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Performance Modeling: A

System-Based Approach
to Exercise Selection
Paul J. Read, MSc, CSCS*D,1 Chris Bishop, MSc, CSCS,2 Jon Brazier, MSc,2
and Anthony N. Turner, MSc, CSCS*D2
School of Sport, Health and Applied Science, St Mary’s University, London, United Kingdom; and 2London Sports
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Institute, Middlesex University, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT application but in the context of performance. The purpose of this arti-
strength and conditioning (S&C), some cle is to outline the concept of perfor-
relevant descriptions include (1); mance modeling and provide an
a clearly defined set of principles and example of its application; here, the
procedures according to which a task is authors use the sport of sprint hurdling.
achieved, (2) an organized scheme or
DEVELOP AN APPROPRIATE SYS- method, or (3) the process of devising
detailed methods, procedures, and rou- MODEL FOR S&C USING A
PERFORMANCE GOALS. THE SYS- a specific activity, perform a duty, or To develop a targeted program for an
TEM OF PERFORMANCE MODEL- solve a problem. athlete that progresses them toward
ING PROMOTES THE DESIGN OF a specific goal or performance target,
From its emergence in organismic
TRAINING PROGRAMS WHICH the authors propose a system-based
biology, “systems thinking,” or the pro-
USE A CLEAR SYSTEM OF ANALY- approach comprising 4 sequential pro-
cess of applying consciously organized
SIS, TESTING, AND EXERCISE cess steps which have been described
thought using system ideas has been
PRESCRIPTION, WHICH IN- below. A schematic of this process is
developed and adopted in a number
CREASES TRANSFER OF TRAINING of different environments (4). Focusing also outlined in Figure 1.
AND ENHANCES SPORTS PER-  Step 1: Determination of the sports
on a series of processes used to meet
FORMANCE. THIS ARTICLE OUT- a predetermined goal or objective, this performance goal that is reflective of
LINES THE CONCEPT OF involves a layered structure. The the athlete’s current level of
achievement of the system’s goal re-
A SPORT EXAMPLE. FURTHER  Step 2: Identification of the key
quires a purposeful arrangement com-
CONSIDERATIONS TO PROMOTE physiological and biomechanical
prising interrelated and interdependent
INDIVIDUALIZATION OF TRAINING requirements for the sport and
elements which continually influence
PRESCRIPTION USING A PRO- physical characteristics of elite per-
one another (4). It should be noted that
GRESSION/REGRESSION formance through a needs analysis
coaching expertise and athletic devel-
to identify the determinants of
SEQUENCE ARE ALSO SUG- opment require a humanistic multifac-
step 1
GESTED. eted approach which is beyond the
 Step 3: Design and implementation
scope of this review. However, within
of a suitable test battery to assess the
this article, the authors propose that
athlete in the different components
INTRODUCTION systems thinking can be applied to
identified in step 2
he process of program design S&C in the form of “performance mod-  Step 4: The selection of a progressive

T and exercise selection can be

enhanced by developing an
appropriate system that is integrated
eling.” This concept promotes the
design of training programs which
use a clear system of analysis, testing,
sequence of exercises related to each

with the achievement of specific and exercise prescription. Specula-
performance modeling; systems; program
performance goals. The definition of tively, transfer of training is enhanced
a “system” will vary based on its with a greater impact on sports

90 VOLUME 38 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2016 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association

Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
ultimately be more successful, but clear
communication channels should be
developed to ensure all members of
the support team are informed during
each stage of the process with regular
Figure 1. A 4-step sequential process toward performance targeting.
performance reports. Although it is
beyond the scope of this review to dis-
cuss the management of this process in
of the assessments undertaken in achieving its purpose. The example depth, the interested reader is directed
step 3 from which S&C coaches describes a sprint hurdler who is aim- to the work of Neumann et al. (11) for
are required to select the appropriate ing to qualify for an Olympic team further information.
level for each individual athlete; this where the world record is 12.87 sec-
forms the basis of the program. onds (correct before the London 2012
Each category of exercises in step 4 Olympics). However, a logical start ANALYSIS
are designed to improve the individ- point is to use the Team “A standard” The second stage in the process of
ual qualities identified from the needs qualifying time for the 110-m event, designing a performance model is to
analysis (step 2), and those subse- which for the 2012 games was 13.4 complete a thorough needs analysis
quently tested in step 3. By complet- seconds for team Great Britain ath- of the sport. This should act as a pre-
ing each step as described above, and letes. This provides an objective and cursor to the design and implementa-
provided appropriate coaching, tech- quantifiable measure of performance, tion of any strength and conditioning
nical competence, and suitable load- and all subsequent goals, fitness tests, program, where it is necessary to
ing parameters (rest/reps/set/loads/ and program choices should be in line undertake a preliminary assessment of
tempo, etc.) are used, athletes should with the sole purpose of progress the specific demands and unique char-
enhance the targeted physical quali- toward this specific target. In addi- acteristics of the sport being prepared
ties. That is, by developing the (sport- tion, to achieve the endpoint of the for. To do this, it is recommended that
relevant) physical capabilities of the system’s goal (the “A Standard” qual- a comprehensive analysis of the sport
athlete, greater levels of sports perfor- ifying time), it is advisable to integrate is completed and a review of the avail-
mance will be achieved. This moves both short and medium term goals. able literature pertaining to:
the athlete closer to their predeter- These should include sporting out-  The biomechanical characteristics of
mined sports goal (identified in step comes (i.e., specific race times/event the movements involved
1). Further details of each stage of this qualifications) and relevant physical  The physiological demands
process are outlined below, exam- performance targets identified during  The normative data to establish
pling its use for a sprint hurdles ath- athlete testing (step 3). Examples physical performance standards
lete. However, the model presented include Reactive Strength Index or  The reported injury epidemiology
here is intentionally generic and Squat 1 repetition maximum (1RM) In our sprint hurdles example, an
should be further built up around scores. This will allow the S&C coach awareness of mechanical factors is an
the individual needs of the athlete to monitor progress and may also important observation. Sprint hurdle
which may require the formation of provide a motivational tool for the starts differ to traditional sprinting
differing sports performance goals. athlete. events because of the added demand
The performance model can also be A further point to consider for S&C of negotiating the first hurdle after
adapted and applied to any sport or coaches in the development of a system 13.72 m. Subsequently, this highlights
activity, thus increasing its versatility model is the important role of the that time available in which to accel-
for S&C coaches. coach and athlete in the formation of erate is reduced and thus, the require-
the overall performance plan. It is likely ment to produce significant concentric
STEP 1: GOAL SETTING that discussions regarding the perfor- force in a rapid manner (rate of force
The first step in the system-based mance outcome will be (sports) coach development) is paramount. Further-
approach is to determine the athletes’ led and facilitated by the performance more, the ability to demonstrate high
sport performance goal. The nature of director (or equivalent). However, this levels of leg extension strength (to pro-
this goal should be realistic and is will depend on the support team avail- mote triple extension force and align-
dependent on the current level of able to the athlete. The model will ment behind the body’s center of
the individual athlete in question. Pro- ideally encompass the technical, phys- mass), lower limb stiffness (to ensure
gressive goals will also be established ical, nutritional, and psychological the maintenance of a positive tibia
after the completion of a needs anal- components of a multifaceted high- position, and shorter ground contact
ysis (step 2), and subsequent athlete performance team for which systems times), and rotational trunk control
testing (step 3) to further enhance can also be developed. Adopting such (to optimize force transfer) are of high
the effectiveness of the model in an interdisciplinary approach will importance. In this regard, sports skills

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Performance Modeling

can be further broken down and ana- identify the current physical capabil- ASSESSMENT OF LOWER-BODY
lyzed using a deterministic model to ities of their athletes and also provides POWER USING THE BODYWEIGHT
establish the underpinning mechanical a monitoring tool from which the COUNTERMOVEMENT JUMP AND
and physical characteristics. An exam- effectiveness of subsequent training in-
ple of this has been provided in terventions can be analyzed. A visual
A key aspect of the sprint hurdles is
Figure 2. representation of this concept has been
the start and acceleration phase due
In terms of physiological considera- provided in Figure 3. Further testing
to limited distance available (13.72 m
tions, anaerobic production of ATP should then be readministered system- to the first hurdle). Evidence exists of
from phosphocreatine has been shown atically throughout the planned train- strong correlations between counter-
to dominate in the high hurdles, with ing phases of the athlete’s season to movement jump (CMJ) and sprint per-
anaerobic metabolism exceeding 90% assess progress and make subsequent formance (r 5 0.88 and r 5 0.86) (12),
(22). This impacts the design of session program alterations. velocity off the blocks (14), and 10-
length and drill duration and intensity. In the design of an effective test bat- meter sprint time from a start block
Also regarding injury epidemiology, tery, the physical characteristics of (13). Thus, the CMJ can be considered
the most common injuries, include shin elite performers must be considered, a valid assessment of lower-body
splint, ankle injuries, and patellar ten- and the key physiological, biome- power pertinent for sprint hurdlers.
donitis (24). Each of the above factors chanical, and injury information is Also, athletes should be able to jump
needs to be considered when designing derived from a comprehensive needs higher in the CMJ versus the squat
and implementing appropriate testing analysis. This presents a challenge to jump or non-CMJ as has been previ-
and screening protocols to assess the the S&C coach because an abun- ously established (26). If a difference in
athlete’s physical and physiological dance of assessments are available jump height is not evident, it provides
capabilities. to select for each of the specified the S&C coach with a clear “window of
physical qualities. To determine opportunity” to enhance the stretch-
STEP 3: DESIGNING A TEST shortening cycle (SSC) and rate of
BATTERY TO ASSESS THE which tests should be used, it is pru-
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF dent to review the available literature force development abilities of the
ELITE PERFORMANCE and critically analyze the validity and athlete.
The next step is to design an appropri- reliability of each available method.
ate testing battery from which the ath- For the interested reader, some rele-
lete’s physical and physiological vant examples and recommendations LEG COUNTERMOVEMENT JUMP
characteristics can be assessed and for testing include (2,15,16,19). An AND OR SINGLE-LEG MAXIMAL
compared with those of elite perform- example of how research evidence HOP FOR DISTANCE
ers (through the use of normative data) can be used to aid in this process The use of single-leg jumping tasks to
and their peers (through group assess- has been provided below for the determine power ratios and imbalan-
ment). This enables S&C coaches to sprint hurdles athlete. ces between the 2 legs may also be

