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Civil Engineering Department

School of Engineering
The University of Jordan

Wastewater Engineering
Instructor: Ghada Kassab, PhD
Wastewater is essentially the water supply of the community after it has been
used in variety of application and which now contains constituents that render it
unsuitable for most uses without treatment.

When untreated wastewater accumulates and is allowed to go septic, the

decomposition of the organic matter is contains will lead to nuisance conditions,
including production of malodorous gases.

In addition, untreated wastewater contains numerous pathogenic

microorganisms that dwell in the human intestinal tract.

Wastewater also contain nutrients, which can stimulate the growth of aquatic
plants, and may contain toxic compounds or compounds that potentially may be

For these reasons, the immediate and nuisance free removal of harmful
constituent from its sources of generation, followed by treatment, reuse or
disposal into the environment, is necessary to protect the public health and the
Wastewater Engineering is that branch of environmental engineering in which
the basic principles of science and engineering are applied to solving the issues
associated with the collection, treatment and reuse of wastewater.

The ultimate goal of wastewater engineering is the protection of public and

environmental health in a manner commensurate with economic, social and
political concerns.

Regulations of wastewater management

JS 893/2006 Reclaimed domestic wastewater
JS 1145:2016 Use of biosolids and disposal
JS 202/2007 Industrial reclaimed wastewater

Classification of wastewater treatment methods

The constituents found in wastewater are removed by physical, chemical and


The individual methods usually are classified as physical, chemical and

biological unit processes.

1. Physical unit processes

Treatment methods in which the application of physical forces predominate
are know as physical unit processes. Because most of these methods evolved
directly from man’s observations of nature, they were the first to be sued for
wastewater treatment

Screening, mixing flocculation, sedimentation, flotation, filtration and

adsorption are typical physical unit processes.

2. Chemical unit processes
Treatment methods in which the removal of constituents is brought about by the
addition of chemicals or by other chemical reactions are knows as chemical unit
processes. Precipitation, gas transfer (aeration) , disinfection are the most
common examples used in wastewater treatment

In chemical precipitation, treatment is accomplished by producing a chemical

precipitate that can be removed by settling, filtration or membrane processes.

The addition of oxygen to water to support aerobic reactions is the most common
example of gas transfer.

Another common chemical unit process is the use of chlorine for wastewater
disinfection, which has been practiced fro more than a century.

3. Biological unit process
Treatment methods in which the removal of constituents is brought about b
biological activity are know as biological unit processes. Biological treatment
is used primarily o remove the colloidal or dissolved biodegradable organic
substances found in wastewater.

Basically these substances are converted in

Gases that can escape to the atmosphere
Biological cell tissue that can be removed by settling or another solids
separation process.

Biological treatment is also used to remove the nitrogen and phosphorous

from wastewater.

Wastewater Processing
To achieve the removal of constituents, a number of unit processes are grouped together
to provide what is know as primary, secondary, tertiary and advance treatment.

Typical flow diagrams for the treatment of wastewater (a) Conventional
biological treatment (b) Biological nutrient removal

Typical flow diagram for the treatment of wastewater c) Advanced treatment following
conventional or nutrient removal treatment. D) anaerobic treatment of sludge from
primary sedimentation and excess biological sludge.

Criteria and indicators generally used to assess the sustainability of sewage treatment technologies
(Adapted from Seghezzo, 2004)

Criteria Indicators Short description

Technical aspects Effectiveness Compliance with discharge or reuse standards
Removal efficiency Removal of pollutants (when not in standards or beyond them, e.g. targeting high
quality effluent designated for specific use)
Reliability Robustness, vulnerability and risks associated with errors
System manageability Operation and maintenance, reparation, personnel requirements

Environmental aspects conservation Protection of ecosystems and conservation of biodiversity

External inputs Need of materials, equipment, electricity, fossil fuels, self sufficiency
Land use Footprint (area required), impact on the landscape
emissions Substances released into the environment, pollution prevention
Reduce, reuse, recycle Sludge, biogas, treated water for irrigation , nutrient

