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School of Exercise, Biomedical and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Western Australia, Australia;
Institute of Sport and Recreation Research New Zealand, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand; and
National Center of Medicine and Science in Sport, Tunisian Research Laboratory ‘‘Sport Performance Optimization’’
(NCMSS), Tunis, Tunisia

ABSTRACT useful information in terms of exercise selection, assessment,

and program design is to investigate the contribution of
Brughelli, M, Cronin, J, and Chaouachi, A. Effects of running
incremental running velocities on peak vertical and peak
velocity on running kinetics and kinematics. J Strength
horizontal force production. It has been well established that
Cond Res 25(4): 933–939, 2011—Sixteen semiprofessional
peak vertical (Fv) and peak horizontal forces (Fh) increase
Australian football players performed running bouts at incre- (50–100% and .200%) with increasing running velocities
mental velocities of 40, 60, 80, and 100% of their maximum from slow to moderate values (i.e., 1.5–6.5 ms21) (20,21).
velocity on a Woodway nonmotorized force treadmill. As However, little is known about how Fv and Fh are affected by
running velocity increased from 40 to 60%, peak vertical and greater running velocities (.6.5 m).
peak horizontal forces increased by 14.3% (effect size [ES] = Three recent studies have directly investigated the effects of
1.0) and 34.4% (ES = 4.2), respectively. The changes in peak running velocity above 6.5 ms21 on Fv. These studies
vertical and peak horizontal forces from 60 to 80% were 1.0% reported that Fv and relative Fv (RFv = Fv divided by body
(ES = 0.05) and 21.0% (ES = 2.9), respectively. Finally, the mass) remained constant after running velocities increased
changes in peak vertical and peak horizontal forces from 80% above 6.0–7.0 ms21 or 70% maximum running velocity (Vmax)
in endurance runners and sprinters (13,14,22). Furthermore,
to maximum were 2.0% (ES = 0.1) and 24.3% (ES = 3.4). In
the correlational studies that have investigated the relation-
addition, both stride frequency and stride length significantly
ship between maximum running velocity and Fv have
increased with each incremental velocity (p , 0.05). Con-
reported nonsignificant correlations (19,23). These findings
versely, contact times and the vertical displacement of the suggest that peak vertical forces (i.e., Fv or RFv) do not have
center of mass significantly decreased with increased running a major influence on increasing running velocity (13,18,21).
velocity (p , 0.05). A significant positive correlation was found Conversely, Weyand et al. (27) indirectly studied the
between horizontal force and maximum running velocity (r = relationship between RFv and running velocity by comparing
0.47). For the kinematic variables, only stride length was found the relative vertical force produced by faster runners in
to have a significant positive correlation with maximum running comparison to slower runners. According to their linear
velocity (r = 0.66). It would seem that increasing maximal sprint regression, the fastest runners (11.1 ms21) produced 26%
velocity may be more dependent on horizontal force production greater RFv than the slowest runner (6.2 ms21). As stated by
as opposed to vertical force production. Weyand et al. (27), the 26% difference was less than expected
as they hypothesized that greater vertical ground forces
KEY WORDS sprinting, vertical force, horizontal force, stiffness, enable runners to reach greater maximum velocities. With
stride length such contradictions in the literature, it is important to
improve our understanding of how running velocity affects
INTRODUCTION vertical force production in athletic populations. Further-
more, very little is known about how increasing running

f interest to many strength and conditioning
velocity affects horizontal force production in athletic
practitioners, coaches, and athletes is the best
populations. Nummela et al. (22) reported that RFh increased
training practice for the improvement of running
in a linear fashion from 5 ms21 to maximum running velocity
sprint speed. One approach that may provide
in endurance runners. Kuitunen et al. (13) reported that Fh
significantly increased (i.e., both breaking and propulsive
Address correspondence to Matt Brughelli, forces) with running velocity from 70 to 100% maximum
25(4)/933–939 velocity in 10 male sprinters. Nummela et al. (22) also
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research reported a significant correlation between maximum running
Ó 2011 National Strength and Conditioning Association velocity and RFh (r = 0.66), but not vertical forces.