Figure 2. Acceleration drive phase physical determinants. GCT 5 ground contact time; RFD 5 rate of force development; SSC 5
stretch-shortening cycle.

92 VOLUME 38 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2016

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Figure 3. Performance model flow diagram.

important for sprint athletes. Of note, determinant of successful hurdling which are associated with each test.
Bracic et al. (3) identified elite sprinters (6). This ensures an efficient transition In doing this, transfer of training is
who demonstrated lower bilateral def- to running between the hurdles. achieved, which should positively
icits in CMJ and produced higher peak Ground contact times (GCT) after impact performance of the individual
forces (r 5 0.63). In addition, a higher hurdle clearance have been reported qualities tested. Thus, designing a pro-
total impulse of force on the blocks was at 0.08 seconds (6); the ability to effec- gram to target improvement in the
shown. An imbalance between limbs tively switch from an eccentric to con- identified qualities for elite perfor-
has also been reported as a predictor centric contraction is an essential mance (steps 2 and 3) will aid in the
of injury (7). requirement, suggesting the need to progression of the athlete toward
train and test such fast SSC (GCT their specified performance goal (step
,250 milliseconds) qualities. 1 of the model). In our example,
STRETCH-SHORTENING CYCLE a rationale for the inclusion of the
PERFORMANCE USING A DROP STEP 4: EXERCISE SELECTION TO squat exercise (to increase maximal
STRENGTH INDEX The final step required to build the basis that the ability to run at maxi-
The short contact time in the landing performance model requires the mal speed requires high levels of
phase after hurdle clearance is a key selection of appropriate exercises force production (1). Specifically, it

Figure 4. Sprint hurdles performance model diagram. CMJ 5 countermovement jump; MB 5 medicine ball; RSI 5 reactive strength
index; SLBJ 5 single-leg broad jump; S/L 5 squat jump; SSc 5 strength-shortening cycle; W/L 5 weightlifting.

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Performance Modeling

has been indicated that force applied

AEL 5 augmented eccentric loading; BB 5 barbell; BW 5 body weight; DB 5 dumbbell; RDL 5 romanian deadlift; RFESS 5 rear foot elevated split squat; RNT 5 reactive neuromuscular
to the ground is the most important

Ring pull-ups Sternum chin ups

RFESS jumps Split squat switch

S/L hang snatch

determinant of running speed result-

variation 4

S/L drop jumps

Squat w/bands
ing in a greater displacement of the
athlete’s body and an increase in

stride length (25). This highlights
the importance of maximum strength
as demonstrated by the strong rela-

tionships between 1RM squat and

variation 3

Split snatch

10-m sprint times (27). Therefore, it

AEL drop
could be argued that including squat-

ting based movements into the ath-

lete’s program will lead to increased
acceleration and maximal speed per-
formance. This change in a specified
Drop jump box . Box . box varied

3 position snatch
variation 2

RFESS overhead

physical quality will then progress the

Jump squat

athlete toward their performance goal


of achieving the “A standard” qualify-


ing time. The process is then repeated

for each of the identified physical
qualities in the performance model,
Exercise progression/regression system

and the combination of the selected

variation 1

exercises form the basis of the athletes

Deficit RFESS
Speed squat

Snatch from
Neutral grip

S&C program. An example of the per-


formance model for the sprint hurdle


athlete aiming to achieve a time of

13.4 seconds at the Team GB Olym-
Table 1

pic Trials and qualify for the Olympic


Band assisted Chin ups


team can be seen in Figure 4.


