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Three-dimensional assessment of virtual

bracket removal for orthodontic
retainers: A prospective clinical study
Kaitlin Marsh,a Andre Weissheimer,a Kaifeng Yin,b Alexandra Chamberlain-Umanoff,c Hongsheng Tong,a
and Glenn T. Sameshimaa
Los Angeles and Redlands, Calif, and Houston, Tex

Introduction: Computer-aided design and manufacturing of orthodontic retainers from digitally debonded
models can be used to facilitate same-day delivery. The purpose of this prospective clinical study was to
validate a novel technique for virtual bracket removal (VBR) in-office, comparing the accuracy with 2
orthodontic laboratories that use VBR for retainer fabrication in the digital workflow. Methods: The sample con-
sisted of 40 intraoral scans of 20 patients. Four groups were compared. The scans without brackets were used
as a control group. VBR was performed by 3 groups: In-office VBR (Software Meshmixer, version 3.5.474;
Autodesk, San Rafael, Calif), Orthodent Laboratory (ODL; Buffalo, NY), and New England Orthodontic
Laboratory (NEOLab; Andover, Mass). The virtually debonded models were superimposed onto the control
models using surface-based registration. Regional 3-dimensional Euclidean distances between surface
points of superimposed models were calculated for comparative analysis of surface changes after VBR using
Vector Analysis Module (Canfield Scientific, Fairfield, NJ) software. Results: The accuracy of VBR using the
Meshmixer did not differ significantly from the VBR protocols used by the 2 laboratories. However, there was
a statistically significant difference between the 2 laboratories, with ODL showing lower accuracy than NEOLab.
Although some differences were statistically significant, they were very small and not considered clinically rele-
vant. There was also a statistically significant difference between the 3 tooth segments (incisors, canines/pre-
molars, and first molars), with VBR of the first molars and second premolars showing the least accuracy.
Conclusions: The VBR techniques using the in-office Meshmixer, ODL, and NEOLab were considered
accurate enough for the clinical use of orthodontic retainers fabricated from printed models. (Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:302-11)

ne of the greatest orthodontic challenges is bracket removal, pouring the impression up in stone,
maintaining tooth position after debonding, physically carving the brackets off if the impression was
and thus, ensuring timely manufacturing of re- taken before bracket removal, and fabricating the
tainers is key to the success and longevity of orthodontic retainer on the stone model. Problems during the stone
treatment.1 Orthodontic retainers should be placed model fabrication may occur, requiring the patient to
immediately after the removal of the appliances because come back to the office for a new impression. With the
some relapse may occur in a few hours.2,3 Traditionally, introduction of intraoral scanners and software for
retainer fabrication workflow has involved taking an computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided
alginate impression before bracket removal or after manufacturing, orthodontic appliance fabrication tech-
niques have evolved and have become digital.4,5 Advan-
Advanced Orthodontic Program, Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, University
tages of 3-dimensional (3D) digital scanning include
of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. simplicity, accuracy, longevity,6 reduced patient discom-
Private practice, Houston, Tex. fort, elimination of impression material in inventory,
Private practice, Redlands, Calif.
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po-
reduced storage issues, and minimization of cross-
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. contamination.7 Moreover, the intraoral scan can be 3D
Address correspondence to: Andre Weissheimer, Department of Orthodontics, printed in resin and used for appliance fabrication.
Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, University of Southern California, 925 W
34th St, Los Angeles, CA 90089; e-mail,
With 3D printing gaining traction in the orthodontic
Submitted, May 2020; revised, August 2020; accepted, September 2020. community, many private practices have been investing
0889-5406/$36.00 in in-office digital laboratories for 3D-printing models
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.
and fabrication of appliances to increase efficiency and