Institutional and Regulatory framework Local legislation that promotes or hinders the use of different options
regulatory aspect Management capacity Governmental and private proficiency to manage sanitation systems
Management scale Operation at different scales and by different actors, decentralization
Change of routines Changes by practitioners to adopt sanitation technologies,

Social aspects Social acceptability Cultural aspects, users adaptation,

Scientific support The role of universities and research centers (innovation and monitoring)
Economic aspects Investment costs Construction costs, equipment required, cost of land

Operational cost Operation and maintenance, availability of spare parts

Life time Lifetime of constructed units and electromechanical equipment
Externalities Changes in natural capital, excavations, social disruptions

Basic computations in wastewater treatment
1. Removal Efficiency and the log removal value
The objective of treatment processes is to remove contaminants. Removal can
be determined for bulk water quality measures (e.g.TSS, BOD, COD, TN, etc.)
or for individual constituents of interest (e.g coliform bacteria).

The fraction of a constituents removed by a process can be calculated with the

𝐶𝑖 −𝐶𝑒
%R= 𝐶𝑖
Where: R= removal expressed as a percent
Ce= effluent concentration, mg/L
Ci= influent concentration, mg/L

For some constituents, such as microorganisms and trace organics, and

some processes such as membrane filtration, the concentration in the effluent
is typically trhee or more orders of magnitude less than the influent
concentration. For these situations, the removal es expressed in terms of log
removal value as given by the equation below
𝐿𝑜𝑔 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑎𝑙 = 𝐿𝑜𝑔 𝐶𝑖 − 𝐿𝑜𝑔 𝐶𝑒 = log( 𝑖 )
11 𝐶𝑒
2. Theoretical hydraulic detention (retention) time
𝑉 L (length)
𝜏= T (Time)
𝑄 M (mass)
Where, = the hydraulic detention time, T
V= volume of the basin or reactor L3
Q= volumetric flowrate, L3/T
3. Loading rates
i. Hydraulic loading rate
Surface hydraulic loading rate (SLR), L3/L2.T (e.g m3/
SLR= 𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎
𝑔/𝑚3 ∗ 𝑚3/ℎ𝑟
ii. Constituents loading rates
𝐶 𝑀Τ𝐿3 ×𝑄 (𝐿3 Τ𝑇)
For example solids surface loading rate=
𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 (𝐿2 )

𝐶 𝑀Τ𝐿3 ×𝑄 (𝐿3 Τ𝑇)

Organic volumetric loading rate=
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒(𝐿3 )

Preliminary Treatment


• First unit operation generally encountered in wastewater
treatment plants

• Device with openings, generally of uniform size that is used to

retain solids found in influent wastewater
• Principal role is to remove coarse material from flow that could:
1. Damage subsequent process equipment
2. Reduce overall treatment process reliability and effectiveness
3. Contaminate waterways

Classification of screens

Table 13-3 Mackenzie

Fine screen are sometimes used in place of or following coarse screen where
greater removal of solids are required:

1. Protect equipments which may be more sensitive to solids such as

membrane bio-rectors
2. Eliminate materials that may inhibit the beneficial reuse of biosolids

Screening elements may consist of parallel bars, rods or wires, wire mesh or
perforated plates
Opening may be of any shape generally circular or rectangular
Screen composed of parallel bars or rods are called a bar rack or coarse

The material removed are called Screenings

Screenings retained on coarse screens
Rocks, branches, leaves, paper, tree root, plastics, bottles cans and rags

The quantity and characteristics of screenings collected for disposal vary

depending on the type of bar screen and size of bar screen openings.

• Manually cleaned coarse screens

• Mechanically cleaned bar screens

Manually used
• Ahead of pumps in small wastewater pumping stations
• Often they are used as standby screening in bypass channels during
high flow periods
• When mechanically cleaned screens are being repaired
• In the event of power failure

Photo adapted from Shandong Jinhaosanyang
Environment protection Machine Co. Ltd

Design of coarse screens

Design consideration
1. Location
2. Approach velocity
3. Clear openings between bars or mesh size (Table 13-3 Mackenzie)
4. Headloss through screens
5. Screenings handling , processing and disposal

For most mechanically cleaned coarse screen two or more units should be
installed so that unit maybe taken out of service for maintenance .

