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EWLC 74 rel.

12/97 ing
blind controller for refrigerated units


EWLC 74 is a microprocessor based in- Power-on Led: line led (green), indicates
strument developed to control refrigerated the instrument is powered.
WHAT IT IS units. It is provided with an internal trans- Defrost Led: led (yellow) related top de-
former (230/12 Vac), two relay outputs to frost, on when defrost is in progress, blink-
EWLC 74 is a microprocessor drive the compressor and the defrost sys- ing in case of manual defrost.
based instrument developed to tem, and two inputs for NTC probes to The power-on led turns on when the in-
control refrigerated units. control the room temperature and the end strument is started and the lamp-test is
of defrost. performed by the defrost led only for about
A series of parameters (invisible and facto- 5 seconds.
HOW IT IS MADE ry programmable through the serial port
only) allows to configure the instrument ac- PARAMETERS DESCRIPTION
• Housing: resin PC+ABS plastic cording to the application. diF: diFferential.
with V0 extinguishing grade EWLC 74 is available in the 32x74 Eliwell Setpoint intervention differential. In refriger-
• Size: front 76x34 mm, depth standard format. ated applications temperature control is
62 mm carried out with the differential set to posi-
• Mount: panel on 71x29 mm hole OPERATION tive values; the compressor stops when
• Protection: a shed (tile) for dap In refrigerated applications temperature the Setpoint is reached (condition detect-
mount on the back of the instru- control is carried out with the differential ed by the regulation probe) and restarts
ment is available on request to set to positive values; the compressor when the temperature reaches Setpoint
protect the screw terminal block stops when the Setpoint is reached and plus the differential.
• Connections: on screw terminal restarts when the temperature reaches dit1: defrost interval time 1 (jumper ON):
block for wires max 2.5 mm2 (one Setpoint plus the differential. The Setpoint Defrost initiation frequency, in hours.
wire only per contact in compli- can be set through the trimmer on the front dit2: defrost interval time 2 (jumper OFF):
ance with VDE regulations) panel. Defrost initiation frequency, in hours.
• Commands: on front and side Two accessible jumpers located on the doh: defrost offset hour.
(through 2 jumpers) side of the instrument allow to select two Delay time for defrost start, in minutes.
• Outputs: 1 output on N.O. relay for defrost types: electrical (the compressor is dEt: defrost Endurance time-out.
compressor 8(3)A 250V AC and 1 stopped) or cycle inversion (warm gas; the Defrost time-out; after this time defrost is
exchange output on relay 8(3)A compressor keeps on operating); it is also stopped even if the defrost end tempera-
250V AC for the defrost system possible to select the number of daily de- ture is not reached; in minutes.
• Analogue inputs: two NTC probe frosts (two or four daily defrosts can be dSt: defrost Stop temperature.
for temperature control and de- chosen in the standard version, see para- Defrost end temperature.
frost management meters “dit1” and “dit2”). dnt: defrost enable temperature.
• Consumption: 1.5 VA max A series of invisible parameters - which Temperature value below which the defrost
• Power supply: 230 Vac. Others on can only be programmed in factory call is enabled.
request through the serial port - allows to set the POS: POStpone defrost.
defrost start temperature (below which th When active it allows to delay defrost at
defrost call is enabled), the defrost stop the end of the defrost interval until suitable
temperature and a maximum time (time- conditions for defrost occur.
out) after which defrost is always stopped. n = no; y = yes.
A series of “safety systems” (delay in acti- cPS: compressor Probe Set.
vation, minimum disable time, minimum End of scale value for the Setpoint trimmer.
time between two activations) protects the cPo: compressor Probe offset.
compressor from close starts. Start of scale value for the Setpoint trim-
Other parameters make the instrument mer.
configurable for different applications. dt: drainage time.
Dripping time; after defrost the compres-
COMMANDS ON FRONT PANEL sor is stopped for a time set by this value
There is no display. A button is available for (in minutes).
manual activation of the defrost cycle: by dPo: defrost (at) Power on.
pressing and releasing it a defrost cycle is Allows to select or deselect defrost at
started, provided that suitable conditions startup.
are present. n = no; y = yes.
A trimmer on the front panel allows to set cPP: compressor Probe Protection.
the operation setpoint for the compressor: Allows to select the state of compressor
its range can be customised and set for faulty probe.
through two parameters. oF = relay OFF for faulty probe;
Compressor Led: led (red) related to the on = relay ON for faulty probe;
compressor relay, on when the compres- dc = duty cycle; ON and OFF times for the
