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Liberthereum will change the world through the concept of utilizing the
power of the Ethereum blockchain to create a new and unrivaled index
concept. Liberthereum has a smart vision for the future and we want you
to be involved. As you are aware, the crypto world has taken the planet by
storm over the last few years and is developing into one of the world's
major players within finance, business and investment.
This Whitepaper does not constitute public contributions. No regulatory
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offer by Liberthereum to purchase our Whitepaper. No such action has
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used to expand Liberthereum requirements, or rules have been
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Eligibility to participate in
Liberthereum token future sales event
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country of citizenship or residence.
Final decisions have not yet been
made in that regard but will be
announced well in advance of the
date on which the token will first be
made available for private and/or
This Whitepaper includes market and While Liberthereum has taken rea-
industry information and forecasts that sonable steps to ensure that the
have been obtained from internal information is extracted accurately
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any updates on the same.

Introduction .06

History of Index Funds .08

Project Overview .10

What Makes Us Unique .12

Token Parameters .13

Roadmap of Assets transfer .14

Marketing .15
A blockchain is, in the infrastructure cost. The of value separated from any
simplest of terms, a blockchain is a simple yet government-backed fiat
time-stamped series of ingenious way of passing currency, DeFi creates
immutable records of data information from A to B in a decentralized financial
that is managed by a cluster fully automated and safe instruments separated from
of computers not owned by manner. One party to a traditional centralized
any single entity. Each of transaction initiates the institutions.
these blocks of data (i.e. process by creating a block.
block) is secured and bound Although still small when
to each other using This block is verified by compared to the global
cryptographic principles (i.e. thousands, perhaps millions economy, DeFi has seen
chain). of computers distributed rapid growth in 2020.
around the net. The verified In early 2019, there was
So, what is so special block is added to a chain, only $275M of crypto
about it, and why are we which is stored across the collateral locked in the DeFi
saying that it has net, creating not just a economy. By February
industry-disrupting unique record, but a unique 2020, that number had
capabilities? record with a unique history. grown to $1B, and it has
The blockchain network has Falsifying a single record continued to grow
no central authority, it is the would mean falsifying the impressively throughout the
very definition of a entire chain in millions of year, hitting $2.5B in early
democratized system. Since instances. That is virtually July, $3B by mid-July and
it is a shared and immutable impossible. Bitcoin and $4B on 25 July.
ledger, the information in it is Ethereum uses this model This growth shows that
open for anyone and for monetary transactions, there is a significant interest
everyone to see. Hence, but it can be deployed in in DeFi from within the
anything that is built on the many other ways. crypto community, but it’s
blockchain is by its very Decentralized finance, also still a small enough sector
nature transparent and known as DeFi, is a that many outside the
everyone involved is fast-growing sector of the industry may not have heard
accountable for their actions. cryptocurrency industry. of DeFi yet. So, let’s look at
A blockchain carries no While cryptocurrency coins what DeFi is, and why it’s so
transaction cost, just an create a decentralized store exciting.

DeFi: What and why?

