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Write up on Pulveriser Auto Start/Auto Stop sequence

(Based on BHEL’s FSSS write up and pulveriser auto start/auto stop logic)

In BHEL’s FSSS write up, submitted for SIMHADRI-II (2x500MW) project, PULVERISER START and STOP
sequence (AUTO MODE) has been described at point no. 13.2 and 16.2 respectively. These sequences
are implemented in DCS in the form of steps that shall be executed in auto when step permissives are

Suggestions approved after technical discussion with OS-Operation, OS-C&I and PE-MECH has also
been included in the existing auto start/stop sequence. These suggestions/changes have been
highlighted in blue font.

The steps of auto Start/Stop sequence (AUTO MODE) are elaborated below for better understanding.

Pulveriser Auto start sequence

The selected pulveriser can be placed in operation automatically if all the following conditions are

1. "Pulveriser Ready" (Seal air Header/Mill bowl DP adequate not checked in pulveriser ready

2. Pulveriser in AUTO MODE

3. No Pulveriser Trip

4. No pulveriser auto start

The start sequence is initiated by momentarily depressing the pulveriser "START" push button. The
following sequence shall be started:

STEP-1: A 180 second counting period is started to prove the associated pulveriser / feeder in service.

If pulveriser ignition energy permissive is not satisfied an "AUTO START SUPPORT IGNITION'' command
is established and the associated HFO elevation is automatically placed in service ("Elevation Mode
Operation"). When the associated support ignition elevation start time has expired (both seventy
second "pair start" counting periods have expired) and the pulveriser ignition permissive is satisfied,
the "auto start pulveriser (5305G)" shall be established.

After 180 seconds has expired “Auto start Pulveriser” shall be signal shall be withdrawn.

After the 180 second "elevation start" counting period expires and the pulveriser is on and the feeder
is off, the unsuccessful elevation start is established. When the feeder is off for more than 180
seconds, the pulveriser receives an "Stop pulveriser Auto" command and is shutdown.

A reverse counting timer of 180 secs may be displayed in Mill auto start sequence mimic to access the
time left in unsuccessful elevation start.

STEP-2: Seal air valve open command.

Permissive for next step:

1. Seal air header to mill bowl DP adequate

2. Pulveriser Ready
3. Pulveriser OFF

4. Pulveriser Ignition Permit available

5. “Auto start pulveriser” available

Step-3: Pulveriser motor start command

Permissive for next step:

1. Pulveriser ON

A 60 seconds counting period is started after pulveriser is ON to establish "Start feeder auto"

STEP 4: Feeder seal air valve open command (Pulveriser On shall open Feeder seal air valve)

Permissive for next step:

1. Pulveriser ON

2. “Auto start pulveriser” available

3. Feeder Seal air Valve Open (5247G)

STEP 4.1: Feeder outlet gate open command (5 sec pulse) (This step may be introduced based on site
practice of opening feeder outlet gate before opening HAG to prevent jamming of feeder outlet gate
due to dust accumulation)

Permissive for next step:

1. Pulveriser ON

2. “Auto start pulveriser” available

3. No HAG auto close

4. PA header pressure control in AUTO (from CLCS)

5. Feeder outlet gate open

STEP-5: Hot air gate (HAG) Open command (Step-4 and 5 are getting executed simultaneously after
pulveriser is ON if respective step permissives are available).

Permissive for next step:


2. Pulveriser ON

3. No HAD auto close

4. “Auto start pulveriser” available (5305G)

5. PA header pressure control in AUTO (from CLCS)

STEP-6: Hot air dampers (HAD) and Cold air dampers (CAD) switch to auto command (HAD shall open
in auto to maintain minimum PA inlet flow SP. The rate of opening of HAD shall be tuned to keep
deviation in PA header pressure (PA header pressure SP- Actual PA header pressure < X**) within limit.
HAD opening shall be stopped in case deviation in PA header pressure is High). CAD switch to auto
command shall set Mill outlet temp SP station value to X* DegC. This SP can be adjusted by the

Permissive for next step:

1. “Auto start pulveriser” available

2. Pulveriser ON

3. 60 sec timer expired

4. HAD AUTO (from CLCS)

5. CAD AUTO (from CLCS)

6. Minimum PA inlet flow > MIN (T/Hr)

7. Pulveriser inlet temperature > Min (Deg C).

8. Pulveriser outlet temperature > Min (Deg C)

STEP 7: "Start feeder auto" available (5 sec*) pulse command, Feeder outlet gate OPEN command (not
required in view of Step 4.1)

Permissive for next step:

1. Feeder outlet gate OPEN

2. "Start feeder auto" available and HAG Open

3. Feeder speed demand at MIN

4. Pulveriser ready

5. After 5 sec of feeder start command either coal on belt true or pulv. motor current not low

6. Pulveriser ignition permit available

7. Feeder seal air valve open

8. No feeder auto stop

9. Pulveriser ON

10. Pulveriser outlet temperature > Min (Deg C) (Not Low)

11. No MFT

12. Feeder local/remote switch in Remote

13. No Feeder stop

STEP 8: Feeder Start Command. After 50 seconds, feeder output is included in the totalizing circuit.
After the 180 second "elevation start" counting period expires and the pulveriser is on and the feeder
is off, the unsuccessful elevation start is established. When the feeder is off for more than 180
seconds, the pulveriser receives an "Stop pulveriser Auto" command and is shutdown.

