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 Most specifications for prestressed concrete construction
impose certain limitations on stresses in the concrete and
steel at particular stages, such as while tensioning the steel,
immediately after transfer of prestress force to the concrete,
and at full service load.
 These stress limits are intended to avoid damage to the
member during construction, and to ensure serviceability by
indirectly limiting crack width and deflection.
 In present practice, stress limit specifications often provide
the starting point in selecting the dimensions for prestressed
concrete members.
 The resulting design must, of course, be checked for
strength to insure adequate safety against failure.
 Deflections must also be calculated explicitly at particular
load stages of importance.

 Concrete stress limits imposed by the ACI Code

are summarized in Table 3.1.

 fci’ is the compressive strength of concrete at the

time of initial prestress, and fc’ is the specified
compressive strength of the concrete.

 Both are expressed in psi units, as are the

resulting stresses.
Table 3.1 Permissible Stresses in Concrete in
Prestressed Flexural Members

1- Stresses immediately after prestress transfer (before time-

dependent prestress losses) shall not exceed the following:

a. Extreme fiber stress in compression 0.60fci’

b. Extreme fiber stress in tension except as permitted in c (next)
c. Extreme fiber stress in tension at ends of simply supported
members 6√fci’

 Where computed tensile stresses exceed these values, bonded

auxiliary reinforcement (non-prestressed or prestressed) shall be
provided in the tensile zone to resist the total tensile force in the
concrete computed with the assumption of an uncracked section.
Table 3.1 Permissible Stresses in Concrete in
Prestressed Flexural Members
2- Stresses at service loads (after allowance for all prestress losses)
shall not exceed the following:
a. Extreme fiber stress in compression 0.45fc’
b. Extreme fiber stress in tension in precompressed tensile zone
c. Extreme fiber stress in tension in precompressed tensile zone of
members (except two-way slab systems) where analysis based
on transformed cracked sections and on bilinear moment-
deflection relationships shows that immediate and long-time
deflections comply with requirements stated elsewhere in the
Code, and where special cover requirements are met.
3- The permissible stresses of Sections 1 and 2 may be exceeded if
shown by test or analysis that performance will not be impaired.

 The permissible tensile stresses in prestressing

steel are given in Table 3.2.
 These are expressed in terms of fpu, the ultimate
strength of the steel, and fpy the specified yield
 It is seen that the stress permitted by the Code
depends on the stage of loading.
 When the jacking force is first applied, a stress
of 0.85fpu or 0.94fpy is allowed, whichever is
lower. .

 The values of 0.74fpu and 0.82 fpy apply after

elastic shortening and anchorage slip losses
have taken place, but before time-dependent
losses due to shrinkage, creep, and relaxation.

 No limit need be placed on final steel stress after

all losses, because that stress will always be
less than the steel stress under initial conditions,
when an adequate factor of safety must be

 The allowable steel stresses of Table 3.2, quoted from

the 1983 ACI Code, have been modified compared with
earlier editions of the ACI code to reflect the properties
of low-relaxation wire and strand, which are now in
general use and typically have a higher ratio of fpy/fpu
than ordinary tensions.

 With the higher allowable initial stresses now permitted,

final steel stresses after losses may prove to be higher.

 The Code Commentary warns that designers should be

concentrated with setting a limit on final stress when
the structure is subject to corrosive conditions or
repeated loadings.
Table 3.2 Permissible Stresses in Prestressing

Tensile stress in prestressing tendons shall not exceed

the following:

1. Due to tendon jacking force but not greater than 0.85fpu

or maximum value recommended by manufacturer of
prestressing tendons or anchoragesb

