Observers of transnational
from the body to the globe is generally taken corporations, typically seen as the vanguard
for granted, and certain kinds of activities of globalization, have concluded that their
are often associated with particular scales global reach has not resulted in a loss of
(trade with the global, trade unions with the either national identity or attachment to
national, and caring work with the home). localities (cf. Ruigrok and van Tulder 1995).
Scale theorists have argued, however, that Instead, transnational corporations engage
these are not necessary relations but arti- in a strategy of global localization, whereby
facts of how scales are constituted under global competitiveness is rooted in close
certain conditions. Emphasizing that all relationships with particular localities,
scales are socially constituted in relation to including headquarter locations, low-cost
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
production sites, industrial districts, and as precipitating scalar shifts in its territorial
demand nodes (Mair 1997). Since Fordism, organization. Jessop (1999, 35) offered a
nation-states have also actively participated somewhat different analysis, placing more
in supranational organizations and agree- emphasis on the conflicts with the national
ments (harmonizing market regulation and state that result from cities orienting them-
dismantling national barriers to commodity selves beyond the national space, a process
and capital flows), while simultaneously he called glurbanization.
promoting their own local, particularly Both Swyngedouw and Brenner see the
metropolitan, economies as vital to national spatial dynamics of capitalism as the central
economic competitiveness and as respon- driving force in this rescaling, reworking a
sible for their own success or failure (Jessop Marxian analysis of the production of
2001). Thus, political and economic space through the lens of scale. Whereas
processes are both globalizing and local- Brenner is more concerned with the
izing—dubbed glocalization by Swyngedouw economics of this process, Swyngedouw
(1997b). As Brenner (1999, 52–3) put it: (1997a, 173, 176) argued that the politics
of scale is also crucial to these shifts and to
the contemporary round of globalization has challenging antidemocratic tendencies asso-
radically reconfigured the scalar organization ciated with them:
of territorialization processes under capitalism,
relativizing the significance of the national [T]he “glocalization” or rescaling of institu-
scale while simultaneously intensifying the role tional forms leads to more autocratic, unde-
of both sub- and supra-national forms of terri- mocratic and authoritarian (quasi-)state appa-
torial organization. . . . Processes of territori- ratuses. . . . These new institutional forms
alization remain endemic to capitalism, but are riven with all manner of conflict and
today they are jumping at once above, below, tension. First, this . . . is highly contested,
and around the national scale upon which they particularly by those who become marginal-
had converged throughout much of the last ized in or excluded from these new institu-
century. tions. Second, the new alliances . . . accentuate
the need from the part of boosters to try and
Brenner insisted that the result is not a zero- create a new hegemony of vision. . . . The poli-
sum game, in which local-scale processes are tics of scale are surely messy, but ought to take
gaining at the expense of national-scale center-stage in any successful emancipatory
processes, arguing that nation-states are political strategy.
active participants in (rather than victims of)
globalization. Nation-states encourage local- Helga Leitner (1997, 125) emphasized that
ization, and metropolitan economies still the politics of scale is not just driven by
depend on nation-states to champion them economic dynamics, but is politically
and their products in global markets. State constructed, using the term construction of
territorial power no longer maps neatly into scale to bring attention to political structures
the boundaries of the nation-state. “The and to the importance of agency in the poli-
globalization of urbanization and the glocal- tics of scale (Leitner forthcoming). Sallie
ization of state territorial power are two Marston (forthcoming) adds an important
deeply intertwined moments of a single third element—social reproduction and the
process of global restructuring . . . since gendering of scale—although she does not
the early 1970s. . . . From this point of view, address its implications for globalization.
globalization must be understood as a re- In short, contemporary scale theorists
scaling of global social space, not the subjec- share with those who focus on place a
tion of localities to the deterritorializing, common emphasis on the territorial nature
placeless dynamics of the ‘space of flows’” of societal organization and its implications
(Brenner 1998, 27). In this view, phase shifts for globalization. Their important addition
in the dynamics of global capitalism are seen is stressing the need to consider how the
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
fortunes of territories of a particular scale analysis of already-existing scales, are
are shaped by the social construction of scale contiguous geographic territories often with
in coevolution with globalization. Changes fairly well-defined boundaries, where smaller
in places of a particular scale thus depend scale units nest within larger scale units.
on how they articulate with changes at other There are attempts to imagine new scalar
scales, implying that globalization and local- forms, such as territories that do not nest
ization are not independent processes but within larger units or the fuzzy and noncon-
need to be considered in relation to one tiguous spaces of geographic networks, but
another (Brenner 2001). Scales themselves it is far from obvious that such phenomena
may shift in importance as a result of such can comfortably be incorporated into scale
processes, giving globalization a far more theory (Leitner, Pavlik, and Sheppard forth-
complex geography than the commonly coming). Finally, scale theory only connects
accepted narratives of global homogeniza- geographically distant localities indirectly,
tion or the disappearance of the nation-state. moving up to a larger scale and then down
As a consequence, political resistance to again to the locality, without examining
globalization cannot just occur in local direct interconnections. A focus on territo-
places, even when local negative experiences ries, even when modified through the
motivate resistance. Local resistance must vertically splayed approach of scale theory,
be complemented by scale jumping (N. is not sufficient to capture such horizontal
Smith 1992; Harvey 2000). geographic relations.
