Improve Your Skills Use of English For Advanced

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TRNAS ALLS Use of English mae xe) PTGS Imad Yee Malcolm Mann e Steve Taylore-Knowles ZA MACMILLAN Contents Invoduetion ae Wins of toinking Social networking Energy Running a restaurant od en Use of English skits Sk wcogising and srg proses and ilo ‘ocsbuary:entetsinmentpic weabulary am race: Adbanced?ape | Pat 1 ‘Sk recognising and ug phrasal varie ‘Vocabulary: wok tpl wbuary sam pracee: Advanced ?ape 1 Pat2 ‘Sk understanding parts of speech ocabuay:otucstion top vorsblary ‘Bram practi: Advanced per Pact ‘Sha rephrasing and transorming Vocabulary te time tpi vocabulary ‘ram practo: Advanced? oper Part¢ ‘Sia: understanding contsable words Voratuary eruronmen pi vcalory Exam practice: Advancedaper Part ‘Shi: undestanding gamma sroctre Vocabulary: fod and dit tp vocabulary Exam praolie: Advanced?aper 1 Part2 ‘Shi using fins win word tamiy| ram pacts: Advanced Pape Pat ‘SAE understanding eoheence and cohesion ‘Vocabulary: people ope eaulry tam practice: AdbancedPape 1 Pat2 LE sing ais to create a now word fay ‘ocabuary: travel topic vrabuary ram practice: AcbancedPaper | Pat’ ‘Ski developing exam strtegies Vocabulary: cute topic ocabulary ram pace: AdvancedPapert Part 4 What is Improve your Skills: Use of English for Advanced? Use of Bnaish fr Advanced s part of he Improve ‘your Skits exar ls series: four preparation books which cover al aspects of Cambridge Brglsh: Advanced. This course sims to develop ‘he key sis and ange and exam techies, forparts 1-4 ofthe Advanced Use of Engish and Reading paper. The course canbe sed together withthe other books nthe series: Reading for ‘adeasced, Writing for Advanced and Listening ‘Soaking for Advanced. I can also be used a & generat sls development course oF as preparation for other general English ests. How do | use Improve your Skills? ‘Yu ean ise any of the books in this eres either in class or tos on your own. The course will guide you through the activities step by step so you don't ‘eed teacher to use this booke you ae studying as prt of a class, your teacher ‘wll diet you on how couse each activity. Some ‘Activites ean be treated as seussions, whlch ‘case they ean be seul opportunity to share ideas and teeiniques with other lamers How is Improve your Skills: Use of English for Advanced organised? ‘The courses made up of 12 uns each aimed at developing a paticuly sk erecognisng parts of speech) Bry units themed aroun a commonly fseeuing opie rom the Advanca exam. ach wi consists of = Skills development: explanation, examples and task to develop and practise relevant frammar tnd vocabulary skills both for general Use andthe exam. Bach sil is broken down. Ineo simple stages with eference 1 why each shill simortant for Advanced. ‘Vocabulary: useful vocabulary forthe Adsaneed exam. 1+ Exam focas and practice: focus on how each sll elates tothe exam, followed by authentic Adeanced style tasks fo real exam practice. "There ae alse Stills tip boxes throughout the book containing useful information a Weas oa how to approach the xa task. How will Improve your Skills increase my chances of exam success? ‘Skits development "The skills sections form a detailed syllabus of core grammar at voeabulay skills which are useful both nthe exam and in everyday life recogising and sing collocations and understanding cohesion land coherence, for example. People often do these {things without noticing in their own language, soit ean take some practice to perform these in another Jangage.Leaming and understanding grammatical structures can tae so much efort that these very Important sills are often ignored, Language input Each unit inches usefl vocabulary and phrases for the exam In Improve your Stills: se of English Joy Advanced, you Wil nda Wide range of topic ‘Vocabulary and ideas to make sure that you are well prepared when you each the el exam. Exam technique Tn any exam itis important tobe prepared for the types of tasks you ae kel toe given, and to have meshods eady to answer any particular ‘question. The Exam foes section helps you deveiop nd praie thee meshods. The Sil ip boxes ‘ive shor, simple advice about efferent types of ‘questions, as wel as study sil and howe to use the sls you have lames effectively The course ‘covers every question fe that you will face in ‘Advance. How is the Advanced exam ‘organised and where does Use of English fit in? “The Advanced exam consists of four papers = Reading and Use of Bish, Waiting, Speaking and Listening Pars I-t ofthe Reading and Use of "nis paper test your Use of English skills, The complete paper takes 1 hour and 30 minutes. What does each task consist of? ‘The Use of English tasks (Pars 1-4) make up 20% ‘ot your tna mark in vanced There ae four tasks ‘which alm to test your vocabulary and grammar Slils in anamber of ways. Part 1 i 24-option multiple-choice gap fl task (eight questions). Part 2s also an elght question gop-fll but here reno options In Part 3, you have to complete a {ext with 8 gaps For each gap, you have to form a 1s important ea ember a ens in Paper Part he via am tested could ee ay 2 = Plan! tr, or port of owe. You wight bien the man ver aed eae. Par PRR occ carat o ice ver, orto mgt hae fo cose fom oer rods PER eet pos vers nF, you may nnd Yo inf te core main ve oF IAM tiie ours Pat 3, you mayne a Pans a sentence without a pase NT y rt noone with pra verds Alternative thee may be phrasal er tthe rt sntones chick oa hase fo ogni fe roduc new sedence 4 inwhich part of Paper 1 might you be given a choice of phrasal verb? APartl B Pats C Parts Recognising and using phrasal verbs Get started Look atthe photo and answer the questions ‘= What qualities are important for someone todo ajob ike this? ‘= How importants research and development Io the following? © asoftvnre company > pharmaceutical company © aninsurance company Develop your vocabulary 1 Write the comtct preposition in each gep to complete each sentence. 