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Advanced Argument Essay

Should human cloning be allowed?

Discovery and invention are the truest companions of man in the journey of his civilization. This journey

took a controversial turn when it was invented that clones of an individual can be created. It all started when

Dolly the sheep was created. Where it opened a gateway of advanced discoveries and inventions, it also

disturbed many religious communities across the entire world. Even today, it is a hot topic to understand

whether it should be allowed to make clones of different organisms or not.

US movement to ban human cloning is strongly endorsed by the leader of the research team that cloned the

sheep “Dolly.” However, he said that his method to create human embryos for research purposes that aren’t

implanted could not be objectified ethically. This technique can be very helpful for infertile couples to have

children of their own, removing birth defects, prolonging life, organ transplant, and many medical


Although cloning of organisms can help us in various ways that we know and know not. If human cloning is

allowed, it can open a new chapter of drastic chaos which may threaten human civilization. The criminal

sector and many curious people may take this particular invention of science to a level where unethical,

inhumane, and morally unforgivable crimes can be committed unquestionably. It can be understood this way

that a clone of a human, when fully grown, will be the same as the rest of humans. As it will feel and

respond just like any other human, it will hold all the human rights which do not allow a person to be a

subject of experimentation without their choice.

If research organizations are allowed to use the technique of cloning to a restricted level, things may work

out well. However, allowing such experiments requires extensive care and monitoring, which is an intricate

and yet delicate task. Moreover, even if it is allowed, it has serious cons as well. Even a little mistake in this
field can lead to horrible consequences. For instance, in the case of organ transplant the body may reject the

cloned tissues.

Human nature is the cluster of infinite positive and negative energies, and there is always a constant battle

between both. Negative energies are always ready to engulf the positive ones to take charge of the

personality, and attract an individual to do immoral acts. Because of this particular reason, humans created

laws and rules to establish a controlled environment. That is how mankind became more and more civilized

with the passage of time. Now, almost an entire population of Earth holds on to moral, ethical, traditional,

and religious values. So, the government, scientists, and the public are left with no choice but to ban the

cloning of humans as there is a chance that a group of people may take advantage and do unforgivable

immoral acts.

Human cloning has unlimited advantages as well as disadvantages. If it is to be decided whether human

cloning should be allowed or not, both sides have strong and valid reasons. Obviously, it cannot be allowed

to immorally use this technique, and on the other hand, it has countless miraculous advantages in the field of

medicine which cannot be ignored. Scientists, the government, and the public need to come up with a

solution, which can allow this technique to be used in a way that is ethically appropriate and medically


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