Scale theorists certainly examine how
social processes stretch horizontally through
space, as well as vertically across scales. Most Unpacking Space/Time
analyses of scale work with received cate- Equating the significance of geography
gories, a hierarchy of embedded territorial with territoriality, at and across different
units (body, neighborhood, city, region, scales, has offered an important corrective
nation-state, supranational bloc, globe).3 to end-of-geography narratives. Other
When globalization makes scales of greater ways of conceptualizing space and time
geographic scope more important, smaller should be part of our toolkit, however, if we
places that are separated from one another are to analyze adequately the ways in
at one scale become connected through their which distant places have directly shaped
common association with a higher scale. In one another’s fortunes throughout the long
this sense, the analysis splays outward as it history of globalization. Castells’s focus on
moves to higher scales.4 Yet, as Brenner the global networks that constitute the space
(2001) argued, it does not follow that scale of flows suggests that networks, stretched
is sufficient to capture all aspects of the horizontally across space, are remaking the
spatiality of globalization. He suggested, first, geography of globalization. Bruno Latour
that scale theory is not necessary if analysis went one step further, using actor-network
is restricted to changes at a single scale theory to challenge all conventional thinking
because these are really studies of a certain about spatiality. I argue, however, that
kind of place. Second, the scales that are spatiality paradoxically tends to drop out of
conventionally invoked, in a relational their analyses and that a full analysis of
connectivity across space/time requires
attention to an additional issue: positionality.
An irony of social theorists’ emphasis on terri-
toriality is that these theorists frequently explic-
itly reject Newtonian views of space, but adopt Networks
a Newtonian definition of territories—as
contiguous regions. Networks have recently risen to challenge
I am grateful to a referee for this analogy. scale as a way of conceptualizing geographies
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
of globalization.5 They are generally invoked actions (Latour 1999, 17). Actor-network
at one of two extreme scales. At one extreme, theory also challenges the distinction
local, place-based networks are seen as the between scientist and object of study,
key to the formation of economic clusters seeking to find out how “actors negotiate
and to the success of places within the space their ways through one another’s world-
of flows (Amin and Thrift 1994). At the other building activities” (p. 21) rather than to
extreme, global networks of trade, finan- explain behavior. A successful actor-network
cial transactions, commodity chains, and brings together animate and inanimate
migrants are seen as a defining character- objects and resources into a complex, ever-
istic of contemporary globalization (cf. Held, changing resilient heterogeneous network.
McGrew, Goldblatt, and Perraton 1999). Humans, animals, resources, and machines
Castells (1996, 61) made the latter point are all “actants” within the network, whose
particularly forcefully, arguing that the digital participation is essential to its success. Once
revolution has made possible the global actor-networks are “successfully established,
development of a networking logic. “[T]he if all the elements act in concert, then they
morphology of the network seems to be well will take on the properties of actors”
adapted to increasing complexity of inter- (Murdoch 1997, 361). Successful actor-
action and to unpredictable patterns of networks become stable and persistent
development arising from the creative power features of society. Actor-network theorists
of such interaction.” The pervasiveness of have argued, however, that their stability and
this mode of interaction, in contradistinc- structure are more apparent than real.
tion to those of hierarchies and markets, is Successful actor-networks are built by
restructuring the spatiality of global capi- enrolling the heterogeneous actants as active
talism. The organization of time-sharing participants in a common project. Central
social practices through networks is creating to this conceptualization is translation: “all
a space of flows in which the “logic and the negotiations, intrigues, calculations, acts
meaning [of places] becomes absorbed of persuasion and violence, thanks to
into the network” (p. 412); nodes and hubs which an actor or force takes, or causes to
are “hierarchically organized according to be conferred on itself, authority to speak
their relative weight within the network” (p. or act on behalf of another” (Callon and
413); and managerial elites create for them- Latour 1981, 279). Centers of calculation
selves a network of locally secluded and glob- then form within actor-networks: places
ally interconnected defensible spaces. where norms are established and routinized
Actor-networks were originally posed to and from which the network is “made to
solve a philosophical problem in social act as one” (Latour 1987, 235). Latour (1987,
theory. The actor-network is “intentionally 219) argued that action at a distance is neces-
oxymoronic” (Law 1999, 5), designed to sary to hold actor-networks together and that
bypass the structure/agency distinction in the construction of space and time is central
social theory: actors derive their intention- to this process. His examples included the
ality, identity, and morality from the collection of local cartographic knowledge
network, rather than as independent agents. from around the world during the “age of
Yet the network is not a structure shaping exploration” and its synthesis in European
action but simply a “summing up” of inter- centers of calculation prior to and during
colonialism. Yet such centers of calculation
and the hierarchical binary distinctions they
Rather than review the voluminous literature
create between cores and peripheries,
on networks (Leitner, Pavlik, and Sheppard forth- science and emotion, humans and non-
coming), I focus on two influential accounts in humans, and so forth, are inherently
geography: those of Castells (1996) and Latour unstable: “the bits and pieces assembled . . .
