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Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000
Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000
Procedia CIRP 00 (2017)
Procedia 000–000
CIRP 99 (2021) 196–201

14th CIRP
CIRP Conference
Conference on
on Intelligent
Intelligent Computation
Computation in
in Manufacturing
Manufacturing Engineering,
Engineering, CIRP
ICME ˈ20

Advanced materials
28th CIRPand
materials and multi-materials
Design applied
Conference, May 2018, aeronautical
aeronautical and
inFrance and
automotive fields: aa systematic
fields: the systematic review approach
A new methodology to analyze functionalreview approach
and physical architecture of
David Blanco for
Blanco anMaría
,, Eva
Eva assembly
María Rubio ,,oriented
Rubio Marta
a, c
a, c product
Marta María
María Marín family
Marín and
and J. identification
J. Paulo
Paulo Davim
a, *
a, *

Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Industrial Engineering School, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), St/Juan del Rosal 12,
Paul Stief *, Jean-Yves Dantan, Alain Etienne, Ali Siadat
Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Industrial Engineering School, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), St/Juan del Rosal 12,
E28040 Madrid, Spain
E28040 Madrid, Spain
b Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
b Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, LCFC EA 4495, 4 Rue Augustin Fresnel, Metz 57078, France
c Programa de Doctorado en Tecnologías Industriales
c Programa de Doctorado en Tecnologías Industriales
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34-913-988-226; fax: +0-000-000-0000. E-mail address:
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34-913-988-226; fax: +0-000-000-0000. E-mail address:
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 3 87 37 54 30; E-mail address:

The main objective of
of this
this study is to
to conduct aa systematic review of
of the scientific literature published from 01/01/2015 to
to 01/01/2020, on
InThe main business
materials and
is trendconduct
more product
applied to
studies of
andscientific literature
aeronautical and
is unbroken.
automotive fields.
this development, 01/01/2020,
bibliography need on
the includes of
agile lightweight materials
reconfigurable production and systems
emerged applied to studies
cope with of aeronautical
various productsand and
andan automotive
product fields. To
families. Thedesign
analysed bibliography
optimize includes
the 30
the 30 most cited
cited references of the period with a total of 1340 of citations average of 44.7 citations per All the articles
meet asselection
the well as references
to choose
criteria of
with a total
global matches,number
citation productof 1340
database Web
of citations
analysisof methods
of 44.7 most
in of the
All the articles
Access, aimare
they to
analyze the
a selection
product criteria
or one of
product the well-known
family on the global
physical citation
level. database
Different Web of
product Science,
families,have been
however, published
may differin English,
largely in in Open
terms of Access,
the numbertheyandare
applicable articles
articles toto the
the aeronautical
aeronautical or
or automotive
automotive fields,
fields, and
and published
published in
in journals
journals with
with an impact
anproduct factor
factor Q1-Q2,
impact family Q1-Q2, or
or prestigious
prestigious conference
nature of components.
proceedings. Finally, This
an fact impedes
analysis is carried anout
and comparison
some conclusions andare
drawn:of appropriate
aluminium alloys and FRPs combinations
(Fiber Reinforcedfor the production
Polymers) are
system. Finally,
A newthat an
methodology analysis
is more is carried
proposed out
to analyzeand some
existing conclusions
products are drawn: aluminium
in view ofcomponents,
their functional alloys and FRPs
and physical (Fiber Reinforced
architecture. The of
isart are
to cluster
the materials
materials that have
have raised
raised more interest
interest during
during this
this period,
period, multi-material
multi-material components, additive
additive manufacturing
manufacturing and
and states
states of the
the art are
are the
most products in new assembly oriented product families for the optimization of existing assembly lines and the creation of future reconfigurable
most recurring
on Datum
is the
most analysed
Chain, the
of the products is17%
is the
the multi-material
analyzed. multi-material
type most
most studied,
subassemblies studied, and
and the
the USA
are identified, USA
and the
the UK
UK lead
lead the
the number
number of
of articles
articles published
published within
within this
this selected
selected bibliography
bibliography with
with 17% of
of the
the publications
publications each.
2020 analysis
The Authors. is performed.
Authors. Published
Published by Moreover,
by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V. a
B.V. hybrid functional and physical architecture graph (HyFPAG) is the output which depicts the
2021 The
© 2020
similarity between product families B.V.
by scientific
providing design support to both, production system planners Computation
and product designers. An illustrative
This is an open
Peer-review under responsibility
access article under of the CC BY-NC-ND committee licenseof the 14th CIRP Conference on Intelligent
( in Manufacturing
example of a under
nail-clipper is used to ofexplain
the scientific committee
the proposed of the
methodology. 14thAnCIRP Conference
industrial on Intelligent
case study Computation
on two product in Manufacturing
families of steering columns of
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 14th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering,
thyssenkrupp Presta
15-17 July 2020. France is then carried out to give a first industrial evaluation of the proposed approach.
2017 TheLightweight;
Authors. Published by Elsevier
Multi-material; B.V. Aluminium; Titanium; Aircraft; Automotive; Sustainable; Machining; Systematic review
Keywords: Lightweight; Multi-material; Magnesium; Aluminium; Titanium; Aircraft; Automotive; Sustainable; Machining; Systematic review
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 28th CIRP Design Conference 2018.