VOLUME 25 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2011 | 933

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Running Velocity

All of the studies previously cited have used endurance or 184.8 6 12.4 cm; and weight 84.1 6 7.4 kg). The players were
running athletes. It is conceivable that field sport athletes, who recruited from the West Australia Football League. All
perform a mixture of training methods including explosive subjects provided written, informed consent within the
training (including maximum velocity running) and endur- guidelines of Edith Cowan University. The subjects had at
ance training, would exhibit different force profiles over least 2 years experience with resistance training, endurance
a range of velocities. A better understanding of the relation- training, and performed maximum effort sprints on a regular
ship between running velocity and force production would basis.
enable greater insight into best practice for exercise selection,
assessment, and program design of field-based sports. With
All running bouts were performed on a nonmotorized force
this in mind, the first purpose of this article was to investigate
treadmill (Woodway 3.0, Eugene, OR, USA). The present
the effects of running velocity (up to maximum) on a variety of
treadmill design was a modified version of the original system
kinematic and kinetic variables in Australian Rules football
designed by Lakomy (14) and Lakomy (15). The subjects
players. The second purpose of this article was to investigate
wore a harness around their waists, which was connected to
the relationships between maximum running velocity and
a nonelastic tether. The tether was connected to a horizontal
various mechanical variables.
load cell, which measured horizontal force, with a ‘‘Y’’ jointed
METHODS steel wire. The horizontal load cell was attached to a metal
vertical strut with a sliding gauge, which locked into place to
Experimental Approach to the Problem
avoid any movement during testing. The sliding gauge
This study was performed during the preseason of the
allowed the horizontal load cell to be adjusted vertically in
Western Australian Football League. The athletes ran over
accordance with the subject’s height, so that the tether was
a nonmotorized force treadmill with embedded vertical
horizontal to the load cell during the running bouts. The load
load cells and were tethered to a horizontal load cell. A
cell was calibrated before and after each testing session using
randomized crossover design was used to assess various
a range of known weights hanging from the load cell. The first
kinetic and kinematic variables during running over a range of
weight was at the lower end of the range (i.e., 10 kg), and the
velocities (i.e., 40, 60, 80, and 100% of maximum running
second weight was toward the top end (i.e., 30 kg) of the
velocity) in semiprofessional athletes. Secondarily, the
expected forces to be measured. Two different force inputs
relationship between various kinetic and kinematic variables
were required so that a line could be fitted, the slope of which
in regards to maximum running velocity was investigated
was the calibration factor and the y-intercept was the zero
using Pearson product–moment correlations. The variables of
offset. Force was calibrated into Newtons (N) by multiplying
interest included vertical force, relative vertical force,
the mass of the calibration object by 9.81 ms21s21 (i.e., the
horizontal force, relative horizontal force, contact times,
acceleration due to gravity).
stride length, stride frequency, and center of mass (CM)
Treadmill-belt velocity was monitored by 2 optical speed
photomicrosensors, which were mounted on the rear shaft of
Subjects the treadmill belt. The distance measurement did not require
Sixteen semiprofessional Australian Rules football players calibration because it was measured from the photomicro-
participated in this research (age 23.3 6 2.1 years; height sensors when the treadmill drums turned. The distance

TABLE 1. Running velocity, running kinetic, and kinematics.*

Variable 40% 60% 80% 100%

Vertical force (N) 1,681.6 6 226.0 1,922.7 6 235.0†‡ 1,942.3 6 278.9†‡ 1,983.7 6 271.9†‡
Horizontal force (N) 178.6 6 14.3 240.1 6 17.1†‡ 290.2 6 22.0†‡§ 360.9 6 27.9†‡§k
CM displacement (cm) 5.51 6 0.78 5.46 6 1.11 4.18 6 0.38†‡§ 2.83 6 0.41†‡§k
Contact times (ms) 301.78 6 22.67 280.45 6 18.56†‡ 248.29 6 21.78†‡§ 209.67 6 19.67†‡§k
Stride length (m) 1.70 6 0.62 2.12 6 0.54†‡ 2.57 6 0.64†‡§ 3.27 6 0.65†‡§k
Stride frequency (Ss21) 0.80 6 0.05 1.15 6 0.03†‡ 1.45 6 0.03†‡§ 1.67 6 0.02†‡§k
*R. = relative; N = Newtons; kg = kilograms; m = meters; ms = milliseconds; S = stride; s = seconds; W = Watts; cm = centimeters.
†p , 0.05.
‡Significantly different from 40%.
§Significantly different from 60%.
Significantly different from 80%.