(1987, 1993, 1999). into an order are constantly liable to break
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
down, or make off on their own. . . . automatic ticket machines scattered along the
[S]truggle is central to actor-network theory” way. Yet it is global, since it takes you from . . .
(Law 1992, 386). Actor-network theorists Brest to Vladivostok. However, it is not
seek to understand how such contested universal enough to take you just anywhere.
There are continuous paths that lead from the
systems hold together, in a way that makes
local to the global, . . . so long as the branch
them seem natural, immutable, and author- lines are paid for. . . . Networks, as the name
itative. indicates, are nets thrown over spaces. . . . They
Suspicious of explanations and categories, are connected lines, not surfaces. . . . [They]
Latour was agnostic about actor-networks— can be extended almost everywhere; [they] can
seeking to account for, rather than judge, be spread out in time as well as in space, yet
the actor-networks that are created without filling time and space. . . . Now, as
(Haraway 1997). Yet there is a tendency to concepts, “local” and global” work well for
categorize actor-network theory as a new surfaces and geometry, but very badly for
unifying theory that is capable of privi- networks and topology. . . . One branch of
leged insights in comparison with reduc- mathematics has been confused with another!
tionist and structural approaches. Actor-
Network thinking, then, is associated with
network theorists also cast judgment on good
a distinctive kind of geometry—one that
and bad kinds of network theory. They
stretches horizontally across the map and
ignore the long-standing tradition of social
that questions the very categories of global
network analysis in sociology because of the
and local (and thereby place and scale).
latter’s focus on structures of inequality in
Dicken, Kelly, Olds, and Yeung (2001, 89),
social networks and on how network posi-
echoing Latour’s skepticism about scale (but
tion creates inequalities between social
disagreeing with his view that all can be
actors (cf. Hargittai and Centeno 2001)
subsumed within networks), argued that
and its neglect of change, struggle, and
networks are a “foundational unit of analysis
agency (but see Emirbayer and Goodwin
for our understanding of the global
Latour and Castells both exemplify a
network discourse that has become broadly Currently, dominant discourses about
influential over the past 20 years. This networks are so concerned to present
discourse presents networks as an emergent them as flexible and nonhierarchical that
or neglected form of social organization, with there is a tendency to neglect their internal
distinctive characteristics making them supe- spatial differentiation in both social and
rior to markets and hierarchies. Networks geographic space. Laurier and Philo (1999)
are represented as self-organizing, collabo- commented on the “flattened spatiality” of
rative, nonhierarchical, and flexible, with a Latour’s theory, and the same applies to the
distinctive topological spatiality. This majority of recent writings on networks
network ideal (Leitner and Sheppard (Leitner, Pavlik, and Sheppard forthcoming).
forthcoming) constructs networks as social As I noted earlier, this neglect implies that
spaces that behave like complex systems, the connections between places in our
in which all participants potentially have current global society are so complex that
significant influence over the collective no broad spatial structures exist anymore.
outcome. As they stretch over the globe, Position within the space of flows matters,
networks also usher in a new spatiality. but largely in a binary way. Much attention
Latour (1993, 117–9) was explicit as he is paid to the networks a place participates
skewered another dualism: in, but much less to how it is positioned
within the spaces of those networks. Sassen
Is a railroad local or global? Neither. It is local (2001), for example, suggested that the
at all points, since you always find sleepers and prospects for cities as intermediaries
railroad workers, and you have stations and between national economies and global
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
networks depend on which networks they time (but see Janelle and Hodge 2000). I
participate in. Dicken, Kelly, Olds, and propose the term positionality to describe
Yeung (2001, 95) similarly stressed the how different entities are positioned with
power of, rather than power differentials respect to one another in space/time.
within, networks: “If the global economy is My use of positionality is influenced by
to be understood as a set of interlocking feminist theory, in which positionality was
[networks] of economic activity, then we coined to describe the situated positions
must be prepared to ask who is excluded from which subjects come to know the
from such networks, and why.” world. In feminist theory, the positionality
Castells and Latour recognized that of researchers or teachers is emphasized
networks have emergent hierarchies and both to challenge the proposition that there
inequalities, pointing respectively to elite is objective knowledge and to sensitize inves-
spaces and centers of calculation, but they tigators to how analysis is shaped by
stressed the emergent and contingent nature researchers’ and teachers’ “social situated-
of the internal spatiality of networks. The ness . . . in terms of gender, race, class, sexu-
internal spatiality of really existing networks ality and other axes of social difference”
does shift as the networks evolve in response (Nagar and Geiger 2000, 2). Geographic
to internal dissent and external threats, but situatedness is missing from this list, and that
it also demonstrates a great deal of persis- is the aspect of positionality that I empha-
tence. As Stephen Graham (1998) and others size here (I could use geopositionality, but
have argued, even the telecommunications that term seems excessive). Feminist theo-
networks that Castells envisioned as rizations of positionality emphasize a number
catalyzing the novel space of flows retain a of aspects of connectivity that are essential
strong internal sociospatial differentiation to my conceptualization. First, position-
reminiscent of those associated with preex- ality is a relational construct; the condi-
isting methods of communication and trans- tions of possibility for an agent depend on
portation. More attention needs to be paid, her or his position with respect to others—
therefore, to the internal spatial structure of as in network theory.6 Second, positionality
and power hierarchies within networks and involves power relations, both in the sense
to their considerable resilience and path that some positions tend to be more influ-
dependence, despite internal contestations. ential than others and in the sense that
emphasizing the situated nature of all knowl-
edge challenges the power of those who
Positionality and Space/Time
claim objectivity. Third, positionality is
Geographers use a variety of terms to continually enacted in ways that both repro-
describe how places are connected across duce and challenge its preexisting configu-
space, the most common of which are rations. That is, it is both persistent, in that
distance, relative location, accessibility, most enactments reproduce previous config-
and situation. None of these terms is urations, and subject to unexpected change,
adequate for my purposes. Distance and because each repetition is imperfect (Rose
relative location often connote a Euclidean 1997; Valentine 2002).