2. Immediately after prestress transfer but not greater

than 0.74fpu. 0.82fpy

3. Post-tensioning tendons, at anchorages and couplers,

immediately after tendon anchorage 0.70fpu
 The relation between applied load and steel stress in a typical well-
bonded pretensioned beam is shown in a qualitative way in Fig. 3.5.
 Performance of a grouted post-tensioned beam is similar.
 When the jacking force is first applied and the strand is stretched
between abutments, the steel stress is f pJ
 Upon transfer of force to the concrete member, there is an
immediate reduction of stress to the initial stress level fpi due to
elastic shortening of the concrete.
 At the same time, the self-weight of the member is caused to act as
the beam cambers upward.
 It will be assumed here that all time-dependent losses occur prior
to superimposed loading, so that the stress is further reduced to
the effective prestress level fpe as shown in Fig. 3.5.
Figure 3.5 Variation of Steel Stress with Load in Bonded
Pretensioned Beam

 As the superimposed dead and live loads are

added, there is a slight increase in steel stress.

 Assuming that perfect bond is maintained

between steel and concrete, this increase must
be np times the increase in stress in the concrete
at the level of the steel. (np = Ep / Ec)

 The change is no more than about 3 or 4 percent

of the initial stress, and is usually ignored in the

 Unless the beam has cracked prior to loading due to

shrinkage or other causes there is no significant
modification in behavior at the decompression load,
when the compression at the bottom of the member
is reduced to zero.
 The steel stress continues to increase only slightly
and linearly, until the cracking load is reached.
 At that load, there is a sudden increase in steel
stress, as the tension that was formerly carried by
the concrete is transferred to the steel.
 In a beam with prior cracks or in a segmentally cast
beam, the curve changes slope at the decompression

 After cracking, the steel stress increases much more

rapidly than before.

 After the yield stress fpy is reached, the steel elongates

disproportionately, but carries increasing stress due to
the shape of its stress-strain curve, and the stress vs load
curve continues upward at a gradually reducing slope.

 The steel stress when the beam fails fps may be equal to
the tensile strength fpu, but is usually somewhat below it,
depending on the geometry of the beam, the steel ratio,
the properties of the materials, and the initial prestress in
the steel.

 Although the importance of cracking has been

overemphasized in the past, it may be necessary to predict
the cracking load for any of the following reasons:

1- Deflection is influenced by the reduction in flexural rigidity

that accompanies cracking
2- After the beam cracks, the prestressing steel is more
vulnerable to corrosion.
3- The fatigue resistance of beams is reduced by cracking
because of the greater stress range experienced by the
prestressing steel near the cracks.
4- Cracks may be visually objectionable in some cases.
5- In the case of liquid containment vessels, leaks are more
likely after cracking.

 The moment causing cracking may easily be found for

a typical beam by writing the equation for the concrete
stress at the bottom face, based on the homogeneous
section, and setting it equal to the modulus of rupture:
f2 = - Pe / Ac (1 + e c2 / r2) + Mcr / S2 = fr
in which Mcr is the total moment at cracking (including
moment due to self-weight and superimposed dead and
partial live loads) and fr is the is the modulus of rupture.

 Rearranging, we obtain
Mcr / S2 = fr + Pe / Ac (1 + e c2 / r2)

Figure 3.6 Changes in concrete
stresses as cracking moment is h Concrete
applied Centroid
c2 1

fr - Pe/Ac x (1 + ec2/r2)

 This simply states that the change in bottom

face stress as the full cracking moment is
applied must be such as to overcome the initial
precompression due to prestress, and to
introduce a tensile stress just equal to the
modulus of rupture.
 This is shown in Fig. 3.6. If we rearrange terms
and note that S2 = Ic/c2, and r2 = Ic/Ac the
equation for cracking moment is
Mcr = fr S2 + Pe (r2 / c2 + e)

 Safety factor relative to cracking may be defined

with respect to the live-load bending moment
such that
Mo + Md + FcrMl = Mcr (c)
in which the factor Fcr may be less than, equal to,
or larger than unity.
 Then
Fcr = (Mcr – Mo – Md) / Ml (3.10)
EXAMPLE: Calculation of Cracking Moment for
Given Beam and Loads

 Calculate the cracking moment and find the

factor of safety against cracking for the I-Beam
considered in the example in Section 3.4 and
shown in Fig. 3.4.