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which has the advantage of

quantifying various kinetic and
kinematic variables over multiple
steps. Previous research has re-
ported that nonmotorized tread-
mills are reliable for both kinetic
and kinematic variables
(12,24,25), and valid in compar-
ison to overground running
(8,17). Chelly and Denis (8)
reported that maximum running
velocity was lower on a non-
motorized treadmill, but the
Figure 1. Effects of running velocity on vertical force production. *p , 0.05; *1 = significantly different from 40%. correlation for velocity between
maximum overground running
and running on a nonmotorized
treadmill was very high, that is,
moved for each pulse was known and did not change, and so, r = 0.84. Furthermore, McKenna and Riches (17) reported that
the conversion factor from pulses to distance in meters was running on a nonmotorized treadmill produced similar
coded directly into the Force 3.0 software (Innervations running kinematics in comparison to overground running.
Solutions, Joondalup, Australia). Vertical force was measured
by 4 individual vertical load cells that were mounted under the Experimental Protocol
running surface. The vertical load cells were calibrated before The subjects performed running bouts at 40, 60, 80, and 100%
and after each testing session by placing a range of known of their maximum velocity on the Woodway nonmotorized
weights on the treadmill deck according to the manufacturer’s treadmill. The maximum velocity bouts were performed first
instructions. The first weight was at the low end of the range to determine a baseline for the subsequent bouts. After the
(i.e., 60 kg), and the second weight was at the top end of the baseline was determined, the subjects ran at the submaximal
expected forces measured (i.e., 300 kg). Treadmill-belt velocities in a randomized order. The subjects were asked to
velocity, distance, vertical force, and horizontal force were build up to maximum velocity over a 4-second period and
collected at a sampling rate of 200 Hz by the XPV7 PCB then to maintain maximum velocity for another 5 seconds.
interface (Fitness Technology, Adelaide, Australia) and The subjects were given verbal encouragement during the
analyzed with Force 3.0 software. The data were exported 5-second period to maintain maximum running velocity. The
to Microsoft Excel files, which were then analyzed with mechanical variables were collected during the 5-second
a custom-made Labview program. period. Long rest periods (.3 minutes) were provided to
The subjects in the present study performed maximum and minimize the effects of fatigue. During the slower-moderate
submaximum running efforts on the nonmotorized treadmill, running bouts, subjects were asked to build up to 40, 60, or
80% of maximum velocity over a
4-second period and then main-
tain these velocities for 8–10
seconds while Fv and Fh were
collected. To help maintain a
constant velocity over the 8–10
seconds, a real-time profile of
running velocity was projected
on a screen in front of the sub-
jects. For all running bouts, 10
steps were recorded for analysis.

Data Analyses
Peak horizontal and vertical
forces and running velocity
were derived directly from
Figure 2. Effects of running velocity on horizontal force production. *p , 0.05; *1 = significantly different from 40%; the nonmotorized force tread-
*2 = significantly different from 60%; and *3 = significantly different from 80%. mill as described above. Rela-
tive peak vertical force (RFv)