BB split squat RFESS


Regression 1

Snatch pulls
Front squat



A caveat to the system-based
approach is that not all athletes will
Regression 2

be able to perform each of the spec-

Low hurdles


ified exercises for a number of rea-


DB split


sons such as; differing movement

skill abilities, training ages, and spe-
cific limitations (e.g., mobility/stabil-
band resistance

ity). Therefore, it is essential to select

Regression 3

Split squat RNT

an appropriate start point for each

Lat pull down

RDL to power
Goblet squat

individual athlete and progress


accordingly because they demon-


strate the requisite technical compe-

tence. Some examples of how to
training; S/L 5 single leg.

apply this system to a range of com-

Box jump/jump and

Cable X-pull downs

monly prescribed exercises can be

seen in Table 1.
Overhead squat
BW band squat

BW split squat
Regression 4

The first exercise in each category

would generally be considered the

most basic; however, this may not

always be the case, and further regres-
sions and rationales for alternative

94 VOLUME 38 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2016

Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2
Variation examples

Target exercise Movement dysfunction Suggested variations

Deadlift from floor Poor ankle mobility Rack pull Trap bar high handles Sumo deadlift
Hang clean Wrist mobility KB swing/MB overhead toss Box jump/jump squats Hang or block pulls
Back squat Patellofemoral pain Box squat Low bar back squat Front squat
KB 5 kettlebell; MB 5 medicine ball.

exercises can be applied. For example category. For example, the second the suggested regressions. In this
in Table 1, the third regression for the drop jump progression/variation as way, program design can be further
rear foot elevated split squat suggests outlined in Table 1 suggests using var- planned and divided into phases,
the use of a band resisted Reactive ied height boxes as opposed to a single where for beginner athletes; regres-
Neuromuscular Technique (RNT) split fixed height. This is based on the prem- sion 4 forms their phase 1 exercise
squat during which the S&C coach ise of applying variability to a selected selection. From this starting point,
would position a band above the ath- skill to aid the motor learning process. each phase would implement the next
lete’s knee and actively pull the knee Specifically, this occurs through the level of progression. Such application
inward during the movement, a tech- generation of task performance imbal- of planned variation encourages con-
nique suggested by Voight and Cook ances which subsequently lead to tinual development of the athlete, and
(21). The basis for this approach ensues spontaneous adaptions and discovery reduces training monotony.
that methods to facilitate the control of of movement patterning through
abnormal joint motion include kines- exploration of the perceptual motor
thetic and proprioceptive information landscape, or a constraint-led approach APPLYING EXERCISE VARIATIONS
to the central nervous system, in which (8). Because movement is character- An adjunct to the progression/regres-
joint repositioning exercises reflexively ized by inherent variability, it is logical sion model is the concept of providing
stimulate the peripheral mechanore- to deduce that providing additional appropriate variations to athletes who
ceptors (21). Furthermore, RNT exer- variability within practice tasks will may experience difficulty or pain with
cises are used to develop preparatory facilitate motor learning and retention a particular exercise. For example in
coactivation of agonists, antagonists, of the specific skills in question as sup- the performance model, the develop-
and synergists restoring the force cou- ported by previous investigations ment of hip dominant strength may
ples necessary to balance joint force. (17,18,20). be required and the desired exercise
Both feedforward and feedback stabil- Therefore, using a progressive is a conventional deadlift. However,
ity mechanisms are required to pro- sequence will ensure safe and effec- the athlete in question may not have
mote dynamic coactivation, and thus, tive performance of each exercise, al- the requisite ankle mobility to achieve
facilitation of these pathways involves lowing S&C coaches to individualize an appropriate neutral spine position.
actively positioning the joint in a posi- programs to the level of the athlete. Thus, presented with such a challenge,
tion of compromise (i.e., example pull- During group and team training ses- the S&C coach has 2 options; (a)
ing the knee in through band sions, individualized exercise pre- regress the exercise using the concept
resistance). This will assist in develop- scription can be applied through the as outlined in Tables 1and 2, or (b),
ing the athlete’s reactive stabilization selection of the appropriate progres- modify the lift using a variation such
capabilities. Its inclusion here before sion/regression for each athlete based as a rack pull (characterized by a higher
loading the movement pattern is to on their movement competency and bar set position) or a sumo deadlift
promote optimal knee alignment training age. An example of this could (adopting a wider stance and a more
(avoidance of high-risk positions, spe- be applied to the chin up, in which vertical tibia) which demonstrates less
cifically knee valgus collapse) and athletes who are able to competently of an ankle mobility requirement. This
effective motor control through enhan- perform this exercise would under- enables the athlete to be loaded in a safe
ces in dynamic stability. take the target exercise or a suitable position, providing an effective training
The final exercise is not always the progression when performing their stimulus for strength development con-
most advanced but provides a variation vertical pulling work. Athletes who comitantly; increases in ankle mobility
which can be implemented once the do not demonstrate the requisite can be attained through the inclusion
athlete has mastered the fundamental technical competence or strength in of targeted interventions elsewhere in
exercises that precedes it in each this exercise can instead use one of the program.

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Performance Modeling

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