1 How soon after its conception can anew product be the shelves? 2 Her work is the cutting edge of automobile technology. 2B. Software engineers often have to produce results ‘ifficalt 4. Technology is changing furious pace these days 5 Weve gota very exciting new product tne pipeline a the moment. 2 Write a word from the box in each sap. budgets © doom « ierovetve THE BUBBLE BURSTS [Hib () __ tio was te sara grento te paratonot ‘eet waiaio(]__—--~ inte 19902 Perret et nd topped outelcolege cele) selene pid going {eld of reret-based software. Thay worked en tit (i) wit ‘tha cheamof ches ing taro. Aer al Nay Weoughy, tw ()———— ‘ofthe rst Apple® computer was put together Stave Woanlk’ gage. Unfortunately thre was on reom for afew such success stores, and mary lost evrything when the aie brat in 2000, 3 Mateh 15 with a-e to make sentences, 1 They setup the company using venture «=~ ownfurn led to cuts in researeh and ‘development ‘espionage has meant tightened security ‘capital rom an investment fund, verslonof the program ont the net. ‘camps Silicon Valley, 2 Thesoftware ganthas ahuge company 3 The economic = 4 Arise in industrial — 15 ‘Thesoftware company will release thebeta Unit 2 Develop your Use of English skills: recognising and using phrasal verbs 1 Undertine the phrasal verb in each sentence, Then write a definition. 1 Our company has alt of work odo before i gets al is old business back 2 Wend a new product onthe shelves ins months; there's no tne tomes around 8 Thenew CEO should shake this atering snd falling company upand help recover 44 Ihave been rather taken aback hy the speed at which management wants new developments fom us. 55 The smartphone took off faster than anyone expected, and now it dominates the mobilephone market. 6 That computer company started out ina garage which belongedto the mother of one ofthe founders. 17 Thenew head of research wants to clear all he old projects ound start from scratch, - 8 Wesinish of the tests on the prototypes on Tuesday and start preparing for manufacture \Wete the correct frm of aver fom the box in each gap. ce ‘eh = turn {ool = hang push shop 41 Are ea serious company orare we ust __aronnd? 2 Since we lost our biggest customer, we spend all day. for orders {8 You're notin senior position, so you cant __people around, giving orders. 4 This maybe the smallest frm in the sector, bt tha does mean the bigger ones ean se their powerto us around, round, wating 5 She___ the now employees aroun the factory. 6 Ws worth __ around until you find the cheapest supplier 17 When thay —_the tro components around, they founthe machine worked nich faster 8 Withintwelve months, she __ the compary around, making prostable again. 13 Replace the particle anay with of on oF out 1 The director eccentric behaviour frightened investors ava 2 The boss wants us to chuck away sx months of work and start designing again from the beginning. When the company’s founder passed aay, his daughtor inherit i, “The technicians slogged away for day ntl they found the sion to the problem, [cleared sway the Junk from che garage nd se up my ofc there. — ‘The experimental rocket burned up when heat-resistant tle came avay during r-eney ‘The two scletiss chatted away for hows about their new ideas ‘The prototype car drove away and began to pick up speed. Recognising and using phrasal verbs 4. Choose an alternative to the wor in bold in order to form a new phrasl verb, 1 Ifyou wantto start your own independent research company, you can count me In. a fgue Beal take 12 Oneof he venture eaptal funds backed out ofthe deal atthe last minate, - "pulled B came let 8 Low Jim would jump at the chance of working fr a company athe cutting edge of technology. = ‘bounce b leap euy 4 Hehad noted down some ideas on «paper napkin, as a jotted Bb slogsed placed 15 Inthe course ofthe afternoon, she set outer plans for the company's next ten years it front ws. = a put hed taid {6 Our firm got through the dotcom crash, and we've heen expanding ever since = amade Bb let lived {5 Write word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences ‘a down « in» out» though = up 1 The company has been building _a lange eas reserve to buy high-tech startups. 2 Felix grasps —_any opportunity to atvaneo his. 3 Now the Dank has withdrawn support, 1 dante how they can come _this downturn 4 She woke at midnight with the solution, and] sented it__ on a notepad 5 Thay had a meeting to plan __ anew strategy 66 Shee all shee companies wil prot frm the development, they all should chip coward ts cost. {6 Use a word from box A and a word from box B to camplete each sentance. A B [same sotto | [aun x sat + beck)» of 1 soned w stk w tear sone tonup ‘The engines startup jst fine but then they _atera few seconds Half the directors believe lt’ time to push forward, but the other half want to Lets go onto the next tem on the agenda, and we ean 1twthis problem atthe end, ‘The pace of technological change i nt going to slow down —on te contrary its going to ‘The question i, do we move on toa new plan or ‘he orginal one? "Theros no use in looking back at past mistakes ~now's the time {put together this company and Fm not going to lt yout “They ook on ity new employees nly to them —__six months ater. 5 6 7 8 Unit 2 7 Uidertine the verb + preposition collocation in each sentence. 