Marsh et al 303

reduce the number of appointments for patients.7-10 study. Informed consent and assent were obtained
Using the digital workflow, high-quality retainers can from the legal guardians and patients, respectively.
be fabricated from 3D printed models.7-11 The inclusion criteria for this prospective clinical study
In the digital workflow, the retainer fabrication involves were as follows: (1) patients starting or finishing ortho-
the acquisition of the patient’s intraoral scan, postprocess- dontic treatment, allowing for intraoral scans done on
ing of the digital models in stereolithography (STL) file the same day as bonding or debonding, (2) full fixed
format, virtual bracket removal (VBR) procedure in CAD labial appliances bonded at least from maxillary left first
software, model 3D-printing, and fabrication of the molar to maxillary right first molar, and (3) at least one
retainer before the debonding appointment. The first tooth per segment (incisors, canine/premolars, and first
step in this workflow is to acquire an accurate intraoral molar). In this study, 2 patients were excluded because
scan, which is critical. There are many intraoral scanners of poor scan quality and the presence of a band on a first
in the market that possess trueness and precision sufficient molar. The sample consisted of 40 maxillary dentition
for orthodontic applications.12 Among them, TRIOS 3 intraoral scans of 20 patients of the USC Advanced Or-
(3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark) is a popular intraoral thodontic Clinic. Two maxillary intraoral scans of each
scanner that has shown good trueness and precision even patient, one with brackets and one without brackets,
when scanning arches with bonded buccal brackets.11 were acquired at the same appointment during either
Studies have shown that digital impressions and models the beginning (before and after bonding, 2 of 20 pa-
accomplish equal or higher precision than some conven- tients) or at the completion of orthodontic treatment
tional impression materials and stone models.14-17 After (before and after debonding, 18 of 20 patients) using
the acquisition of the intraoral scan, digital model the TRIOS 3 intraoral scanner. The scanner’s software
postprocessing is necessary to remove artifacts such as postprocessed the intraoral scans, exporting them as
noise, outliers, holes, or ghost geometry,18,19 preparing digital models in the STL format. Four groups were
the models for the next step: VBR, which is a new procedure compared (all subject participants were included in
in orthodontics in which the brackets are digitally selected each group). Group 1 was the control group that
and removed from the tooth surface to produce a digital consisted of intraoral digital models without brackets
model without brackets. VBR can be performed using (postdebonding scans/prebonding scans). Group 2 was
many different CAD software programs, such as Meshmixer post-VBR digital models from the in-office Meshmixer
(Autodesk, San Rafael, Calif) and OrthoAnalyzer (3Shape). VBR protocol. Group 3 was post-VBR digital models
VBR may take 4-5 minutes per arch, depending on the soft- from Orthodent Laboratory (ODL; Buffalo, NY), and
ware used and the operator’s skill. Once VBR is performed, group 4 was post-VBR digital models from New England
the digital model can be 3D printed to serve as a physical Orthodontic Laboratory (NEOLab; Andover, Mass)
model for retainer fabrication.8 VBR before the debonding (Fig 1).
appointment has the important advantage of same-day The Meshmixer VBR protocol used in this study was
delivery of a well-fitting fixed or removable retainer, with developed and validated in vitro in a previous prelimi-
the added advantage of eliminating an office visit. nary typodont study.20 Meshmixer is freeware software
VBR can be performed either in-office or by an ortho- that can be downloaded at After
dontic laboratory that provides this new digital service in importing the STL files into the Meshmixer software,
lieu of physical carving of brackets from traditional plas- the first step was the model preparation, which includes
ter models. Because VBR is a novel technique, there are digitally removing scan artifacts connected to brackets
no studies that have tested this procedure to produce ac- before VBR. Per the VBR protocol, surface lasso selection
curate 3D-printed models for retainer fabrication. Thus, mode allows surface faces to be selected without “paint-
this prospective clinical study aimed to validate a novel ing.”21 These selection boundaries can be refined using
technique for VBR in-office, comparing the accuracy the smooth boundary tool. Once the boundary around
with 2 orthodontic laboratories that use VBR for re- the bracket is smoothed, the erase and fill tool is selected
tainers fabrication in the digital workflow. to virtually erase the bracket. Figure 2 details the proto-
The hypothesis is VBR can be performed accurately col for VBR using Meshmixer, which was performed from
enough to be used for orthodontic retainers, indepen- maxillary right first molar to maxillary left first molar.
dently of the software program or laboratory. There are a few outside orthodontic laboratories that
offer digital bracket removal. Two of these laboratories
were selected on the basis of their advertised capability
MATERIAL AND METHODS to digitally remove brackets: ODL and NEOLab. Each sub-
The University Park Institutional Review Board of the ject participant’s digital model was coded with a number
University of Southern California (USC) approved this as not to reveal the subject’s name (eg, VBR #2). All

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
304 Marsh et al

Fig 1. Workflow for VBR clinical study.

