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53 Saterdekar Yash Sachin CE-5I
54 Sawant Aniket Manoj CE-5I
55 Sawant Yash Anil CE-5I
56 Shahapure Anirudh CE-5I


Shree Prince Shivaji Maratha Boarding House’s


NPK (0047) : Dept. of Civil Engineering : Micro-Project Report-Ann.I/II Page 1



This is to certify that Roll No. 53 to 56 of Fifth Semester of Diploma in Civil

Engineering of Institute, New Polytechnic, and Kolhapur have completed the
micro project work satisfactorily in Subject SYSTEM OF SANITATION for the
academic year 2021 to 2022 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: Kolhapur Enrollment No: …………………

Date: ………………… Exam Seat No: ………………….

Subject Teacher H. O. D. Principal

NPK (0047) : Dept. of Civil Engineering : Micro-Project Report-Ann.I/II Page 2


It’s our pleasure to express sincere and heartiest thanks to our

Micro-Project guide Mr. Yadav S. B. for his valuable guidance,

encouragement and support for the accomplishment of Micro-Project.

We also express our sincere thanks to Principal Mr. Shinde V. B.

and Head of the Department Mr. Diwan V. V. for their constant

encouragement and motivation for accomplishment of Micro-Project by

expressing their guidelines regarding importance of Micro-Project in

developing our career.

We are thankful to all the group members of our Micro-Project for

their valuable contribution. We are thankful to all those persons who

directly or indirectly helped us in completion of this project.


53 Saterdekar Yash Sachin CE-5I
54 Sawant Aniket Manoj CE-5I
55 Sawant Yash Anil CE-5I
52 Shahapure Anirudh CE-5I

NPK (0047) : Dept. of Civil Engineering : Micro-Project Report-Ann.I/II Page 3


Sr. No. Tiitle Page No.

1. Introduction. 6

2. Types of Sanitation. 7

Comparison between Conservation system & Water

3. Carriage System.

4. Reference 5

Part- A

NPK (0047) : Dept. of Civil Engineering : Micro-Project Report-Ann.I/II Page 4

Title of the Micro-Project:- System of Sanitation

1. Brief Introduction:-
The system of sanitation involves the collection and disposal work of the solid
waste (garbage) and liquid waste (sewage) in a systematic way so that arise. Again,
the purpose of well planned sanitations is to protect the people from infectious
diseases. The refuse should be removed quickly from the town area so that the bad
odour, fly nuisance and ugly environment may not arise.

2. Aims of the Micro-Project: (In 2 to 3 sentence)

1. To understand System of Sanitation.
2. To identify various types of sanitation.
3. We would like to have more knowledge about sanitation.
4. We have collected the all information and everything about sanitation.

3. Action Plan: (Sequence & Time required for major activities)

Sr. Details of Planned Planned

No. activity (Start date) (Finish date)
1 Discussion on importance of micro
2 Formation of group for micro project
3 Discussion on various topics of micro
4 Selection and all content of micro
5 Discussion on project its importance
and literature
6. Information search of project
Information of various equipment
required for project

4. Resources required: (Major resources such as raw material, some machining facility,
Software etc)

Sr.No. Name of Specifications/Name Qty / Author Remarks

Resource /Material of book
1 Reference book Public Health Engg. -------------------
2 Internet www.systemof ------------------- -------------------

System of Sanitation
NPK (0047) : Dept. of Civil Engineering : Micro-Project Report-Ann.I/II Page 5

The system of sanitation is the hygienic means of maintaining proper health through
the prevention of human contact with hazards of wastes by proper treatment and disposal
of solid and liquid wastes.

Humans use the resources of the earth and waste products are produced. These
wastes are generated by domestic, commercial and industrial activities. If these wastes are
not carefully disposed off then it results in water, soil and air pollution.

Sanitation has played a great role in maintaining a healthy life and environment for
the living of humans and other creatures on the earth.

Types of Sanitation:-

a) Conversancy system of Sanitations:-

NPK (0047) : Dept. of Civil Engineering : Micro-Project Report-Ann.I/II Page 6

In the conservancy system of sanitation; different types of garbage’s or refuses are
collected, conveyed and disposed off separately by methods like burning, filling,
burying etc.

