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1 PM. His testimony was corroborated building up as generally happens.

by a witness. just hit me 24 hours beforehand with¬
Case 2.—A Kent man, aged 31, wrote out warning. I began to tremble all
that four nights before the disaster, over and found it difficult to concen¬
while he was lying in bed, the thought trate on my work. A lady sitting next
suddenly struck him that on Friday to me asked if I was ill. I said that a
something big, something terrible was big disaster in this country was im¬
going to occur. Death was clearly felt. minent which would cost many lives.
The Pre-disaster Syndrome He claimed that this thought was in I could not and never have been able
no recognizable way associated with to pinpoint the place of the occur¬
To the Editor:\p=m-\OnFriday, Oct 21, his ordinary train of thoughts, but was rence. On other occasions I experience
1966, at 9:15 AM, a massive coal-tip "an intruder." The following morning extreme lethargy when it seems as if a
slid down a mountainside onto the he told the girl in the office, "On Fri¬ band of steel compresses my head.
Welsh mining village of Aberfan, day something terrible connected with This can last up to two weeks before a
destroying several houses and part death is going to happen." He could disaster and while in this state I am
of the school. One hundred and six- not say where or how. He did not see sometimes able to say what vehicle
Aberfan or any Welsh town and had will be involved, plane, train, car, etc.
teen children and 28 adults were and very occasionally get glimpses of
no idea how his premonition was going
killed, the majority being buried to be fulfilled, but it bothered him all the surrounding countryside. When I
alive in black mud and slurry. I week. On Friday morning he said to saw pictures of the Aberfan disaster
visited Aberfan the following day the girl, "Today is the day it is going in the newspapers the following day I
and was appalled by the devasta- to happen," and he could not dismiss realized that I had seen this place, yet
tion and human suffering. Being in- the thought from his mind until he I had had no vision. It is not until I
terested in precognition, it occurred heard the news of Aberfan that eve¬ know of the actual happening that the
to me that there might be many ning. His story was verified hy the full realization floods back, then the
office girl. relief I receive after the tension disap¬
people in Britain and possibly else- Case 3:—A London woman, aged pears completely blankets out all I
where who had experienced some have previously felt or seen."
forewarning of a tragedy of such 52, wrote, "At approximately 4 AM on
the morning of the disaster I awoke Case 6:—A Middlesex woman wrote
magnitude. I therefore appealed choking and gasping with the sensa¬ that at approximately 9:45 am on the
through the national press for per- tion that the walls of my room were morning of the disaster she became
sons claiming any foreknowledge of caving in. I have had this same ex¬ exceedingly depressed at work and felt
this disaster to send me details of perience prior to two other disasters, that she was choking and suffocating.
their experiences. I received 76 let- but on the morning of the Aberfan She also smelled what she described
ters in response, some 60 of which tragedy it was particularly terrifying." as an "awful smell of death" ("an
required further investigation. A witness wrote that she had de¬ earthy decaying smell") similar to that
scribed her symptoms to him at ap¬ which she had experienced before the
Twenty-two of the accounts have proximately 8 am. He said that she death of some of her relatives. A
since been verified as being reported
had complained of a very unpleasant workmate confirmed the symptoms in
to others before the disaster oc-
curred and 2 were recorded before feeling consisting of choking sensations, writing, and added, "She gradually
inability to catch her breath, and in¬ became more composed and had com¬
the event. Thirty writers (aged 11 tense depression. She was in excellent pletely recovered by 3 PM. None of
to 73 years, with females prepon¬ health at the time and had not had an us knew about the disaster until after
derating in a ratio of 5:1) dreamed unpleasant dream. this time."
of the disaster or parts of it six Case 4:—A London man, aged 44,
weeks to a few hours beforehand. wrote, "Around midnight on the night It is difficult to attribute these
The remainder claimed to have had before the disaster I was half asleep,
but aware of what I was saying when experiences to coincidences alone.