Fig 2. VBR with Meshmixer: A, intraoral scan with brackets; B, bracket selection using surface lasso
tool; C, smooth boundary tool (hotkey B) was applied; D, The irregular selection boundary around the
bracket was refined; E, virtual removal of the bracket using the erase and fill operation (hotkey F) set to
property panel defaults; F, visualization of a tooth after VBR.

digital models of the bracketed maxillary arch for each data can be used for the superimposition of 3D surface
subject participant were sent to both laboratories. These data of digital models.22-25 The scans of groups 2-4
laboratories performed digital bracket removal using Or- were superimposed onto the group 1 control models
thoAnalyzer software with their own VBR protocols and using the surface-based registration technique, which
attached a digital model in STL format for each patient provides the best fit between the models (Fig 3). The su-
after bracket removal. To avoid the risk of bias, neither perimposition accuracy on the areas not affected by the
laboratory was aware of the study. VBR was evaluated by the iterative closest point algo-
For 3D evaluation of VBR accuracy, the digital rithm and color-coded maps (6 300 mm visualization
models of all groups were imported into the 3-matic range). To complement the visual inspection, the mea-
3D modeling software (Materialise, Leuven, Belgium) sure analysis locally tool was used to quantify the super-
for 3D superimposition. Although STL models do not imposition error in the stable areas (green color) where
contain any volumetric data, their triangulated surface surface changes were not expected (Fig 3, D). If the

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Marsh et al 305

Fig 3. Superimposition onto control: A, all digital models registration using surface superimposition; B,
digital models of group 3 (pink) and control group 1 (purple) before superimposition; C, after superim-
position; D, superimposition accuracy confirmation using color-coded maps (green hues indicates no
surface changes; blue or red indicates surface changes $ 0.3 mm in different directions).

registration error ranged from 0 to 0.05 mm, the model’s previously indicated by the color maps (Fig 4). A regional
superimposition accuracy was confirmed. Then, the dig- color-coded map (6 300 mm visualization range) of the
ital models were exported as STL files and transferred to selected area illustrated the linear surface changes after
the Vector Analysis Module (VAM; Canfield Scientific, VBR. VAM automatically calculated the minimum,
Fairfield, NJ) for 3D assessment of the VBR accuracy. maximum, root mean square (RMS), and mean values
The entire VBR procedure was performed once by with a standard deviation for each selected area. Com-
each group. All the measurements for VBR accuracy parisons were made between the 3 VBR techniques
assessment (40 maxillary intraoral scans) were per- (Meshmixer, ODL, and NEOLab), the tooth segments,
formed by 2 separate investigators using VAM to ensure and individual teeth. An overview of the whole workflow
interexaminer reliability. The investigators were third- for the VBR process and 3D evaluation is shown in
year orthodontic residents previously trained by 1 expe- Figure 5.
rienced orthodontist (AW) on how to use the software for The 3 models that underwent VBR in each sample
VBR evaluation. Each investigator repeated all of the were randomized and coded by 1 of the authors to
measurements twice (40 maxillary intraoral scans) after ensure blinding of the examiners performing the mea-
a 2-week interval to ensure intraexaminer reliability. surements. The 3 VBR models in each sample were given
Four groups of maxillary arch digital models were thus the codes U, X, or Y, each corresponding to a specific lab-
identified for the measurements: (1) a control group of oratory that was unknown by the examiner performing
clinically debonded or prebonding, (2) VBR performed the measurements. The coding system was revealed
in-office by Meshmixer protocol, (3) VBR performed by only after the statistical analysis was complete.
ODL, and (4) VBR performed by NEOLab. Regional 3D
Euclidean distances between surface points of the super- Statistical analysis
imposed control and debonded models were measured The RMS values, which best represented the overall
using VAM software. The superimposed control and magnitudes of surface change irrespective of the direc-
virtually debonded models were measured on the labial tion of change of the 3 techniques, were compared.
surface using an iterative closest point algorithm for Descriptive statistical analysis was performed with
comparative analysis of surface changes after VBR. The SPSS (version 20.0; IBM, Armonk, NY) for linear surface
color surface by distance tool (6 300 mm visualization changes because of VBR. Interexaminer (Cronbach
range) was used to display and to indicate the areas alpha) and intraexaminer (Cronbach alpha) reliability
with surface changes to be included in the measurement. were determined. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to
For each tooth, the paint area selection tool was used to evaluate the normality of the data. Multiple linear
select the area where the bracket was virtually removed, regression analysis with tooth/segment and laboratory