Keywords: Assembly; Design method; Family identification

1. Introduction
Introduction nuclear
nuclear or or agricultural
agricultural alsoalso show
show increasing
increasing interest
interest thanks
thanks to to
the good and diverse general properties that these materials
good and diverse general properties that these materials
Environmental legislation
legislation is is becoming
becoming increasingly
increasingly show:
show: excellent
excellent weight/strength ratios, good
good fatigue
1. Introduction of the product range weight/strength
and characteristics ratios,
manufactured fatigue
restrictive regarding CO2 and NOx emissions.
regarding CO2 and NOx emissions. In In this
this behaviours,
behaviours, wear
wear resistance,
resistance, dimensional
dimensional stability,
stability, coefficients
assembled in this system. In this context, the main challenge in
framework, and
and to
to meet
meet current
current and
and future
future requirements,
requirements, new
new of
of friction,
expansion, electrical and thermal conductivity,
Due to the fast development in the domain of modelling analysis iselectrical
now notand onlythermal
to copeconductivity,
with single
innovative materials,
materials, design techniques and manufacturing resistance to corrosion or high temperatures creep.
communication and andesign ongoing techniques
trend ofanddigitization
manufacturing and products, a limited product range or existingcreep.
resistance to corrosion or high temperatures product families,
processes are
are being
being developed
developed aiming
aiming to increase
to important
increase The topic covered by
by the studies isis extensive since any
digitalization, manufacturing enterprises are facing but The
also totopic covered
be able to analyze the
to compare extensive
productssince any
to define
sustainability by reducing fossil fuel
fuel consumption, and
and one
one of plastic material or lightweight metal alloy with a structural
challenges in by reducing
today’s fossil environments:
market consumption, a continuing of plastic material or lightweight metal alloy with
new product families. It can be observed that classical existing a structural
the important
important working
working lines
lines is
is the
the use
use of
of lightweight
lightweight structural
structural application
application is
is contained
contained in
in this
category. For
For this
this reason,
reason, it
it is
tendency towards reduction of product development times and product families are regrouped function of clients or features.
materials to
to replace
materials productreplace heavier
conventional materials
materials [1].
[1]. The
The interesting
interesting to
to provide
provide interested
interested researchers
researchers with
with a
a clear
clear and
shortened lifecycles. addition, there is an increasing However, assembly oriented product families are hardly to find.
number of
of studies
studies related
related to
to lightweight
lightweight materials
materials for
for global
global idea of
of the
ideaproduct latest
latest trends
the family trends in
in the
the studies
studies associated with
demand of customization, being at the same time in a global On the level, products differassociated
mainly in withtwo
structural use
use has
has maintained
maintained a
a growing
growing trend
trend in
in recent
recent this
this set
set of
of materials
materials and,
and, what
what are
are the
the topics
topics of
of greatest
competition with competitors all over the world. This trend, main characteristics: (i) the number of components and (ii) the
decades, led mainly by
by this need
need to to optimize fuel
fuel consumption interest, either
either as independent materials or
or forming multi-
which is led mainly the
inducing this
development optimize
from macro consumption
to micro interest,
type of components as (e.g.
mechanical, materials
electrical, forming multi-
and the
the consequent
consequent reduction
reduction of
of associated
associated pollutants
pollutants in
in material
material compounds.
markets, results in diminished lot sizes due to augmenting Classical methodologies considering mainly single products
industries such
such as
as automotive
automotive and
and aeronautics.
aeronautics. In
In addition,
addition, Aiming to answer the
the questions, aa systematic review of the
product varieties (high-volume to low-volume production) [1]. or Aiming
solitary, toalready
answer existingquestions,
product systematic
families review
analyzeofthe the
other industries suchsuch as as shipbuilding, railway, medical, literature published during the period 01/01/2015 to
To copeindustries
with this augmenting shipbuilding,
variety as well railway,
as to bemedical,
able to literature published during the period
product structure on a physical level (components level) which 01/01/2015 to
identify possible optimization potentials in the existing causes difficulties regarding an efficient definition and
2212-8271 ©system,
production 2020 The Authors. Publishedtobyhave
Elsevier B.V. knowledge
2212-8271 © 2020 The it is important
Authors. Published by Elseviera precise
B.V. comparison of different product families. Addressing this
2212-8271 ©under
The Authors. of Published
the scientific
bycommittee of the 14th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering.
Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 14th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
2212-8271 underThe
© 2017 responsibility of the by
Authors. Published scientific
B.V. of the 14th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering,
15-17 July under
Peer-review 2020. responsibility of the scientific committee of the 28th CIRP Design Conference 2018.
David Blanco et al. / Procedia CIRP 99 (2021) 196–201 197
D. Blanco et al / Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000