 The modulus of rupture of the concrete is fr = 350

 The cracking moment can be found by direct
substitution into Eq. (3.9):
Mcr = fr S2 + Pe (r2 / c2 + e)
= 350 x 1,000 + 144,000 (68.2 / 12 + 5.19)
= 1,916,000 in.-lb
= 160ft-kips

 Assuming for present purposes that the entire

superimposed load is a live load, then the safety factor
against cracking, expressed with respect to an increase
in the live load is, from Eq. (3.10):
Fcr = (Mcr – Mo – Md) / Ml
= (160 – 37 – 0) / 110
= 1.12


Figure 3.7 Representative stress – strain curves for (a) Prestressing steel
(b) Concrete

For steel, Fig. 3.7a, notation is:

fpe, εpe = stress and strain in the steel due to

effective prestress force Pe after all losses2
fpy , εpy = Yield stress and yield strain for the
steel, defined as in Section 2.5
fpu , εpu = ultimate tensile strength and
ultimate strain of the steel
fps , εps = stress and strain in the steel when
the beam fails

 For concrete, the ultimate compressive strength

is termed fc’ as usual, and the failure strain is εcu
shown in Fig. 3.7b.

 Measurements of concrete strain at failure in

beam tests indicate that values of εcu between
0.003 and 0.004 are attained.

 Consistent with the ACI Code, a limiting strain of

0.003 for the concrete will be assumed.

 For under-reinforced beams, failure is initiated by

yielding of the tensile steel. The associated large tensile
strains permit widening of flexural cracks and upward
migration of the neutral axis.
 The increased concrete stresses acting on the reduced
compressive area results in a "secondary" compression
failure of the concrete, even though, the failure is
initiated by yielding.
 The stress in the steel at failure will be between A and B
of Fig. 3.7a.
 The large steel strains produce visible cracking and
considerable deflection of the member before the failure
load is reached, as illustrated by the test beam of Fig.
3.8. This is an important safety consideration.
FIGURE 3.8: Flexural failure of bonded pretensioned beam

 Over-reinforced beams, fail when the compressive

strain limit of the concrete is reached, at a load when
the steel is still below its yield stress, between points O
and A of Fig. 3.7a.
 This second type of failure is accompanied by a
downward movement of the neutral axis, because the
concrete is stressed into its nonlinear range although
the steel response is still linear.
 This type of failure occurs suddenly with little warning.
 The concrete compressive stress distributions in under-
and over-reinforced prestressed beams, at successive
loading stages, are shown in Fig. 3.9.
Figure 3.9: Successive flexural stress distributions as load is increased from
cracking to ultimate loads, (a) Under-reinforced prestressed beam. (b) Over-
reinforced prestressed beam.

 The stress distribution at stage (1) (Figs 3.9a or

3.9b) is approximately linear, whereas that at
stage (2) shows a slight curvature near the top
of the beam.
 At stage (3), the stress-strain curve up to
maximum stress fc’ is reproduced, but failure is
not obtained until stage (4), when the maximum
strain is equal to εcu and the entire stress-strain
curve is reproduced.
 Except in unusual cases, prestressed concrete
beams are under-reinforced. When the concrete
reaches its limiting strain, the steel stress fps
will be between fpy and fpu, as shown in Fig. 3.7a.

 An over-reinforced prestressed beam, in which the steel

stress is below yield at failure, can be transformed into
an under-reinforced prestressed beam by increasing
the intensity of prestress in the steel.

 The distinction between an under- and over-reinforced

prestressed beam depends, not only on the steel ratio
and properties of the materials, as for a reinforced
concrete beam, but on the intensity of prestress in the
steel as well.

To calculate the ultimate resisting moment of a

prestressed concrete beam, the value of the
compressive resultant C (which must equal the
tensile force T) and the internal lever arm at
failure, are needed.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

FIGURE 3.10 Strain and stress distributions at failure load.