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306 Marsh et al

Fig 4. Regional evaluation of VBR using VAM software: A, semitransparent original model showing the
brackets position in relation to the VBR displayed by the color maps; B, same color maps showing the
superimposed control and post-VBR scan to indicate the area to be measured; C, paint area tool over
the greatest surface changes indicated by the color maps; D, regional color maps of the painted area
and the linear surface changes measurements of the VBR. Color map (6 300 mm): Red hues indicate a
negative value where unintentional tooth surface removal occurred. Blue hues indicate positive values
where insufficient bracket removal occurred.

as independent variables was first attempted. Because

the laboratory was identified to contribute insignifi-
cantly to the total variance, 3 separate 1-way analysis
of variance (ANOVA) tests26 were used to detect the po-
tential differences between 3 VBR protocols/labora-
tories, separate teeth, and tooth segments (incisors,
canines/premolars, and first molars). Statistical differ-
ences between the test groups were further analyzed
with Scheffe post-hoc test (⍺ 5 0.05).27

Interexaminer and intraexaminer reliability were
determined to be high (.0.9). Because there were no
significant interexaminer and intraexaminer differences
in the VBR measurement reliability, the RMS values
from both operators and measurement trials were aver-
aged by tooth for each VBR group. One-way ANOVA
used averaged RMS surface changes by tooth, from cen-
Fig 5. Overview of the VBR measurement workflow: A, tral incisor to first molar (1-6), and significance was
digital model of the control group; B, digital model with determined at P \0.05. RMS surface changes ranged
brackets before VBR; C, digital model after VBR; D, from 0.10 mm to 0.30 mm, with first molars exhibiting
VBR model and its corresponding control model superim-
the greatest amount of surface change and central inci-
posed; E, models superimposition confirmation; F, selec-
sors exhibiting the least amount of surface change re-
tion of area for the VBR; G, regional color map of linear
surface changes after VBR. Color map (6 300 mm): sulting from VBR (Fig 6). The first molars and the
Red hues indicate a negative value where unintentional second premolar showed the greatest distribution of sur-
tooth surface removal occurred; blue hues indicate posi- face change, indicating the largest error in VBR. Post-
tive values where insufficient bracket removal occurred. hoc analysis with Scheffe test (Table I) showed a pairwise

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Marsh et al 307

Fig 6. Boxplot illustrating RMS surface changes distribu- Fig 7. Boxplot illustrating RMS surface change values
tions by tooth: (1) central incisor, (2) lateral incisor, (3) distribution by tooth segment: (0) incisors segment; (1)
canine, (4) first premolar, (5) second premolar, and (6) canine/premolars segment; (2) first molars. First molars
first molar. The distribution of RMS surface change displayed the greatest distribution of RMS values for sur-
values was greatest for tooth 5 and 6, with tooth 6 face changes and the greatest median value or greatest
showing the greatest distribution and highest median. error. oan outlier; *an extreme outlier.
an outlier; *an extreme outlier.

