2021-10-26 - Men of The Reformation (3) John Calvin - Theologian of The Reformation (HO)

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The doctrine of justification by faith as mere license to sin – Luther’s doctrine

John Calvin: Theologian of the Reformation does not yet fully address the relationship with sanctification
October 26, 2021 3. Reformers are “enemies of Christian unity and peace”, heretics who departed
Note: Sadolet allured them by saying that pardon & redemption through the Ch
1 Timothy 3:16 = Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was ➢ Therefore, no opinion and authority outside the Roman Catholic Church
manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed ➢ Faithful Catholics can rest their souls on the 1500 years of historic church
among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory. Reply 1539
Review: A decade after Worms, Protestantism needed a new leader – John Calvin Note: The Genevans, with their leadership, asked Calvin to respond to Sadolet’s tract
➢ Of all the great theologians of ch. history, none is more vilified & misrepresented 1. He reluctantly defended his innocence and other reformers about their motives
➢ He guided Geneva, making it the European Reformation center: post tenebras lux Note: Calvin argued that their Protestantism only made their situation worse
Point: The example of Calvin showed the world that the Reformation is a legitimate 2. Calvin defended the doctrine of justification by explaining its relationship to
option and a stable religion for those who reject the Catholic Church sanctification… justification is unavailable through good works
Reformed Position: Justification is by faith alone, but a faith that is not alone
“The Theologian” 3. Calvin asserted that the Reformers were more in agreement with the ancient ch.
Note: With the many gifts and accomplishments of John Calvin, the title that was Note: This is evident when the Scripture, and not tradition, would be the tool
attached to his name in his lifetime was that from Melanchthon – The Theologian Point: The Reformation was not a departure to the historic ch., but a return to it!
➢ Since writing the Institutes of the Christian Religion in 1536, it became evident Lessons
that the 26-year-old Calvin will be the intellectual leader of the Reformation 1. The Reply successfully shows that the Reformation was not just a complaint
➢ Combined with his successful and steady leadership in Geneva, Calvin did not against the abuses of the church, but the rejection of the Catholic faith
only reform his city, but became the greatest Reformed thinker of his time 2. The Reply revealed to us that the Reformation’s end point is to worship God as
Point: Calvin is a shining example that the best theologians are pastors of real flock His people according to what He only prescribed in His Word
Beware: Pastors who refuse to deal with theology.
A pastor is always a public theologian Calvin and Michael Servetus
Note: He was a Spanish Radical who mocked the doctrine of Trinity and called it “a
Calvin and Worship three-headed monster”
Note: One of the primary matters Calvin reformed in Geneva was the public worship ➢ Arrested & condemned to death for heresy in Vienne; escaped to Geneva in 1553
➢ Calvin believed nothing should be done in worship unless the NT authorized it ➢ Genevan authorities captured him & condemned him (not only Calvin) to death
➢ Therefore, he rejected most of the ritual of medieval Catholic worship – images, ➢ Protestants and Catholics at that time, including Servetus, believed that heretics
candles, and robes must be punished
➢ Emphasized the importance of congregational singing of hymns, esp. the Psalms ➢ While Calvin agreed to his conviction (as everyone will be by then), he tried to
➢ The Puritans of the 17th century would follow this, giving it the name regulative change the method (from burning to a less-horrifying means)
principle of worship (worship based not only on what is not forbidden, but on ➢ He was rebuked by his colleague for being soft… thus, Servetus was burned at
what is only commanded) the stake on Oct 17
Point: NT worship must be centered on the preaching of the Word and the person Obs.: The Servetus execution is seen as a blight upon Calvin, calling him murderer
and work of Christ Proposed Attitude: Yes, it is wrong – but all of them then believed that heresy is a
Beware: The many programs and gimmicks in worship today are more of a crime against God and society… this was a case of being children of one’s age!
distraction, rather than a help, to Christ-centered preaching and worship
This simple pattern of worship is one of the legacies Calvin’s Achievements
of the Reformation that must be recovered 4. He provided and led the Reformed Churches with a pure, deep, and steady
Calvin and Cardinal Sadoleto theology in his preaching and publications
Note: On Mar 18,1539, after Calvin was expelled in Geneva, Jacopo Sadoleto, RC 5. He gave the world an “Exhibit A” of his theology – Geneva – which embraced
archbishop of Carpentras, wrote to the city to persuade them to return to Rome the Reformed faith and tried to practice it in life and in their society
➢ The appeal was full of flatteries, calling “dear children” back to Mother Ch. ➢ The city and the citizenry were one of most advanced in terms of theology,
who is “weeping & lamenting at being deprived of so many dear children” education, and post-Medieval jurisprudence
➢ No one in Geneva had risen to respond to the challenge… perhaps no one could ➢ The Geneva Academy attracted immigrants bec. it charged no tuition while
Accusations: Sadoleto used his scholarly prowess to pin down the Reformation providing the best and premium Reformation education
1. The Reformers are only driven by “ambition, avarice, love of popular applause, 6. He made the Reformed faith into an international & “missionary” movement
inward fraud and malice” for their reformatory work… Note: The RCC has used their missionary efforts as a card to discredit the
Reformation movement as a nonmissionary endeavor that was unapostolic
Point: Calvin’s theology of the victorious gospel advance pushed him to extend
the gospel to any place in Europe and beyond when there is an opportunity
➢ His Geneva Academy trained men to be missionaries esp for his native France
➢ Through his print media, he helped in the evangelization of the whole Europe
➢ He had also the rare ministry of evangelizing Christian rulers & magistrates
through correspondence; e.g. Jeanne d’Albret (1528–1572) of Navarre

Calvin as a Rare Man

As Theologian: No equal when it comes to the interrelatedness of scope of Scripture
1. Biblical: He refused to go beyond what is written, confining Himself w/ the Word
2. Theologian of the Holy Spirit: He was the first to see the rightful place of the
Spirit in redemption
➢ He has successfully integrated the Spirit in every area of his theology
➢ Warfield: The doctrine of the Holy Spirit is a gift from Calvin to the church.
3. Vision of God’s Majesty: Calvinism was nothing but an awe-filled and
worshipful view of God
As a Scholar: His extra-ordinary orderly mind made him excel at clarification,
organization and brevity
As an Expositor: The greatest exegete of the Reformation… he had expositions of
most of the OT and the whole NT except Rev. – still being used today by many
Note: Calvin’s pulpit in St. Peter’s became the well of Reformation publications that
guided the Protestant churches, feeding both the laymen and the pastors & leaders
➢ He preached 3x each Lord’s Day (twice at St. Peter’s & weekly rotation in other)
➢ This schedule required 5 sermons each week or 20 each month…
Point: For Calvin, the primary pastoral task is the faithful exposition of the Word

The life and theology of Calvin calls us to utilize

every single gift or skill God has given us for His glory!

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