Each channel should have adequate capacity to pass the peak flowrate
Slide gates should be provided ahead of and behind of each screen so that the
unit can be dewatered for maintenance and repair (Figure 13-6 Mackenzie)

The channel invert should be 75-150 mm below the invert of incoming


Screen channel should be designed to prevent the settling and accumulation of grit
nd othe heavy materials
An approach velocity of at least 0.4 m/s is recommended

To prevent the pass through of debris at peak flowrates, velocity through bar
screens should not exceed 0.9 m/s

• Headloss through mechanically cleaned screen is typically 150 mm
• The racking mechanisms are operated normally based on differential
headloss through screen or by a time clock
On for 5 minutes
Off for 25 minutes (with higher flowrates increase the frequency of cleaning)

Hydraulic losses through bar screens
V1= Q/A(flow)

V2= Q/ 0.7A

hL = headloss, m
C= an empirical discharge coefficient to account for turbulence and eddy losses
Typically 0.7 for clean screen and 0.6 for clogged screen
V thru= velocity through bar screens, m/s
V approach= approach velocity in upstream channel, m/s
g = acceleration due to gravity 9.81 m/s2

The approximate number of bars

Number of bar spaces= Nbars + 1

Example 13-4 Mackenzie

Fine screens
• preliminary treatment after coarse screens

• Primary treatment as substitute for primary clarifier

At small WWTP (up to 0.13m3/s)
Example; 0.25mm drum rotary screens
Achieves BOD removal of 5-20% and TSS of 5-30%

• Removal of solids from primary effluent that could cause clogging

problems in trickling filters or membrane bioreactors

Tables 13-6, 13-7

Band screen, bar screen, drum screen and step screen

Design consideration
• Minimum two parallel each of capability of handling peakflow

• Velocities
approach velocity in the range of 0.6 m/s – 1.2 m/s
another criteria; greater than 0.3 m/s at low flow and less than 1.4 m/s at peak

• channel dimensions are designed to achieve depth of 7.5 to 9m

The clear water headloss may be obtained from manufacturers rating
tables or calculated using the equation

Range from 0.8-1.4 m

hL = headloss, m
C= coefficient of discharge (typical value of 0.6 for clean screen,
g = acceleration of gravity, m/s2
Q = discharge through screen m3/s
A= effective open area of submerged screen, m2

Screenings handling and disposal

In mechanically cleaned screens, screenings are typically discharged into a

travelling belt or pneumatic ejectors

Screenings can be discharged directly into a screenings grinders, or containers

for disposal

• Hauling and co-disposal with solid wastes
• Monofilling at site (small installations only)
• Incineration alone or with sludge and grit
• Discharge to grinders where it is returned to wastewater treatment plant.

Grit Removal
Grit in wastewater consists of sand, gravel , cinders or other heavy
solid materials that have specific gravities substantially greater
than the of the organic solids in wastewater.

Grit removal is necessary to

1) Reduce formation of heavy deposits in aeration tanks, aerobic
digesters, pipelines, channels.
2) Reduce the frequency of digester cleaning caused by excessive
accumulation of grit
3) Protect moving mechanical equipment from abrasion.

The removal of grit is essential for equipment with closely

mechanical metal surfaces, such as grinders, fine screens,

Wastewater Grit Characteristics
Grit composition. Grit consists of sand, gravel, cinders and other
heavy materials. It also includes organic matters such as eggshells,
seeds and coffee grounds.

As grit travels through the collections system, grit particles come in

contact with organic matter and surface active agents that can adhere
to the grit particles.