and first molars) is illustrated in Figure 7. The first molar

statistically significant difference (P \0.05) in averaged segment showed the greatest distribution of surface
RMS values between the second premolar and all other change, indicating the largest error in VBR. Post-hoc
teeth in the arch as well as the first molar and all other analysis with Scheffe test (Table II) showed a pairwise
teeth in the arch. statistically significant difference (P \0.05) in averaged
The 1-way ANOVA of the tooth segments (incisors, RMS values between the first molar segment and the in-
canine/premolars, and first molar) using averaged RMS cisors as well as the first molar segment and the canine/
surface changes and a significance determined at premolar segment.
P \0.05 showed RMS surface changes ranging from In evaluating the differences between the in-office
0.12 mm to 0.33 mm, with the first molars exhibiting Meshmixer method and 2 laboratories, a 1-way ANOVA
the greatest amount of surface change and the incisors was performed using averaged RMS surface changes by
exhibiting the least amount of surface change resulting laboratory (Meshmixer, ODL, and NEOLab). Significance
from VBR. The pattern of distribution of the surface was determined at P \0.05. VBR produced surface
changes for each segment (incisors, canine/premolars, changes that ranged from 0.15 mm to 0.19 mm, with
NEOLab exhibiting the least amount of surface changes
and ODL exhibiting the greatest amount of surface
Table I. Scheff
e post-hoc analysis of RMS by tooth change (RMS). The pattern of distribution of the surface
Pair Mean difference Standard error P value change is illustrated by a boxplot in Figure 8. The in-
1 vs 2 0.03 0.01 0.405 office method and the 2 laboratories showed a similar
1 vs 3 0.01 0.01 0.930 distribution of surface change which indicates a similar
1 vs 4 0.01 0.01 0.984
1 vs 5 0.09 0.01 \0.001*
1 vs 6 0.23 0.01 \0.001*
2 vs 3 0.01 0.01 0.944 Table II. Scheff
e post-hoc analysis of RMS by tooth
2 vs 4 0.02 0.01 0.897 segment
2 vs 5 0.06 0.01 0.001*
2 vs 6 0.20 0.01 \0.001* Mean Standard
3 vs 4 0.00 0.01 1.000 Pair difference error P value
3 vs 5 0.08 0.01 \0.001 Incisors vs canine/ 0.03 0.01 0.013*
3 vs 6 0.21 0.01 \0.001* premolar
4 vs 5 0.08 0.01 \0.001* Incisor vs first molar 0.21 0.01 \0.001***
4 vs 6 0.22 0.01 \0.001* Canine/premolar vs first 0.19 0.01 \0.001***
5 vs 6 0.14 0.01 \0.001* molar

Note. Values in millimeters. The mean difference is significant at the Note. Values in millimeters. The mean difference is significant at the
0.05 level. Tooth 1-6: central incisor to first molar. 0.05 level.
*P #0.001. *P #0.05; ***P #0.001.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
308 Marsh et al

Table IV. Percentage negative and positive tooth sur-

face change after VBR per laboratory
Tooth surface change Meshmixer ODL NEOLab
Negative surface change (% of 223) 8.9 13.7 29.7
Positive surface change (% of 223) 91.1 86.3 70.3
Note. Values are %. Negative surface changes mean unintentional
tooth surface removal. Positive surface changes mean insufficient
bracket removal.

Meshmixer or OrthoAnalyzer software.20 In this clinical

study, the in-office VBR with Meshmixer was compared
Fig 8. Boxplot illustrating RMS values distribution by lab- with 2 orthodontic laboratories that used OrthoAnalyzer.
oratory: (0) Meshmixer VBR; (1) ODL VBR; (2) NEOLab Meshmixer was chosen because it is a widely-used soft-
VBR. oan outlier; *an extreme outlier. ware, user-friendly, and free-to-download, whereas
OrthoAnalyzer is available at a high cost to be used for
error in VBR. Post-hoc analysis with the Scheffe test in-office VBR for retainer fabrication.
showed a pairwise statistically significant difference VBR is performed on digital models obtained by any
(P \0.05) in averaged RMS values between ODL and intraoral scanner. Although several commercially avail-
NEOLab (Table III). No statistically significant difference able intraoral scanners generate reliable digital
was found between the Meshmixer and ODL as well as models,16,17,28-31 TRIOS 3 was used in this clinical
Meshmixer and NEOLab. study because it was the intraoral scanner available at
The net negative and positive values from the raw the USC orthodontic clinic. Some studies evaluated the
data measurements were added up, and the percentage influence of scanning technique.28,32,33 TRIOS 3 is less
of negative and positive surface changes was calculated likely to be influenced by scanning technique.28,33
for each laboratory (Table IV). Of the total sample of 223 Moreover, it has also demonstrated reliable scanning ac-
teeth, NEOLab exhibited the greatest percentage of un- curacy of dentitions with fixed labial appliances,12,13,34
intentional tooth surface removal (29.7%), followed by which was critical for this study.
ODL (13.7%) and Meshmixer (8.9%). Meshmixer showed The accuracy of VBR processes is evaluated best by
the greatest percentage of insufficient bracket removal superimposing the digital models using surface-based
(91.1%), followed by ODL (86.3%) and NEOLab (70.3%). registration and calculating the distances between sur-
face points, further illustrated by color map-
DISCUSSION ping.14,22-25,35,36 The ability to make meaningful
conclusions about the error due to VBR relied on the
As orthodontics moves from analog to digital, some
3D superimposition accuracy. Therefore, 3D surface-
orthodontic laboratories have started offering VBR as a
based superimposition of the control and virtually
digital service. However, there is no scientific evidence
bonded models was performed using 3-magic software,
regarding the accuracy of VBR, which has been recently
and the superimposition accuracy verified using color-
introduced and used for 3D printed models for same-day
coded maps, ensuring any change on the labial surface
retainer delivery. In our previous preliminary study on ty-
of the teeth would be the result of VBR and not because
podonts, VBR was shown to be accurate and reproduc-
of superimposition errors between the digital models. If
ible with in-office protocols established using either
the registration error was greater than 0.05 mm, quanti-
fied by the measure analysis locally tool, the model’s su-
perimposition was repeated. When the registration
Table III. Scheff
e post-hoc analysis of RMS by accuracy was confirmed (error ranging from 0 mm to
laboratory 0.05 mm), the digital models were exported as STL files
Pair Mean difference Standard error P value and transferred to VAM software. The accuracy of VBR
Meshmixer vs ODL 0.02 0.01 0.341 was assessed 3-dimensionally using VAM’s color surface
Meshmixer vs NEOLab 0.02 0.01 0.356 by distance tool (6 300 mm visualization range) to
ODL vs NEOLab 0.03 0.01 0.015* display and measure linear surface changes between
Note. Values in millimeters. The mean difference is significant at the
the superimposed digital models. The paint area selec-
0.05 level. tion tool, which is designed for identifying regions of
*P #0.05. dimensional differences,37 was used to generate regional