geometry or some transformation of it, in Positionality and the societal and biophys-
which the connectedness of two places is ical processes that influence it both shape
approximated by a continuous mathematical and are shaped by space/time. This idea is
function of their Cartesian coordinates. best expressed through a dialectical and rela-
Accessibility and situation envisage more tional conception of space/time (Soja 1980;
complex ways of measuring connectivity or Harvey 1996; Massey 1999b). As with
closeness, but the former suggests a quan- biophysical processes (Castree 1995), it
titative measurement system and both
tend to be seen as fairly static spatial 6
I use agent here in the broadest possible
attributes of a place, with less attention to sense—to refer to any entity with causal power.
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
would be a mistake to argue reductively, on local initiative or on embedded rela-
on the basis of the undeniable influence of tionships splayed across scales, but just as
society over space/time, that there is no reci- much on direct interactions with distant
procal effect. Space/time is a contingent places. Fourth, it highlights the unequal
outcome of societal and biophysical power relations that stem from such asym-
processes that create places and position- metries. Fifth, positionality demands
ality. As with all dialectical processes, attention to questions of scale.
concrete places and spaces emerge whose
persistence makes them seem immutable or (Re)producing positionality. Even in
natural. It is important to deconstruct this today’s seemingly postgeographic world of
sense of inevitability and to realize that their cyberspace, the broad contours of posi-
persistence cannot be taken for granted but tionality within the global economy show
reflects a constant struggle to hold things remarkable path dependence. The geog-
together. At the same time, however, consid- raphy of telecommunications networks has
erable persistence does exist, and the changed little in 50 years, and colonial
materiality of places and spaces has real and economic interdependencies also persist
concrete effects on future trajectories. (Porter and Sheppard 1998). Confining
I do not propose positionality as an attention to economic aspects of position-
alternative to the spatial metaphors currently ality for the purposes of illustration, it is
in vogue—place, scale, and networks. Place, important to recall that an essential produc-
as Massey (1994) argued, cannot be tive activity in any capitalist space-economy
adequately understood without considering is ensuring that commodities are delivered
the complex positionalities that link people to spatially separated markets, to recoup
and places with one another and that investments, in the shortest time possible.
create heterogeneity in a place because This activity requires the progressive devel-
different residents are positioned differently. opment of space-transcending technologies
The construction of scale inevitably involves to accelerate the flow of commodities
shifts in positionality. Processes that connect (including labor power) and information
distant places more closely both reduce between places (Harvey 1982; Sheppard
differences in their positionality and enhance 1990). These technologies, in turn, shape
the importance of more aggregate scales. space/time and thereby positionality, making
Networks and positionality adopt a similar some places economically closer than others
relational approach, although much contem- by reducing transaction costs between them.
porary thought on networks downplays posi- Any general increase in space-tran-
tional inequalities within networks. Our scending technologies is unevenly applied
understanding of the spatiality of globaliza- geographically, however, enhancing the posi-
tion will be impoverished, however, if posi- tionality of some places relative to others.
tionality is neglected. First, attention to posi- The steamship, airplane, and telegraph
tionality calls attention to how connections generally enhanced transoceanic mobility,
between places play a role in the emergence but historically were applied first to the
of geographic inequalities within the global routes along which large shares of commodi-
economy; inequalities that show remarkable ties and information already flowed—linking
persistence and path dependence, notwith- major markets. Thus, the early efforts at
standing the new possibilities that global- intercontinental telegraphy were directed
ization supposedly creates for all. Second, toward linking Europe with the United
attention to positionality has profound theo- States, connecting the New York and
retical consequences for understanding glob- London stock markets soon after the first
alization; theories can mislead when they fail successful trans-Atlantic cable was laid in
to take account of positionality. Third, 1851 (Hugill 1999; Mattelart 2000). In
positionality stresses that the conditions of contrast, direct telecommunication and air
possibility in a place do not depend primarily flights between major African cities can still
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
be difficult today. New York and London Positionality and territorial evolution.
remain positioned close to one another in It has been common to argue that changing
communications space, compared to Cairo local conditions is the key to development.
and Cape Town. Attention to positionality highlights the
New communications technologies also incompleteness of such accounts, however.