Refuses or garbage’s are collected in dustbins and are conveyed by trucks to the
disposal point. Then, combustible & non-combustible portions are separated.
Combustible portions like dry leaves, waste papers, furniture, plastics, etc are burnt and
remained residue is buried.
Non-combustible materials like sand, silt, clay, etc are used for filling the low-level
areas. Human excreta are collected separately in conservancy latrines or privies and are
carried by human agencies. The Conservancy system is also called the dry system of

Advantages of Conservancy System of Sanitation:-

I. Its initial cost is very low.
II. No need for water for flushing purposes.
III. No need for sewer pipes as in the water carriage system.
IV. Sewage quantity reaching the treatment plant before disposal is low.

Disadvantages of Conservancy System of Sanitation:-

I. This system fully depends upon human agencies. So, lack of manpower or strike by
agencies can cause the unhygienic condition in the city.
II. For the burying of the residue (remained part after burning of combustible portions)
or excremental matter; a large area is required.
III. Labors are needed daily for the collection of waste.

b) Water Carriage System of Sanitation:-

Water Carriage System is a method for the disposal of wastes, where water
carries the wastes from its point of production to the point of treatment for final
disposal. The wastes become liquid due to the high quantity of water (99.9%) and
which is carried by the sewers. A sewer is a pipe or conduit that carries wastewater.
Solid waste materials like garbage are collected separately as in the conservancy
system because they may clog the sewers. Every person uses 5 to 10 liters of water
for their hygiene and that wasted water is used for maintaining the flushing system

NPK (0047) : Dept. of Civil Engineering : Micro-Project Report-Ann.I/II Page 7

in sewers. Also, the wastewater from kitchens, baths, washbasins, industries,
commercial buildings etc. is led to the sewers and used for flushing.
Finally, those collected sewerage lead by the sewers is then treated suitably and
then is disposed of by different methods. A water carriage system is a sanitation
process that is carried out with the help of sewers & water. So, it is also called
a water carriage system of sewers.

Types of water carriage system of sanitation

There are 3 types of water carriage systems. They are:

1. Separate system. 2. Combined system.

3. Partially combined system.

1. Separate system:-

In a separate system, there are two separate sewers ( i.e. Foul Sewer &Storm
water Sewer). Foul sewer is also called sanitary sewer and is used to carry sewage from
buildings (but not storm water) to point of treatment. Storm water sewer is used to
carry storm water from roads, buildings & surfaces.  The storm water is discharged into
rivers without treatment. If a separate outlet for storm water is available and the
topography of the town is such that storm water can be disposed of in natural drains
then, it is suitable to construct a separate system.

Advantages of Separate System

i. Load on the treatment unit is low.

ii. It is more economical for the long term.
iii. It is more uniform.
iv. If one sewer gets clogged then it doesn’t affect another sewer system.

Disadvantages of Separate System 

i. Cleaning of two sewers have to be done.

ii. Two sets of sewers are ultimately costly to construct.
iii. Confusion of the pipe can be there.

2. Combine System:-
In Combined System; there is only one set of the sewer. Sewages from houses
and commercial buildings as well as rainwater is carried in the same sewer. it means
that the same sewer act as both sanitary sewer and stormwater sewer.

Advantages of Combined System

I. It requires only one sewer. This reduces the cost of construction.

II. Because of the large diameter; cleaning is easy.
III. Self-cleaning velocity can be easily achieved in this method

Disadvantages of the Combined System 

NPK (0047) : Dept. of Civil Engineering : Micro-Project Report-Ann.I/II Page 8

I. Handling and transportation of sewer is difficult.
II. Load on the treatment plant is increased.
III. During heavy rains, it may flow out.