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Marsh et al 309

color-coded maps on the labial surfaces where the The comparison of the in-office Meshmixer with the
brackets were virtually removed for quantitative analysis 2 laboratories showed that ODL had the highest RMS
of the minimum values, maximum values, RMS values, value of surface change (0.19 mm), followed by Mesh-
and standard deviations. To ensure reproducibility, the mixer (0.17 mm) and NEOLab (0.15 mm). Despite the
paint area selection tool remained the same shape and statistically significant difference between ODL and
size for each bracket area selection. This procedure was NEOLab, the surface changes due to VBR are small and
supported by the results, which showed a high degree may not be clinically significant (Table III). Regarding
of intraexaminer and interexaminer reliability. The red the direction of surface changes after VBR, whether un-
hues in the VAM software indicated negative values, intentional tooth surface removal or insufficient bracket
which represented zones of unintentional tooth surface removal, all 3 VBR techniques showed a higher percent-
removal, and blue hues indicated positive values, which age of insufficient bracket removal, being 91.1% for
represented zones of insufficient bracket removal. Aver- Meshmixer, 86.3% for ODL, and 70.3% for NEOLab
aged RMS values, and not the average of mean values, (Table IV). Minor insufficient bracket removal ranging
were used because RMS represents the overall magni- from 0.1 mm to 0.3 mm can be more favorable from a
tude of surface changes, regardless of the direction of clinical and from a retainer manufacturing standpoint
change. Conversely, the greatest value of minimum or than unintentional tooth surface removal, which can
maximum for each tooth detailed the net direction of make the retainer insertion difficult. NEOLab displayed
change. RMS was used in accordance with a previous the highest percentage of unintentional tooth surface
study that measured surface changes between superim- removal with 29.7%, followed by ODL with 13.7% and
posed condyles using VAM software.37 the in-office Meshmixer with 8.9%. Although uninten-
The results of this study show that the accuracy of VBR tional tooth surface removal may be unfavorable
decreases from the anterior teeth to the posterior teeth. All because vacuum-formed thermoplastic retainers may
3 segments of teeth showed a statistically significant dif- not adapt well, these retainers have a certain elasticity,
ference when compared with each other. The first molar and this may not be an issue. In the current study, the
segment displayed the highest RMS value of 0.33 mm, ODL laboratory provided a thermoform retainer with
whereas the incisors showed the smallest RMS value of each VBR model delivered to patients. The clinical
0.12 mm, demonstrating that VBR is the least accurate assessment, although subjective, showed a proper fit of
in the posterior segment. Furthermore, color mapping the retainer on the maxillary dentition. However, future
showed a higher prevalence of blue hues in the posterior studies should evaluate and measure the fit of the re-
segments, implying that there is a tendency to have insuf- tainers fabricated from VBR models, using methods of
ficient bracket removal in the posterior teeth when fit evaluation outlined by previous studies.39 One limita-
compared with the anterior teeth. The proximity between tion of this clinical study was the possible variations that
the posterior brackets and the gingival margins may have may have occurred during the debonding procedure,
interfered with the algorithm used by the software when such as unintentional removal of tooth structure or the
computing the selected area and removing the bracket. presence of some residual adhesive. Using only prebond-
Canines and incisors have brackets positioned in the mid- ing digital models as control would have the advantage
dle of the crown and away from the gingival margins, of no residual adhesive. However, using postbonding
which may explain the better results for VBR accuracy. digital models allowed for clinical assessment of the
In addition, the greatest error in the first molar region retainer fit in the patient’s maxillary arch. Because of
could also be explained by the presence of the buccal the novelty of this research, there is a lack of published
groove and the inability of the virtual removal software articles to compare and discuss the results. The only
to navigate big changes in surface curvature and remove available data for comparison was our preliminary
adhesive inside the groove.20,36 Studies have shown that in vitro typodont study in 3D printed models.20 In the
intraoral scanning with TRIOS 3 is least accurate in the current clinical study, the VBR was less accurate in the
molar region14,28,29,38; however, the scanning error is posterior segment with a tendency toward average pos-
less than 0.10 mm at the distal tooth, which is not signif- itive change, which indicates insufficient bracket
icant.15 Because scanning accuracy was verified to be removal across all groups. Conversely, the in vitro typo-
within 0.10 mm, surface changes seen at all 3 segments dont study found a negative change in the first molars
were likely because of VBR error and not because of scan- and incisors, indicating unintentional bracket removal
ning inaccuracy. Although the VBR surface changes (RMS but positive changes for the premolars and canines.20
values) for all 3 tooth segments were greater than 0.1 mm, The difference between the in vitro and the clinical
they were all within the reported accuracy for orthodontic studies may be attributed to the sample evaluated. The
casts, which is 0.3-0.5 mm.39 former used 3D printed models in gray resin, whereas