alter experiences of and expectations about Jim Blaut (1993) argued that proximity to
time, with complex consequences for posi- New World resources, because of physical
tionality. For example, differences in posi- distance modified by prevailing winds,
tionality may be increasing even in a gave Europe a decisive advantage in the
shrinking world. Expectations about what struggle over where capitalism prospered
constitutes an adequate time for financial within the Old World. Positionality with
information to be transmitted from New respect to untapped biophysical and human
York to London have fallen dramatically over resources, and not the Protestant work ethic,
the past 200 years, from weeks to millisec- underwrote Europe’s emergent position as
onds. If the speed of communication linking the center of political and economic power.
two other places has fallen only from Access to these resources also accelerated
weeks to minutes during this time frame, the development of colonial empires
then, by comparison to New York and throughout the Old World, reinforcing the
London, those places would be relatively positional advantage of European nation-
farther away from one another now than states during and after colonialism (cf. Frank
before. 1978). In this view, recognition of position-
ality challenges those who would ascribe
Reassessing economic theories of
success, Eurocentrically, to place-bound
globalization. Attention to the economic
attributes of Europe (Blaut 2000).
processes that shape positionality alters
Contemporary arguments promoting
our ideas about the spatial dynamics of glob-
neoliberal globalization, as articulated
alization. Much of the received wisdom of
through structural adjustment and the
how markets work, both in neoclassical
and Marxist economic theory, was developed Washington Consensus, also maintain that
under the assumption that economies have creating appropriate domestic conditions is
no spatial extent. This received wisdom the key to development, irrespective of posi-
can be questioned, however, because the tionality. As I discussed earlier, similar argu-
production of positionality challenges ments underlie many accounts of industrial
some key theoretical claims emanating from districts and city-regions. Such arguments
economics: the stability of market-based depend on the assumption, challenged here,
equilibria, the possibility of regional that positionality no longer matters.
economic equality, the social benefits of free The evolution and influence of any place
trade or land markets, the likelihood that depend on the details of its positionality.
rational choices lead to expected outcomes, British colonialism differed greatly from that
the stability of class alliances, and the theory of other colonial powers, shaping the
of value (Harvey 1982; Sheppard and Barnes economies, political systems, and cultural
1990). It follows that the contrasting grand norms of British colonies in particular ways.
narratives about globalization associated with To equate all such influences simply with
these two economic theories, of globaliza- colonialism is to fail to understand its
tion as modernization and globalization as complex spatiotemporal evolution. It still
polarization, respectively, are also ques- makes a great deal of difference to local
tionable. The global capitalist economy is experiences of globalization whether the
better conceived of as an out-of-equilibrium, norms of globalization are shaped in
complex and contested spatiotemporal Washington, Berlin, or Tokyo, as illus-
system whose long-term outcomes are trated by the ability of the World Bank to
unknowable. marginalize distinctive East Asian
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
approaches to state-economy relations tionality and diminish their power. Key to
(Wade 1996). this participation, in his view, are the inter-
national agendas of national elites in periph-
Positionality and power. Social network eral states, whose interests are supported by
theory has long stressed how power is rela- neoliberal open-border policies, as well as
tionally constructed, and this is certainly true the ideas of expatriate and domestic policy
for positionality within the global economy. advisors who have been trained in the acad-
Agents occupy powerful positions in emic institutions of core countries (Nesseth
space/time when they find themselves at the 2001).
center of, and in control over, networks of Although this symbiotic relationship
relationships that simultaneously position between positionality and power may suggest
others in a present and possibly future a global economy with persistent core-
state of compliance or dependence (Van periphery relations, reminiscent of depen-
Tulder and Ruigrok 1997). Unequal posi- dency and world-system theory, positionality
tionality can also be central to the repro- demands a more nuanced account. Drawing
duction of power hierarchies, as Johan on Deleuze, Judith Butler (1993; see also
Galtung (1971) explained. Nation-states that Thomas 2002) noted that all attempts to
are willing to use their positional advan- repeat power/positionality relations are
tage as core territories to promote global- imperfect, creating instability and agency
ization, under terms that enhance their well- even within power. This creates room for
being and geopolitical power, reinforce their occasional dramatic and unexpected rework-
positional advantage and significance. By the ings of positionality and power. Examples
1890s, for example, Britain had successfully abound, from the emergence of Germany,
taken advantage of its position at the Japan, and the United States to success-
center of a colonial empire of global reach fully challenge Britain during the twen-
to make itself the indispensable node in tieth century, to the more recent successes
global cable and telecommunications of a select few newly industrializing coun-
networks, giving it a significant geopolitical tries and the rise to prominence of places
advantage during World War I (Hugill 1999). like California, Seoul, and now perhaps the
It was also able to take advantage of its hege- Pudong district in Shanghai. Initiative
monic position to promote discourses on free from within the territory was important in
trade, even as it consistently violated these each case, but the transformation has also
principles, whenever expedient, in its required reconfiguring the positionality of
interactions with such colonies as India that place within the global system. Attempts
and Ireland. at transformation often founder on the diffi-
More recently, the United States has been culties of overcoming a disadvantaged
able to reinforce its influence over contem- positionality. Yet such positionality creates
porary globalization even as nation-states are conditions for resistance and struggle, and
losing their powers of self-determination, it is remarkable to see seemingly unassail-
through the Washington Consensus that has able positional hierarchies sometimes
enrolled other nation-states and suprana- collapse overnight, as in Eastern Europe in
tional organizations into a common under- and after 1989.
standing of the benefits of neoliberal glob- Meanings and discourses closely articu-
alization. In turn, more peripheral late with, but certainly are not reducible
nation-states’ willingness to bend to the to, the positional dynamics of political power.