(a) Cross section. (b) Strains, (c) Actual stress distribution,
(d) Equivalent rectangular distribution

 The actual distribution of compressive stress in the beam can be

replaced by an equivalent rectangular stress distribution having a
uniform stress intensity of 0.85fc’ and a depth a, as shown in Fig. 3.10.

 The relation between the equivalent and actual stress-block depths is

a = β1 c (3.11)

 The value of β1 has been established experimentally as given by the

relation β1= 0.85 - 0.05(fc' - 4,000)/1,000, where β1 is not to exceed 0.85
and is not be less than 0.65. Values for common concrete strengths
are shown in Table 3.3.

 The rectangular stress block is merely a computational device

invented to give the correct answers, even though the actual
distribution of concrete stress is not known in a particular case.
Table 3.3: Values of
β1=Stress-Block Depth/Neutral Axis Depth

Concrete psi 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 >8,000

strength fc’ MPa 21 28 34 41 48 >55

β1=a/c 0.85 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.65


 If the compression flange of a prestressed

concrete beam is little wider than the web, the
entire flange can be considered effective in
resisting the compressive force.

 For very wide flanges, the compressive stress in

the flange is not uniform, but decreases with
lateral distance from the web. This is so because
of shearing deformation of the flange, which
relieves the more remote elements of some
compressive stress.

 Although the actual longitudinal compression

varies because of this effect, it is convenient in
design to make use of an effective flange width
that may be smaller than the actual flange width,
but that is considered to be uniformly stressed.

 This effective width has been found to depend

primarily on the beam span and on the relative
thickness of the slab.
 The recommendations for effective flange width for reinforced
concrete that appear in the ACI Code are as follows:3

1. For symmetrical T beams the effective width b shall not exceed

one-fourth the span length of the beam. The overhanging width
(b - bw)/2 on either side of the beam web shall not exceed 8 times
the thickness of the slab, nor one-half the clear distance to the
next beam.
2. For beams having a flange on one side only, the effective
overhanging flange width shall not exceed one-twelfth the span
length of the beam, nor 6 times the slab thickness, nor one-half
the clear distance to the next beam.
3. For isolated beams in which the T form is used only for the
purpose of providing additional compressive area, the flange
thickness shall not be less than one-half the width of the web,
and the total flange width shall not be more than 4 times the web

 Strain and stresses in the

concrete and steel at loading
stages presently of interest are
shown in Fig. 3.11.
FIGURE 3.11: Strains and stresses as beam load is increased to
failure, (a) Strains in concrete and steel.

Neutral Axis at Failure

Uncracked Concrete Centroid

Steel Centroid
FIGURE 3.11 (b): Equivalent concrete stress
distribution at failure

 Strain distribution (1) of Fig. 3.11 (a) results from

application of effective prestress force Pe, acting
alone, after all losses.

 At this stage, the stress in the steel and the

associated strain, are respectively,
fpe= Pe/Ap (3.12)
ε1=εpe = fpe/Ep (3.13)

 Steel strain, in Fig. 3.11(a), is shown with respect

to its own separate origin.

 Consider an intermediate load stage (2)

corresponding to decompression of the
concrete at the level of the steel centroid.

 Assuming that bond remains intact between the

concrete and steel, the increase in steel strain
produced as loads pass from stage (1) to stage
(2) is the same as the decrease in concrete
strain at that level in the beam.

 It is given by the expression

ε2 = (Pe/AcEc) (1+ e2/r2) (3.14)

 When the member is overloaded to the failure stage (3), the neutral
axis is at a distance c below the top of the beam. The increment of
strain is
ε3= εcu (dp-c)/c (3.15)

 The total steel strain at failure εps is the sum of the three
components just found from Eqs. (3.13), (3.14), and (3.15):
εps= ε1+ ε2+ ε3 (3.16)
and the corresponding steel stress at failure is fps.

