Chapter One (TWP)

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This chapter will discuss, the back ground of the study, statement of the problem, purpose
of the study, research objectives and research questions, significant and scope of the
study, the definitions of the key terms, and theoretical framework
Teamwork is viewed as work group with a common purpose for the achievement of
goals/task, it implies therefore that individuals work in a cooperative environment in the
interest of a common goal by sharing knowledge, skills and being flexible enough to
serve multiple roles. It is a means of improving manpower utilization and potentially
raising performance of not just the individuals but the organization ultimately, because it
can expand the output of individuals through collaboration, thus, employees who work in
team become the standard for the organization (PHINA, 2018).
Employees are the most important resource in any given organization. In order for these
resources to function at their maximum capacities and strength, the organization needs to
embrace team work and motivate the employees to achieve the set goals. Teamwork
refers to the actions of employees which are brought together to accomplish a common
goal giving priority to the interest of the organization (Joy Kelemba, 2017).
Performance has been considered as an ultimate outcome of an organization as well as an
employee. Thus, the term „performance‟ has itself been discussed in the literature, as
defined by some of the authors, as an outcome generated by the employees in contrast to
the roles and expectations which have been attached to them (Colquitt, Scott, & LePine,
2007; Lemieux, MacLeod, & Parent, 2007). At some other instances, literature has
considered it as an accomplishment of organizational goals and objectives through the
building blocks of the firm (Khan, 2017).
Organizational success and glory is dependent upon the employees and their
performances, which come from creativity, innovation and higher level of commitment.
Literature has also exposed that it is the employee performance, which constructs the
marketplace of an organization. Thus, some studies also stressed that there are wide range
of individual benefits which result from employee performance (Barrick & Mount, 1991;
Cote & Miners, 2006).
Globally, employee performance is monitored using Performance Contracting (PC), the
system of PC originated in France in 1960 as a component of Management Control
Systems (MCS) aimed at improving efficiency and effectiveness in employee
performance. Since then, performance contracting has been in use in Argentina, Brazil,
Bolivia, Bangladesh, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Denmark, Finland among other
nations. So far, performance contracting as a means of monitoring employee performance
has been found to be very effective in France, Pakistan, India, South Korea and Malaysia
where socio-economic growth has been on the increase by (Armstrong, M., 2009).
Teamwork has been encouraged in every organization, more especially in public service
so as to improve employee performance and create a good working environment.
Adoption of teamwork enables an organization to create an environment that facilitates
knowledge sharing among the employees (Joy Kelemba, 2017).
According to Robbins and judge (2015) that a success of team will interpreted general
purpose of the company into performance purpose that are specific, measurable and
realistic. The specific purpose facilitates clear communication. It helps team maintain to
focus in the result. The success teams will increase their trust about the success in the
future, which in turn motivate to work harder. Organizational performance is as
organization effectiveness completely to fulfill the needs that assigned from each team
related with systematic efforts and increasing the ability of the organization continuously
to achieve the needs effectively. The success of the performance will be depended and
determined by various aspects in perform their work such as role clarity, competencies,
environment and other factors like value, culture, preference, reward and recognition
(Dean Septiani, Alini Gilang, 2017).
In Africa, according ( Ronald Chepkilot, and Charles Zakayo, 2017), Teamwork is
necessary to ensure democracy at the workplace, enhance change, encourage innovation
and creativity, and allow for effective decision-making and networking teamwork
involves forming teams which are expected to work coherently towards the realization of
organizational goals. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of teamwork
practices on employee performance in public service in Kenya. The study concludes that
teamwork ensures democracy at the workplace, enhances change, encourage innovation
and creativity, and allow for effective decision-making and networking.
The study recommends that organizations should enhance capacity building of employees
and appraisal; prompt promotion of employees, provide higher remuneration and good
rewards to higher achievers to enhance commitment and improvement in work
environment; effective communication and involvement of employees in decision
making. The study findings can be applied in policy formulation and as basis for further
studies in the field of business management and human resource.
In Somalia, there is no center of research; therefore researchers have no evidence in the
literature with regard to study the influence of teamwork on employee performance in
private companies in Mogadishu-Somalia. Thus, this current study examines the
influence of teamwork on employee performance in private companies in Mogadishu-
Somalia. Theories of much leadership have been proposed in the last fifty years, which
are claimed to have influenced the overall efficiency of the organizations where they
have been employed.