visions or to have sensed the di¬ Admittedly they were collected af¬
saster by clairvoyance, a few in spir¬ I remarked twice to my wife that
there was going to be an earthquake ter the event, but in six instances
itualist gatherings. The fact that within the next 24 hours. She asked there is supporting written testi¬
seven persons, while in no way fore¬
me where, but I could not say. I mony from others who witnessed
seeing the particular incident, had seemed to feel the ground trembling as symptoms or confirmed that experi¬
marked feelings of mental and phys¬ if an earthquake was taking place at ences were reported to them before
ical unease beforehand may be of that time. I have had this experience the disaster occurred or before the
medical interest. Their symptoms six times before and on five occasions subjects became aware of it. De¬
appeared to be relieved either by there has been a major earthquake
spite individual variations, they all
the occurrence of the disaster or by within 24 hours. I had never told any¬
seemed to have symptoms in ad¬
their hearing news of it. The med¬ body about my pre-earthquake experi¬ vance of the catastrophe. These in¬
ences before, but on this occasion I
ical literature has not revealed ref¬ cluded general nonspecific feelings
erence to this phenomenon as such,
deliberately decided to settle the ques¬
tion once and for all by committing of unease, apprehension, depression,
or to a comparable clinical entity. loss of concentration, and in one
myself to a prediction and chance
being ridiculed by my family if I instance a compelling thought. In
Case 1:—A Bristol man, aged 50 were proved wrong. As it happened addition, these percipients had a
wrote, "I commenced work at 8 AM on there was no earthquake, but a dis¬ sense of oppression and two experi¬
the morning of the disaster and all the aster which resembled one. In this enced dyspnea, choking sensations,
morning felt the presence of unseen sense my prediction was wrong." His
and feelings of suffocation before
forces around me, making it difficult experiences were verified in detail by the disaster.
for me to concentrate on my work." his wife.
Between 9:10 and 9:30 am he re¬ Case 5:—An Essex man, aged 43, Some people appear to be unduly
marked to a colleague, "I feel quite wrote, "The sensations I received be¬ sensitive to impending earthquakes
peculiar, as if I should understand fore the Aberfan horror were totally and other major calamities. Such
something." By 10 am the feeling was different from those I generally get persons have been aptly termed
gone, and he heard of the disaster at before a disaster. There was no slow "human seismographs." Symptoms

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appear to build up for a variable in¬ cal advertising and samples. I start- move the name from promotional
terval before a disaster and then ed to check the mail personally and mailings, because the firm does not
abate rapidly afterwards. Relief found that most of my samples were want to spend the money for such re¬
unsolicited. The advertising litera- moval. If the physician finds that the
may be masked by the shock of business firm refuses to remove the
realization that these personal ex¬ ture consisted of material printed name, then he can bring the matter to
periences seem in some way to be regularly in medical literature, the attention of his local postmaster.
related to the calamity itself (a which was frequently brought in by However, the physician will find that
type of déjà vu). Unlike those who salesmen. his name will reappear on many dif¬
claim more definite precognition of I asked several salesmen who visit ferent mailing lists rented by the man¬
the impending event, these persons regularly to stop the mail. Almost ufacturing firm or the publisher, and
are generally unable to determine all of them explained that their that he will probably have to contact
the nature or possible situation of mailings were effected by special the firm at frequent intervals.—Ed.
the impending tragedy. outfits, and not by their companies.