 The depth of the compressive stress block at failure can be found

from the equilibrium requirement that C = T. For a beam in which
the compression zone is of constant width b
0.85 fc'ab=Apfps (3.17)

 Solving this equation for the stress-block depth

a = Apfps/0.85fc’b = β1c (3.18)

 The resisting moment at failure is the product of

the tensile (or compressive) force and the internal
lever arm.

 For a member with constant width compression

zone, referring to Fig. 3.11b, the nominal flexural
strength is
Mn= Apfps (dp- a/2) (3.19)

 Equations (3.18) and (3.19) cannot be used

directly to calculate the failure moment for a
beam, because the steel stress fps, at failure is

Iterative Solution For Solving Problems

1. Assume a reasonable value for the steel stress fps at failure, and
note from the steel stress-strain curve the corresponding failure
strain εps.
2. Calculate the depth c to the actual neutral axis for that steel stress,
using Eq. (3.18) based on horizontal equilibrium.
3. Calculate the incremental strain ε3 from Eq. (3.15) and add this to
the prior strains as indicated by Eq. (3.16).
4. If the failure strain ε3 so obtained differs significantly from that
assumed in step (1), revise that assumption and repeat steps (1)
through (3) until satisfactory agreement is obtained.
5. With both a = β1c and fps now known, calculate the ultimate
flexural moment using Eq.(3.19).

 The method just described pertains to

beams for which the width of the
compression zone at failure is constant.

 Thus, it applies to rectangular section

beams, and to T- and I-section beams for
which the stress-block depth a is less than,
or at the most equal to, the compression
flange thickness. This is often the case.

 The method for finding fps and Mn based on

strain compatibility, using the iterative method
just described, converges rapidly to
satisfactory agreement between assumed and
calculated values of εps, after which Mn is
easily found.

 If desired, iteration can be avoided using a

graphical method to determine εps and fps, as
FIGURE 3.12: Stress in prestressed reinforcement at flexural failure
by curve intersection

 From the equilibrium relation of Eq. (3.17),

fps = 0.85f’cab/Ap (a)

 Substituting Ap = ρpbd and a = β1c, this can be written

fps = (0.85 β1f’c/ρp )x (c/dp) (b)

 Then, combining the geometric relations of Eqs. (3.15) and (3.16),

εps= εpe + ε2 + εcu (dp-c)/c (c)
from which
c/dp = εcu / (εcu + εps – εpe – ε2) (d)

 Substituting (d) into (b), one obtains

fps = (0.85 β1f’c/ρp ) x εcu / (εcu + εps – εpe – ε2) (3.20)


 In Eq. (3.20), for a given concrete with known

fc’, β1, and εcu, with εpe and ε2 also known, and
for particular values of ρp, the steel stress at
failure fps, is a function of only one unknown,
the steel strain at failure εps.

 The relation between fps and εps, for particular

values of prestressing steel ratio ρp, can be
plotted as in Fig. 3.12 to produce the family of

 This set of curves defines points that satisfy the

requirements of strain geometry and equilibrium at
failure, for each specific steel ratio.
 The stress-strain curve for the prestressing steel is
then superimposed. Stress and strain at failure must
also fall on that curve.
 The intersection of the stress-strain curve with the
applicable plot of Eq. (3.20) gives the values fps and εps
that satisfy all conditions.
 The nominal flexural strength can then be found
without difficulty using Eqs. (3.18) and (3.19).

 The preceding analysis is applicable if the steel tendons are

bonded to the concrete, so that no relative movement (slip)
occurs between the two components.

 This is naturally the case for pretensioned beams, and is

normally true for post-tensioned members in which the tendons
are grouted after they are tensioned.

 However, with some types of post-tensioned construction, such

as when greased, plastic-sheathed tendons are used, or when
tendons are located in the hollow cells of box girders, grouting is
not possible. In the resulting member, where the steel is not
bonded to the concrete, slip can occur between the two as
flexural loading is applied.