To be considered DeFi, a financial platform and paid back within a single transaction.
must have one or more decentralized These loans allow a user to borrow funds,
functions. These often take the form of using convert or trade them across different
distributed ledger technology (DLT) rather platforms and then pay back the amount
than storing records in a centralized fashion; borrowed, all in moments. Clever traders can
decentralized governance of the platform in use this to take advantage of market
the hands of the token holders rather than a fluctuations and make a fast profit.
ruling board; the use of decentralized
information feeds and uses algorithms to Much of the interest around DeFi has to do
determine things such as interest rates and with giving people more control over their
currency values. Most DeFi platforms take money, and more interesting ways to use it.
the form of decentralized apps, known as The centralized financial industry has long
dapps. These dapps use a series of smart excluded people of modest means, reserving
contracts to automate financial transactions, the best instruments for those with more
making them faster, more efficient, and often funds, and thus further increasing the wealth
more affordable than their centralized gap. Many DeFi projects aim to make
counterparts. Likewise, because dapps are investment and trading more accessible, with
governed by computer code, which is lower minimum investments and platforms
inherently neutral, there is no issue of bias. which are easy to use from any smartphone
Automation allows for some really interesting with an internet connection, regardless of your
financial instruments not seen in the geographical location.
traditional and centralized financial sector.
One such example are “flash loans”, a
unique form of loan that must be taken out
John C. Bogle founded the Vanguard Group of Investment Companies in 1974. He was
extremely critical of the standard mutual fund model, with its constant trading from security
to security in an attempt to capture “winners” and avoid “losers.” Bogle built his fortune
based on a different approach called indexing — creating an investment portfolio designed
to mirror one of the market’s broad yardsticks such as the S&P 500, the Dow Jones
Industrials, or the NASDAQ Composite. The rules governing the index fund reflect those
that govern the index and are stated in a clear, unbiased, and systematic manner. Portfolios
are balanced dynamically and automatically based on the source index’s own evolution,
eliminating the need for, and risks associated with, picking individual stocks based on the
biases of the fund manager. Though Bogle didn’t invent this approach, he popularized it
and became one of its leading proponents.
Actually, the original idea for the index fund is credited to Edward Renshaw and Paul
Feldstein, students at the University of Chicago, back in 1960. However, more than ten
years passed before the first index fund was actually created by Qualidex Fund, Inc. in
1972. It was described as “an open-end, diversified investment company whose investment
objective is to approximate the performance of the Dow Jones Industrial Stock Average.”
However, the small handful of index funds that were first offered around that time were designed
only for institutional investors, with individual investors specifically excluded. Bogle’s approach to
indexing, to some extent, democratized financial investments for the individual investor. His
indexed funds minimized the high costs associated with the constant active management of
investment portfolios, as well as the tax implications of these transactions. As Bogle himself tells
it, “In investing, you get what you don’t pay for. Costs matter, so intelligent investors will use
low-cost index funds to build a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds, and they will stay the
course. They won’t be foolish enough to think that they can consistently outsmart the market.”
Vanguard also managed its indexed funds at cost, meaning that it charged its investors
significantly lower fees than its competitors. The Vanguard Group currently has over $4.9 trillion in
assets under management.
Within the last few years, the crypto space has begun to borrow the concept of index funds from
Wall Street. In early 2017, as the crypto market finally matured enough to begin attracting
institutional investors, a number of investment funds and hedge funds emerged.
Two of the most common ways of constructing an index are the price-weighted index and the
capitalization-weighted index. The first includes an equal number of each coin in the portfolio, and
the index is calculated as the average between the individual prices of all the assets in the index.
Because of this, the higher-priced assets
affect the index more than the less-costly
ones. The Dow (DIJA) is an example of this
kind of index.
The capitalization-weighted index includes
assets in an amount proportional to their
market capitalization. Consequently, assets
with the largest market cap will affect the
index the most, even if their individual asset
price is low. The S&P 500 is a good example
of this kind of index. Keep in mind that with
either type of index, assets in the index funds
are allocated in the same proportion as in the
index itself.
In recent times, DeFi (Decentralized Finance) has become very
popular and the need for an index is growing due to the increased
level of maturity of the crypto market. Liberthereum will be
developed through the Ethereum blockchain in order to promote
protection and reach the best opportunities of the Defi system.
Liberthereum’s native token (LTH) is an ERC20 token and will
power the Liberthereum’s platform which is a secure portal for
people who believe in the future of decentralized finance.
Liberthereum will be based on the traditional index investment
model that was first popularized in the 1970s.

Those interested in having the LTH technology will have the

opportunity to acquire their units by participating in the community
( during the pre-sale period that commences on
January 10, 2021. The quantity available for purchase follows a
staggered chain of units, keeping limited amounts, progressing
from month to month.
Our model is the ability to get paid and valued, independence,
technical leadership, and risk-taking with a large broad-based
value-oriented agenda around what needs to happen for societal
progress. We want to build a functional and competent
organization. Our goal is to be a bridge to everyone and a solution
to important problems that improve the quality of life.
The community How it works?