The presence of these constituents can alter the size and settling
characteristics of the grit size and settling characteristics of the grit

Generally, what is removed from the wastewater flow as grit is

predominantly inert. However, the composition can be highly variable,
with moisture content ranging form 13% to 65%, and volatile content
from 1% to 56%, with a wide range of specific gravity.
Grit particle size. Based on limited available information, the
actual size distribution of collected grit exhibits wide variation
due to differences in collection system characteristics, as well
violations in grit removal efficiency. Generally most collected grit
particles are retained on a 0.15 mm (100 mesh ) sieve, reaching
nearly 100 percent retention is some instances. However the
particle size can vary significantly.

Grit quantities. The quantities of grit will vary greatly from one
location to another, depending on the type of sewer system, the
condition of the collection system, the types of industrial wastes,
the number of household with food waste grinders and amount
of infiltration in areas with sandy soils.

Traditionally , grit removal have been designed based on the
assumptions that, grit consists of inorganic, settleable solids
ranging in size from 0.050-1.0 mm with settling characteristics
similar to clean silica sand with a specific gravity of 2.65 and a
particle size predominantly larger than 0.2 mm.

As a consequence of these assumptions, many existing grit

removal systems fall short of performance expectations
resulting in excessive maintenance.

Grit settling characteristics. The settling characteristics of
grit vary considerably form the point of entry in the collection
system and its location in the treatment plant.

In wastewater surface active agents (SAAs) adhere to grit

particles, when sufficient amount of SAAs have accumulated,
the coated grit particle buoyancy increases.

Accordingly, because of SAAs, grit particles reaching the

treatment plant under normal conditions are often lighter than
anticipated during design.

Assuming, the settling velocity of clean sand increases as

particle size increases, however the settling velocity of
wastewater grit is independent of particle size because of the
buoyant effect of SAAs.
Consequently, wastewater grit passes through traditionally
designed grit removal processes to the primary settling tanks
where they settle out with the primary sludge or are passed to
the aeration tanks.

When exposed to biological activity, the SAAs decompose and

the remaining high density grit particles settle rapidly. As a result,
there is often excessive grit deposition in biological reactors,
such as aeration tanks, that leads to frequent and costly

Typically, two thirds of grit that enters a WWTP is larger

than the deposit limit size of clean sand

Sand Equivalent Size (SES)
SES relates the settling velocity of wastewater grit to that of clean

Wastewater grit particle coated with SAAs with the same physical
size as a clean particle of sand will have a lower settling velocity
than the clean sand particle.

The SES of a wastewater grit particle is the equivalent size to that

of a clean san particle size that has the same settling velocity.

35 Adapted from Metcalf and Eddy (2014)
Settling velocity of wastewater grit
When possible, a grit study should be conducted to determine
the SES of the incoming wastewater grit and the design SES to
achieve the desired level of grit removal.

If a grit study is not viable, regional data can be used as a


When data are not available, design can be based on a

qualitative evaluation.

The physical size and the SES
of wastewater grit begins to
diverge at 0.106 mm with the
difference increasing as the
physical size increases.

For example,
for a physical particle size of
0.210 mm, the SES could vary
from 0.106 mm to 0.210 mm.
Consequently, to remove
particles with a physical size of
0.210 mm, an SES as low as
0.106 mm may have to be used
as basis for design

A design based on an SES of 0.106 mm will result in 90 percent
grit removal for most collections systems. However, for those
collection systems where very fine silt is expected, the grit removal
efficiency might be significantly lower than 50-65 percent. If the
goal is to achieve 90% grit removal, a design SES as low as 0.075
mm may be required.

Once the design SES ha been identified, the surface loading rate
of targeted grit particle can be established using the settling
characteristics of clean sand.

For an SES of 0.106 mm, the surface loading rate is 0.49 m/min.
For an SES of 0.075 mm, the required surface loading rate is 0.24
m/min, which doubles the size of the required grit removal system.

Grit separators for wastewater

The separation of grit from wastewater is usually accomplished

in separate grit chambers designed to physically separate
heavy grit particles form lighter organic solids. Grit
chambers are most often located after the bar screens and
before the primary sedimentation tanks.

