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Name: Zahidenur

Surname: OKTAR
Class: ELT 4th grade
Number: 366430
Lesson: Course Design in ELT
Topic: Environmental Analysis
Assignment: Task 2
Lecturer: Dr. Handan ÇELİK
Date: 27/10/2021


In my practicum class, there are 10th grade 15-16 years old students in Tevfik Serdar
Anatolian Highschool. I can observe that they are highly successful students in terms of all
the lessons in general. I can see that they have a tendency to participate in courses when they
are interested. For example if the topic is related to their daily lives they would be more
willing to participate and talk about it. In general the activities they use are pre-prepared
smart board activities that the coursebook they follow contains. I can clearly see that these
types of activities are boring for them because they are just doing their activities and there are
no questions or comments both before and after the activities.
Learners tend to use their first language instead of the language they are training to
learn. Sometimes the teacher has questions to learners directly but they answer these
questions like one word answers such as “Yes” or “No.” The teacher uses the English for
instructions and explanations in general but if additional explanation is needed it happens in
their first language. About their expectations and goals, I can say that they are mostly about
their upcoming exams and assignments during the term. This can be a problematic situation
because all the topics they have covered for weeks might be short term effects.
In general they are participating when they confront an activity that must be filled by
them such as fill in the blanks or listening activities. But I can patently observe that if they
are asked open-ended questions they can be very shy to answer these questions. But I can see
the reasons. The teacher does not give them the opportunity to talk freely because she never
forces them to talk about it. Her expectations are exactly the same with the students and
receiving answers like “Yes” or “No” seems quite enough for the teacher.
There are some homeworks that is given to students and most of the homeworks is
completed successfully even if there are a few students who have not done it in every week.
The teacher never gives them feedback about their homeworks so it may cause students to do
their homework inelaborately. In every class section which is 40 minutes, 3-4 activities can
be done maximum in the coursebook. I have never seen them doing group work but it is
understandable because the classroom is too crowded and they have limited time. Each
learner has a copy of the coursebooks and the coursebook is reflected to the smart board.
Smart boards give the opportunity to run the activities smoothly and that helps them to use
the time efficiently.
In general, even though the classroom is crowded and there is limited time, the
students are eager to complete activities and there are a few students who are interested in
English. There are no disruptive factors. To evaluate all the factors, I can see that the most
strong factor is there is no extra activity or any other materials such as Youtube videos to
make them focus and have fun in the lesson to create a positive vibe in the classroom. In
general students seem a little bit bored and they need to have more strong stimulus. The least
important factors are limited time and crowded classes because in every state school in
Turkey the situation is the same.

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