Your Name and Contact Details.: For Admin Use Only

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For Admin Use Only:

Your name and

contact details.

Title: Surname: Forename(s):

Personal postal address:

Telephone number including country code:

Email address:

We use this information to monitor the gender distribution of applicants and recipients.
Your gender:

Details of the University/College where you are registered as a student.

Name of department and university/college:

Postal address, including country:

Website, where available:

The postgraduate qualification for which you are registered. You must be registered for a Master’s level or higher-level
programme of study or research such as a PhD.
Level and title: (e.g. ‘MSc in Life Sciences’):

The main modules or topic(s) of your study or research:

Details of the online training for which you seek our support.

For grant applications made in 2021, we are giving students the option to apply for either (a) online training without travel, OR
(b) for in-person training that requires you to travel. Please clearly indicate which option you apply for. Note that this will affect
the types of costs that you will be eligible for – please consult our guidelines for more details.
Title of course:

Please indicate if the course is (a) delivered online OR (b) delivered in-person:

If you have chosen in-person training, please state how your travel will comply with covid guidelines in your current and destination

Major aims and topics of the online training course:

Information about the organisation which provides the training. This must be different to the university with which you are
normally registered.
Name of organisation:

Postal address, including country:

Contact details of staff member responsible for training:


Your motivations for choosing this course.

Your reasons for choosing this topic for the training:

Your reasons for choosing this organisation to provide the training:

Benefits that you expect to receive from the training.
What new knowledge will you gain, and how will this support your postgraduate studies or research?

What will you do differently?

Expected relevance to communities. We only support training that is of relevance to aiding communities in sustainable
poverty-alleviation. We favour students who can provide concrete plans for working with communities, though we appreciate
this is not always immediately feasible. Please describe how your work can benefit communities, and practical steps that
you plan in order to achieve this.

How are your studies relevant to communities’ sustainable poverty-alleviation?

How will the training course described above enhance your relevance to sustainable poverty alleviation?

Which community (or communities) do you aspire to engage with, and how?

How much are you applying for from The Orskov Foundation?
Amount in Local Currency Exchange rate UK Sterling equivalent (£2,500 max)

If you are seeking funding from other sources please list them, along with the amounts requested. We favour applicants who
show a commitment to finding other sources of funding.

How will the money that you receive be spent? Please give details in this table and explain why it is required to enable your
access to online training. Add more rows if necessary. Please note that the choice of online training or in-person funding
affects the eligible types of expenditure. In each case, please consult for details
of types of cost that are eligible for funding.
Expenditure description, justification, and amount in local currency Number Price (£) Total (£)


Please provide full contact details (including email address) of 2 relevant referees. One should be supervising your current
postgraduate work (e.g. PhD supervisor, MSc course convener); the other should be able to provide details of the training.
Referee 1(From your home institute) Referee 2 (From the training organisation)
Title and Name:
Job title /role:

Title and Name:
Job title /role:
Please complete all sections of this form. Your application form must not go over 4 pages. When you have completed your
form, please email it to

Phone: Privacy Notice

By completing this form you are consenting to Orskov Foundation’s collection, retention and use of your personal data. The information you provide on this
form will be used to help evaluate and award funding for student training, in line with the aims of the Ørskov Foundation. The Foundation will keep and use
the data only for this purpose. The Ørskov Foundation is committed to protecting your personal data in line with the Data Protection Legislation. We will not
share your personal data with third parties, unless required by law. We will only keep your personal data for as long as necessary to assess your application,
and to compare and track trends in applications over time. Please also note you have rights in relation to your personal data held by us. You can request
access to your personal data and/or in certain circumstances ask us to: (i) rectify inaccurate personal data; (ii) erase your personal data from our records; (iii)
restrict our processing; (iv) object to our processing; and (v) transfer your personal data that you give us to a third party. To exercise these rights please
contact You can also complain about our handling of your personal data to the Information Commissioner’s Office
( If you have further queries about your rights to your personal data and how we process it please contact us.

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