01/01/2020 was carried out targeting at obtaining an unbiased,

truthful and representative selection that shows its trend
during the last five years, and subsequently, performing an
analysis of the information obtained and drawing conclusions.
Systematic reviews are very common in the biomedical
literature field. They carry out an analysis of the qualitative
and quantitative aspects of an area of knowledge to synthesize
the existing information. For the selection of studies to be
included in this systematic review, an engineering-oriented
methodology based on the PRISMA statement has been used
with the target of minimizing the risks of bias, both in the
selection stage of the relevant scientific literature to be
included in the review and the subsequent analysis stage [2].
In section 2, the methodology and inclusion and exclusion
criteria used to select the scientific literature included in the
analysis are described; in section 3, results are presented and;
in 4, conclusions are detailed.

2. Methodology and selection criteria for relevant

scientific literature

A systematic review of the scientific literature published

during the last five years, from 01/01/2015 to 01/01/2020 has Fig. 1. Research equation for literature review.

been carried out on lightweight structural materials and multi-

dissimilar materials, predictive models, statistical analysis
materials applicable to aeronautical and automotive fields, and
for process optimization, additive manufacturing and
where machining processes and new manufacturing processes
machining processes applied), materials studied, and article
have a relevant role.
nationality taking the first author as a reference.
To carry out the analysis and to eliminate any possibility of
bias, the same criteria of quality, inclusion and exclusion have
been applied to all the studies, and the Web of Science (WoS) Table 1. Summary of inclusion and exclusion criteria of included literature.
database has been used. This database is provided by Inclusion / exclusion Feature
Thomson Reuters and, integrated into ISI Web of Knowledge criteria
(WoK). In the initial search, 464 potential articles to be
Publication period From 01/01/2015 to 01/01/2020
included in the research were preselected.
Date of searches 02/01/2020 (first) and 30/03/2020 (second)
The search equations can be seen in figure 1. Their main
objective is to find the literature associated with the Type of studies Articles: scientific journals and conference
aeronautical or automotive fields that include multi-materials proceedings
or lightweight structural materials, and where some machining Keywords, synonyms and (See figure 1. Research equation for literature
process is included. Besides, the search has been narrowed to search strategy review)
the period 2015-2020, including only studies published in Bibliography sources All databases included in Web of Science (WoS)
Open Access, in journals with a Q1-Q2 impact factor or Language English
proceedings of renowned conferences, all of them published in
Type of publication Only Open Access
English in the domain "Science technology".
Quality criteria required for 30 most cited peer-reviewed articles included in
Once the pre-selection criteria were applied to the search,
publication WoS databases. Only scientific journals Q1-Q2
verification was made to ensure that each article met the pre- rated and conference proceedings.
established inclusion and exclusion criteria detailed in table 1.
Afterwards, the resulting articles were filtered by the number
of citations during the period 2015-2020, and finally, the 30
most cited articles that met the pre-established criteria were 3. Results and discussion
For the storage and analysis of the extracted information, a The final selection consists of the 30 articles most cited
simple database was created in Excel format where the main that meet the pre-established selection and exclusion
information of each article is collected: title, authors, the conditions set out in the previous section. The collection had
scientific journal with its percentile classification or the 1340 citations during the period 2015-2020, with an average
prestigious conference where was published, year of of 44.7 citations/article (data updated on 03/30/2020). The
publication, DOI, number of total citations, whether it is selection consists of 20 articles published in scientific journals
accepted or not and the reasons for rejection if there were, (14 in Q1 and 6 in Q2), and 10 articles published in
identification of topics included in the study (state of the art, conference proceedings.
hybrid compounds, multi-material type and problem of joining According to the data analysis, the materials that currently
generate the most interest among lightweight structural
198 David Blanco et al. / Procedia CIRP 99 (2021) 196–201
D. Blanco et al / Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000