There is inadequate research support to proof the effect of teamwork on employee
performance within firms, and the subject did not attract sufficient research interest. This
might be seen from a rarely obtainable empirical study on this topic. Furthermore, the
common independent variables or teamwork measures that the previous research scholars
used to foresee the effect of teamwork on employee performance, ranges from
interpersonal skills to communication without focusing the capabilities or abilities of the
team members, team members’ spirit/esprit de corps, recognition and reward as
teamwork measures that can better forecast the effect of teamwork on employee
performance (Arinze et al., 2018).
"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their hard work. For if one
of them should fall, the other one can raise his partner up. But how will it be with just the
one who falls when there is not another to raise him up?" (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, KJV).
This implies that teamwork can accomplish what the individual cannot do on his or her
own. Teamwork is defined as "a small number of people with complementary skills who
are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they are
mutually accountable." (Katzenbach and Smith, 1993).
In today's society, there have been so much emphasis on pride and personal achievement
at work place; where by the concept of teamwork seems to be overlooked by managers
and employees, due to this management sees less essence of teamwork as a major tool of
performance which has lead them to poor performance and productivity in the industry
In the context of Somalia as far as the researchers of this study are concerned, there is no
research about the influence of teamwork on employee performance in some private
companies in Mogadishu-Somalia. Therefore, this recognizable gap encouraged the
researchers of the current study to carry out this investigation to highlight how teamwork
measures such as team members’ trust, team members’ spirit, team members’
cohesiveness, and team members’ knowledge sharing affect the employee performance in
the study's selected private firm in Mogadishu-Somalia.
The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of teamwork on employee
performance at some private companies in Mogadishu-Somalia
1.5.1 Specific objectives
1. To examine the effect of team members’ trust on employee performance at some
private companies in Mogadishu-Somalia
2. To investigate the effect of team members’ cohesiveness on employee
performance at some private companies in Mogadishu-Somalia
3. To analyze the effect of team members’ spirit “esprit de corps” on employee
performance at some private companies in Mogadishu-Somalia
1. What is the effect of team members’ trust on employee performance at some
private companies in Mogadishu-Somalia?
2. What is the effect of team members’ cohesiveness on employee performance at
some private companies in Mogadishu-Somalia
3. What is effect of team members’ spirit “esprit de corps” on employee
performance at some private companies in Mogadishu-Somalia
In this study, the scope will be viewed in term of three aspects including: content,
geographical, and time of scope of the study.
The study will focus on the influence of teamwork on employee performance at some
private companies in Mogadishu-Somalia.
The study will be conducted between, March-2021 to June-2021. This is the time period
that has been allocated for the researcher to conduct the study.
Geographically, the study will be conducted in Mogadishu – Somalia. Mogadishu
provides optimum location for the study because it is the capital city of Somalia and most
active city in terms of economic development, using some private companies as a case
Team: A team is a formal group of members who interact at a high level and work
together intensely to achieve a common group goal. When teams are effective, they draw
on the abilities and experiences of their members to accomplish things that could not be
achieved by individuals working separately or by other kinds of work group (Jones et al,
2008). Teams are especially appropriate for conducting tasks that are high in complexity
and have many interdependent subtasks.
Group: A group is a set of two or more people who interact with each other to achieve
certain goals or meet certain needs. A group in itself does not necessarily constitute a
team. Teams normally have members with complementary skills and generate synergy
through a coordinated effort which allows each member to maximize his or her strengths
and minimize his or her weaknesses.
Teamwork: It is the interdependent components of performance required to effectively
coordinate the performance of multiple individual; as such, teamwork is the broader
concept of team performance which also includes individual-level task work.
Performance: Is the accomplishment of a given task measured against preset known
standards of accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed.
 This study tries to emphasize on the significance of teamwork and its
effects on employees‟ performance in the workplace. This research
study will be an important endeavor in helping both employers and
employees to promote the concept of teamwork in the work
environment due to its influential effects on the performance and
productivity of the organization and workers.
 Also, it can serve other researchers who want to re-investigate the lack
of teamwork concepts in today’s organizations.
Independent variable (IV) Dependent variable (DV)

Teamwork Employee Performance

Team Members' Trust

Team Members'
Cohesiveness Private companies

Team Members' Spirit

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