1. Prom the highest vantage point, she looked pon the vat city Below. 2 Theboot of the ear was nearly fll, but [managed to squeeze the last bagi, ‘The sea lay ahead of ws, blue and inviting ‘The gel dropped the rubber ball and it hounced back up into thea. Samm rushed ino the office, gasping for breath. Touimped into the door and harem nose ‘The dog cane out ofthe river and shook the water ofits coat She covered up the child with a blanket. B Use the collocations in exercise 7s phrasal verbs, Wete them in he correct form to complete the sentences 1 Carly ____e lao nthe ety and she was offered her Job back. 2 The paper accused the campany of __its true losses sing shady accounting, 8 Timow te economy isin a downtur at the moment, but Tim sure it wil 4 What___forus, not justin sic moths, butin one or ¢vo years time 5 dort want to__any decision = le's chink it over slowly and carefully 6 How do you ___me-asarivalora successor? 7. She's upset that che project was cancelled, but shell st soon enous 8 Fimreally busy today, but! might be able to_ you _between dand 20 9 Choose the comect general meaning for each phrasal verb in bold Com the options given, 1 inherit tose power ‘8 This radii eame down tous from our founder. ‘The owner was forced to step down and his son took his place ‘© The company was brought down through afllure to innovate, 44 The company has been handed down from father to son for generations 2 go away /trigger There alarin went offand the workers all exited the builing Db Weseared them off wi threats of lawsuits. They set explosive to test the now mater 4. She got upset and went off somewhere on her on 3 become public /teave a group a Taeunion rep walked out of the meeting bb Thedirector was kicked out ofhis golf tub. © When the news eame out, no one could believe i. 4 They fred him because he let out the secret ofthe ew medicine 4 respond /not move forward "You mustn't talk back to your line manager The crowd kept back and watched from a distance. © Stay back —the fe is still not under control a "The company hit back atthe allegations of industrial espionage Recognising and using phrasal verbs 410 Read the sentences and complete the table with the phrasal verbs in ol 1 He's eying to think up anew way to store electricity. (Once we fire up the furnace, it has to keep running or six weeks tobe economical ‘Yournanie came up in the middle of the meeting yesterday ‘Shels managed to move up in the company steadily since she joined We have to speed things up fe want to nish the gadget by Mey. Theyre going to wind wp operations in this factory and move the eampany'abrosd. Lats wrap the recting up now so we can get home easly for once. ‘We sot off the ela company and used Ue money to set up a new one Incressavimprove | fnsh epearereate sun 11 Wate one word in each gap to completo tho txt. BLINK AND YOU MISS IT ihrovaions rave voor 0) —___masav changsin ne trbas phone matt nie space ana yas bu month Fr bw Aratan yrs the et cant, Nl taehrlogy compen ha burst (of rnd In thin 1080) was the naar ‘re plodce ofa ones. When ald orecogne that Smarhones wos ake (2) a ty eo a et « in hotest marek fe naw decade, Nits tre [ce wert (~~ tama and nae eee shang (fe gota operon end yng) ria ‘Tres ot at sare er ay fos teen pant, though ede wth Wee owe sows r he tev geerton tanrproes Noi ae egg 6) Coulee al ings sreloag (10) rte, 12 Complete the second sentence so thi hasasinlar meaning tothe Ast sentence, using the wort given, 1 The dotcom hasbeen operating for six months. SET ‘The dotcom ___ ago 2 Wesmast complete this project by Friday OFF ‘This projeet nas —__ = by Friday 3. The offer th investors made has Deen withdrawn BACKED Theinvestors they made 4 The start-up failed because of the founder lacked vision. BROUGHT ‘Thestart-up_by the founder's tee of vision. 5 TiLcome intosee how youte progressing from time to time. uP nm trom me ta time. Unit 2 Exam focus: verbs 1 Look atthe exam practice section on page 21 and choase the comeet phase. Gap 1is the main verb the partiele/not part ofa phrasal verb. Gap 26 the main verb / the particle /not part ofa phrasal verb. {Gap dis the main verb /the partie / not part ofa phrasal verb {Gap 4s the main verb the partiele/not part ofa plirasa verb. Gap 66 the main verb /the partiele /not part ofa phrasal verb. {Gap isthe main verb / the particle /not part ofa phrasal verb, Gap 7s the main verb / the partiele/not part ofa phrasal verb. (Gap 86 the main verb /the partlle /not part of aphrasa verb. 2 read the texton page 21 quickly and tick the correct statements ‘The high-tech industry no longer changes so quik ‘New high-tech products appear on the market continuous. consequences. ‘The biggest high-tech companies have growin complacent ‘The invention af the CD mace MP3s obsolete. Some Silicon Valley companies have large research ad devel departments a ‘The largest Slicon Valley companies invest illo in esearch and development. — Most companies could reduce thelr research and development budgets without serious Workers often leave high-tech companies that fall behind conpetvors in terms of innovation, ‘Traditional lephone companies sutfered greatly when mobi telephones emerged. = 10 People who ran companies are afrald of the consequences of ot investingin research and Adevlopment| 3 Decide the folowing apply to Advanced Paper I Part tor Part & 1 Yourmight be given four main vers, particles or entire phrasal verbs. 