materials are aluminium alloys that appear in 43.3% of the maintaining high static and fatigue resistances. On the other
studies, followed by FRPs (Fibre Reinforced Polymers) in hand, other open lines seek to replace the joined structures
30%, and titanium alloys in 23.3 %. In the analysis of the with rivets with laser beam welding, e.g., Tian and his
percentages, it must be taken into account that an article can collaborators [19] propose two models of hot cracking
research several materials. prediction in laser welding. They validate the models with
During the analysed period, aluminium has been studied in good results through experimental tests using high-resolution
several lines of research. The joining of different parts or X-ray tomography to identify weld defects. Although some
pieces of the same part is one of the problems to be solved unpredicted pore problems appeared, the model is considered
frequently. Conventional arc welding generates a lot of heat in a good guide reference to the welding process and for
the welding process producing deformations, so new selecting the welding material.
techniques for welded joints are being studied, in [3] a review Another line of research in multi-materials are metal
of the process parameters of laser welding applied to matrix compounds. AMCs (Aluminium Matrix Composites)
aluminium UNS A92024 T3, one of the most common have improved physical and mechanical properties over
lightweight materials in the aerospace industry, is performed standard materials such as a good resistance/weight ratio,
and, in [4,5] FSW (Friction Stir Welding) process is studied, good ductility, high strength and elastic module, low dilation
which provides great advantages when joining dissimilar coefficient, excellent wear resistance, high creep temperature,
materials to form multi-material compounds, this process does corrosion resistance, good fatigue behaviour. For these
not require melting of the base materials since its peak reasons, they are used in the automotive, military, aerospace,
working temperature is 0.6-0.95 melting temperature. medical and electrical industries [20]. However, they are
On the other hand, CFRPs (Carbon Fibre Reinforced difficult-to-machine materials, with a low MRR (Material
Polymers) also have very attractive properties that make them Removal Rate) and high surface roughness that hinders their
good candidates as lightweight structural components, such as large-scale industrial application in the aforementioned
its low density, high stiffness/weight ratio, excellent fatigue industries, for this reason, techniques such as PM-EDM
behaviour and wear resistance, high dimensional stability, low (Powder Mixed Electrical Discharge Machining), that
coefficients of friction, expansion and electrical conductivity significantly improve them both MMR and surface quality
[6–8]. obtained in machining, are being studied [21].
Regarding titanium, this is a difficult material to machine The additive manufacturing process is also shown as an
due to its low thermal conductivity, high chemical reactivity, important line of research. It optimizes the cost of
and high hardening [9–11] but it has advantages that include it manufactured parts by reducing the waste material and the
among the most studied materials, such as its high mechanical time required for the new component to reach the market.
resistance, corrosion, fracture, and lightness [1,12]. Furthermore, it also provides greater design freedom to reduce
Furthermore, during the defined period there are also the weight by enabling complex geometries [13].
studies dedicated to steels [13], to new alloys such as gamma There are several propositions in recent literature for the
alloys [14] or NiTi alloy that has memory effect and improvement of additive manufacturing technology. Qu et al.
superelasticity [15], to copper alloys [4], to nickel-chromium- [15] propose a new MIG, TIG, and plasma arc welding
based austenitic superalloys [16] and magnesium alloys [17]. equipment that eliminates particle control and distribution
Regarding the topics included in the selected articles, 27% problems by using wire instead of powder as raw material.
carry out the analysis of a multi-material or hybrid Another line of work uses SLM (Selective Laser Melting)
component, 23% deepens in the knowledge of an additive technology, this technology uses the laser as an energy source
manufacturing technique, 23% makes a state of the art of a to sinter raw material powder, and after, the fatigue behaviour
knowledge area, and 17% of the works develop a predictive of titanium parts subjected to very high fatigue cycles is
model of a process aiming to optimize it. In the same way to analysed [22], the residual stresses generated during the
the previous analysis of the materials studied, a study may manufacture of 316L parts [23] are studied, or the mechanical
include several topics in its development. properties of titanium parts manufactured by SLM and after
Each type of lightweight structural material has specific subjected to a HIP (Hot Isostatic Pressing). This after-
advantages, so in many cases, they are combined by creating treatment improves surface quality, closes microcracks, and
multi-materials or hybrid compounds to take advantage of the reduces surface stresses [1].
characteristics of each of them [5]. Additive manufacturing processes for polymers such as
The joining of these materials continues being a challenge, FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) also appear in the selected
Li and his team [18] make a state of the art of the SPR process literature. This technique is applied and studied in the
(Self Piercing Riveting), a current method of joining manufacture of components for a drone, with which it is
aluminium and composite materials for hybrid structures in possible to maximize flight time by optimizing its weight
the automotive industry, and currently used by companies in [24].
the industry such as Audi, Jaguar, Land Rover, Volvo, BMW, On the other hand, recent literature on lightweight
Daimler, Tesla and Ford. materials for structural use also includes work aimed at the
Compared to other methods, SPR has many advantages as development of new processes and equipment. In this sense,
it is not necessary to pre-drill the materials. Besides, no Denkena et al. [25] develop a research prototype with a
fumes, sparks or noise are generated, no surface treatments modular AFP (Automated Fibre Placement) system to
are needed, and several materials can be joined while
David Blanco et al. / Procedia CIRP 99 (2021) 196–201 199
D. Blanco et al / Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000