There are generally three types of grit separation devices:

• Horizontal flow grit chambers, with either rectangular or
square configuration.
• Aerated grit chamber
• Vortex grit chamber

Grit separators for wastewater

The behavior of settling particles in a grit chamber is commonly

describes as type I sedimentation (discrete settling)

To separate the inert grit material from organic particles, grit

removal devices depend on the difference in specific gravity
between organic and inorganic solids.

In standard gravity separation all particle are assumed to settle in

accordance with Newton’s equation.

Grit separators for wastewater
And by Camp’s equation, to be scoured at a velocity

The dimensionless constant (β) range from 0.04 to 0.06.

The Darcy-Weisbach friction factor is taken to be in the range 0.02 to 0.03

In horizontal flow grit chamber, to assure removal of the grit and scour
of organic matter, three conditions must be met:
1. The overflow rate of the chamber must be equal to the settling
velocity of the inert grit particle
2. The horizontal velocity must be less than the scour velocity of the
inert particles.
3. The horizontal velocity must be greater than the scour velocity of the
organic particles
1. Horizontal flow grit chambers
Rectangular and square horizontal flow grit chambers have been
used for many years. Their use, however, in new installations has
limited in favor of aerated and vortex type grit chambers.

1.1 Rectangular horizontal flow grit chambers.

These units are designed to maintain a velocity of as close to
0.3 m/s as practical and to provide sufficient for grit particles to settle
to the bottom of the chamber.

The design velocity will carry most organic particles through the
chamber but will permit the heavier grit to settle out.

The basis of design of rectangular horizontal-flow grit chambers is

that under the most adverse conditions, the lightest particle of
depositable grit will reach the bed of the channel prior to its outlet end
1.1 Rectangular horizontal flow grit chambers.
Typically, grit chambers were designed to remove all grit particles
that will be retained on a 0.21 mm diameter screen (70 mesh

Although, design for removal of grit particles retained on screen of

0.15 mm diameter (100 mesh screen).

The settling velocity to be used should be based on the SES of the

wastewater grit using the settling rates from Figure 5-34 b (Metcalf
and Eddy, 2014- shown on slide 15 of this document).

Grit removal is accomplished usually by a conveyor with scrapers.

1.2 Square horizontal flow grit chambers

Square horizontal flow grit chambers have also been used for
over 60 years. Influent to the units is distributed over the cross
section of the tank by a series of vanes or gates, and the
distributed wastewater flows in straight lines across the tank and
overlfows a weir in a free discharge.

These types of grit chambers are designed based on overflow

rates that are dependent of particle size and the temperature of
the wastewater. Typically, these units have been designed to
remove 95% of the 0.15 mm diameter particles at peak flow.

1.2 Square horizontal flow grit chambers
Typical set of design curves is shown on the Figure below
(Figure 5-36 Metcalf and Eddy, 2014). The SES should be
used for determining the settling area required

1.2 Square horizontal flow grit chambers

In square grit chamber, the solids are removed by a rotating

raking mechanism to a sump at the side of the tank. Settled
grit may be moved up by an inclined reciprocating rake
mechanism or an inclined screw conveyor.

Grit may also be pumped form the tank through a cyclone

degritter to concentrate the grit.

2. Aerated grit chambers
In aerated grit chambers, air is introduced along one side of a
rectangular tank to create a spiral flow pattern perpendicular to
the flow through the tank.

Wastewater will move through the tank in a spiral path and will
make two t three passes across the bottom of the tank at
maximum and more passes at average flow.

The heavier grit particles settle to the bottom of the tank. Lighter,
principally organic particles remain in suspension and pass
through the tank.

The velocity of roll or agitation governs the size of particles of a

given specific gravity that will be removed.

2. Aerated grit chambers

Photo adapted from KRUME Special construction for purification

48 plants
2. Aerated grit chambers

Photo adapted from SPIRAC solids handling solutions

2. Aerated grit chambers

Photo adapted DAGA equipment for the environment

2. Aerated grit chambers

2. Aerated grit

If the velocity is too high, grit will be carried out of the chamber, if it
is too low, organic material will be removed with the grit.

