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Seventy-five ninety-one sixteen

traveled to coconuco It is located between Cauca and HuilaI

about six months ago I traveled to coconuco in the department of cauca in the company of my
family, we have took a bus from Popayán to the municipality of coconuco more exactly in the hot
springs in that place there is a tourist place called hot water hot springs. The water where the
thermal waters of the Puracé volcano pass is a very beautiful place It is colder than Cartagena
since they are very different climates.

In warm water we have enjoyed the hot springs and the volcanic mud that according to the locals
is good for the skin, in this place we stayed for a day since we had to return to the city of Popayán.
that was a very nice and fun ride.

Travel to Monserrate.

It is located in the eastern mountain range of Colombia and is one of the best known

I traveled to that place two years ago with my family, from popayán the means of transport we
have used was the bus, to the entrance to Monserrate. we have taken a cable car to the top of the
mountain that place has a very beautiful view, it is very cold. We have drank panela water, we
have taken photos of the landscape. In the afternoon we have come down from Monserrate and
we have returned to Popayán.

Trip to Cartagena

that's all thank you very much teacher

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