Abbasi - 2018 - Interest in The Ketogenic Diet Grows For Weight Loss and Type 2 Diabetes

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Medical News & Perspectives

Interest in the Ketogenic Diet Grows for Weight Loss

and Type 2 Diabetes
Jennifer Abbasi

his summer, 25 overweight and obese 13 randomized controlled trials suggested protein, changes in appetite-regulating
adults participating in a tightly con- that people on ketogenic diets tend to lose hormones on a low-carb diet, a direct
trolled feeding study will take up full- more weight and keep more of it off than hunger-reducing role of ketone bodies—
time residence for 3 months at a wooded people on low-fat diets. People placed on the body’s main fuel source on the diet—or
lakefront center in Ashland, Massachusetts. these diets often report decreased hunger, other factors.
However, before checking in at Framingham according to Amy Miskimon Goss, PhD, RD, Additionally, the ketogenic diet may
State University’s Warren Conference Cen- an assistant professor at the University of not affect metabolism the same way other
ter and Inn, they will have to lose 15% of their Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Nutrition diets do. In a previous study, Ludwig found
body weight on a calorie-restricted diet with Obesity Research Center. The appetite- that metabolism slowed by more than
home-delivered meals. suppressing powers of the diet aren’t 400 kcal/d on a low-fat diet while there
Those who pass this hurdle will be in- fully understood but could have to do was no significant decline in metabolic rate
vited to the inn, where they’ll be randomly with the satiating properties of fat and on a very low-carb diet.
assigned to 1 of 3 equal-calorie diets: a low-
fat, high-carbohydrate diet that’s either
high or low in added sugar or a very low-
carbohydrate, high-fat ketogenic diet that
causes the body to switch from burning car-
bohydrates to burning fat.
The group will be the first of 5 that will
participate in the trial over 3 years. Changes
in body fat mass and energy expenditure will
be assessed to determine if any of the diets
have a unique effect on metabolism, while
controlling calorie intake, in people who have
already lost weight.
“It’s hard to lose weight, but it’s much
harder to maintain that weight loss because
of well-described physiological adapta-
tions,” said coprincipal investigator David S.
Ludwig, MD, PhD, a professor of pediatrics
and nutrition at Harvard Medical School
and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public
Health. After most diet-induced weight
loss, “hunger goes up and metabolic rate
goes down, and tendency to restore fat
But there are hints that the ketogenic
diet may be different. A meta-analysis of (Reprinted) JAMA January 16, 2018 Volume 319, Number 3 215

© 2018 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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News & Analysis

