HW Sheet 1 Electric Field: B-The Electric Field Intensity at The Point (P)

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HW Sheet 1

Electric Field

1- Three point charges are located at the corners of an equilateral triangle as shown in fig.
a- The force acting on the charge (q1). (Ans. F=30.4 N making angle 265o with x-axis)
b- The electric field intensity at the point (P). (Ans. Ex=-42.8×105 N/C, Ey=-4.2×105 N/C)
q1= 4 C

q3= -8 C 12 cm q2= -6 C 12 cm

2- Two charged rods are placed as shown in figure. Find the electric force acting on a point
charge (Q = 2 C). (Ans. Fx=3.41 N, Fy=-3.47 N)

L2 = 8 cm
2 = 6 C/m

2 cm 120o L1 = 5 cm
4 cm
1 = -5 C/m
Q = 2 C

Q3 = -8 nC
3- In the given figure, find the electric field
intensity at the point (P). If a point charge
(Q4 = -10 C) is placed at the point (P), find 6 cm
the electric force acting on it.
(Ans. Ex=-3.8×103,Ey=12.04×103 N/C, Fx=0.038,
Fy=0.12 N)
Q2 = 6 nC 10 cm Q1 = 4 nC
4- A charged ball of mass (1.5 g) is suspended on a light string in the presence of a uniform
external electric field, as shown in figure. At equilibrium the angle of the string with the
vertical ( = 35o) and the tension in the string is (0.004 N). If the charge of the ball equals
(5 C), find the magnitude and direction of the electric field intensity.
(Ans. E=2330 N/C with angle 78.7o with x-axis)


5- Three point charges; (Q1 = 6 nC), Q2, (Q3 = -9 nC) are located at the points (4 m, 0),
(4 m, -6 m) and (0, -6m) respectively. Find (Q2) so that the total electric field intensity
at the origin is in the vertical direction. Find also the electric force acting on Q1.
(Ans. Q2=-35 nC)

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