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Medical Terminology for Interpreters

Fall 2021

Threaded Discussion 7:

The Male Reproductive System:

Match the following terms on the left with the most appropriate definitions on the right. Each correct
answer is worth 5 points. Bonus points will be provided (an additional ½ point per correct response) if
you are able to provide the Spanish translation of the sign or symptom below the term.

Term Definition
G) balanitis a. blisters
Balanitis: Inflamación del glande o la
cabeza del pene.

D) chancre b. The process of expelling the semen from the male urethra
Chancro: úlcera genital

H) glans penis c. Congenital defect in which the urethra opens on the upper
Glande: cabeza o punta del pene side of the penis at some point near the glans

E) prepuce d. A skin lesion, usually of primary syphilis, that begins at the

Prepucio: Repliegue móvil de la parte site of infection as a small raised area and develops into a
superior del pene. red, painless ulcer with a scooped-out appearance; also
known as a venereal sore
j) hypospadias e. A loose, retractable fold of skin covering the tip of the penis
Hipospadia: malformación congénita en
la cual la uretra se abre dentro del pene
en vez de hacerlo al final.

C) epispadias f. Sac that houses the testicles

Epispadia: la uretra se abre en la parte
superior del pene.

i) spermatogenesis g. Inflammation of the glans penis

espermatogénesis: formación del

B) ejaculation h. The tip of the penis

eyaculación: proceso por el cual se
expide semen de la uretra.

F) scrotum i. The formation of sperm

escroto: saco que contiene los
A)vesicles j. A congenital defect in which the urethra opens on the
Vesícula: ampolla underside of the penis instead of at the end

Assignment adapted from “Matching”, p. 673 and p. 726

in Comprehensive Medical Terminology for Interpreters, 3rd ed. by Betty Davis Jones
The Female Reproductive System:
Match the following terms on the left with the most appropriate definitions on the right. Each correct
answer is worth 5 points. Bonus points will be provided (an additional ½ point per correct response) if
you are able to provide the Spanish translation of the sign or symptom below the term.

Term Definition
m) menstrual phase k. Female reproductive organs are fully developed
ciclo menstrual

s) premenstrual phase l. Absence of menstrual flow

ciclo premenstrual

r) postmenstrual phase m. Days 1 to 5; lasts for approximately 3 to 5 days

ciclo postmenstrual

p) ovulatory phase n. Abnormally light or infrequent menstruation

ciclo ovulatorio

n) oligomenorrhea o. Abnormally long or very heavy menstrual periods


L) amenorrhea p. Graafian follicle ruptures, releasing the mature ovum


q) dysmenorrhea q. Painful menstruation


t) metrorrhagia r. Interval between the menses and ovulation; days 6 to 12


o) menorrhagia s. Days 15 to 28; if pregnancy does not occur, hormone level drops—
menorragia causing irritability, fluid retention, and breast tenderness

K) puberty t. Uterine bleeding at times other than the menstrual period


Assignment adapted from “Matching”, p. 673 and p. 726

in Comprehensive Medical Terminology for Interpreters, 3rd ed. by Betty Davis Jones

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