 The result is that the elongation of the steel is distributed over the
entire length of the tendon, rather than being concentrated at the
cracks as for bonded construction.

 The increase in steel strain and stress at the critical moment

section is less than for a bonded beam, and the stress may be only
slightly more than the effective prestress fpe when the member fails.
 Failure in such case is characterized by a small number of rather
wide cracks.
 The growth of such cracks causes a concentration of compression
in the reduced area of concrete above the cracks, exceeding the
capacity of the concrete to resist.
 Tests indicate that the failure load of an unbonded beam may be
only 75 to 80 percent of that for an otherwise identical bonded

 Prestressed concrete beams almost always contain a

significant amount of non-prestressed reinforcing bars,
as indicated in Fig. 3.13.
 Stirrups (a) are provided to resist shear and diagonal
tensile stresses, as in ordinary reinforced concrete
 Transverse bars (b) insure the integrity of thin
projecting flanges or may be included (c) as an aid in
positioning other steel during construction.
 Small diameter longitudinal bars (d) and (e) are included
in post-tensioned members to control shrinkage
cracking prior to tensioning the main steel and to aid in
crack control in partially prestressed beams; the
contribution to flexural resistance of these small
longitudinal bars is usually not significant.

 Non-prestressed bars (f) of larger diameter are often included in

partially prestressed to provide the required ultimate flexural
strength, supplementing the contribution of the prestressed

 Although the eccentricity of the prestressing tendons must be

limited to avoid excessive tensile stresses at the top of the
unloaded beam, the unstressed bars (f) can be placed as close to
the tension face of the beam as permitted by requirements of
concrete protection for the bars. In this way their contribution to
flexural strength is maximized.
 Members in which substantial amounts of non-prestressed
flexural reinforcement are present are sometimes referred to as
prestressed reinforced concrete beams.
 The non-prestressed bars of area As in Fig. 3.13 will usually be
stressed at or above their yield strength when the member is
loaded to failure.
FIGURE 3.13: Cross section of post-tensioned beam
EXAMPLE: Ultimate Flexural Capacity by Strain-
Compatibility Analysis with Iteration

Using the strain-compatibility method, find the

ultimate moment capacity for the I-beam
example of Section 3.4, shown in Figs. 3.4 and
3.16. Normal density concrete is to be used, with
compressive strength f’c = 4,000 psi and elastic
modulus Ec = 3.61 x 106 psi. The ultimate strain-
capacity of the concrete is εcu = 0.0030, and β1 =
0.85. The beam is pretensioned, using seven
ordinary Grade 250, ½ - in. diameter seven-wire
strands, for which the stress-strain curve is as
shown in Fig. 2.4. The effective prestress force
Pe = 144 kips as for the previous example.
EXAMPLE: Ultimate Flexural Capacity by Strain-Compatibility
Analysis with Iteration
EXAMPLE: Ultimate Flexural Capacity by Strain-
Compatibility Analysis with Iteration

 From Table 2.2 the cross-sectional area of one ½-in.

strand is 0.144 in2, hence
Ap = 7 x 0.144= 1.008 in.2
 The stress and strain in the tendons resulting from
the effective prestress force are, respectively,
fpe = Pe / Ap = 144 / 1.008 = 143 ksi
εpe = fpe / Ep = 143 / 27,000 = 0.0053 = ε1
 The increase in steel strain as the concrete at its
level is decompressed is found from Eq.(3.14)
P  e2  144  5.19 2 
2  e 1  2   1 
3 
  0.0003
Ac Ec  r  176  3.61 10  68.2 
EXAMPLE: Ultimate Flexural Capacity by Strain-
Compatibility Analysis with Iteration

 The steel stress at failure will initially be assumed to be 200

 From Fig. 2.4 the corresponding strain is εps = 0.0070.
 Assuming that the stress-block depth is less than the average
flange thickness of 5 in., its depth is calculated using Eq.
Ap f ps 1.008  200
a '
  4.94in
0.85 f c b 0.85  4  12
and the actual neutral axis location is

c = a/β = 4.94 / 0.85 = 5.81 below the top surface.

