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CHE326: Chemical Reaction Engineering

3 Units (2020/2021 Session)

Lecturer: Dr. Ayoola A.A.
Examples on Ideal CSTR Sizing
Example1 on CSTR Sizing
A compound concentration of 0.011 kmol/m3 is to be reduced
to 0.0002 kmol/m by subjecting it to a certain reaction in a
CSTR. The reaction is first order reaction with respect to the
compound and the rate constant is 0.003/s. What size of CSTR is
needed if the compound feed rate is 0.0005 m3 /s. Obtain the
time taken to process one reactor volume of feed.

CA0 = 0.011 kmol/m3 , CA = 0.0002 kmol/m3
Fractional conversion, XA
CA0 −CA 0.011 −0.0002
XA = =
CA0 0.011
= 0.98
Volumetric feed rate, υ𝟎
υ𝟎 = 0.0005 m3 /s
Molar flow rate, FA0
FA0 = CA0 υ𝟎 = (0.011)(0.0005)
= 0.0000055 kmol/s
Rate equation, −𝑟𝐴
−𝑟𝐴 = kCA = (0.003)(0.0002) = 0.0000006 kmol/m3 s
Using =
FA0 −𝑟A
FA0 XA (0.0000055)(0.98)
V = =
−𝑟A 0.0000006
= 9.0 m3
The volume of CSTR, V = 9 𝐦𝟑

To obtain the space time, Ꚍ

V 9
Ꚍ = = = 18000 seconds = 5hours
𝜐0 0.0005

Time to process one CSTR, Ꚍ = 18000 seconds = 5hours

Example2 on CSTR Sizing
The results of an experimental work during the conversion of A
to D is given in the table below. What volume of CSTR is used if
the molar flow rate of A is 0.54 mol/s at 75% conversion?
𝐗𝑨 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8
−𝒓𝑨 (mol/m3 .s) 0.45 0.37 0.30 0.195 0.113 0.079 0.050

FA0 = 0.54 mol/s
For CSTR =
FA0 −𝑟A
V =
That is, a plot of vs XA is required to obtain V
𝐗𝑨 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8
−𝒓𝑨 (mol/m3 .s) 0.45 0.37 0.30 0.195 0.113 0.079 0.050
1 2.22 2.70 3.33 5.13 8.85 12.70 20.00
FA0 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.80 4.80 6.90 10.80
Volume, V = Area of the shaded portion = ( )(XA )
V=( )(XA )
= (8.8)(0.75)
= 6.6 m3
The volume of CSTR used = 6.6 𝒎𝟑
Exercise 5
Repeat Example2 on CSTR sizing for
i. 60% conversion
ii. 85% conversion
iii. 60% conversion with flow rate of 0.4 mol/s
iv. 85% conversion with flow rate of 0.4 mol/s
v. Comment on the results obtained
Example3 on CSTR Sizing
The liquid phase A + B C + D takes place in a CSTR of
3 3
volume 25 m . The feed stream contains 5 kmol/m of A and
100 kmol/m3 of B. What volumetric flow rate of A and space
time would be required to obtain 50% conversion of the limiting
reactant? The reaction rate constant is 0.0001 m3 /kmol.s at the
reaction conditions. Given that CB = CB0 - CA0 XA
A+ B C + D
−𝑟𝐴 = kCA CB
CA = CA0 (1 - XA ) = 5(1 – 0.5) = 2.5 kmol/m3
CB = CB0 - CA0 XA = 100 – (5)(0.5) = 97.5 kmol/m3

To obtain the space time, Ꚍ

CA0 XA (5)(0.5)
Ꚍ = =
−𝑟𝐴 (0.0001)(2.5)(97.5)
= 102 seconds
Volumetric flow rate, 𝜐0
V 25
𝜐0 = = = 0.24 m3 /s
Ꚍ 102
Space time, Ꚍ = 102 seconds
Volumetric flow rate, 𝝊 = 0.24 𝒎𝟑 /s
Example4 on CSTR Sizing
The liquid phase reaction A R with rate equation,
−𝑟𝐴 = is to be carried out in flow reactors for a feed
1+ CA
containing 4 moles per litres of A.
(a) What should be the volume of a mixed reactor to achieve
50% concentration of A for a feed rate of 20 mole/min?
(b) What should be the time required to process the volume
reactor and the volumetric flow rate?
CA0 = 4 moles/litre
(a) For 50% conversion, XA = 0.5
CA = CA0 (1 - XA )
= 4(1 – 0.5) mole/litre
= 2 mole/litre

CA 2 2
−𝑟𝐴 = = −𝑟𝐴 = = mole/litre
1+ CA 1+ 2 3
For FA0 = 20 mol/min
FA0 20
V=( )(XA ) =( 2 )(0.5) = 15 litre
Volume of the CSTR = 15 litre
(bi) time required to process a reactor volume
CA0 V (4)(15)
Ꚍ = =
FA0 (20)
= 3 minutes

(bii) Volumetric flow rate

V 15
𝜐0 = = = 5 litre/min
Ꚍ 3

Volume of the CSTR = 15 litre

Time required to process a reactor volume, Ꚍ = 3 minutes
Volumetric flow rate, 𝝊𝟎 = 5 litres/min
Exercise 6
The gas phase reaction A + B C + D + E is carried out
in a CSRT by introducing a fixed stream containing 5
kmol/m3 of A and 5 kmol/m3 of B. The reactor volume is 25
m3 and the rate constant is 0.0001 m3 /kmol.s. Calculate
the volumetric flow rate and space time required for 60%
conversion of the reactant A when CA = CB .

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