Is this a hitherto unrecognized Taking a name off the list is ex- Corticosteroids in
medical or psychosomatic svndrome pensive, and they protest doing it. Infectious Mononucleosis
akin perhaps to the psychologically I hoped that after Jan 1, 1966, the
induced "sympathetic projection of samples would decrease, especially To the Editor:\p=m-\A paper by Charles
pain"? (Lancet 2:1414, 1966). What in connection with the new law re- E. Bender, MD (199:529, 1967)
proportion of people are affected in garding amphetamines, barbiturates, evaluates the effect of treatment
this way? Why should some indi¬ etc. To my dismay, I found out that with corticosteroids on the outcome
viduals appear to be sensitive to since samples did not have to be of infectious mononucleosis. This
human suffering or illness occurring registered and counted, the mailing was done by comparing patients
at a distance? Does collective dis¬ did not stop. I even continued to preselected for such treatment with
tress, in particular, generate some receive amphetamines. those receiving no steroid, on a ret-
kind of "mental shock wave" which I did two things. I notified all rospective basis. An attempt was
can then in certain circumstances the representatives that unless mail made to remove extraneous differ-
be detected by others in advance? I stopped I would no longer see them. ences by selecting an untreated
realize, of course, that it still re¬ I wrote to the AMA to have my "control" patient for each steroid-
quires to be proved that these per¬ name removed from all the adver¬ treated patient on the basis of simi-
sons do not react in this strange tising lists. larity in age, sex, disease status,
As a consequence, most of the and time of "treatment."
way in the absence of impending
disasters. literature and the samples have It is most difficult to establish
In an attempt to answer some of stopped coming from companies comparable groups in this way. In-
these and other questions a scheme which have representatives in this evitable uncontrolled differences are
has been launched in Britain where¬ locality. There are one or two ex¬ not taken into account. Moreover,
by those experiencing any form of ceptions, but men from these com¬ the author says:
premonition have been invited to panies do not come to see me. Ap¬ The usual approach to an assess-
report their experiences to the parently some companies do not
science correspondent of a London feel it is worthwhile to make ex¬ ment of drug effect by assignment of
ceptions about sending advertising. patients to treatment and control
newspaper (The Evening Stan¬ groups was inappropriate because of
dard ). These will then be logged and A drawback to my "campaign" the well recognized dangers of steroid
analyzed for year. It is possible was that some worthy publications
therapy and because many students
that "peaks" or "patterns" will stopped coming. This was unexpect¬ treated by the Student Health Service
emerge from the incoming material ed, but I was reinstated on the are minors.
which may then be found to coin¬ mailing list after sending special
cide with the occurrence of some di¬ letters to the publishers. I was will¬ This seems almost to guarantee the
sasters. Should this preliminary ven¬ ing to pay for my subscriptions as existence of differences between the
ture prove successful, it might then a price for getting rid of unwanted groups unconnected with treatment
be possible to develop a type of "ear¬ mail. effects.
ly warning system" utilizing pre¬ Very little mail comes to my of¬ There appears to be no good rea¬
cognition in an attempt to prevent fice these days, and relatively few son why a study like this could not
disasters. In the meantime I would samples, mostly from outfits that be done prospectively, by first se¬
welcome the experience of those are not represented locally. Every¬ lecting a group of patients suitable
who claim to have symptoms (ir¬ one seems to be happy: the mail¬ for steroid therapy and then divid¬
respective of their nature) in ad¬ man, my secretary, and even I. ing them into two subgroups at ran¬
vance of major calamities. Though I have not had complete dom, one of which will receive
J. C. Barker, MD success, I am satisfied that I have steroid and the other a placebo. The
Shelton Hospital been able to accomplish something, procedure should, of course, be done
Shrewsbury, Shropshire not just complain.
England "blind" as regards both the patient
Edmund Goldenberg, MD and the physician assessing the out¬
Binghampton, NY come. Such a study could give an
The Physician's Mail
A physician can have his name re¬
unequivocal answer to the question
To the Editor:\p=m-\Thereis a solution moved from the mailing list used
to the advertising and to the un- by It is difficult to understand v/hy it
any manufacturing firm, publisher, etc, was considered inappropriate (pre¬
necessary mail that comes to us in but the physician must insist upon
great numbers (199:674,1967). such removal. The manufacturing firm sumably for ethical reasons) to ran¬
Sometime during 1965 I became or publisher will try to convince the domize patients into a control and
interested in the problems of medi- physician that it is impossible to re- a treated group, when the disease is

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