3. Partially Combine System:-

In this system; only one set of the sewer is there with one overflow drain
connected. When an overflow drain is added to the combined system; the partially
combined system is formed.
Advantages of Partially Combined System

I. The cleaning process is easy.

II. It combines the advantages of both.
III. Fewer chances of choking.

Disadvantages of Partially Combined System

I. In dry weather; velocity is low.

II. It increases the treatment load

Advantages of water carriage system of sanitation

Some advantages of water carriage system are:

1. It improves the aesthetic appearance of the city.

2. As compared to the conservancy system, less area is required.

3. No problem of foul smell or hygienic trouble as it immediately removes excreta with


4. Depending on the topography of the town, sewage may or may not require pumping
while treating it before disposing off.

5. Waste materials are treated up to the required degree of sanitation.

6. It makes the environment more hygienic and pollution-free.

Disadvantages of water carriage system of sanitation

Some disadvantages of water carriage system are:

1. The initial cost of construction is high.

2. Treatment is required for the large quantity of sewage before disposal as it pollutes
nature. So operation and maintenance are more costly.

3. It is not suitable for the areas having less water.

NPK (0047) : Dept. of Civil Engineering : Micro-Project Report-Ann.I/II Page 9

Comparison between Conservation system & Water Carriage System.

Sr. No. Conservancy System Water Carriage System

Compact design of building is not

1. Compact design of building is possible.

Collection and disposal works are Collection and disposal works are carried
done above the ground. out by underground sewers.

3. It is non-hygienic. It is hygienic.

NPK (0047) : Dept. of Civil Engineering : Micro-Project Report-Ann.I/II Page 10

It required no water for It require large amount of water for
conveyance. conveyance.

The sewage is disposed of without The sewage is disposed of after

treatment. treatment.

No skilled labors are required for Skilled labors are required for
maintenance of this system. maintenance of this system.

This system is applicable for

7. This is applicable for developed cities.
undeveloped towns.

Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of student:-

Name of program:- Civil Engineering.

Semester:- CE 5I.


Code:- 22504.

Title of the micro project:- System of Sanitation.

Outcomes (O’s) of the Micro-Project:

We have got all over important thing about the system of sanitation and collected
the all information about system of sanitation.

Evolution as per suggested Rubric for Assessment of micro project.

NPK (0047) : Dept. of Civil Engineering : Micro-Project Report-Ann.I/II Page 11

Sr. Characteristic to be Poor Average Good Excellent
No. assessed (markes1-3) (marks 4-5) (marks 6-8) (marks 9-10)
1 Relevance to the
2 Information collection
3 Project proposal
4 Compaction of the
target as per project
5 Analysis of data and
6 Quality of model
7 Report preparation
8 presentation
9 defence

Micro project Evolution sheet:-

Process Product Total marks
assessment assessment 10
Part A project Project Part B project Individual
proposal methodology (2 report/working presentation/viva
(2marks) marks) model (2mark) (4marks)

Comments suggestion about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication:


Any other comment:

NPK (0047) : Dept. of Civil Engineering : Micro-Project Report-Ann.I/II Page 12


Name and designation of the faculty member



Ref: Guidelines & Assessment Manual for Micro Projects & Industrial Training: Annexure-I

6. Outputs of the Micro-Project: (Drawings of the prototype, drawings of survey,

presentation of collected data, findings etc.)
We have studied information regarding System of Sanitation.

7. Skill Developed / Learning Outcomes (LO’s) of the Micro-Project:

Skills Developed: This microproject helped us to develop different skills such as searching of
information, reading, learning, thinking ability, computer typewriting etc.

Learning Outcomes (LO’s) of the Micro-Project:

a) To understand System of Sanitation.

8. Applications of the Micro-Project: It can be applied to

a) Develop different intellectual and psychomotor skills.
b) Enhance knowledge of concerned course.
c) Increase confidence level and leadership qualities (Group activity).
d) Built up abilities to get responsibilities of task (target) completion in industry.

NPK (0047) : Dept. of Civil Engineering : Micro-Project Report-Ann.I/II Page 13

Mr. Yadav S. B.
(Name & Sign of the concerned
Course Teacher/Micro-Project Guide)

NPK (0047) : Dept. of Civil Engineering : Micro-Project Report-Ann.I/II Page 14

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