The quantity of air is easily adjusted. With proper adjustment,

almost 100 percent of depositable grit will be removed.
Advantages and disadvantages of aerated grit chambers shown in Table
13-9 (Mackenzie Davis-Text book)

Aerated grit chamber/ design consideration

Aerated grit chambers have been designed to remove 0.21
mm diameter particles or larger, with 2-5 minutes detention
periods at the peak hourly rate of flow.

A grit hopper about 0.9 m deep with steeply sloping sides is
located along one side of the tank under the air diffusers.

The air diffusers are located about 0.45 to 0.6m avove the
normal plane of the bottom.

Basic design data for aerated grit chamber are presented in

Table 13-11 (Mackenzie Davis-Text book)

Vortex type grit chambers
These devices uses a vortex flow pattern:
Mechanically induced vortex: Wastewater is directed to the
vortex unit by an inlet channel that is designed to guide the
wastewater flow into the vortex unit while the grit is directed

The toroidal motion is enhanced by a rotating turbine impeller

within the unit that cause the grit to move towards the center
where it passes under a separating plate into a grit slurry hopper
while the lighter organic materials are maintained in suspension
and guided to the surface where they leave the unit. The grit
hopper contents are kept fluidized by anxial flow propeller. Grit
may be removed by air lift pump.

Hydraulically induced vortex: The vortex is generated by
the flow entering the unit without any mechanical devices.
Wastewater is directed to the unit by a channel and enter
tangentially into the cylindrical unit, causing the contents to
rotate slowly about the vertical axis.

The heavy grit moves down a spiral path to the center where
it passes under a center cone to the grit slurry hopper.

Multi-tray grit separator.

This type consists of multi trays which maximizes surface
area and minimizing settling distances. This allows for a very
compact installation with low head loss.

Flow is directed into the multiple
tray unit by an influent
distributor header which
distributes influent tangentially
into the multiple tray system.

The tangentially feed

established a hydraulically
forced vortex flow pattern where
grit settles by gravity along the
sloped surface of each tray and
through a center opening which
allows collected grit from each
tray to settle into a single sump
located below the center of unit.

Primary Sedimentation

Primary sedimentation

The objective of treatment by sedimentation is to remove

settleable solids and floating material found in wastewater and thus
support solids content.

Primary treatment is typically the first step in the further processing

of wastewater following the removal of coarse solids and grit.

Efficiently designed and operated, from 50 to 70 percent of the

suspended solids and from 25 to 40 percent of the BOD can be
removed by primary sedimentation tanks.

The prime purpose of the sedimentation is to remove substantial

portion of the organic solids.

Almost all treatment plants that have primary sedimentation, use
mechanically cleaned sedimentation tanks of standardized circular
or rectangular design.

The selection of the type of sedimentation unit for a given

application is governed by the size of the installations, by local site
conditions, and by the experience and judgment of the engineer.

Two or more tanks should be provided so that the process may

remain in operation while one tank is out of service for
maintenance and repair work.

At large plants, the number of tanks is determined largely by size


Rectangular tanks
Rectangular sedimentation tanks may use either chain and flight solids

Photo adapted from VHZ-DIS- Water

63 Engineering services
Rectangular tanks

Scraper blade

64 Photo adapted from Dowon apex Corporation

Rectangular tanks

Rectangular sedimentation tanks may use as well traveling bridge

sludge collector

Photo adapted from aaf envirotec Photo adapted from XRD Shandong
Xuridong Machinery Co., Ltd

Multiple rectangular tanks require less land area than multiple
circular tanks and find application where site space is at a premium.