VOLUME 25 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2011 | 935

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Running Velocity

Statistical Analyses
Means and SDs were used as
measures of centrality and
spread of data. A repeated-
measure analysis of variance
with Bonferroni post hoc tests
were used to determine if
significant differences existed
between the mechanical varia-
bles at the 4 different velocities.
An intercorrelation matrix
(Pearson product–moment cor-
relations) was used to compare
the strength of relationships
Figure 3. Effects of running velocity on stride length and stride frequency. *p , 0.05 for stride length; *1 = between the kinematic and
significantly different from 40% for stride length; *2 = significantly different from 60% for stride length; and *3 =
kinetic measures and running
significantly different from 80% for stride length. #p , 0.05 for stride frequency; #1 = significantly different from
40% for stride frequency; #2 = significantly different from 60% for stride frequency; and #3 = significantly different velocity. Correlations were de-
from 80% for stride frequency. scribed as trivial (0.0–0.1), low
(0.1–0.3), moderate (0.3–0.5),
high (0.5–0.7), very high (0.7–
0.9), and practically perfect
and relative peak horizontal force (RFh) were calculated by (0.9–1.0). All percentage changes were calculated by the
dividing peak vertical and horizontal forces by body mass. formula:
Vertical displacement of the CM was determined by double ðHigh value  Low valueÞ=Lowvalue 3 100
integration of vertical acceleration over time, as described by ¼ Percentage changeð%Þ:
Cavagna et al. (3). Vertical acceleration was obtained from In addition, effect sizes (ESs) and coefficient of variations
the peak vertical force divided by body mass after subtracting (CVs) were calculated with the following formula:
gravitational acceleration (3). Contact time (Ct) was de- ES ¼ ðHigh value  Low valueÞ=ðSD of High valueÞ:
termined from the time (in seconds) the force applied to the Effect sizes were described as trivia l(,0.2), small (,0.41),
treadmill exceeded 0 N and returned to 0 N. Aerial time (At) moderate (0.41–0.7), and large(.0.7) based on the de-
was determined from the time between the end of the ground scription of effects by Cohen (9). The CV was calculated as
contact period of one foot to the beginning of the ground the ratio of the SD to the mean value over the 10 steps.
contact period of the opposite foot. Stride frequency was Statistical significance was set at 0.05.
determined from the following formula: 1/(Ct + At). Stride
length was determined from the following formula: running RESULTS
velocity divided by stride frequency. Firstly, the CVs of all variables over the 10 steps were less than
9.6%. As running velocity increased from 40 to 60% maximum
velocity, Fv significantly increased from (14.3%; ES = 1.0).
However, as running velocity increased from 60% to maxi-
TABLE 2. Correlations with maximum running mum, Fv remained relatively constant (see Table 1 and
Figure 1). In contrast, Fh significantly increased with incre-
Variables Pearson correlation (r) ments from 40 to 60% (34.4%; ES = 4.2), from 60 to 80%
(21.0%; ES = 2.9), and from 80% to maximum (24.3%; ES = 3.2;
R. vertical force (Nkg21) 0.13 see Figure 2). The total increase in Fh from the slowest running
Vertical force (N) 0.24
R. horizontal force (Nkg21) 0.28 speed (i.e., 40% max) to maximum was 102.1% (ES = 9.3). At
Horizontal force (N) 0.47† 40% maximum running velocity, Fh was 11.0% of Fv. As
CM displacement (cm) 0.17 running velocity increased to maximum, Fh was 18.3% of Fv.
Contact times (ms) 0.13 Vertical CM displacement remained relatively constant as
Stride length (m) 0.66† running velocity increased from 40 to 60%, but significantly
Stride frequency (Ss21) 0.02
decreased as velocity increased from 60 to 80% and from
*R. = relative; N = Newtons; kg = kilograms; m = 80% to maximum (see Table 1). Contact times significantly
meters; ms = milliseconds; S= stride; s = seconds; W = decreased between each measured running velocity (see
Watts; cm = centimeters; CM = center of mass.
†p , 0.05. Table 1). Both stride length and stride frequency increased
significantly with incremental running velocity (see Table 1
and Figure 3).
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The correlations between the performance variables of those of lesser velocities on a high-speed motorized treadmill
interest and maximum running velocity can be observed in (27). Weyand et al. (27) proposed that with greater RFv,
Table 2. A significant moderate correlation was found a runner’s vertical velocity (CM) would increase upon take-
between Fh and maximum running velocity (r = 0.47). There off, which would increase stride length and ultimately
were no significant correlations between maximum running maximum running velocity. Thirty-three subjects with
velocity and any other kinetic variables (i.e., RFv, RFh, and Fv) various maximum running velocities (range = 6.2–11.1
For the kinematic variables, only stride length was found to ms21) were used in this study. The average RFv values
have a significant high correlation with maximum running were compared between subjects with a simple linear
velocity (r = 0.66). There were no significant correlations regression. It was reported that the RFv increased by 1.26
found between maximum running velocity and any other times (or 26%) from the slowest runner to the fastest runner.
kinematic variables (i.e., CM displacement, Ct, At, or stride Although this increase was lower than the authors had
frequency). reportedly expected, they argued that (according to their
regression) an increase in RFv by one-tenth of one body
DISCUSSION weight would increase maximum running velocity by 1.0
This is the first study, to our knowledge, that has investigated ms21. However, it has been demonstrated repeatedly by
the effects of running velocity (up to maximum) on Fv and Cavagna and colleagues (3–7) that an increase in RFv leads
Fh in well-trained athletes who routinely perform a mixture to an asymmetrical rebound (i.e., the amount of time force