“The quality of calories consumed may Despite being allowed to eat fat to sa- tively short-term—6 months perhaps to a
affect the number of calories burned,” he tiety, people on a ketogenic diet often ex- year. I think that the question is, is this
said. “If this apparent metabolic benefit per-perience rapid weight loss—up to 10 pounds a diet you can tolerate long-term?”
sists, it could play an important role in im- in 2 weeks, noted Goss, who researches the Stephen Phinney, MD, PhD, an emeri-
proving the success of long-term weight- diet and uses it to treat obesity and type 2 tus professor of medicine at the University
loss maintenance.” diabetes at UAB. The diet has a diuretic of California, Davis, is investigating just that.
effect, and some of those initial pounds In 2015, he launched a telemedicine-based
Weight Loss on a High-Fat Diet are water weight. But as insulin levels de- type 2 diabetes clinic called Virta Health.
Despite decades of dietary guidelines pro- cline and the body switches to fat-burning Virta’s physicians and dieticians coach pa-
moting low-fat eating, around 40% of US mode, it draws on fat depots, leading to fur- tients on safely using a ketogenic diet to treat
adults and 19% of US children are now ther reductions in weight, Goss said. their condition.
obese. What’s worse, more than half of to- Meanwhile, because many people feel The 10-week results of an ongoing
day’s children are expected to be obese by less hungry on a ketogenic diet, they often 5-year Virta Health study demonstrated
age 35 years, according to recent modeling naturally reduce their overall caloric intake, HbA1c-level improvements (an increase from
at Harvard. which could aid in their weight loss, said 19.8% to 56.1% of participants with levels
With the runaway train of obesity and Bruce Bistrian, MD, PhD, a professor of medi- lower than 6.5%), diabetes medication re-
the growing recognition of the role of cine at Harvard Medical School and chief of ductions and eliminations (56.8% of partici-
sugar and other high glycemic index carbo- clinical nutrition at Beth Israel Deaconess pants), and body mass decreases (7.2% on
hydrates in metabolic syndrome, some re- Medical Center in Boston. Just how much average). Of the 262 patients who enrolled
searchers and clinicians are shifting their they may lose depends on many factors, in- in the study, 238 stayed in the program for
attention to a very low-carb ketogenic ap- cluding the amount of calories they sponta- at least 10 weeks. In 6-month data, the av-
proach like the one Ludwig and his collabo- neously reduce, as well as their starting total erage weight loss from baseline was 12%,
rators at Framingham State University, UAB, fat and lean mass, age, sex, ethnicity, and ac- with an 89% retention rate. Phinney plans
and Indiana University are testing. tivity level, he said. to publish 1-year data soon.
Carbohydrates comprise around 55% In a recent 8-week randomized trial in- Beyond helping people reduce their
of the typical American diet, ranging from cluding 34 obese men and women 60 weight and get control of their blood glu-
200 to 350 g/d depending on a person’s through 75 years old, those who ate a keto- cose, ketogenic diets may also be heart-
overall caloric intake. Clinical ketogenic genic diet lost 9.7% of their body fat, while healthy, thanks to improvements in triglyc-
those on a low- erides, high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
fat diet lost just cholesterol levels, abdominal circumfer-
“Anecdotally, individuals have lost 2.1%. The keto- ence, and blood pressure.
hundreds of pounds on the ketogenic genic die ters Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) choles-
diet and kept it off long-term by also lost 3 times terol levels increase for some on the
more visceral diet. Emphasizing unsaturated rather than
adopting the diet as a permanent diet adipose tissue saturated fat could help ward off these
change,” Amy Miskimon Goss, PhD, RD than the low-fat increases, but experts disagree on the ideal
dieters, accord- fat composition of the diet. An important
diets restrict daily carbs to somewhere ing to Goss, who presented the data at last caveat is that there appears to be a shift
between 20 g and 50 g, primarily from year’s meeting of The Obesity Society. from more harmful small, dense LDL par-
nonstarchy vegetables. ticles to less-harmful large, nondense par-
Deprived of dietary sugars and starches Beyond Weight Loss ticles on the diet.
on the very low-carb diet, the body re- There’s also increasing interest in the keto- Rick Hecht, MD, is research director of
duces insulin secretion and switches to pri- genic diet for diabetes management. Insulin the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at
marily burning fat within a week. In this sensitivity improves on the diet—although the University of California, San Francisco,
metabolic state—called nutritional ketosis— the mechanisms are not entirely clear— where he studies nonpharmacological ap-
the liver converts fatty acids into com- along with glycemic control. proaches to chronic disease. He said more
pounds called ketone bodies that can “It seems to help people not only lose data are needed on long-term outcomes of
penetrate the blood-brain barrier and pro- weight but reduce their requirement for the LDL level increases resulting from a ke-
vide fuel to the brain, as well as the body’s [diabetes] medications, and they get togenic diet. But, he adds, “For people with
other tissues. improvements in their hemoglobin A 1c type 2 diabetes, I think the risks of poor gly-
Previous low-carb diets, like the origi- [HbA1c], which is an end point for diabetes cemic control from excessive carbohydrate
nal Atkins diet, emphasized protein and lim- management,” said Steven Heymsfield, intake far outweigh the risks of saturated
ited fat. But amino acids in protein can be MD, a professor in the department of fats, and most people with type 2 diabetes
converted to glucose, kicking the body out metabolism and body composition at should focus on limiting carbohydrates—
of ketosis. Therefore, a well-formulated ke- Louisiana State University’s Pennington particularly simple carbohydrates—as a
togenic diet limits protein to adequate Biomedical Research Center and president- greater priority than saturated fat.”
amounts to maintain lean body mass but elect of The Obesity Society. “Those are all A diet that lets a person eat fat to
doesn’t restrict fat or overall calories. the good things that happen over the rela- satiety—even saturated fat—without relying