Rectangular tanks also lend themselves to nesting with aeration

tanks in activated sludge plants, thus permitting common wall
construction and reducing construction costs. They are also used
generally where tank roofs or covers are required.
While construction cost maybe less, the chain and flight collector
systems used in rectangular tanks generally require more
maintenance than the rotating sludge collector mechanism used
with circular settling tanks.
Important issues with rectangular tanks include
1. Sludge removal
2. Flow distribution
3. Scum removal

Flow distribution

Because flow distribution in rectangular tanks is critical, on e of the following inlet

design is used: (1) full width inlet channel with inlet weirs, (2) inlet channel with
submerged orifices, (3) inlet channels with slotted baffles

Figure 14-15

Circular tanks

Circular sedimentation tanks

are customarily arranged in
groups of two or four. The
flow is divided among the
tanks by a flow split structure,
commonly located between
the tanks. Solids are usually
withdrawn by sludge pumps
for discharge to the solids
processing and disposal

Photos adapted from OVIVO

Worldwide experts in
69 wastewater treatment
Flow pattern. In circular tanks
the flow pattern is radial- as
opposed to horizontal flow in
rectangular tanks. To achieve a
radial flow pattern, the wastewater
to be settled generally introduced
in the center. The wastewater
enter a circular well designed to
distribute the flow equally in all
directions. The center well has a
diameter typically between 15 to
25 percent of the tank diameter
and ranges from 1 to 2.5 m in

Sedimentation tank weirs/ rectangular sedimentation tanks.
Settled effluent from sedimentation tanks is discharged over weirs into an
effluent launder which in turn discharges in a conduit leading to the
biological treatment process. Small rectangular settling tanks are often
fitted with a single transverse weir on the discharge end wall. However,
larger rectangular settling tanks require additional weir length to minimize
head loss and short circuiting. Head loss and short circuiting can be
minimized by adding a series of launders with double weirs that are
aligned either longitudinally (parallel to the length of the settling tank) or
transversely (perpendicular to the length of the settling tank, or both
longitudinally and transversely.

Sedimentation tank weirs/ circular sedimentation tanks.

Because most circular settling tanks are designed with center

feed, treated effluent is discharged over a series of V-notch weirs
located peripherally at the tank wall. For large circular tanks,
inboard launders with double weirs my be provided to increase
the number of V-notches and reduce the head loss at high flow.

The v-notches are spaced equally along the tank circumference

and provide a simple means to detect short circuiting when the
weir is not level. The V-notches are normally 90 degrees Vs and
have a total depth of 75 mm. surface baffles are placed in front of
the peripheral weir to retain surface scum.

Sedimentation tank performance
BOD and TSS removal
Typical performance data for the removal of BOD and TSS in
primary sedimentation tanks, as a function of the detention time
and constituent concentration, are presented in the figure below
(adapted from Metcalf and Eddy, 2014).

The curves shown are derived from observations of the
performance of actual sedimentation tanks. The curvilinear
relationship in the figure can be modeled using the following
Where: R=expected removal efficiency
t= nominal detention time, T
a,b= empirical constants

• Typical values for the empirical constants at 20C are as follows

Item b a
BOD 0.020 0.018
TSS 0.014 0.0075

The efficiency of sedimentation basins with respect to the
removal of BOD and TSS is influnced by short circuiting
and hydraulic stability:

In an ideal sedimentation basin, a given block of entering water

should remain the basin for the full detention time. Short
circuiting, which can lead to reduced treatment performance,
can result from temperature differences, wind driven
circulation patterns and the presence of dead zones
resulting form poor design, inadequate mixing and

Temperature effects. Temperature effects can be significant
in sedimentation basins. It has been shown that a 1C
differential between the incoming wastewater and the
wastewater in the sedimentation tank will cause a density
current to form.
The impact of the temperature effects on performance will
depend on the material being removed and its
characteristics. Temperature effects can be more pronounced
in secondary settling tank where a less dense sludge is

Wind effects: Wind blowing across the top of opened

sedimentation basins can cause circulation cells to form. When
circulation cells form, the effective volumetric capacity of the
basin is reduced. As with temperature effects, the impact of the
reduced volume on performance will depend on the material
being removed and its characteristics.
Design consideration
If all solids in wastewater were discrete particles of uniform size,
uniform density and uniform shape, the removal efficiency of these
solids would be dependent on the surface area of the tank and time
of detention. The depth of the tank would have little influence,
provided that horizontal velocities would be maintained below the
scouring velocity.