Liberthereum has a community called LTH is backed by a basket of 10 main assets

GOETH, which aims to disseminate that make up the Defi environment (relevance
information about the cryptocurrencies and according to its market capitalization), among
mainly to bring the solution of decentralized them more solid assets and also more daring
finance to its network of supporters. All bets. Holders of LTH tokens will obtain an
participants in the GOETH community have average performance of these assets, in order
access to pre-sale of the tokens still in their to protect themselves from high volatility and
development process, the first units will even from the scam projects of the
begin shipping on January 10, 2022. decentralized finance network. The
composition of assets in the index and,
subsequently, LTH exposure, is rebalanced
monthly according to market relevance and
other factors, which include a variety of
requirements related to liquidity, security and
trading volume.

At Liberthereum, our expert team believes need for indices and funds will grow.
that the future of cryptocurrency is bright, Liberthereum has the potential to fill this
and that the total cryptocurrency market cap space. By launching the LTH coin via
shall grow significantly within the next few Ethereum’s blockchain technology, we are
years. Now, we are reaching a period of poised to quickly expand our peer-to-peer
maturation within the wider cryptocurrency usability. Finally, a commitment to legality and
industry, where many projects which were in transparency is very important to us, and as a
their early stages during the last bull market result we will continue to closely monitor and
phase are delivering real and tangible implement both national and international
disruption across a whole host of industries. regulatory requirements to make sure we
remain compliant as we grow.
Therefore, Liberthereum focuses on a wider
cross-sections of Decentralized Finance
projects in cryptocurrency. The crypto
market is growing and also businesses that
support the adoption of cryptocurrencies.
This shall increase availability of crypto
assets to a wider range of people through
exchanges and other venues, expediting
mass adoption. At the same time, it will also
make choosing and purchasing the best
crypto assets as part of a larger investment
portfolio more difficult than ever before.
Therefore, just like traditional markets, the

Token Name Liberthereum Token

Token Abbreviation LTH

Emission Rate No new coin will be created

Maximum Supply TBA

Token Network Ethereum (ERC20 extended)

Token Decimal TBA

The first units of LTH tokens will begin shipping in
January 2022 according to the pre-sale date of 2021.

10 January 2022: February 10, 2022:

Shipment of the first 25 LTHs Sending of the 50 LTHs purchased in
purchased in pre-sale from January pre-sale from February 10, 2021 to
10, 2021 to February 9, 2021; March 9, 2021;

March 10, 2022: April 10, 2022:

Shipment of 100 LTHs purchased Shipment of 200 LTHs purchased
in pre-sale from March 10, 2021 to in pre-sale from April 10, 2021 to
April 9, 2021; May 9, 2021;

May 10, 2022: June 10, 2022:

Shipment of 400 LTHs purchased Sending of 800 LTHs purchased in
in pre-sale from May 10, 2021 to the pre-sale from June 10, 2021 to
June 9, 2021; July 9, 2021;

July 10, 2022: August 10, 2022:

Sending of 1,600 LTHs purchased Shipment of 3,200 LTHs purchased
in pre-sale from July 10, 2021 to in pre-sale from August 10, 2021 to
August 9, 2021; September 9, 2021;

Liberthereum will make partnerships with several financial institutions
and blockchain companies to help promote its project globally.

Social Media Marketing:

Social media are an efficient marketing strategy for every industry. Liberthereum
will adopt all social media marketing strategy to help its project and services
carried out. The platforms that will be used for paid ads include Bing, Google,
Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and others.

Blockchain Events:
As a global project, Liberthereum will host several blockchain summits in various
continents of the world. These events will bring various crypto influencers together
and there by promoting our project.

In today’s businesses, word of mouth is the most efficient marketing strategy. We
will ensure our support offers 24/7 support to our customers and users of our token.
This is to help us maintain a high level of customer satisfaction. When customers
are satisfied, they give positive reviews about the project and this sky-rockets the
success of the project.

Blockchain Forums:
Cryptocurrency forums today serves as a major tool for promotion. Forums like
Bitcointalk have great influence on every blockchain project. Our project will be
listed on various cryptocurrency forums, this is to help us get a good target
audience, partners and investors to our project. These forums give room for asking
questions and also getting positive replies from the owners of the project.

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