2 Thoey word youre given might be the main verb or particle ofa phrasal verb 8 Youmsy have to think of nother ver that means the same asa phrasal veeh you ae sven, 4 The gap could be one ortwo wards long Skills tip. ‘nen you ink 2 sp ‘Advances Papa Pat 26 pat ‘apres v9, std you 1 ook arty at he content ‘replroal at appears? Yes/No bby cutvareus mah verbs or partie to soe wee ftebecr? "Yes/No +. Exam practice: Part 2 Recognising and using p! fasal verbs or questions 1-8, ead the text below and thnk ofa word which best fs each gap se only ‘ne word in each gap. There san example atthe beginning (0) ‘white your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS, “ordie. ‘The explosive pace at) _ the igh tach indy changes, with a ‘ew version ofeach emarghone in he ppstna ust days ater the ‘le onols (0) ont means research and developments he most important ‘epariment never Slcon Vey company. Ths budgets othe top companies ean nde hued of mills (2) _ eventos for ED. In 201%, for example, Mcrostt poured $8.7 bon tt are that werk (9) —___atrenty 1485 of revenue, that igure (6) anyone aback, hey should rk othe consequences of at doing to. The company ‘tals to come up wth he nex naw dovelopment could tind (5) esere by veces and employes. Like sharks, a company rst {6 on moving forwardor de. C£08 tof what domage mabe {sleony di othe massive foodie telecoms, how ha MPS fermat saw (@—__ tne co overnight ~and they verb. Then wih a verbing nae, ty make massive chaque othe RAD don, Skills tip | gan in Avance Peper 1 Pat 2 rant aque ne mane or he paride oa grasa vers you Eigeet ne gop eta rah vr ofa ptrasa verb, earn that nt prety be commen ‘rat han an una, Ureaman a, Fr ext the pare sof he man vero 'Sunteata bear unusual word suchas son fle he ras ‘eb son of stead frequent used verbs such as tats, come, put and 90.0% Ways of thinking Improve your Use of English skills: understanding parts of speech FE 1 xctes ting ate recognise what proj spec wor phrase (noun, Pe esis eee, possessive pronoun ec) ta fancion i srs (ube, bec Pee aecrminr ete) ant he orm takes, 4 Therarelyased word ssiparous is mest probably A noun, B anadjective © avers, TS) xe sey para spvch ofa word ca hewn fect on the meng. important Es bn we the right pots of som or the person stoning t you or Yeing what Yow PEREPEREI hve riven may misundesteed you. Understanding pars of Spech mans ye a Pibshaaed inegu werd te gh orm re cones A noun. B conjunction. © anadjective. 2. The word ‘key’ in the fst sentence above i functioning as ate sure you understand wha the afro yrs spec are in Bish ou need Ta tis to ernsevonns rb, ke aed etn te roles ey pla. Romer aso PTSD ict there oreory ares (ets bored an ais or «parte? Are the paris Pood A apresont parteple, B apastparceple. © anadjective lost verd prepositions or aders?), Tow nal be bl bk a gpd ent ‘ortext and Agureout wha par of spech is missing by ring te context carly. ‘3 "The word inbold nm not interested is defiely not How is {Part 2 you ea work ont what parte sch vuln each go tthe est PE CaML] so you caw dete which word ts corre ort enter an se thecrve orm. In Pe Perse ar wow nood put the word you ae ges int he are form 50 you neat Cental od 4 Understanding parts of speech is least relevant to A Path B Parts. © Part, teow tha port of speach i In Pot 9, yo ed oboe the ptf poche ths ‘ioen worse dat you cau use carey in he ransformation LUlNe erste U Ae} Get started ‘Wook at the photo and answer the questions ‘Describe bie the bridge inthis picture, saying what it appears to 9 used for How ght i differ from other bridge? 1+ How do diferent ways of thinking affect how we construct things? {How can thinking diferentiy make a company more competitive? Develop your vocabulary 1. Maren each word with its definition question asked when you wantinformation 1 curriculum 2 a feling you have that something may or may not be tue 8 ideology set of gue ‘ hunch > justiieation 4. asetof beliefs and principles an education system follows query good reason for doing something | 2 choose the correct word to complete cach sentence 1 Canyon deduce ince fom ths these what the writers tryngosy about pilogopty? 2 Teachers scrutinized deliberated fr hours on hw to ackeaing exam grades. 3 Tean only begin to coulure/apeculats how dca univeray exams willbe 4 Teaughmy-stiers to embrace / clasp new ideas and neve stop challenging themselves 5 Mice was very tative spontaneous stent who cold easy guess conclusions | ‘thou avg ear ll the fat 3 Watea word rom the ox meach gap to complete the text. [Erect poche panier = penune tet] How can we change ou ways inking? We Ite posal todo so may bacouse we are tol i, but without xamples, eet io Kaew hom. Cosi’ pote hiking vers negate thirking a przon who thinks negatively hae a2) outa an i, thing tet tra thers no use rng to sccompssh goals because they are impasse to achieve, However, king this person foo) an thelr ean thd ne gol they rave accoripshd ight lp tern ‘ink ferry about er eapeDiies. Another way 1 (8) flues as fe lessons, rather than storeominge n abies, Fal, te see important te Bs). ning oto 0 problems, no mater how longi takes todo so, Unit 3 Develop your Use of English skills: understanding parts of speech 11 Wate the parts of speech for these words, Some may have more than one pat of speech in their eurent form, 1 conscience —___ 5 reason, 2 delberate cept 8 justify 17 beliot 4 speculate 8 sane 2 Wie the part of speech which is required. Then write the correct form of & word from exercise In each gap. The words may be used more than once 1 ____ There is__ thatthe sehoo! hoard willis entry requirements, but no one knows To sre 2 ____Beanoris avery _teachar who pays close attention to hee stents’ progress. 