Drafall Recomendation

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PENNSTATE @ Schl ot Mase Cale At nd Ante 814465.081 Thefeamynin SieUnvy Pac OLQs685 235s ul eee Urey Pa Pees March 30, 2008 ‘Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: It is with great pleasure that I write this recommendation of G. Scott Barton. [ have known Scott for many ‘years and can attest to his musicianship, his teaching ability, and his personhood. During his undergraduate ‘degree and his subsequont return for graduate study, he has eared my highest professional respect. Mr. Barton’s musical and personal gifts are many. He is an excellent singor and conductor, and is able to accompany his own rehearsals at the keyboard. He sets high expectations for himself and kis singers, and he plans his instruction to ensure that those expectations can be met. In addition, Scott possesses a wonderful background of choral literature and repertoire and is very knowledgeable regarding current trends in choral music, Personally, he is outgoing, fun-loving and approachable both on the podium and in private conversation. These attributes combine with his professional strengths to recommend him as a great colleague and a wonderfull mentor for his choir members. first year as a graduate student at Penn State, Scott assisted my colleagues with the administration and conducting duties of the Penn State Glee Club and University Choir. His work with these choirs was ‘excellent, and we learned that he did not require direct supervision ~ he was very capable of making excellent ‘musical and educational decisions on his own. In his second year, he assisted me with the Penn State Concert Choir. He quickly adapted his rehearsal strategies and expectations to ensure that his instruction of these ‘upper-level students was cogent, efficient, and expressive. Indeed, one of Seott’s primary strengths has become his ability to adapt his instruction to fit varying levels of choir member background and knowledge ‘hile maintaining equally high expectations for education and performance. In the Fall 2007 semester, Mr. Barton conducted a choir of his owm creation that was comprised of 24 highly talented undergraduate and graduate mon and women. He was completely responsible for selecting, members, choosing repertoire, rehearsing, and performing with this ensemble. His work with them was remarkable, Scott also recruited a chamber orchestra to accompany the choir in a performance of John Corigliano’s “Fern Hill” at the performance. His conducting of the orchestra was outstanding, and it was a credit to Scott that all of the very best players on our campus wanted to participate. In addition to his work with choirs, Mr. Barton was also assigned to teach a sophomore-level basic conducting course during the 2007-2008 school year. In this role, he was responsible for constructing a syllabus, teaching two classes per week, preparing worksheets and lectures, and evaluating the students. In as is in all other situations, he deported himself as a strongly mature professional ‘The organization or school that hires Scott Barton will be very lucky indeed. His intelligence, personality, musicianship, and personal intcgrity all combine to make him a true star. I would be delighted to share more positive opinions about him with you and invite your phone call or email inquiry at any time. Tym Drafall Director of Choral Studies JedS@psu.edu College of Arts und Architecture ‘As El Ofrartenty Uvonity

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