EXAMPLE: Ultimate Flexural Capacity by Strain-
Compatibility Analysis with Iteration

 The increment of steel strain as the beam passes

from the decompression stage to failure is found,
using Eq. (3.15):
dp c
 3   cu  0.0030  17.195.81
 5.81
 0.0059
and the total steel strain at failure, found from the
sum of the three parts, as indicated by Eq. (3.16) is
εps = ε1 + ε2 + ε3
= 0.0053 + 0.0003 + 0.0059 = 0.0115
which must be compared with the strain of 0.0070
assumed at the start.
 Clearly, a revised estimate is required.
EXAMPLE: Ultimate Flexural Capacity by Strain-
Compatibility Analysis with Iteration

 For the second trial, a steel failure stress of 210 ksi

is assumed, with corresponding strain of 0.0095
 The stress-block depth in this case is
a = 4.94 x 210 / 200 = 5.19
c = 5.19 / 0.85 = 6.10
and the incremental strain in the tendon
ε3 = 0.0030 x (17.19 – 6.10) / 6.10 = 0.0055 as
shown in Fig. 3.16b.
 The total steel strain at failure is thus
εps = 0.0053 + 0.0003 + 0.0055 = 0.0111
compared with the assumed value of 0.0095.
EXAMPLE: Ultimate Flexural Capacity by Strain-
Compatibility Analysis with Iteration

 It is clear from inspection of the stress-strain curve

that further refinement would result in negligible
change in the failure stress in the steel.

 The stress at failure is very close to 210 and the

nominal strength, from Eq. (3.19) is
Mn = Apfps (dp – a/2)
= 1.008 x 210 (l7.19 – 5.19/2)
= 3,089 in.-kips = 257 ft-kips
EXAMPLE: Ultimate Flexural Capacity by Strain Compatibility
Analysis Using Graphical Solution for Steel Stress

Find the ultimate moment capacity of the beam just

considered, determining the stress in the prestressed
reinforcement at failure by graphical rather than
iterative means.

 From Eq. (3.20), with ρp = Ap / b x dp = 1.008/(12 x 17.19)

= 0.0049, one obtains

 fps = (0.85 β1f’c/ρp ) x εcu / (εcu + εps – εpe – ε2)

0.85  0.85  4,000 0.003
f ps  
0.0049 0.003   ps  0.0053  0.0003
f ps 
 ps  0.0026
EXAMPLE: Ultimate Flexural Capacity by Strain Compatibility
Analysis Using Graphical Solution for Steel Stress

 This relationship, combining the requirements of

equilibrium and strain compatibility, is plotted in Fig. 3.12
for the strain range of interest, and is labelled for
ρp = 0.0049.

 Also shown in Fig. 3.12 is the stress-strain curve for the

prestressing strand, reproduced exactly from Fig. 2.4.

 The single stress that satisfies all requirements is found

from the intersection of the stress-strain curve with the
curve plotted for Eq. 3.20), and has a value fps = 216 ksi,
compared with the approximate value of 210 ksi found by
iteration in the previous example.
EXAMPLE: Ultimate Flexural Capacity by Strain Compatibility
Analysis Using Graphical Solution for Steel Stress

 The true depth of the compressive stress block is

a= Ap x fps / β x fc’ x bw
= (1.008 x 216)/(0.85 x 4 x 12) = 5.34 in
 The nominal flexural strength of the beam can then
be found from Eq. (3.19) to be
 Mn = Apfps (dp – a/2)
Mn = 1.008 x 216(17.19 – 5.34/2) = 3,160 in.-kips
= 263 ft-kips
 The approximate value of 257 ft-kips found in the
preceding example by iteration agrees within 2

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