3 Some maths geniuses were thought to suffer fram _that kept ‘them fom ving normal ives. 4 —____ rs tvans was _about whether the new aehooleurrieulurn would be effective as she thought it was too advance. 5 Considering Wax had studied very lite, he did__wel, scoring a perfoet makin the exam, 6 —__ Helen thought she would go _after studying for exams for 18 ‘consecitive hours {3 Wite the missing headings and complete the table with as many desatives as posible. Now ‘analyse I ‘unassuminaly ‘conceive ‘convincin Understanding parts of speech 4 Wate the parts of speech forthe words in bold in each set of sentences, ‘adjective / adverb /oun 1. Mre Mitchell eaches English composition daily. Students were asked to complete their daily exercises, — Ronald was reading a daly when his colleague walked up to him. adjective / nova / preposition 22 Tomek gave around estimate to the maths equation, ‘Ma Tyler asked her students to do another ound of speaking asks ‘Try to come round tothe lecture hall ater i youre not too busy incerjoction /nown /verb 28 Tears began co well up in Johann’ eyes when he sa that heh filed. ‘Tarai drive asa eachor ame from a deep wel of inspiration. Well, these marks have certainly beaten my expectations. adjective/nown ver 4 Thehonovr students were al like-minded individuals 1 dort believe wel ae the Mike of him again tough coke a class that has such a srct instructor determiner /nown / pronoun 5 Othe 20 stadens in clas, few wore present Her marc was low becanse she answered only afew questions aycation shouldbe fr the mans, notust forthe few. 5 Write a word from the box to complete each pale of sentences. 4 PManswer each and every __about che exam in due couse Itisimportant to __the lecturer about topics tha are dificult to understand, 2 Doyou have any _to obtain your doctorate in psychology? ‘The new university campus contains every facility that students could possibly to complete theists. 3. Its mouse rying to __ with him; bettar toe him esa the hard way ‘There'snettherrhyine nor _to er lecture syle, an shes feu to understand as res 4 Karl didnt givea second __to what he would study a iversity he knew it would Sefinitely be psychiatry Having _long ant har about the issue, Martha decided to study philosophy at university. 5 Shehada ____that there would be a change tthe curicuuts his yea on't_over your desk ke that ~ youl soon have back: problems. {6 Not being able to _the issue on her own, Nancy contacted the dean for ssslatance you plan on pursuing a career as psychiatrist, you've gotto have the __t ish years ofstudy. Unit 3 6 Decide what pat of speech is missing thom cach sentence, A Please take your tn in NN yourself with the learning meterial. 22 Thinkingyom can learn philosophy easly is MN at best. == 8 Because of her unwavering Lal classrooms wll now be equipped with internctve whiteboards. 4. Many people beiew the answer tothe question of why We are here stil ris ‘Teachers often IN With students who have dificulc home ives "im sorry, but this thesis doesn’ have clear focus and F'n area itt [apologise i offended you concerning your work; Iwas completely a Students frequently have MN views of what university ie wil be Lik, thinking it vill be easier than ira 9 You should sit Min your chat, as louching is bad posture which creates a bad Impression 10 Socrates’ philosophical ideas were quite MNMFin ancient times. 7 Wate a word from the box inthe correct frm to complete each sentence in exercise 7 1 4 1 wo — 6 ® a 6 ° 8 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning tothe frst sentence, using the word given. 1 Creating a soo] currtulum soften an evolutionary process TIME ‘The cretion ofa Seioleurrtetum often before reaching the end result 2 Kim explained how Eastern and Wester philosophies are diferent in profound ways and have opposing perspectives. DIFFER Kim explained how Rastern and Wester philosophies and have opposing perspectives. {kai was impressed by the lecturer's presentation and he congratulated hi, RE Mikal considered the lecturers presentation —_________andhe congratulated him. 4 Itstudents sccm bored with lessons, offer differen topic suggestions to see what interests them, TRY, students sccm bored with essons,_______ tapos tosee what Snterests them 5 Letme know if you prefer me to write on the board rather thanjust speaking. HAVE [Letme know ityou__ whether Twrite onthe boar or ist speale Understanding parts of speech Q Wire a word in each gap to complete the text. = Te avon ascent ws Tae ws) pce yoy heacns soerrasny metas yee anatase or i Mg irae nghornen eset oo an _aahalarareleet rere pone opielinnsiaareny Srmopmcnmremnioe newmtemenyt aamenieate SOUTER Shen bce tect naarnnarn oy Tiare ccm cten teste aaieranene hen naemnes See ce tnirrant mitnmmanan an emer 10 Explain why you chose the words you did in exercise 10, Gap i: Gap: Gap 3: Gap 4 Gap 5: Gap 6: 11 Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits the gap. “The phase ‘thnk outside the box (1)_ tem ORIGIN business maragerent teams nthe 19708 are 1980 ‘nat encourage people tthinkin @) CONVENTION ways. The manager challenged ther colagues to ik ‘ne cots wih the least number of straight ines anc shout ng the wang nstument from he paper. ‘Toole the puzzle covecty the nes would nave to (9) ____somewnere outside the realm ofthe VERGE ois nother wore, ctsde en irae Box nat the nine dos} __cretejustby appearing SEEM ‘on he page. Employer waua he ther work to come up with 6) —__ieas ta, nthe enc, REVOLT Incase the companys overall 6) inthe COMPETE ‘marketplace, butt not as esy a teng preon to “Tank uti ho box’. Brainstorming and attempting to ‘ew probiems tom 7] _anglescanhelp he COUNT process slog, To som estan, hough amas down, ‘how (@)_—__aparievlarindwidul can nk. SKILL Unit 3 ‘Look atthe exam practice section on page 20 and identify the part o? speech each C exp romires apr Gaps Gap? Gap __or Gaps Gap? or —___ Gap Gaps 2. Formas many derivatives ss you can from the words in bold in the Dxam practice task as Gapo Skills tip a _ eS cont nae “ = Gap2 ieee __ [tees cons eae aoe ont me as Gap 6 Gap Gaps 3 Match the staements to the Pars of Adeanced Paper I. More than ane statement may aopby twosome Parts Part ‘Knowing parts of speech will help os complete phrases. 