Washington Consensus reflects their more Orientalist discourses, through tropes of race
marginal positionality. Drawing a distinction and gender, became globally powerful tools
between core and peripheral states, for marginalizing non-European populations,
Glassman (1999, 691) explained why periph- justifying colonialism at home and enrolling
eral nation-states participate in global support in the colonies—where local elites
processes that reinforce their marginal posi- adopted European norms and the remaining
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
population was criticized for, and came to of the positionality of an agent risks essen-
believe in, their own backwardness. Such tializing a heterogeneous phenomenon.
discourses, periodically restructured, Members of the same household typically
continue to play an important normative role are positioned differently with respect to one
in development-as-modernization discourses another, both within the family and with
(Escobar 1994; Doty 1996). Globalization respect to the rest of society, and such differ-
has reinvigorated these discourses (Porter ences exist among the residents of any terri-
and Sheppard 1998; Massey 1999a). As local tory. An individual’s positionality varies
understandings, norms, and practices in through space/time, shifting, say, from
marginally positioned places are abandoned, wife to corporate director and back at
to be replaced by shared norms of compet- different points in her diurnal time-geog-
itiveness, democracy, and sound governance raphy, and depends on the scale at which it
that diffuse in from powerful places (termed is examined. For example, a working-class
“colonization of the lifeworld by the system” husband living in the north of England
by Habermas (1989)), places come to may experience privileged positionality as
share a common positionality in the space a result of his gender and nationality but
of discourse. marginalized positionality because of his
Yet discourses from the margins have also class and regional location.
shaped ideas in positionally advantaged Many of the examples in this paper
places. Judith Carney (2001) showed how dwelt on the positionality of national terri-
African knowledge about the production of tories, running the risk of statism as well as
rice that slaves brought with them essentialism (Taylor 1996). A multiscalar
contributed to the competitiveness of perspective on positionality is important,
southern U.S. plantation agriculture.
however. For example, the term British colo-
Contemporary migration patterns challenge
nialism neglects the fact that the colonial
established norms in places of in-migration,
project was implemented in elite male spaces
as previously distant cultures become copre-
of southern England—the playing fields of
sent in global cities (Ong 1999). In addition,
Eton; the classrooms of Oxford and
when the shared belief that structural adjust-
ment should guarantee prosperity comes Cambridge; and the parliamentary spaces,
into conflict with experiences of impover- boardrooms, and gentlemen’s clubs of
ishment, space is opened for considering London. Contemporary globalization is
alternative discourses that may empower equated with an Americanization of
those in the periphery. Attempts to resus- economic principles, financial systems,
citate local approaches to social change in music, and movies, but it is, for example,
positionally marginalized places both fight Boston and Washington, D.C. (for neolib-
the idea of neoliberal globalization and seek eral economic policy), New York (for
to distance peripheral peoples and places banking), Detroit (for techno-music), and
from globalization and its locally deleterious Los Angeles (for movies) that are thereby
influences (Escobar 1994; Esteva and positioned at the center of globalization
Prakash 1998). Postcolonial theory is based processes—or, more precisely, Cambridge,
on recognizing the importance of position- Massachusetts, the Washington Mall, down-
ality (colonial relations) to understand such town Manhattan, black Detroit, and
struggles over meaning, struggling to avoid Hollywood. These are not regarded as
oversimplifying this positionality into an typically American places, and indeed are
undifferentiated state of postcoloniality seen by many Americans as places that
(McClintock 1992). undermine mainstream values. So when the
United States successfully promotes their
Positionality and scale. Positionality can global positionality, the form that
be ascribed to agents at scales ranging Americanization takes differs greatly from
from the body to the world region. To talk conventional constructions of the American
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
way of life—as right wing opponents of glob- ical coordinate system approximating the
alization are quick to emphasize. shape of the globe as my reference point. In
If positionality is indeed important, then doing so, I do not assert its naturalness,
there seem to be no easy answers to the but its taken-for-grantedness. Maps of the
problematic of globalization. These impli- world are a commonly understood way of
cations are addressed in the conclusion, but depicting the geographic organization of
first I seek to provide a glimpse into the society.
geography of positionality. The relationship between positionality and
physical distance is complex. Positionality
often leaps across space and thus cannot
Wormhole Geographies be read off easily from conventional carto-
In principle, positionality can be mapped graphic images of relative location. I find the
by depicting the relationships between wormhole to be a useful metaphor for
different agents, in different places, and at capturing this complexity. When two rela-
different scales. Mapping it onto the Earth’s tively isolated places become closely
surface is far more complex, however, connected, meaning that their positionality
because there may be little relationship becomes closely interrelated, then a worm-
between proximity in Euclidean geographic hole opens between them. The term worm-
space and positionality. When residents of holes originated in general relativity theory,
the same territory share a similar position- itself a relational approach to space/time.
