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A Needs Analysis of High School Students on English Language Course

1. Purpose
The purpose of this report is to identify the group whose courses I took during the
practicum, to be aware of their lacks and to determine what needs to be done to eliminate the
2. Participants
There are 10th grade 15-16 years old students in Tevfik Serdar Anatolian Highschool.
I can observe that they are highly successful students in terms of all the lessons in general. I
can see that they have a tendency to participate in courses when they are interested. For
example if the topic is related to their daily lives they would be more willing to participate
and talk about it.
3. Data Collection Tools
In this report observation and interview are used to collect the data. The researcher
made the observation during the practicum. Also some interview questions are prepared to
collect the data. The observation criteria checklist and interview questions samples are
gathered from another study and developed on these. Interview was made with the teacher
who is responsible for the classroom.
4. Findings
4.1. Finding through observation

Criteria Descriptive notes Reflective Notes

Instruction The teacher provides the Students do not

instructions first in understand if the
English then Turkish to instructions are made in
make students understand English. In this sense,
the activity more. The they expect to hear it in
instructions are also on Turkish because they are
their smartboard and used to it. To me,
coursebook. Thus, instruction should be
sometimes the teacher given in English more
does not need to give the often because even if they
instructions. study for only exams, in
the exams, they need to
understand and complete
questions on their own.

Implementation of Students follow the lesson It is nice to follow the

Technology from the smartboard. On coursebook on the
the smartboard, the smartboard because
coursebook is reflected on everyone can see clearly
the smartboard and and the whole class can
activities are done through join because the
the smartboard. Also, smartboard provides
videos and audios can be interactive practice. In my
followed by smartboard. opinion, also other
technology tools could
have been used to
implement a more
engaging classroom. For
instance web 2.0 tools
such as word wall or
kahoot should be used
more often.

Classroom management Students tend to talk with In my opinion, students

& discipline each other. In general, should know that the
they need to have an course they are taking is a
authority figure in the necessity for them. They
classroom. should take their
responsibility on their
own in terms of learning
development. They should
be more aware of the fact
that they should learn
without any pressure. This
can lead them to be more
motivated and responsible
about their own teaching.

Materials The only material is the It is insufficient to use

coursebook students are only the coursebook
provided. They follow the because students are so
course through the used to the coursebook
coursebook. There is no that they would be excited
variety and any other if other materials are used
extra materials such as and easily distracted.
videos or activities from They should be more used
another source. to gamification, or other
sources which means
variety because if they are
used to them they can be
more focused on the goals
and objectives of these

Planning ( Time Because the classroom is Time management is

management) too crowded, it is often weak because only 40
hard to implement all the minutes are given for one
activities and topics to be session. So time should be
completed at the end of used wisely. Interruptions
the lesson. In this sense, or any other technical
students are expected to problems can happen
complete activities at often. Teachers should be
home by giving them more competent about on
assignments. the spot decisions because
students are easily
distracted and talk with
each other immediately
during any interruption.

Classroom interaction Interaction between According to me, students

(Student-student students is almost absent. should be given a chance
interaction) They only interact with to discuss and express
(Teacher-student each other about out of their opinion on anything.
ınteraction) classroom issues. They are not used to
Interaction between the expressing their opinions
teacher and students is and talking about
weak again because themselves. They should
students never prefer to be aware of the fact that
communicate in English they are as much a part of
about the taught topic. the learning environment
They prefer not to discuss as the teacher. In this
and express opinions; they sense, teachers should act
tend to listen to the lecture like they are the team
and only talk about the member instead of an
instructions and activities authority figure.
they do.

Language Skills They are good at writing To me, students are weak
and reading because the in terms of speaking
coursebooks they follow competence because they
are more focused on these are afraid of making
skills. They are weak at mistakes in front of their
listening and speaking. friends and also their
Especially speaking, they teacher. To be able to
have only the ability to overcome this problem,
answer questions as short the teacher should
answers like “Yes” or encourage them and boost
“No”. When they motivation towards
encounter questions speaking by creating an
requiring to talk about anxiety-free atmosphere.
themselves or their Other language skills
opinions they prefer not to should also be
participate. They can implemented but instead
complete activities of giving them directly,
required to fill the gaps they should use them
etc. but if any question is implicitly. All language
directed towards skills should be together
themselves to anwer like in one task, for instance.
open-ended questions Because they are used to
such as “What do you completing all of these
think about this?”, they activities by reading and
would not prefer to talk. writing it is
understandable that they
are not good at speaking
and listening. As we
mentioned before, all the
language skills should
actually be integrated
together because they are

4.2. Finding through interview

1. Can you describe a successful class that you have had with 10th graders?
A successful class should be open to innovation and interaction.A good class
can be defined by the fact that students take their own responsibilities and are fully
prepared.Students should express themselves well. They should do their homework in
full and come to the lesson prepared. They should listen well to the teacher during the
lesson.Everyone should not hesitate to participate in the lesson, be afraid to make
2. What are some of your weaknesses when you conduct English lessons at high
school level?
Sometimes I don't have time to improve myself for innovations. I realize that I
have to prepare myself as well as prepare my students. Of course, I study and prepare
in advance, but I can't follow the innovations much in terms of professional
development. And because our classrooms are very crowded, I can't teach according
to everyone's characteristics and their learning styles.
3. What kind of weaknesses are there in this classroom?
From what I have followed and observed, I have come to the following
conclusion: our students know English, their grammar is good, but they have speaking
problems. In the research conducted, it has been revealed that this is a common
problem in the Middle East and Asian cultures, because we are afraid of it. You can
graduate very comfortably at school without speaking at all. An untapped talent also
does not develop naturally. Also, I think that they are more burdened by this lesson
because English is the direct equivalent in everyday life. They say that we have been
studying English for 12 years but we can't speak it. There are some who haven't
studied mathematics for 12 years and don't know multiplication tables, and they can't
write Turkish in accordance with spelling rules.
4. What are some of your concerns or challenges regarding teaching English at
high school level?
The biggest problem I have is that students are more afraid to make mistakes
than to talk. Because of their age group, they care a lot about what their friends say.
They're afraid to make fun of their friends. This condition prevents the development
of speech skills. In addition, students have problems with why they learn English.
Seeing English only as a lesson for passing exams makes learning short-term.
5. Which activities do you prefer most in this classroom?
There are many ways for this. In fact, as in other courses, it is necessary to
accept that each student has different tendencies, abilities and interests. If we know
our students well, we can guide them correctly. Some are exposed to English through
movies, some through songs, some through books. They took a 2-3 hour lesson at
school and English cannot be learned this way. We need to make it a part of our lives
and somehow communicate with it every day.
5. Conclusion
In general, it was stated that the most common problem experienced by the students
was their speaking skills. Students study only from textbooks. No other materials are used. In
addition, the time given to teaching English is very short. In this case, students need to
integrate English into their own lives. In addition, they use the technology only in one way.
They should use Web 2.0 tools more and realize the limitlessness of the technology at their
disposal. They also always need him to be an authority figure in the classroom. Students
should take responsibility for their own learning.
Zahidenur OKTAR

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