Contract Pal

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ContractPal Deploys Zadara Storage to protect their

Mission Critical Customer Data, while enjoying the
Flexibility and Economic Benefits of the Cloud

“The results have been outstanding. Performance at all levels has exceeded expectations. As
a bonus, we have also become more responsive to our customer needs.”
David Martineau, CTO ContractPal, Inc.

Customer Profile:
ContractPal provides services and
technology for business processes
ContractPal Leverages Zadara’s
that require online execution in a
compliant environment. Their primary
delivery vehicle is their Platform-as-a-
Enterprise-Grade Data Encryption,
Service (PaaS) offering called
CloudPiston, delivered through a Snapshots and Remote Mirroring
turn-key professional services team.
ContractPal built their business on While researching the market, they
Challenge: providing secure, reliable business discovered Zadara Storage. Zadara
• Migrate from CapEx to cloud- solutions via a Platform-as-a-Service uniquely met their key requirements.
based, OpEx storage (PaaS) business model. When they First, Zadara offered both at-rest and in-
• Ensure comprehensive data decided to move their infrastructure to flight data encryption that provided
encryption with user-owned keys the cloud, they had concerns over their user-owned keys. In other words, the
• Full data protection services ability to maintain a secure and reliable only person who would have the
(e.g., snapshots, remote mirroring) environment for their customers. They encryption keys was the user
were moving critical production data to themselves. This solved a critical need
the cloud and did not completely trust for ContractPal. Next, Zadara was able
• Zadara Storage VPSA™ Storage the new environment. They wanted to to offer enterprise-grade data protection
Arrays connecting to AWS
implement cloud-based data encryption and disaster recovery functionality that
Results: to ensure that in the event of force exceeded their initial requirements.
majeure or similar, if they could not get
• A fully OpEx-based, Storage-as-a-
Service solution supporting their to the data, no one else could either. By deploying the Zadara Storage
AWS compute environment enterprise-class data protection features
• Data fully-encrypted with user- Additionally, their home grown snapshot including snapshots, remote mirroring,
owned keys and comprehensive and data recovery processes proved
DR (snapshots, remote mirroring) error prone and time consuming. It was
• Able to become far more clear that they needed a new solution.
responsive to customer needs
and Backup to S3 (B2S3), ContractPal As David Martineau, the CTO of
has been able to significantly upgrade ContractPal put it, “the results have
the level of service they are providing been outstanding. Performance at all
to their clients – all while enjoying the levels has exceeded expectations. We
“In an ideal world, you flexibility, agility and economic benefits have experienced zero production
would never need of cloud-based, Storage-as-a-Service. down time since deploying the Zadara
solution. Zadara’s support team, and
technical support. Another key benefit for ContractPal entire company for that matter, has
was the ability to leverage the resource been very responsive and proactive. It
However, when you do, isolation capability provided by the is great to know that they are available,
Zadara Storage Cloud architecture. and I consider them an extension of my
vendors have the
ContractPal’s customers had concerns internal team.”
opportunity to either over multi-tenancy due to security and
performance issues. However, by Martineau continued, “As a bonus, we
triumph or fail. Zadara moving to the cloud, ContractPal had have also become more responsive to
no choice. With Zadara Storage, our customer needs. For example,
has always triumphed in ContractPal enjoys the best of both recently we had a customer who lost
the few cases we needed worlds. They enjoy the economies of critical data representing hours of work
scale associated with multi-tenancy, due to an application error. The
them.” but are able to provide their customers customer contacted our IT staff
the security and guaranteed perfor- immediately, and we were able to
mance of single-tenancy – all through recover the data from a snapshot
“I’m not just paying for Zadara’s resource isolation. within minutes. This significantly raised
the bar in terms of the quality of
drives. I’m paying for a Currently, ContractPal uses Zadara service we can provide our customers.”
Storage for MySQL databases in a RAID
talented group of human 10 configuration. The data is protected Looking forward, ContractPal plans to
beings, some of whom I by at-rest and in-flight data encryption, deploy a third location in the mid-west
as well as a remote mirror between – in addition to their east and west
know on a first name locations on the east and west coasts coast sites – to provide production
of the United States. services, redundancy as well as system
basis, who know a lot monitoring. They also plan to take
The ContractPal CloudPiston platform advantage of Zadara’s Container
more about storage than I
relies almost entirely on the Zadara Services (ZCS) to run Docker containers
do.” Storage platform, so fast and reliable within the Zadara storage itself.
storage performance is critical. The
applications are developed, tested, and With Zadara Storage, ContractPal has
deployed in an online platform and transitioned their business to flexible,
David Martineau, stored within the database, so there is agile, OpEx-based Storage-as-a-Service
CTO ContractPal, Inc. high traffic not only for the data, but – all while improving performance,
also the logic, presentation, workflow, security, reliability, and overall
and records for statistics and auditing. customer satisfaction.

Zadara Storage
U.S. Headquarters International For more information:
6 Venture, Suite 140 Headquarters
Irvine, CA 92618 Beit Tavor 1
(949) 251-0360 Yokneam 20692 Israel

© 2016 Zadara Storage. All rights reserved. Other Company or Product names may be the property of their respective owners.


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