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Contoh hanya 1 topic, tp tugas agar dibuat 2 topics.
Tugas Task 10 agar di periksa kembali. Jika belum benar agar dilakukan perbaikan sampai
dengan 1 minggu kedepan, Selasa 30 November 2021.

I. Topic

II. Thesis Statement / Motion

Students should not wear school uniforms

III. My Opinions / Arguments

1. First, wearing school uniforms does not improve academic competence.
There is no correlation between school uniforms and students’ academic competence. The
goal of teaching learning process for students in schools is to achieve high competence in
all subjects. Every semester, every student is evaluated his or her competence on every
2. Second, wearing school uniforms is a lack of freedom expression.
Students as teenagers should be allowed to explore their personality as they like. Their
personalities are commonly shown by the way they dress. Being able to express their
personalities themselves is a right for students to learn from a young age. If students are
not permitted to demonstrate their individuality and originality through dressing, they
may develop feelings of oppression and discouragement, which can damage
their personality.
3. Third, wearing school uniforms needs an extra cost.
Paying for school uniforms can be a waste of money. Most schools in Indonesia I know
have different uniforms for different days of the week or at least three to four types of
school uniforms in a week. Most families who are not good financially may feel hard to
bear the cost of the school uniforms.

IV. Opposing Opinions / Arguments

1. Wearing school uniforms represents dicipline.
By wearing school uniforms, students have obeyed the rules applied in their schools.
When students wear uniforms, they tend to go to school or they are afraid to play truent
because people are easy to indentify them that they are students. Therefore, by wearing
school uniforms, students tend to be dicipline to school.
2. Wearing school uniforms can avoid students from doing criminal acts.
By wearing school uniforms, people are easy to recognize who they are or from which
schools they are. When they want to do criminal acts they will think a thousand times. In
shorts, students will be afraid or feel shy to do criminal acts because of their uniforms.

V. Rebuttals to the opposing opinions

1. Dicipline does not depend on wearing school uniforms.
Dicipline is not measured by whether students wear or not to wear school uniforms.
Dicipline is measured by whether students have obeyed or broken the school rules. When
the level of obedience of students to the school rules is high, it means the students are
2. Doing criminal acts is a matter of bad behaviour as the product of low moral education,
not because of wearing school uniforms.
Conducting crimes is not a matter of wearing or not wearing school uniforms. Conducting
crimes is a matter of bad behaviour. In order to avoid students from doing criminal acts,
school should stress on teaching moral education to their students. Students have to realize
that doing criminal acts is considered immoral and breaks the law. Students know, realize,
and can differ what they do is right or wrong, not because of they wear or not to wear
school uniforms.

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