1b Thepart af speech is already decided for you. © You will change given word into a particular part of speech, Parcs: 4 You will need to know the part of speech ofa word youe given eed ‘© You willed to think ofboth wardand its part of speech to give the answers. Exam practic Understanding parts of speect Part 3 For questions 1-8, read the text bets, Use the word gven n capitals he end of some of the ines o form a vord tat fits inthe space nthe sameline. There sax example atthe beginning inte your answer IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Examp 2] PRES) “Tha Chinse locate Contucis vein he sth century 1G Hes thought tohave ved a rather ©) fe, worn en farme anda 8 bookoper bate bacaming a ‘each Hi lage ea collection of ayngscortained ina book oad the Analects His eacig It). ertes sound the vidual etvatng We wn tue nc paisa! (2j ____. This served through eoveion to ‘he arly ane earing ees of proper behaviour fo) the nial @) _. it ll mambers of society Sv low hese res, the (6) __is that ‘society as whole wil uncon bate and be es inne to say toners excess. ‘Conti betevedin(6|__ meritocracy. orthe ‘edvancrent of an indiival based anther kl, wh wath ‘or amy connections being completely] —__. Tha ‘ppleaton of hs bot can be son in univers entrance axa, Inwnichaperen's sore isthe (6) __means fr seeing ‘hair onry. CONFUCIUS ‘BRACE omare Skills tip leering te pas of Speech of wards ra ome ‘soe entra geen ‘vances Pape 1 Pa 318 toot incstamningwnst, Dat of sown secured Fite gap The process ‘anhapyou aro dom Sshatence ef yore ean ‘chaly For amo ‘2p potted ayn afte ard oloned by an {gecivo,youcan sy fue outhat the roqared ‘rors noun oah= ‘nous gaataly Improve your Use of English skills: rephrasing and transforming Duy ee De) EO CT Pte rd fou BRL ephosing and transforoing insoles expressing the same ide in hx or move erent ys (ferent eoenalary, deren grammatical structure, or bo) {inszam tas, isms aking a piven sentence and using geen Wor, prdecing ‘cathe enence wih the same mang. 1 When ofthese would not be an example of transforming’ as described above? |A rewriting an active vetb inthe passive voice 'B turning an adjective into a noun changing the meaning of a pease 1s important io show tat you com expres yours in dierent ways. alles you piper epiranpemrelen pt vpsten. srk bot abaeormprinrrirh Rater tan spy repeating what go std on en repre tho i woes rahi he cer person may wnderstad moras. Pals porn! when writing 2 Which of tese would notbe a succesful rephrasing and transformation of “requires clarification’ the paragraph above? A clarifies someone's needs 1B needs something io be clarified (© requires an explanation You nado thin of eynongnous words phrases a wl alerwatioe romnatica forms. When ding then coum ensfrmation Tak, neue th whale fh econ “sentence s ramanadcay correct ant mens Ce eae ashe enone, who nonin to hanging any portant ination fom et eons ‘3. What does the word ‘information nthe final sentence mean bere? A specie words or phrases B las, however they are expressed rulesabout the exam task 1s tested in Pope 1 Part 4 ou tena sentnee anda wort cpiats Youre ‘also given a sscond gpd snconer. Tow wed to compli the sed sentence, wg ‘ton te and ras tha it means the ses thers sonenc wing ‘he geen word. Tie ety ets your aly to mpeg 4 Which of tse statements isnot tre about Aroanced Paper | Part 4? A. Notall of your answers will conain the same number of words B There are occasions when changing the wor in capita is acceptable, © ‘Thetwo sentences should always end up meaning te save thing. eee all Get started ‘Look atthe photo and answer the questions. | f= Whymighe this man be using a headset? © Do,you ever communicate with ather people in this way? s+ How are online social networks changing the way people communicate? 9 Develop your vocabulary 1. starch the words to make phrases. 2 opensource request, ‘8 instant os © theft hs " Stain tae Z we? 2. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. nee = 3. Write « word from the box in each gap to complete the paragraph. Pople use the net or entetalmet mtn (). 1 sducaton {ne communication. More and more people spend naire tine commicatna th strangers though soci networking sean frre. Ti act ssoms fo support the gunent agus! those who ay tht the nto causes people ‘become soca 3} es cuts tham ff tom geruinereatbrhins: people use he tenet or communion wih others trough eral okt and (9) aca, tay might actual socials xe often ane wih more people ‘These applets ca recuce the cats and ificaty of commaneston vith | distant retatve, Peope eu of rom the outside worl cue to nase or retin can also [more than eve bee Unit 4 Develop your Use of English skills: rephrasing and transforming 1. Choose the sentence which means the same 3s the first. 