216 JAMA January 16, 2018 Volume 319, Number 3 (Reprinted)

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News & Analysis

on calorie counting and still lose substantial past century to treat drug-resistant epilepsy “I don’t think everyone should be car-
weight, treat diabetes into remission, raise in children. bohydrate restricting to the level of a keto-
HDL levels, and lower triglycerides and blood “Generallyspeaking,it’ssafe,”Heymsfield genic diet just because they want to lose
pressure? It could be game changing for the said. weight,” Hecht said. “We need to under-
field of chronic disease—if the benefits pan The most common adverse effects of stand better the predictors of who’s going to
out in large-scale trials and can be sustained the diet, collectively referred to as the “keto benefit from this diet.”
by many. flu,” include lightheadedness, dizziness, The carbohydrate restrictions may not
“Anecdotally, individuals have lost hun- fatigue, difficulty exercising, poor sleep, need to be life-long. Once a goal weight is
dreds of pounds on the ketogenic diet and and constipation, which tend to pass in a reached, some people may be able to add
kept it off long-term by adopting the diet as few days to a few weeks. Getting protein back a limited amount of carbs, cut back
a permanent diet change,” Goss said. “Our lab from whole foods rather than purified pro- a bit on fat, and still keep their weight
suspects it works particularly well in indi- tein products helps ensure adequate intake down, Phinney and others said. The
viduals with an underlying metabolic phe- of sodium, potassium, and magnesium on amount of daily carbs a person on a mainte-
notype characterized by relatively high in- the diet, which can help counter some of nance diet can eat before their weight
sulin secretion.” these effects. starts to creep back up will depend on their
Eric Westman, MD, an associate pro- That said, for both safety and efficacy individual carb tolerance.
fessor of medicine at Duke University reasons, “this is not a do-it-yourself diet,” ac- People with type 2 diabetes, on the
School of Medicine, has been using the cording to Bistrian. People taking insulin or other hand, may need to stay on the diet to
ketogenic diet as the first-line therapy for oral hypoglycemic medications for diabe- control their disease.
obesity and type 2 diabetes at the Duke tes can experience serious hypoglycemia For now, Ludwig said the evidence
Lifestyle Medicine Clinic for a decade. Like on the ketogenic diet and should therefore for very low-carb-diets for weight loss and
Goss, Westman has seen many patients consult with an experienced clinician to diabetes management is still preliminary,
stick to the diet long enough to lose 100 or safely adjust medications when initiating it. but funding for high-quality research could
more pounds, which can take over a year. Blood pressure medications may also need change that. His weight-maintenance study
For him, the ketogenic diet is a food-based to be adjusted. Bistrian also emphasized that is funded by a $12 million philanthropic
treatment alternative to weight-loss drugs “continued participation with an organized grant from the Laura and John Arnold
and bariatric surgery. program with monitoring is much more likely Foundation.
He said the very low-carb diet can be to lead to long-term good results.” “We know from epidemiology and pub-
a challenge, especially for patients with a Hecht is also cautious about people do- lic health that the majority of chronic dis-
strong sweet tooth. But about a third of his ing the ketogenic diet on their own for ease in this country is lifestyle-related,
patients find it surprisingly easy to make weight loss, particularly if they have diabe- and primarily nutrition-related,” he said.
the switch. tes. In addition to the medication consider- “It should be among our highest scientific
ations, he said most patients need signifi- priorities to invest in top-quality, long-
Safe, With Caveats cant training to follow the diet. Additionally, term, rigorous nutrition research, so we can
In addition to being the standard fare for although some people—especially those answer questions that have befuddled us for
populations at northern latitudes that his- with insulin resistance—need to drastically a century or more regarding low-fat versus
torically had very few, if any, plant products cut carbs to lose weight and improve glu- low-carb diets.”
for most of the year, ketogenic diets have cose levels, others can get good results from Note: Source references are available through
been used without adverse effects over the a Mediterranean diet. embedded hyperlinks in the article text online. (Reprinted) JAMA January 16, 2018 Volume 319, Number 3 217

© 2018 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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