produce complex curved CFRPs structures, presenting in the Reviewing the articles dedicated to the study of multi-
article the preliminary equipment validation results. materials, 50% of the studies research a metal+polymer
Regarding the topic of machining, 43% of the selected compound, in 38% metal+metal, and 12% metal+ceramic.
articles include the analysis of a machining process, and of Fibre-reinforced polymers have very attractive properties
these, 54% analyse the drilling process, being the most such as stiffness, mechanical strength and corrosion, which
researched machining process. make them ideal candidates to be used in multi-material
A common way of joining different parts is by mechanical components. The main families are CFRPs, GFRPs and FMLs
fixation, as it ensures good reliability, easy disassembly and (Fibre Metal Laminates). On the other hand, titanium has a
enables inspections. Drilling is a machining operation aimed good mechanical strength/weight ratio and good resistance to
at facilitating this mechanical bonding. In many cases, the corrosion and fatigue.
parts that will be assembled together are drilled in the same For those reasons, both materials are frequently used in the
operation to reduce positioning errors and improve tolerances. aeronautical and automotive industries, so it is common to
The most common defects in the metal drilling process are find them in studies that research their use together as multi-
hole size, roundness, position and burrs, while the most materials for this type of applications. Xu et al. [10] conduct a
common defects in polymer and composite drilling are matrix rigorous review of the state of the art regarding advances in
cratering, inter-ply delamination, fibre pull-out, thermal the FRP/Ti hybrid composite drilling process. The article
alteration [10,26,27]. collects important information on materials, typical damage in
Delamination is irreparable damage, is recognized as the this process, problems in the interface between materials, tool
most critical, it causes 60% of rejections in aviation parts, so wear, strategies for a high quality of the drill and the effect of
it is included in many of the studies on polymers drilling. different types of cooling on machining.
Karpat et al. [8] research the influence of the geometry of the On the other hand, aluminium is the material that appears
PCD (Polycrystalline Diamond) tools on drilling forces, in more multi-material compounds, either with other metals
torques and wear on CFRPs drilling process, concluding that such as steels [5,18] or coppers [4], with ceramics [20,21], or
the feed rate is the most influential parameter. with polymers [32,33].
Rezende et al. [28] analyse through an ANOVA (Analysis Concerning metal-metal components, the most common
of Variance) the delamination effect in Al/PE sandwich are, as already mentioned, studies that include aluminium. Li
panels concluding that tool geometry and, the interaction et al. [18] perform a complete analysis of the state of the art of
between tool geometry and cutting speed are the parameters SPR, a mechanical fixation process of 2 or more sheets of
that have the greatest influence on the burr height and thrust materials by riveting through the top and subsequent sheets,
force. and which is mechanically fixed to the last sheet by
Sorrentino et al. [29] study the thermal damage that occurs deformation. The process allows precise alignment of the
in the dry FRPs drilling process, finding significant components to be joined and, can be used to join parts of the
differences in CFRPs behaviour compared to GFRPs (Glass same material or multi-material parts. Besides, when used in
Fibre Reinforced Plastic) as e.g., by increasing the feed rate, combination with adhesives, the stiffness of the joints is
the maximum process temperature decreases for CFRPs and further increased.
increases for GFRPs, as does the cutting speed. In the field of metal-ceramic multi-materials, the two
Due to the high anisotropy of the FRPs, the damage to the studies included are aluminium matrix composite materials
drilled holes depends significantly on the angle between the reinforced with SiC and B4C ceramic particles and with
feed force and the fibre direction, and in these compounds, it application in the aerospace and automotive industries.
varies constantly during half a rotation of the drilling. In this The first one is a state of the art on aluminium matrix
sense, Bonnet et al. [30] develop a model to estimate the feed compounds for industrial use [20] and, the second one is a
force when the load generated is known for each angular non-traditional machining by PM-EDM in which a DoE
position. Ojo et al. [31] propose an analytical model for (Design of Experiment) is performed based on the Taguchi
predicting the critical force of delamination in FRPs, methodology to analyse the effect of dust concentration, peak
contributing as a novelty with the inclusion of the effect of current, pulse time and duty cycle on the MRR and Ra
shear deformation on the model. (Arithmetical Mean Roughness) responses, and finally,
Regarding the development of new defect control systems establish a semi-empirical model [21].
in the new multi-materials, Chan et al. [32] investigate a high- Regarding the nationality of the articles, and taking as
frequency guided-wave system aimed at finding cracks in reference the nationality of the first author, USA and UK lead
drills caused by an accumulation of stresses and cyclic loads the number of studies selected with 17% each, followed by
in ageing aircraft parts. Germany and Italy with 13%. Australia, China, France and
Besides, other non-traditional manufacturing processes Brazil with 7%, and India, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan,
such as EDWC (Electrical Discharge Wire Cutting) are also and Turkey with 3%, are also represented in this list.
being investigated. EDWC is applied in the development of Table 2 shows a summary of the 10 most cited works in the
flapping-powered micro air vehicles to use them in activities period analysed. Focusing the analysis only on these 10
such as surveillance, reconnaissance flight and rescue papers, where 80% are publications in Q1 scientific journals,
missions. The micro vehicle flight duration improves to 120 and with an average of 98.3 citations/article, 40% of articles
seconds and a height of 20 m in 20 seconds in the study [33]. include analysis of a titanium alloy, 30% include FRPs, and
only 20% include analysis of an aluminium alloy.
200 David Blanco et al. / Procedia CIRP 99 (2021) 196–201
D. Blanco et al / Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000

