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GKS 우수교환학생 수학보고서

(Notification of Home-return)

이름(Name) : Bachtiar Alwi

국적(Home Country) : INDONESIA
생년월일(Date of Birth) : 31 Agustus 1998
소속대학(Affiliated Institution) : Dongseo University
전공(Field of Study) : Computer Engineering
수학기간(Period of Study) : 1 Semester ( 4 Month )
귀국예정일(Expected departure date) : 27 December 2018
연락처(Contact) Tel. +625807143380 E-mail
□ 수학기간 중 소감 (Personal opinion or comments on my stay and study in Korea)
I will tell you about my experience (for studying and staying ) in Korea.
First I want to tell you about stay in Korean, I am staying in dormitory usually called Internasional House 2
It's very awesome because this is my first time I live alone and do something with myself. and the most thing is in
Internasional House 2, I could meet and get a new friend from another country, it's really good. and then my opinion
about stay in Korean is very amazing and wonderful. because the panorama is very beautiful and they have a kimbab
( my favorite food during I am staying in Korea ) and every week if I have a time, I always go to the mountain behind
my university ( Dongseo University ) that’s my favorite place if I need a fresh air and get a relax. then my dorm is good
also, as good as I stayed at home because I got the best roommate. moreover, I always go to some places inside Busan
and outside Busan. I want to know a lot of good places in Busan and about the culture like always quite during you are
taking a transportation. and then I like the ajhuma in Korean. I don’t know why. because if I go to get a dinner or lunch,
she always treats me well like her son.
And then my opinion about a study in Korea. I know Korea is a good place if you want to study but it's very different
from my country and I like it. I love the professor who has taught me, but I have favorite professor her name is Elena
Tsomko. she is always kind to me and always ask with me. did I understand about her lecture or not and I like how to
her teach. she is always teaching us until we understand and always give us a good example of understanding her lecture
and then she is always making class not really bored and always has something new to do . and perhaps that's all for me
if I do some mistake I do hope apologize.

□ 귀국 후 활동계획 (Future Plan or Activities in my home country)

After finishing my 1 semester at Dongseo University and go back to my country I will make a seminar about exchange
students. because I want to share, how is it important to join exchange program, you could get a lot of experience and
another else and then I will write my idea which one I got during I was studying at Dongseo University. moreover, I will
encourage my friend and my junior to join exchange program and choose Korea.
Perhaps that all my plan after I finish my lesson here.

2018. . .

서명(Signature) : _________________________

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