1 Lwas offered the jb because of my Linkedn® prof, ‘2 My LinkedIn pro was responsibie forme geting the je, 'b got the job inspite of my Linkedin profile, 2 We found out about thelr engagement on Twitter ‘4 When we heard they were engaged, we weeted the news ourselves, 1b Werhadi'cheard about ther engagement uti we rea ther tet {2 He has so mary friends on Facebook that he cant possibly check all heir updates, —_ 1 He doesnt check all his Facebook friends’ updates, se has more tine trake new frends 'b-Hecant checkalhis Facebook friends’ updates because there ar so many of them. ‘She wanted her customers to acouss he Inernet without paving so she hada wi conection installed 1b She wanted toset up internet acces for her customers, ut she didet want to pay fot 5 Isaved al the photos you uploaded onto one of my storage devices, —_ ‘Your anne photos have been tafered to ane of my storage devices. > downloaded the photos you posted onto my laptop, 2 Decide ifthe sentences have the same meaning (S) or a differen: meaning (D). 1 She akes pleasure in posting comments on online newspap2r articles. She frequently skips the comments section of online newspaper articles, 2 This open source software allows yu tall poope on thelr mobile phones without charge ‘This software i open source and lets you make fee calls tormobil phones. _ 3 You don'thave tobe computer savvy to now how to share videos on the Internet. Even a compater novice can lear how to share videos onze 4 Young people often imagine that humans were soclalydeta-hed before the luvention af instant messaging and socal media. Itis not uncommon for younger generations to believe peopl were mare Sociable hefore the advent of electronic communieations = 55 Uhave been amember of thisblletin board fr the last five years. [fist signed up to dhs alletin board ve years ag. = 3 Rewrite each sentence using te structure given. 1 A.thousand people fllow me on Twiter, 1& (passive wie) (have as.amain verb) 2 Woasker an expert to install ournew computer system, ‘© (passive wie) 1 causative form) "regret putting thar photo online! 4 Guish) (modal perfect) Rechrasing and transforming A compte sch snumce ng tit const of wor om bo: Amd vod om bor a A en - es spe onaal vient tel] [feede me wrt] A. Tpetieve tis people to have hobbies ‘way fom thelr computers, 2 Corla____her internet connection to speak ‘tpher family backehome, {8 My uncle took up blogging to lp him = Ite after retirement 4 Iyvaited over an hou fr Sana to eal on Skype™, but {Mat sort of behaviours im {5 Having smartphone has really helped me clients mare esi 5 Rewrite each sentence using the verb form ofthe oun inbold 1 There is anoed for further study into the effect computer games ave on peoples seta sil 2 Tamin constant com cation with rend and family around he world using te Internet. 28 eis my hope that Ian increase my bandwidth so can actually call you on Sleype™ in future ‘ewapapers comments section, ‘5. There has been an increase in popularity of online multiplayer games with people aver the age of 35. 6 Complete each sentence with the comect frm ofthe verb given, 1 MEET . some old university classmates online was quite surprising afterall these yeas. bb Tidaexpect _o university classmates online afterall these yeas, 2 BECOME a Inthe years following hor gratuation, she _n very eompetent online gamer. She wenton avery competent online gamer 3 MAKE a Thated telephone cals on the Internet a fst, bat now it's fine Tgotused telephone calls the Invern. 4 SPEAK ‘2 Pierre would rather___ on Skype™ than on the landline Pierre would prefer__on Skype™ to taking on the landline Unit 4 7 Tick the tansforations that ae corect. Ia transformation i wrong, explain why 1 Thieves hav legally accossed the business's accounts INTO ‘The business accounts have been hacked ino by thieves, —_ 2 Bmployers are said to be worried about the use of social med CONCERN ‘There is concern about employers using socal media in the workplace, —_ inthe workplace. {3 Tdon'tshare your views on social networking’ my compute slence professor sl AGREE. My computer science professor tal me she hadn't agreed with my views on social networking 4 dont think thy should restret internet access for ofice workers PLACE "They should pu restrictions on intemet acces for office workers, —_ {5 ‘There have been more new emul subscribers this year than ever before NUMBER ‘Thete has been an unprecedented inerease In che numberof email subseribers this year. 6 1dont think its 2 good idea to change your company’s damain name IN T don't se the point in you change your company’s domainname. — 8 Complete the second sentence sot has asiiar meaning tothe fst. Use no more than sx words 1 Before I slgned upto Instagram, I wouldnt shire ny videos with my frends, Before I signed up to Instagram, Inever ny lends, 22 ‘Themumber of subscribers to our website snow at an alltime high Ourwebsitenas —__________asithas row. 8 You can upload as many photos as you lke onto the ste ‘Thorwisno__of photos youean upload onto the ste 4 Tove wsing social networking sites, even though I dont have much experience. ‘Tove using social networkingsites,in_____itleexperenee, 5 Tow’ know why Daisy deleted her Facebook account 1 dort know what___ delete hor Facebook account wont beable to watch the videos you shared nti get ham from work, Only when I get home from work —__ the videos you shared (Can you help me think of new ideas for my fashion website! Teed some __ with new ideas for my fashion website. [cant possibly upload all the vidos tomy Vimeo page befze the end of the dy. Kis__alt he videos to my Vimeo nage before the enl a the day. Rephrasing and transforming 9 Match a word or phase in each sentence witha phase from the os, " Inte habitat « keepin toch » sgn up « who ana « work opeher 1am going to subseribe to an online newspaper to help reduce paper waste. 