Table 2. Analysis of the 10 most cited papers 2015-2019 at 30.03.2020 • USA and UK lead the number of articles published within
this selected bibliography with 17% of the publications
Number of citations

Predictive model

Machining type
State of the art

The authors thank to the Research Group “Industrial


Production and Manufacturing Engineering (IPME)” the
given support and, to the Industrial Engineering School-
[9] 287 Q2 Ti X X Milling China UNED (Projects REF2020-04 and REF2020-07), to the
Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
[13] 215 Q1 Ti/Al/St X
(Project RTI2018-102215-B-I00) and to the Master in
Advanced Manufacturing Engineering for funding this work.
[15] 120 Q1 New alloys X X USA

[10] 71 Q1 Ti/FRP X X Drilling France


[1] 63 PP Ti X Germany [1] Uhlmann E, Kersting R, Klein TB, Cruz MF, Borille AV. Additive
Manufacturing of Titanium Alloy for Aircraft Components. Denkena B,
[6] 61 Q1 FRP X Drilling USA editor. Procedia CIRP 2015; 35: 55–60.
[2] Liberati A, Altman DG, Tetzlaff J, Mulrow C, Gøtzsche PC, Ioannidis
[14] 48 Q1 New alloys X USA JPA, Clarke M, Devereaux PJ, Kleijnen J, Moher D. The PRISMA
statement for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies
[30] 43 Q1 FRP X X Drilling France that evaluate healthcare interventions: explanation and elaboration. BMJ
2009; 339: b2700.
[17] 41 Q1 Mg Australia [3] Alfieri V, Caiazzo F, Sergi V. Autogenous laser welding of AA 2024
aluminium alloy: Process issues and bead features. Procedia CIRP 2015;
United 33: 406–411.
[32] 34 Q1 Al/Epoxy
Kindom [4] Grimm A, Schulze S, Silva A, Goebel G, Standfuss J, Brenner B, et al.
Friction stir welding of light metals for industrial applications. Materials
Regarding the most studied topics, the analysis of Today - Proceedings 2015; 2S: S169–S178.
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