DEFAULT SETTINGS - STANDARD MODELS frosts in case of manual call through de-
frost key pressure.
Parameter Description Range Default Unit n = no; y = yes.
diF diFferential -50…50 2 °C Oct: On compressor time.
dit1 defrost interval time 1 0…18 12 hours Minimum compressor on time before the
activation of the inversion valve in cycle in-
dit2 defrost interval time 2 0…18 6 hours
version defrosts, in minutes.
doh derfost offset hour 0…255 0 min
dEt defrost Endurance time 0…255 30 min MECHANICAL MOUNT
dSt defrost Stop temperature –50…50 9 °C
EWLC 74 is designed for panel mount. Drill
a 29x71 mm hole and introduce the instru-
dnt defrost enable temperature –50…50 0 °C ment fixing it with the special bracket (in-
POS POSpone defrost n/y n flag cluded).
cPS compressor Probe Set –50…50 –10 °C The operating temperature range for cor-
rect operation is from –5 to 65 °C. Do not
cPo compressor Probe offset –50…50 –30 °C
install the instrument in moist and/or dirty
dt drainage time 0…255 0 min places; it is suitable for operation in envi-
dPo defrost (at) Power-on n/y n flag ronments with an ordinary pollution level.
cPP compressor Probe Protection flag
Leave enough room for air circulation by
oF / on / dc on
the cooling holes of the instrument.
Ont On time compressor 0…255 5 min
OFt OFF time compressor 0…255 5 min ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS
ctP compressor type Protection nP / don / doF / dbi nP flag EWLC 74 is provided with screw terminal
blocks for the connection of electrical
cdP compressor delay Protection 0…255 0 min
wires with a maximum 2.5 mm2 section
odo output delay (at) on 0…255 0 min (one wire only per terminal in compliance
drt defrost restet time n/y y flag with VDE regulations).
The instrument is provided with two out-
Oct On compressor time 0…255 0 min
puts, a N.O. contact for the compressor
and an exchange contact for the defrost
system. Outputs on the defrost relay are
free from voltage. Do not exceed the max-
CONNECTIONS imum contact capacity: 8(3)A AC 250V. In
case of heavier loads use a contactor with
a suitable power.
Ensure the voltage of the EWLC 74 power
EWLC 74 complies to requirements.
The two NTC probes do not require inser-
tion polarity and can be lengthened using
sa standard bipolar cable (please remem-
ber that too long probes imply worse in-
strument performance for the EMC
electromagnetic compatibility).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The probe cables shall be kept far from re-
lay cables and from the power supply both
thermostat for EMC and safety reasons. The European
NTC probe safety regulations state that the power
supply and relay contacts (and, generally,
defrost comp. all parts with dangerous voltage) shall be
defrost separated from very low safety voltage
NTC probe
contacts (probes) by insulations and dis-
tances suitable to guarantee at least a
POWER SUPPLY double or reinforced insulation. EMC re-
quirements for correct operation
suggest/impose to put maximum care in
this separation through the use of insulat-
ing channels separated by suitable cable
relay are set by parameters “Ont” and doF = delay at switching oFf. Minimum fixing systems.
“OFt”. time for relay deactivation.
Ont: On time (compressor). dbi = delay between two successive TECHNICAL DATA
Compressor ON time; in minutes. starts. Minimum time between two subse- Housing: resin PC+ABS plastic with V0
OFt: OFF time (compressor). quent relay activations. extinguishing grade.
Compressor OFF time; in minutes. cdP: compressor delay Protection. Size: front 76x34 mm, depth 62 mm.
ctP: compressor type Protection. Time related to the previous parameter; in Mount: panel on 71x29 mm hole.
Allows to select the type of protection from minutes. Protection: a shed (tile) for dap mount on
close compressor starts (the time is set odo: output delay (at) on. the back of the instrument is available on
through the following parameter): Activation delay for relays at instrument request to protect the screw terminal
nP = no Protection. No protection. startup; in minutes. block.
don = delay on start. Delay on relay activa- drt: defrost reset time. Connections: on screw terminal block for
tion. It allows to enable the count of timed de- wires max 2.5 mm2 (one wire only per con-

EWLC 74 12/97 ing 2

tact in compliance with VDE regulations).
Commands : on f ront and side (th rough 2
Data storag e : on non volatile memory
Operating temperatu re : –5…65 °C.
Storage temperatu re : –30…75 °C.
Outputs : 1 output on N.O. relay for com-
pr essor 8(3)A 250V A C and 1 exchange
output on relay 8(3)A 250V A C for the de-
f rost system.
Analogue input s : two NTC p r obe for
temperatu re cont rol and def rost manage-
Consumptio n : 1.5 VA max.
Power suppl y : 230 Vac. Others on r e-

via dell’Artigianato, 65
Zona Industriale
32010 Pieve d’Alpago (BL)

Telephone +39 (0)437 986111

Facsimile +39 (0)437 989066

3 EWLC 74 12/97 ing

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