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What should be done?...

B: Do you hear about the new robots that bought the police?
I: Yes, that's great, they can be useful here, our security has been threatened by crime.
C:Yes, I have heard about robots.
L: Well i think it's a good idea but I'm not so sure about this because it could be dangerous.
I: Yes, have you seen that kind of movies where the robots reveals against humanity like
X-men or terminator, there must be more options.
B:They're safe, the police just bought them for looking for criminals.
C: It would be a resource where people would not die so much, only technology.
I:That's a Good point César,but what if crime take that technology to fight it, like to attack
fire with fire.?
C: Yes, it’s true that very advanced technology reaches a point where it is no longer
controllable and that would cause a war, that is important for the person and reason as a
human being.
I:I think that the best way to stop crime is not fight against it. It's more like to erase it from
de root, making some social tricks, seeing like something bad that deserves de worst instead
of seeing it like something cool and also to erase it, another option is to improve values as
responsability and honesty.
L: I think the same but it's very very difficult change the people's mindset.
B: To change the people's mindset the schools and families should teach about ethical
I: I agree with you Brandon, but it´s a team job, because if we don't change adults mindset,
children could see the opposite in their families.
L: Yeah, Brandon but there are people that doesn't have enought money to pay for a school
and if the family have the same mindset it's very difficult.
B:So, technology allows to correct the crime situation, because the robots find criminals

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