ality, positionality can be a shared feature of Wormholes represent discontinuities in
the place where they reside. Yet, as Massey the warped space/time of the universe,
(1994) insisted, living in the same place does portals through which it is possible to
not imply a similar positionality. In addition, travel virtually instantaneously to a distant
whereas proximity in geographic space is place that otherwise would take light-years
generally thought to be symmetric, posi- to reach. Their theoretical existence was
tionality is often an asymmetric relationship: discovered in the mathematics of relativity
core agents exert more influence over theory, although the same equations suggest
peripherally positioned agents’ locations than that their material existence is too brief for
vice versa. them to be observed, let alone used for space
travel (cf. Thorne 1994).
How can positionality be mapped with
Notwithstanding their apparent rarity in
respect to the Earth’s surface? Any abstract
physics, such space/time structures are much
discussion of socially constructed space/time
more common in our global society. Captain
is fraught with a fundamental paradox. If
Cooke’s journey to Hawai’i was tedious, by
space/time is a social construct, what coor-
today’s standards. Relative to contempora-
dinate system can be invoked to describe it?
neous space/time conventions, however,
Coordinate systems are social constructs, particularly those of Hawai’i’s inhabitants, it
and to invoke a particular system as the basis constituted a wormhole. For Europeans, the
for analysis contributes to its reification.7 To possibility of traveling so far was quite
provide some insight into how positionality radical, much like current views of space
plays out geographically, I take the spher- travel, and for Hawai’ians it was a quantum
leap beyond dugout canoes. A connection
was made between geographically distant
This paradox is common in social theory, such places for the first time that transformed the
as debates in feminist theory about how any movement of people, capital, and ideas
discussion of gender is in danger of repro-
ducing the very social conventions about
between the two places and introduced a
gender that theorists struggle against, or concerns phase-shift in the trajectory of Hawai’i as a
in postcolonial theory that the term postcolonial place. The subsequent invention of the tele-
reifies the very historical categories it seeks to graph made it possible for information to
challenge (Butler 1990; McClintock 1992). move more rapidly than the body, severing
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
the space/time of information from that of prospects of all those who are connected.
human movement and qualitatively Wormholes linking positionally advantaged
increasing the existence of wormholes. Now, with disadvantaged agents may well rein-
communications technologies allow people force preexisting inequities, however, at least
both to communicate almost instantaneously in the short run.
with geographically distant individuals and An increasing proportion of human inter-
to be copresent in distant locations (by action transcends geographic space in this
means of web cameras, television, and the manner, in ways that look different from the
movies). Such connections are unevenly spatiality of conventional maps. These inter-
developed, however, because the economic, actions nevertheless reflect, reproduce, and
political, and cultural forces that create occasionally restructure a consistent spatial
and reinforce presence-at-a-distance are order, as can be seen in recent work on world
highly geographically selective. Contem- cities. Defining the status of such cities by
porary maps of telecommunications flows their position within transnational networks,
show multiple wormholes of high bandwidth rather than by place-bound characteristics
teleconnectivity linking key places in the like size, corporate headquarters, or domi-
global economy, with few and often indirect nant economic activities, one can see that
linkages to peripherally positioned places the role and trajectory of such cities is bound
(Dodge and Kitchen 2001, plate 2). up with their positionality (Smith and
The positionality of two places should be Timberlake 1995; Beaverstock, Smith, and
measured, therefore, not by the physical Taylor 2000).
distance separating them, but by the inten- A global sense of place, the complex ways
sity and nature of their interconnectedness in which “what takes place . . . is . . .
(an insight from geography’s spatial science splayed out and unfolded across a myriad of
tradition of gravity and hierarchical diffu- vectors” (Doel 1999, 7), can also be associ-
sion models—notwithstanding critiques of ated with the creation and operation of such
this tradition’s spatial fetishism; cf. Sheppard wormholes. Kevin Hetherington (1997, 197)
1995). Like networks, wormholes leapfrog argued that places are “the effect of the
across space, creating topological connec- folding of spaces, times and materials.”
tions that reduce the separation between Marcus Doel (1999, 187), drawing on
distant places and reshape their position- Deleuze and Gauttari (1977), described this
ality. The presence and frequency of worm- folding: “Rather than moving from one point
holes is then a measure of the degree to in space-time to another, . . . the required
which positionality stretches selectively location is actualized through a perspectival
across geographic space. We should be skep- and relativized refolding of space-time’s
tical of analogies with physics, however. The virtuality . . . one travels faster than anoth-
conditions that create these wormholes are er’s space-time.” Positionality entails exactly
different and much more common and this kind of folding of space/time.
