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SSE FAQ for Winter 2021 Timed Assessment Regulations

Q: What is the maximum exam length if two course components are scheduled back to back?
A: Timed assessments in Winter 2021 can be scheduled to be the length of the two course components
together, including the contingency time. For instance, if lecture is scheduled 10:00 - 10:50, and tutorial
is scheduled 11:00 - 11:50, the maximum assessment time is 110 minutes, or a 95 minute assessment +
15 minute contingency time.

Q: Can my alternative assessments or make up assessments be a different format of assessment? For

example, if the midterm is a written test on D2L, can the alternative or make-up test be a 15 min oral
A: Yes as a contingency or make-up assessment. No as "alternative start time" assessment. That is, if a
student misses an assessment or several assessments, you can offer a different format of assessment as
a way to make up the marks. If you are offering a synchronous midterm, you must provide a minimum
of two alternative start times for the midterm, and these midterms must be the same format and
comparable difficulty.

Q How do these policies affect assessments based on final reports, lab reports, assignments or take-
home quizzes?
A: Lab reports, project reports, assignments or 24 h (or longer) take-home exams are not “timed
assessments, so these policies are not applicable to these types of assessments and no special approvals
are required. It is perfectly acceptable to have these assessments and delivery would be the same as
past years. As always, the course outline must include a list of all assessments and their grade weighting.
For final projects worth a large portion of student grades, we encourage opportunities for the students
to receive feedback on progress reports throughout the term

Q: Is the 50% technology time still required?

A: The 50% extra time is no longer required. It is replaced by the requirement to have a contingency plan
listed in the course outline. This contingency plan must include a minimum of 15 minutes contingency
time (for technology or any other issues that arise), a contact email for students to use if they have
issues during the timed assessments and a statement of who is monitoring it (TA or instructor), a
statement on whether make-up/alternative assessments will be offered, statement on how weight will
be redistributed for a missed assessment with excused absence. We encourage policies like “Quiz grade
will be based on the best 4 of 5 quizzes”

Q: Will there be a process for students with limited access to technology to receive support?
A: Yes, SSE will coordinate a way to support students who are disproportionately disadvantaged due to
technology limitations. The Engineering Student Centre (ESC) will set up an email address for students to
contact. ESC will work with student to identify solutions, which could be access to on-campus computer
labs, borrowed SSE equipment (subject to availability), access to student discounts on internet, or extra
time for timed assessments. This is not required in course outline. We will communicate this with
students in the new year.

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Q: Is there any chance that we will have to come back in person in Winter 2021?
A: No, the whole winter term is remote. Delivery modes will not be changed.

Q: Do these regulations apply to in-class presentations?

A: Yes, scheduled presentations (“oral testing” would fall under timed assessments, so all the new
requirements apply. These would need to be scheduled during class times. Note: as per calendar section
G.1: “In-class assessments carried out during the last 14 calendar days of classes (as defined in the
Academic Schedule) may not total more than 15 per cent of the final grade, except in the case of
laboratory or oral testing, presentations or summative projects/papers.” Recorded presentations can
be a good alternative to synchronous scheduling of oral testing.

Q: Are in-class mini-quizzes (TopHat) allowed?

A: Yes, they are synchronous assessments, so these regulations apply. They require 15 min grace period
and alterative time accommodations.

Q:Can we have exam-free courses (projects, assignments only)?

A: Yes, there is no problem with having a course that has no timed assessments! We recommend some
course rules for accountability of individual students (for example, require reflection on what each
student contributed and/or learning)

Q: Can asynchronous assessments be open only over a weekend?

A: Asynchronous assessments can be open over the weekend, but they cannot be exclusively open over
the weekend. For example, an asynchronous assessment could be available from 8am Friday – 8am
Monday, but could NOT be available from 5pm Friday – 8am Monday.

Q: Do we need alternative times for asynchronous assessments

A: No, this is not required

Q: Do asynchronous exams still need a contingency plan?

A: Yes, the requirement for a contingency plan applies to both synchronous and asynchronous. Both
types of timed assessments also require a statement of when the instructor will be available for

Q: Are there limits on assessment numbers?

A: There are no specific regulations on this. We recommend bi-weekly assessments to encourage
students keeping up with material without overwhelming them with too many assessements.

Q: Can we have a template with pre-populated text?

A: Example wording is provided in the word doc “SSE Interpretation of Assessment Guidelines and
Criteria for Approvals” on the D2L shell Schulich Teaching and Learning under Content > Winter 2021
Timed Assessment Regulations.

Q: What is the difference between asynchronous assessment and homework assignment?

A: Only the time limit on an asynchronous assessment – that is, once a student starts the assessment,
they must finish and complete within a time frame. In a homework assignment, or 24 h take-home
exam, students have to opportunity to spend as long as they would like on the assessment, or even
leave and come back to their work. It is perfectly acceptable to give 24 hour homework assignment.

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Q: Can a synchronous assessment be given in a class that is scheduled to be asynchronous.
A: If a class is asynchronous (pre-recorded lectures), asynchronous assessments are the only option. This
is because there is no timetabled component in the student's schedule.

Q: Do asynchronous assessments have to align with class times?

A: No. We recommend 5pm-5pm for SSE courses to give some consistency for the students.

Q: Given that we have to specify assessment times, can we move assessments to avoid scheduling
A: No, in general. Changes for the student's benefit can be considered. We encourage you to coordinate
assessment times with other instructors in your cohort

Q: Can we run labs in Winter term

A: These new rules apply to timed assessments. Labs can be run the same way they were run in Fall
2020. Lab reports are still allowed. Optional in-person labs can be run as in Fall 2020

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