of training methods, including maximum effort sprints, exceeds body weight , amount of time force is less than
power training, strength training, and endurance training. body weight) during high-velocity running. As running speed
Fv increased significantly as running velocity increased from increases, the asymmetry becomes greater, thus leading to
40 to 60% of the subject’s maximum velocity. These large a decrease in push-average power (i.e., the work done divided
effects are similar to previous studies that have reported that by the duration of positive work production), and a decrease
Fv increases as running velocity increased to 6.0 ms21, or in maximum running velocity. Thus, it is not very likely that
approximately 65% of a runner’s maximum running velocity maximum running velocity is limited by the ability to
(1,19,20). However, as the runners increased their velocity produce peak RFv as proposed by Weyand et al. (26,27) and
from 60 to 80%, and from 80% to maximum, Fv remained others (2). It also should be noted that the results of Weyand
relatively constant. This was also similar to previous studies et al. (27) were based on variables calculated on a motorized
that have reported Fv remained relatively constant at treadmill, the kinematics of which have been reported to be
6.0 ms21, or approximately 65% of a runner’s maximum different (i.e., invalid) to overground running (17). Other
velocity (13,14,19). The studies that have directly investi- limitations of the research design by Weyand et al. (27) were
gated the relationships between velocity and force pro- using 2 separate populations to investigate the relationship
duction and have used crossover study designs (14,18–20,22), between fast and slow runners and also the heterogeneity of
have also found that vertical forces increase with running these populations (i.e., range = 6.2–11.1 ms21) which no
velocity up to moderate values and remain relatively constant doubt would inflate any correlation coefficient.
after 6.5 ms21 or 65% Vmax. In 3 recent studies, the influence of Mero et al. (18) reported that the resultant of Fv and Fh
running velocity (up to maximum velocities) on running increased by 77% as their subjects (track sprinters) increased
mechanics has been investigated in endurance and sprint running velocity from 55% to maximum. However, because
athletes (13,14,22). Each of the studies reported similar Fv and Fh were combined, it was impossible to determine the
findings on the effects of running velocity on RFv. Kyrolainen effects of running velocity on either Fv or Fh individually and
et al. (14) reported that RFv increased only slightly therefore comparisons cannot be made with this study.
(%—nonsignificant) as running velocity increased beyond The present study found that peak horizontal force
6.0 ms21. Nummela et al. (22) studied the effects of running significantly increased with incremental running velocity
at velocities from 4.5 ms21 to maximum over a 9-m force (see Table 1 and Figure 2). Also, Fh significantly increased as
plate system in 25 male endurance runners. It was reported running velocity increased from 40% to maximum. Previous
that RFv remained relatively constant after the athletes studies have reported that RFh increased from 2 to 4 times
attained a running velocity of 6.5 ms21. Kuitunen et al. (13) as running velocity increased from moderate to high or
reported that vertical forces remained relatively constant from maximum values (20,22). Kyrolainen et al. (14) reported that
70 to 100% Vmax in 10 male sprinters. The findings of these Fh increased by more than 2.5 times in male (n = 9) and
studies in conjunction with the present findings support the female (n = 8) distance runners, and Nummela et al. (22)
argument that vertical force does not have a major influence reported that RFh increased 2–4.5 times from 4.5 ms21 to
on accelerating from ;65% to maximum running velocity. maximum velocity. The authors concluded that maximum
The results and conclusions of Weyand and colleagues running velocity was more dependent on horizontal force
(26,27), however, were different to those found in the present production than vertical force production. Kuitunen et al.
study. These researchers compared the kinematics and (13) reported that horizontal forces significantly increased
kinetics of subjects with greater running velocities against with running velocity in male sprinters. In addition, Fukunaga

VOLUME 25 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2011 | 937

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Running Velocity

et al. (10) reported that the horizontal component of work both the vertical and horizontal directions would be beneficial
increased with running velocities greater than 6.0 ms21. It in individualizing programs. In terms of sprint specific
would seem that the results of the present study are similar to strength and power development, exercises that concentrate
those in the bulk of the literature supporting the contention on force production in the horizontal directions may well lead
that increasing velocity from moderate to maximum sprint to greater speed development, given that most exercises in the
velocity is more dependent on horizontal than on vertical weight training room accentuate force production in the
force production. vertical plane.
As expected, CM displacement significantly decreased with
running velocity (see Table 1). To run faster, contact times
need to be decreased to aid in repositioning the legs during
running. As a result, CM displacement is decreased, and We would like to thank Sami Kuitunen for reviewing a
horizontal forces need to be increased. In agreement with previous version of this article.
previous studies, the present study found that stride length
and stride frequency both significantly increased with each REFERENCES
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VOLUME 25 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2011 | 939

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