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Possessive Pronouns

1- Rewrite the sentences in bold with the correct possessive pronoun.

This is your bag. Where is my bag?
Where is mine?______________
1-My school bag is ok. But I prefer your bag.
2- Jake always wants my dinner. But he never eats his dinner.
3- My sister often does her homework in my bedroom. Why doesn`t she do it in her bedroom?
4- I like your new car. Our car is very old.
5- that isn`t Toby and Ella’s house. Their house is very old.

2- Choose the correct answers.

The saxophone is martin`s. It`s he / his not my / mine.
1- I can`t do mine / my homework. Can I see your / yours.
2-Your / Yours brothers can dance very well. Mine / My can`t dance at all.
3-Our / Ours classroom is big! Julia and Lisa’s classroom isn`t big. Their / Theirs is small.
4- Kelly likes mine / my bedroom. She doesn`t like her / hers.
5- Can David use your / yours phone? He can`t find he / his.

3- Complete the sentences with the possessive pronouns in the box.

This isn`t skateboard. Where`s mine? Hers his mine ours theirs yours
1- These aren`t Marta´s shoes.______ are blue.
2- This isn`t Luis` jacket.________ is black.
3- Like your dad`s new car. But we prefer_________.
4- This isn`t your classroom._______ is on the second floor.
5- They aren`t john and Emma`s parents._______ are in the garden.
Answer Key

1- But I prefer yours.
2- But he never eats his.
3- Why doesn’t she do it in hers?
4- Ours is very old.
5- Theirs is very big.
1- my; yours
2- Your; Mine
3- Our; Theirs
4- my; hers
5- your; his
1- Hers
2- His
3- ours
4- Yours
5- Theirs


Dylan- Stop! Stop! Where's Zac? What's he doing? Lewis- And we're playing terribly!
Lewis- He's on the phone. He's talking to his girlfriend again. Dylan- Yes, we are.
Rosie- He calls her twenty times a day Rosie- I know. Let's practice now. It's getting late.
Dylan- ……….and he's always late for practice! Zac- Wait, my phone is ringing again.
Ten minutes later Rosie- What are you doing now?
Zac- OK, guys. I'm here. Let's rock! Zac- I'm listening to a message from my girlfriend.
Dylan- Zac! Are you serious about this band? Dylan- I give up! You're impossible, Zac!
Zac- Yes, I am. This is my band.
Dylan- Yours?
Zac- Yes! You play the bass, Rosie plays the guitar, and Lewis plays
the drums, but I'm the singer and the star
Rosie- Oh, stop it! Let's practice! We're in the Battle of theasdfk
next month.

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