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The Importance of NGO Diplomacy

Traditional diplomacy has renewed itself under the influence of globalization. As a result of
globalization, some features of diplomacy have evolved in a completely different direction.
Diplomacy has been replaced by new practices and new actors. Diplomacy is no longer
carried out only through the state. NGO institutions also affect diplomacy directly and
indirectly. At the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in
1972, it was decided to establish an international body at the United Nations (UN) to address
environmental problems on a global scale. The influence and number of NGOs have increased
enormously since this conference.

Today, NGOs can have an important place for diplomatic representation. NGOs cannot do
everything the diplomatic officer does. However, NGOs have a strong influence on
communication and interaction. The reason for this is the increase of actors representing states
with globalization. As a result of the expansion of the concept of representation in diplomacy,
the influence of NGOs has also increased. This effect of NGOs can be shown as an example
of transition from traditional diplomacy to new diplomacy. ‘’It is how the institution of
diplomacy, as well as the work done by diplomats and nondiplomats, is changing over time as
new actors are included in global governance and new forms of governing are being
developed and put to use.’’ [ CITATION Ole12 \p 534 \l 1055 ] NGOs have an important field of
activity thanks to the United Nations. NGOs that increase their activities thanks to the United
Nations play an active role in 21st century democracy. The opportunities provided by the
United Nations to NGOs have strengthened the activities and effects of NGOs. International
negotiations are one political arena in which NGOs attempt to shape policy making related to
the environment and sustainable development (Betsill 2006) International negotiations are an
area where states have a lot of influence. The influence of NGOs is less in international
negotiations. Because states have official decision making authority in international
negotiations. NGOs do not have decision-making powers. NGOs participate in international
negotiations as observers. The lack of official voting rights of CSOs does not mean that they
do not have any influence in this process. They can create public opinion and influence the
views of states throughout the decision-making process. Governments can be persuaded to
change their policies as a result of pressure from NGOs. The participation of CSO
representatives in negotiations with the government's diplomats and officials is very important
in terms of influencing the agenda. NGOs can create an agenda and shape the agenda as they
wish. They can keep issues they consider urgent on the agenda and speed up the process.

Governance structures have changed in the twenty-first century. Unlike traditional diplomacy,
diplomatic factors have changed and developed. NGOs act as a bridge between the citizen and
the state in this process of change and development. NGOs ensure that their citizens act
responsibly. International negotiations are the most important organizations that NGO
diplomats should use effectively to raise awareness of responsibility. When we think in terms
of 21st century democracy, NGOs and NGO representatives are at a very important point due
to their impact on citizens, who are the main actors of democracy. This importance increases
its influence in international negotiations with global participation. For example, the ozone
regime is the first example of a successful regime against a global environmental problem.1
Environmental NGOs have been instrumental in the ozone negotiations. Climate change is
another important activity in which NGOs play an active role.

Briefly, NGOs have been very successful in accelerating decision-making processes. Being a
bridge between the citizen and the state ensures that the society has a sense of responsibility.
Thanks to this awareness of responsibility, the states become influenced in international
negotiations with the awareness of the society. It is very important for 21st century democracy
that it affects citizens to this extent. Even if NGOs do not have a formal decision-making
authority in international negotiations, their influence that sets the agenda and can even
change the agenda at any time should not be overlooked.


1. The future of diplomacy: Changing practices, evolving relationships. Ole Jacob Sending, Vincent
Pouliot and Iver B. Neumann. 2011, International Journal, pp. 530-534.

2. NGO Diplomacy The Influence of Nongovernmental Organizations in International Environmental

Negotiations. Corell, Michele M. Betsill and Elisabeth. London, England : The MIT Press, 2008 .

3. The Environment in International Relations. Caroline Thomas. London, Royal Institute of

International Affairs, 1991,199-206

Caroline Thomas, The Environment in International Relations ,London, Royal Institute of International Affairs,

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