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Cause/Effect Essay

Not everyone chooses to go to a college or university. Discuss the reasons (causes)

that make a person decide to go to college OR the results (effects) of getting a

college degree OR of not going to college. Choose only one of these topics for your


Choosing to attend college—or more specifically, complete a four-year degree

program at a college—is one of life's major decisions. It is a big investment of both

time and money, while also being a place where you can gain invaluable knowledge to

carry throughout your life. For many career paths, it is also a basic requirement for

getting started. For others, it is the optimal source for building the skills you’ll need

for success.

If you want to pursue a career that requires a degree or a specific skill set that you

can only learn in college, then you shouldn’t let doubts stand in the way of pursuing

that path. For some careers, such as social work or education, you’ll need at least a

bachelor's degree to meet the bare requirements to apply. Some companies expect a

bachelor's degree, regardless of the field, because they understand the importance of

the skills and experience gained in college and are looking for a candidate who can

readily adapt to their workplace.

Some jobs are only attainable when you know someone who can get you in the door

by introducing you to the right people at the company. Networking is important and is

widely available across college campuses. From professional organizations to

internships, colleges offer a chance to get your name out there. You also have the

opportunity to get to know your professors, especially when you are taking courses
specific to your degree. These professors may be able to help you secure a job in the

field through their contacts.

Not everyone comes out of high school ready to take on a career. The first two years

of college are typically devoted to core requirements that can apply to different

majors. If there are multiple fields of study that truly intrigue you, your lower division

studies allow some room for exploring different disciplines. In fact, it could be argued

that this is the point of your lower division studies. Thus, many people will not declare

a major until their junior year.

In conclusion anyone is obligated to go to the college but if you want to perceive a

good career, meet interesting people and keep your mind open, go to the college is

probably the best choice for you considering that college can give you opportunities

that hardly you could find anywhere else.

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