However, the solids in wastewater are not of such regular

characteristics but are heterogeneous in nature, and the conditions
under which they are present range from total dispersion to
complete flocculation. Design parameters for sedimentation are
considered below. Typical design information and dimension for
rectangular and circular sedimentation tanks used for primary
treatment are presented in tables below.

Typical design information for primary sedimentation tanks
Primary sedimentation tanks followed by secondary treatment

Item Unit Range Typical

Detention time h 1.5-2.5 2.0
Overflow rate
Average flowrate m3/m2.d 30-50 40
Peak hourly flowrate m3/m2.d 80-120 100
Weir loading rate m3/m.d 125-500 250
Sludge hoppers 1.7 vertical to 1 horizontal

Typical design information for rectangular and circular tanks is

stated in Table 14-1 Text book (Mackenzie Davis)
Detention time: The bulk of the finely divided solids reaching
primary sedimentation tanks is incompletely flocculated but is
susceptible to flocculation. Flocculation is aided by eddying motion
of the fluid with the tanks and proceeds through the coalescence
of fine particles, at a rate that is a function of their concentration
and of the natural ability of the particles to coalesce upon collision.
As a general rule, coalescence of a suspension of solids becomes
more complete as time elapses, thus, detention time is a
consideration in the design of sedimentation tanks. The
mechanics of flocculation are such, that as the time of
sedimentation increases, less and less coalescence of remaining
particles occurs.
Normally, primary sedimentation tanks are designed to provide 1.5
to 2.5 hours of detention based on the average rate of
wastewater flow .

In cold climates, increases in water viscosity at lower
temperatures retard particle settling in clarifiers and reduce
performance at wastewater temperature below 20°C.
The curve shown below, present the increase in detention time
necessary to equal the detention time at 20°C (WPCF, 1985). For
wastewater having a temperature of 10°C for example, the
detention period is 1.38 times that required at 20°C to achieve
the same efficiency. Thus, in cold climates, safety factors should
be considered in clarifiers design to ensure adequate

Surface loading rates:
Sedimentation tanks are normally designed on the basis of a surface
loading rate (commonly termed overflow rate) expressed as cubic meters
per square meter of surface area per day, m3/m2.d. When the area of the
tank has been established, the detention period in the tank is governed by
water depth. Overflow rates in current use result in detention periods
of 2-2.5 h based on average design flow.

The effect of the surface loading rate and detention time on suspended
solid removal varies widely depending on the characteristics of the
wastewater, proportion of settleable solids and concentration of solids.

It should be emphasized that overflow rate must be set low enough to

ensure satisfactory performance at peak rates of flow, which may vary from
over 3 times the average flow in small plants to 2 times the average flow in
large plants.

Weir loading rates
In general weir loading rates have little effect on the efficiency of primary
sedimentation tanks, and should not be considered when reviewing the
appropriateness of clarifier. For general information purposes only, typical
weir loading rtes are given in Table 14-1. Baffles should be placed ahead of
effluent weirs in primary settling tanks to reduce hydraulic short circuiting.
The baffles also prevent the discharge of scum into the effluent.

Scour velocity
To avoid the resuspention (scouring) of settled particles, horizontal velocities
through the tank should be kept sufficiently low.

The critical velocity can be obtained by the following equations:

VH = Horizontal velocity that will just produce scour (m/s)
K= constant that depends on type of material being scoured (unitess)
S= specific gravity of particles
g= acceleration due to gravity 9.81 m/s2
D= diameter of particles, L
F= darcy-Weisbach friction factor , unitless.

Typical values of k are 0.04 for sand and 0.06 for more sticky matter.
The term f (Darcy-Weisbach friction factor) depends on the characteristics of
the surface over which flow is taking place and the Re number. Typical
values of f are 0.02 to 0.03.


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