22 Yann hast tried to-communicate with Bva since she lef town. {3 Online gaming can help us earn how to cooperate with people fom diferent backgrounds 4 She got bored watching television ar decided to pass the tine by reading from ‘her Kindle 15 ‘These days, young people are accustomed to surfing the net rather than geting Out snd about Complete the paragraph using te information from the dialogue Wate no more than four words in exch gp. ‘irs What re you doing hare, Mis? haven't ee you logge i formant. Mire: Wsjust boon realy hece at work. cauldet get onfine as often Fd have ed Virgie things calmer fr you st work now? Mira: Were much quieter row. I'm ged, because I mizad having sme fice tine to chet wth evergona. irl We were all wondering whathad happened to you, Now that you" have ‘mote re ie, why don't we nly aang to meetin person? Mees Dont be lt dont ave tine to wav halioay round the wold eae you! ig asked ira what} _. He sald nea logged in for ‘months. Mira epi that it @) ___realy hac t werk ands explained thet she wasnt (a) as lenas sheave thee Vig wondred(8) fornorat work now. Ma responded that work (6) ______ noe ld hin ah wae ‘la a8 she 7) fre me tochat wih everyane, Vig lta that very had (8) whathaa happeraata hor He suagstns tat he aly srange fomest ‘operon nce Ma (@)_____ reste. Miratold ito) sth. She ‘xpisnod el she il dd nothave tet ave hava ound he word to 88. | Rewrite each sentence by changing the words in bold t the part of sreech given. 1 preter Googles because it gives me mare contol than Facebook (change toa nous) 2 He has over milion followers on Twitter. (chang toa verb) 3 My grandson relly encouraged me when [started using 4 computer (change oa noun) 4 Social networking sites need to solve the problem of identity theft. (Change to nous) 5 You need to have stronger security on your computer. change toa vet) transforming ‘Look atthe exam practice seetion on page 7. For each sentence below, underline the pars) ofthe sentence which you will need to rephrase. 1 Thee marketing manager refused to speak to anyone in the company other than the owes 2 Many bloggers indi very difficult o update thelr websites ora daily basis. 3 He bought the book from Amazon inspite ofthe poor roviews twas given. ‘4 Most websites think aboat user privacy when they encourage people to change their passwords regulary 15 When l velised {had over ten thousand followers on Twitter, became quite emotional! Fiona si {6 They cancelled the seiner on advertising through socal media due Co the weather ‘Write one word in each ga. 1 you refuse todo something, then you __on not doing. ” aoe rts tec | skills tip 2 Ifyou nd something dificult, you have __indoing. | aarareps Paper Pa 2 Ifyou buy something in spite ofa bad reviow, you do ieeven sould yeu tha aba review. tink cory abou ich 4 Htyou think about something, you____itinto consideration, | ater neat erence a ve roeds to be epraeed? 5 Ifyou are eestatc, ou are overcome —__ jy or emotion. el 6. Ityou cancel something, ou __ ito. be sted coma Information oth the Revie the sentences using the phrases given in capital eters. ete 1 This email service provider cares deeply about the security oitsusers ‘CONCERNED ABOUT 2 Nora would ony use her office emall dress for workeelated issues. INSISTED ON 3 [thought the music could be downloaded fre of charge from your website, UNDER THE IMPRESSION 4 Ione gree with prohibiting children from using soctal networking sites. IN FAVOUR |S ‘Tho usemame you selected was not accepted ast isalready n use ‘TURNED DOWN Rephrasing and transforming Part 4 For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that Ihas a similar meaning tothe fst Sentence sng the word given. Do not change che word give. Yon mst use between three tnd six word, incleding the word ven. Here isan example (0). Example: Skills tip © Jorn wa realy ines inthe history of social netwenking. | eke sue jeu undestrane esrb DEAL ‘fom carter be Verslored . ‘rd Paper Pa renfoocat Ne Yotn —__________nthe history of social | ec nd pane at have oor olde networking, ‘mine pap sechow te gen wor can eo a vas nah he sre mean. “Te gap canbe filed th the words had a grat da of “ra ogining ard nang ole sons interest, 20 you wit: can eke wich gare race you Interest in 50 yo ‘Feaduse vnen yourave compl Eromple ‘rain cot se eters erearameng te otal HAD A GREAT DEAL OF TEREST hare nna ecg ‘White only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS. 11 The e-marketing manager refused to speak fo anyone inthe company other than the owner on ‘The e-marketing manager___othar than the owner ofthe company. 2 Many bloggers fini very dificult to update ther websites on & daly basis HAVE Many bloggers ____ their websites ona day bass ‘8 He bought the book online inspite ofthe poor reviews twas given. EVEN He bought the book ening ___________itpoorravews. 4 Most websites think about user privacy when they encourage peopl to change their passwords regulary CONSIDERATION Most websites_____when they encourage people to change ‘tho passwords regu. '5 "Whom | realised | had ove ten thousand followars on Twit, | bacame quite emotional! Fiona said ‘OVERCOME: Fiona explained that she___ whan she eaisac she hac mere ‘than ten thousand fobowers on Titer, {5 They canceled the seminar on advertising through social media due tothe weather OFF The seminar on advertising through socialmedia of the weather

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