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
310 Marsh et al

Table V. Multifactorial comparison between Meshmixer, ODL, and NEOLab

Factor Meshmixer ODL NEOLab
VBR software used Meshmixer OrthoAnalyzer OrthoAnalyzer
Cost Free software 1 3D-printed model $48.50 (1 arch VBR 1 printed $45 single arch package or $90
$2, retainer clear material model 1 Essix) full arch package (includes VBR,
$2 1 labor work 1 other 3D models, and Essix retainer)
variables. Estimation: $10-15
Turnaround time ~ 10 min for VBR 1 time to send ~ 7-10 d ~ 14 d
out to print or perform in-office
Practical application VBR only 1 print in-office for Offers VBR 1 3D-printed Offers VBR only or VBR 1 3D-
retainer or send out to print model 1 Essix retainer as a printed model 1 Essix retainer

the latter used real tooth surfaces where the enamel was Hongsheng Tong: reviewing and editing; and Glenn T.
the surface evaluated. Sameshima: supervision, reviewing, and editing.
Regarding the accuracy of VBR techniques using in-
office Meshmixer, ODL, or NEOLab, although some dif- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ferences were statistically significant, they were very This study was approved by the University of South-
small and not considered clinically relevant. Despite ern California Institutional Review Board (no. HS-19-
the similar accuracy of the 3 techniques for VBR, other 00590). This study did not receive any specific grant
attributes may also be important for the decision- from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or
making regarding the technique of choice. Table V not-for-profit sectors.
outlines some features of the in-office VBR and the 2
laboratories, including the cost analysis. In-office VBR SUPPLEMENTARY DATA
using Meshmixer has the advantage of being free soft-
ware, and it has quicker turnaround time if the 3D-print Supplementary data associated with this article can
models and retainers are fabricated in-office as well. be found, in the online version, at
ODL has a faster turnaround time than NEOLab and is 1016/j.ajodo.2020.09.027.
comparable in price. Both ODL and NEOLab use Ortho
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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2

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