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transportation is the main component in the governmant system, society

system, and our habits system. a social condition in area demographic has a
significant influence on transportation capabilities to serve society urban that is
need it. a tendency that happened is getting an increase in the total population
because of the urbanization and total of many children was born. level of
urbanization has an implication to decrease a competition either directly or
indirectly in that area transportation ( Susantoro & parikesit, 2004:14).
but in another side because of the urbanization and too many a children are
born, it will get a big consequence like a huge traffic jam or something else,
although the government has been provided general transportation, it might not an
influential. because of this phenomena, that reality you have arranged your time
well it will wreck if you are getting a problem during you are driving for example
like a traffic jam or you are getting disaster.
Semarang is one of a metropolitan city in Indonesia, many private vehicles
that can make a traffic jam, usually, it will happen in certain time, so it can disturb
an economic procces in that area inside Semarang. therefore we need special
transportation to solve this problem, this device intended can save mileage and
can save the time as much as possible, in this case, the device that are we using is
a drone, we choosed a drone because that thing can through any obstacles in the
shore like a traffic jam, a floof or we could use this device to help many people
who are getting injured if the way is impossible to pass with a car or motorcycle
and we can call this thing is “ Sky Service Delivery ”

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