persistent than are those of relativity theory, There is a danger, however, of creating a
and they imply different kinds of interde- false dualism between continuous spatial
pendencies. Wormholes are a structural structures and wormhole spatiality, as with
effect of the long historical geography of Latour’s (1993) attempt to counterpose topo-
globalization, reflective of how globalization logical against continuous space. Thrift
processes reshape space/time. The existence (1996) argued, appropriately, for a nonrep-
of such wormholes may also have highly resentational theory of mobile practices, in
asymmetric consequences for the places that which the lens of analysis is on thought-in-
are connected because of the properties of action and contingent possibilities. Doel
positionality developed earlier. In some (1999) similarly viewed the multiple possi-
cases, often those connecting positionally bilities created by the folding and refolding
advantaged agents, the presence of a worm- of space as key to his vision of a poststruc-
hole may symbiotically advance the turalist geography with no fixed points or
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
ontologies. Yet while many foldings, or even if the majority has not, in ways that
wormholes, are possible, only some are make noticeable differences in the trajec-
created: a geography that depends not only tory of globalization. In addition, the spatial
on local context, but also on broader forces scales at which major differences in posi-
working through and against actors and tionality exist may be shrinking; there may
places. Capitalist globalization has increased be greater differences in positionality from
the possibilities, but also has durabilities that one household to the next than before,
shape which possibilities are likely to be depending on who has access to telecom-
taken up. A central challenge in grasping the munications and who does not. These
spatial dynamics of globalization is under- suggestions can be evaluated, however, only
standing how these forces work, the kinds through detailed empirical analysis.
of wormholes or refoldings that are likely Second, attention to positionality draws
to come into existence, and the places and attention to how livelihood possibilities
spaces that are created by and shape further depend on positionality, as well as on local,
change. This is the case both for those who place-bound conditions. The Washington
seek to analyze globalization and those Consensus is based on the premise that
who seek to change it. getting the local conditions right (imple-
menting structural adjustment) is the key to
development and that poverty stems from
Implications for Making Sense a lack of local initiative. Gallup, Sachs, and
of Globalization Mellinger (1999) highlighted certain suppos-
edly fixed geographic conditions that trump
Paying attention to positionality can make local initiative, excluding some places from
a difference in how we think about global- the benefits of globalization, but the
ization and in strategies for altering its trajec- emphasis still is on local conditions. Even
tory. I highlight four examples: the ongoing political economic analyses emphasize local
significance of space, the limitations of conditions as the key to “holding down the
placed-based strategies for reducing global global” (Amin and Thrift 1994). Positionality
inequality, transcending the globalization- is too easily pushed aside in such analyses.
as-modernization paradigm, and strategies Uneven development is not simply a conse-
for resistance. quence of local conditions because the
First, attention to positionality suggests unequal positionality of places may reinforce
that space is not diminishing in importance preexisting inequalities. André Gunder
as a consequence of globalization, nor is it Frank (1967) may have overplayed his hand
becoming less important than time. There (Laclau 1971), but we cannot lose sight of
is compelling evidence to suggest that time the importance of positionality altogether.
is moving faster in absolute terms and that Positionality can have dramatic policy conse-
a fixed distance can be more easily over- quences. If positionality matters, no amount
come. But time and space are not absolutes. of tinkering with local conditions is sufficient
There is as yet no compelling evidence to to bring about development. Thus, increased
suggest that differences in positionality interterritorial competition does not release
within our current space/time metrics are a tide that lifts all places, but it can result
diminishing. Indeed, there is much anec- in a “race to the bottom” in which the most
dotal evidence to the contrary—that differ- desperate places compete on the basis of the
ences in access to the means of transporta- superexploitation of workers and the envi-
tion and communication are increasing ronment, pulling others down with them
disparities in positionality among people and (Leitner and Sheppard 1998).
the places where they live. Much has Third, attention to positionality calls into
changed. Some have been able to exploit the question the globalization-as-modernization
fluidity of the global economy to dramati- narrative. The argument that there is a single
cally improve their livelihood possibilities, path to development presumes that posi-
#9066—ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY—VOL. 78 NO. 3—04-sheppard
tionality does not matter. Massey (1999a) the 2001 WTO meeting to Qatar. Effective
identified postcolonial theory as an inspira- resistance strategies must anticipate such
tion for arguing in favor of multiple paths moves, so they can come up with ever
and strategies for change, but the sentiment more creative and unexpected reposition-
is much broader and stems from recognizing ings to bring protestors face to face again
the importance of positionality in general. with their opponents. Third, attention to
The Marxists Frank (1967, 1978) and Blaut positionality is central to building the
(1976) came to the same conclusion much transnational activist alliances that are neces-
earlier in somewhat different ways: that posi- sary to match the transnational reach of glob-
tionality too often means that progress in alization. Effective alliances cannot simply
some places is a cause of stagnation else- rely just on scale jumping, but require
where. Thus, even if all places adopt the positional acts of identifying specific groups
same approach, not all gain from it. It follows in particular places with whom common
that there must be room for different visions ground can be found. Maintaining the effec-
of development and the good life and tiveness of such networks requires close
different ways of going about achieving attention to positionality: both globally, as
them. The promotion of capitalism in a posi- new allies are sought, and internally,
tionally differentiated world cannot even where attention must be paid to how
achieve the stated goals of its propo- emergent internal hierarchies within move-
nents—prosperity for all who are willing to ments threaten to drown their effectiveness
work. in internecine conflict.
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