Permissive for Next step:

1. Feeder included in totalizing circuit

2. HAD AUTO (from CLCS)

3. CAD AUTO (from CLCS)

4. Release feeder speed to auto true (This signal shall be true when following conditions are
true: No Run feeder speed to Min command, Pulv. Bowl DP not high, Pulv. Motor current not
High, Feeder On for 50 Secs)

STEP-9: Feeder loading at default rate or operator set rate.

✓ Feeder loading rate shall be regulated depending on time average MS, RH and MTM

✓ Time average shall be calculated for 1 mins.

✓ Loading shall HOLD or reduced in case mill outlet temperature < Min.

Permissive for Next step:

1. Feeder coal master demand-Feeder coal flow actual < 5%

2. Release feeder speed to auto true

Step-10: Feeder speed switch to auto command.

Start sequence complete

Pulveriser Auto stop sequence

Stop Sequence permissive:

1) Pulv. in auto mode

2) No. Pulv. Trip

Step-1: Pulv. Stop Sequence PB pressed (5152G).

A 600 sec timer shall start.

Step-2: Command shall be initiated to “start oil elevation auto (5338G)” if “Pulv Ignition permit” is not

Note: During stopping pulveriser in AUTO mode, if ignition support oil guns are not in service, other
adjacent elevation running feeders unloading shall be restricted to 50% for ensuring flame stability.

If “Pulv Ignition permit” and “both pair start time expired” is true, command shall be initiated to
reduce Mill outlet temperature SP to Min value* at a rate (X* DegC per Min) to gradually changeover
Hot to Cold PA (This helps in maintaining Outlet Temperature when reducing feeder speed to Min).

“Close HAG in Auto (5348G)” shall remain active for 600 secs after Pulv. Stop PB pressed (5152G).

Permissive for next step:

1. “Pulv Ignition permit” available

2) “Both pair start time expired” true

3) Pulveriser inlet temp < Min* (downward trend started)

STEP-3: Command to “Run feeder speed to Min (5343G)” shall reduce feeder speed demand to min

The rate of speed reduction shall depend on:

✓ Default Unloading rate or rate set by the operator

✓ Rate shall be regulated depending on time average MS, RH and MTM temperatures.

“Run feeder speed to Min (5343G)” command shall shift feeder from auto to manual. Based on feeder
speed, HAD shall also close in auto.

Permissive for next step:

1. Feeder speed at Min (from CLCS)

2. PA header pressure control in auto (CLCS)

3. “Close HAG in Auto (5348G)”

Step-4: “Command to close HAD to 0%*”. The rate of closing of HAD shall be decided based on
operator feedback.

“Command to close HAD to 0%*” shall shift HAD from auto to manual.

Permissive for next step:

1. 30 secs (Ton) expired after “Close HAG in auto (5348G)” is established

2. HAD at Min position (CLCS)

Step-5: “Close HAG in auto (5348G)” command shall initiate command to close HAG.

“Close HAG in auto (5348G)” command shall initiate command to “open CAD to 100%” if Pulv. is ON.
The rate of opening CAD shall be decided based on operator feedback.

Command to open CAD to 100% shall remain active if Pulv. is ON and HAG is closed.

Permissive for next step:

1. HAG closed

2. Pulv. Outlet temp. low (<54DegC)

3. Feeder speed at Min (from CLCS)

4. Close HAG in auto (5348G) true

Step-6: Command initiated to stop feeder auto (5356G)


➢ Feeder OFF and stop feeder auto (5356G) command shall close feeder outlet gate
➢ Feeder seal air valve can be closed by operator when feeder is in OFF condition (no auto
command envisaged).
➢ Feeder outlet gate shall get closed when pulveriser gets trip OR feeder OFF and operator
presses close PB OR feeder OFF and Stop feeder auto gets generated.

Permissive for next step:

1. No. feeder start and feeder not on (5651G) (Ton 180 sec)

2. Pulv. on (5113G)

3. Close HAG in auto (5348G) true or Auto pulv. unsuccessful start (5312G)

4. Unit load < Unit capability for n-1 mills (no of mill in service=n): To be checked how unit
capability logic is implemented (To avoid runback).

Step-7: Command initiated to stop Pulveriser auto (after 180 secs of feeder stop)

If after initiation of Pulv. auto stop command and expiry of 600 sec timer if any of the below condition
is true, then Elevation unsuccessful stop alarm and SOE shall be generated.

1. Pulv. on (5113G)

2. Feeder On (5440G)

3. HAG not closed (5517G)

Permissive for next step:

1. Pulveriser off

Step-8: “Run CAD to <=5% open” command shall be initiated to close CAD to Min.

Pulveriser seal air valve shall get auto closed when pulveriser gets OFF (2 sec pulse) OR Pulveriser trip.

Step-9: Pulveriser stop sequence complete. If oil elevation is in service, the same is to be shut down
manually (Not envisaged through pulv. stop sequence).

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