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By its very natur

e, slang often incorporates profanity or distasteful language. Efforts have been
made to use asterisks in place of profanity in respect for our young readers. F
urthermore, the reader should note that slang expressions often use non-standard
grammar, spelling, and syntax; this page should not be used as a reference for
standard English.
Another note: The submission page is temporarily down. I am in the process of mo
ving the slang exchange to a Moodle course.
slang: fly
meaning: extreme, awesome, cool, etc.
usage: Lookin' extra fly til the day I die

slang: Sad
meaning: pathetic
use: o man that's just sad
slang:yous a hot mess
meaning: You look really bad
use: Girl you looks a hot mess fo realz
slang: Moob
meaning: a man with boobs
use: that man over there has major moobs
slang: Emo
meaning: a person who is in touch with their feelings and expresses them through
music, their hair and makeup, clothes and sexulaity.
use: that boy cryin is such an emo

slang: kool aid

meaning: your bf/gf
use: She's my kool aid.
slang: Filthy
meaning: Sweet, tight, awesome
use: dude that song was filthy
slang: Na
meaning: Nigga
use: Waz up ma na

slang: backasswords
language: english
meaning: a*s backwords; to get confused or go about the wrong way
use: You've got that backasswords. It goes like this.
slang: koob
meaning: a koob is a person *it can mean whatever you want it to mean it is up t
o you if it is going to be good or bad*
use: don't be a koob
you are such a koob
why would i wanna hang out with thoes koobs

slang: stoaked
meaning: excited
usage: dude in totally staoked to go to that party
slang: skubledoof
meaning: to get things wrong
use: you made a right skubledoof of that

slang: tcmulu
meaning: Take Care Miss You Love You
use: Aaite ciao....TCMULU
slang: Jizz
meaning: Hurt or....
usage: Gonna jizz that mother @#%#er that stole my benz.

slang: bounce
meaning: to leave from where ever you are
usage: i'm bored lets bounce

language: English
name: beavus and buthead
slang: brb
meaning: be right back
usage: brb gotta go to da loo
slang: soz
meaning: sorry

slang: gp
meaning: gotta pee
usage: brb gp

slang: Atm
meaning: At the moment
usage: (the pic that is in my display picture atm and another one..)
slang: wth
meaning: what the hell
usage: what the hell is ur problem

slang: unf
meaning: u need friends
usage: u need friends u ass hole

slang: merk out

meaning: leave
usage: yo,it's late...i'm bout to merk out!

slang: btw
meaning: by the way
usage: btw dis is jon ere

slang: Monkeys Tounge

meaning: the female genitles
usage: show us ya monkeys tounge pet

slang: l0l
meaning: laugh out loud
usage: lol

slang: g2g
meaning: got 2 go
usage: i av g2g now!

slang: bustin it up
meaning: talking
usage: We was bustin it up sll night!

slang: NASAF
meaning: "Nice Ass Shame About the Face". When a girl is fit from behind but is
a minger when she turns round
usage: Woah man. She was well NASAF

slang: 7-30 OR seventhirty

meaning: crazy !!!
usage: Dat dude was seventhirty !

slang: ducks
meaning: corny dudes
usage: U need to stop date'n them ducks and find a real man!
slang: get'n it in OR get'n it the f*ck in
meaning: completing a task with great effort
usage: I was get'n it in at the gym!
slang: the shizzight
meaning: same meaning as the shit. something cool,sweet.
usage: now that its on the tv it is the shizzight

slang: Flid
meaning: As in idiot, stupid, dumb, not quite with it.
usage: Flamin heck that lad is such a flid.

slang: ish
meaning: sh*t
usage: that girl over there thinks she is the ish!

meaning: white nigga

usage: eminem is the hottest wigger I know
slang: stoge
meaning: cigarette
usage: I need to stop at the store to buy stoges.

slang: Off the chain

meaning: equal to "off the hook", just another way of saying VERY nice
usage: that guy is off the chain, that party was off the chain, etc.
slang: faded
meaning: F****ed up
usage: Man that guy was faded to his girl

slang: safeage
meaning: ur respected and alright
usage: ur safeage!

slang: hannah
meaning: a whore, skank, ho, bop, who can get especially nasty when krunk
usage: Hey Sharon, why ya have to be such a hannah all the time?

slang: Vanessa
meaning: a very hot,fly,crafty, cat loving, biotch with a super sexy body
usage: Hey, your moves are totally vanessa

slang: fugly
meaning: you are F***** ulg
usage: dam, that girl is fugly

slang: ill
meaning: Ill: meaning tight, sick, cool, nice
usage: that song they played at the club was ill

slang: what is it?

meaning: how you been , whats going on
usage: what up dog, I mean what is it?
slang: Steezy
meaning: something that takes balls to do, but looks smooth when done.
usage: that trick was steezy

slang: Tweaked
meaning: broken
usage: man your knee is tweaked

slang: limpin meaning: the swagger with which a pimp strolls

usage: after u broke that bitch of i was limpin down broad street
lookin fo a new piece name: KNEeGROW SAY WHAT
slang: Healthy
meaning: if something is not healthy
usage: a smack is pretty healthy
slang: bop
meaning: Someone is is a slut or a whore
usage: That bop gets around with everybody's man.
slang: trilf hood
meaning: top secret club
usage: we r in da trilf hood. pah ha

slang: frook frook

meaning: f****** twat
usage: u frook frook

slang: dumbed out...(or) dumbed da f*ck out

meaning: to make a bad choice
usage: why did you do dat? dumbed out!
slang: get my wig tossed
meaning: get my hair done
usage: i'ma get my wig tossed on Saturday

slang: ride'n my gate

meaning: sweat'n me...jock'n me...on my d*ick

slang: slaps
meaning: a complimant for a really good sound or beat or something cool
usage: uuuh son that slaps

slang: tap tap

meaning: what you say when you get up from a seat or spot so no one will take it
. (said so many people can hear you and back u up)
usage: hey get up i called tap tap on this seat

slang: Ish
meaning: anything
usage: this is some gay ish, or, give me some of that ish

slang: gissass
meaning: Girl with nice ass.
usage: Check out that gissass.

slang: krunk
meaning: really drunk, smashed, wasted
usage: im hella krunk
name: kenny

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