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Insight into the world of work 3

The year that was 3

What to expect in the year ahead 4

2020 - the year where flexibility came to the forefront 5

Is a pay rise in your future? 7

Upskilling needs to be a priority 9

Permanent Vs Temporary Staffing Solutions 11

It’s time for a restructure 13

Accounting & Finance 15

Banking & Finance 17

Call Centre 19

Education 21

Government 23

Health Care 25

Human Resources 27

Manufacturing & Operations 29

Office Support 31

Retail 33

Sales, Events & Marketing 35

Trades 37

Transport & Logistics 39


Insight into the

world of work
Our annual workplace survey gathers insights from employers and employees nationally. This
feedback informs us of what has impacted Australian workers in 2020 and what significant
changes businesses will be making in the world of work in the coming 12 months. In the
following pages, you will uncover learnings to assist you in your career journey or business
planning for 2021.

The year that was

The past year has been one that no one has ever experienced before. The effects of Covid-19
on the health of our population as well as the economy has been significant. Workplaces
around Australia changed rapidly in March when we experienced our first full lock down as
a country. Many people lost their jobs altogether, others were able to pivot and work from
home, and for most people it was disruptive and uncertain.

In June, Victoria was the epicentre of Australia’s second wave and Melbourne went into
lockdown again for 111 days, enforcing home confinement, travel restrictions and closing
stores and restaurants.

Throughout the year Australia’s unemployment rate hit a high of 7.5% in July, up from
5.2% in July 2019. Youth unemployment skyrocketed to 14.5% in September 2020, up from
12.06% in 2019. Research from Roy Morgan into the impact of COVID-19 on Australia’s
employment market shows 70% of working Australians had ‘a change to their employment’
due to the pandemic.

What to expect
in the year ahead
Whilst employment opportunities did slow down during the height of the pandemic, we are
now seeing an increase in job ads across Australia. Job ads now on par with what they were

The outlook for 2021 is promising.

Whilst jobs in the Professional Services Sector have been slower to recover, we are seeing
jobs growth in Healthcare, Transport & Logistics, Trades and Construction, Manufacturing and
Retail. Whilst roles in these sectors will be in demand in 2021, we are also expecting a high
volume of job candidates especially after March once the Government support ends. Because
of this there will be an increase in competition for jobs due to a candidate rich market.

2020 - the year where

flexibility came to the forefront.
During this year, employees experienced a lot of changes in their workplace and work
patterns. 32% of those we surveyed said their hours changed due to Covid-19 and 40% of
them are keeping these hours moving forward. 44% said this change in hours was due to their
employer’s request.

Further, our research indicated that 70% of workplaces gave employees access to flexible
work arrangements this past year and 65% of employees we surveyed now have a flexible
work arrangement in place.

With many jobs lost during the year, it is not surprising that 45% of those surveyed indicated
that they changed jobs in 2020, with 50% saying this change was due to Covid-19. However,
whilst 78% of respondents say job security has become more important post Covid-19,
62% are actively looking for a new job and 60% of these people want to work in an entirely
different industry.

Have your hours changed since Covid-19?

Yes 32%
No 68%

Has job security become more important to you now that Covid-19 has
impacted the world of work?

Yes 78%
No 22%

Are you actively looking for a new job? Do you currently have a flexible working

Yes 62% Yes 65%

No 38% No 35%

Did you change jobs in 2020? If yes was this due to Covid-19?

Yes 45% Yes 51%

No 55% No 49%

Is a pay rise in your future?

For many people wanting to ask for a pay rise, doing so during a global pandemic didn’t seem
like the right thing to do. 38% of respondents did plan on asking for a pay rise in 2020 but
didn’t due to Covid-19. However, 61% are not happy with their current salary and 65% plan
on asking for a pay rise in 2021.

In good news for employees, 70% of workplaces are planning to increase salaries in 2021 and
34% said they planned to increase salaries during 2020 but were unable to given the impact
of Covid-19.

55% of workplaces kept salaries the same throughout 2020, whilst 35% increased salaries.

Will your business increase salaries in 2021?

32% No

47% Yes - increase by less than 3%

18% Yes - increase between 3% - 7%

3% Yes - increase by over 7%

No 78%

Did you ask for a

pay rise in 2020?

Yes 22%

If no, did you plan on asking for a pay rise Will you ask for a pay rise in 2021?
in 2020 but Covid-19 prevented you from
doing so?

Yes 38% Yes 65%

No 62% No 35%

Are you currently happy with your salary?

Yes 39%
No 61%

Upskilling needs to
be a priority
From our previous research we know that people lose 40% of their skills every three years,
meaning unless they upskill their current skill set will be irrelevant in the job market within
8-10 years.

In the fast-paced changing world, there is no time to waste. Each one of us, individually,
bears some responsibility for advancing our skills to remain competitive. 41% of businesses we
surveyed indicated that they are currently experiencing a skills gap in their business and 52%
report that they do have budget allocated for upskilling and reskilling existing employees.

However, 79% of employees we surveyed believe their current skills will still be in demand in 5
years’ time and 49% of those, are not currently upskilling at all.

Now, more than ever, employers are looking for people with digital skills who can help take
their organisations into the future. The pandemic has shined a light on what was already
a widening skills gap – a gap that will need to be closed with even greater urgency to
accelerate economic recovery.

What percentage of your workforce did you upskill/retrain in 2020?

30% No one was upskilled

24% Less than 5%

18% Between 5% - 10%

9% Between 10% - 15%

19% Over 15%


Is your business currently Does your business have budget allocated

experiencing a skills gap? to upskilling existing employees?

Yes 41% Yes 52%

No 40% No 28%

Unsure 19% Unsure 20%

Do you believe your current skills will still Are you currently upskilling to ensure you
be in demand in five years’ time? stay relevant?

Yes 79% Yes 51%

No 7% No 49%

Unsure 14%

Permanent Vs Temporary
Staffing Solutions
Temporary staffing solutions were in most demand during 2020 as it allowed businesses to
increase or decrease their staff requirements based on the current needs of the business. In
2020 we found that 38% of businesses decreased permanent staff levels, with 15% expecting
a further decrease in 2021. However, we will see permanent staff levels increase in 2021 as
41% of businesses expect to increase permanent staff in their business moving forward.

73% of businesses indicated that they hired temporary staffing during 2020 and 30% plan on
increasing their temporary staffing levels even further in 2021.

Did your permanent staff levels change in 2020?

29% Increased

38% Decreased

33% Stayed the same

Do you expect your permanent staff levels to change in 2021?

41% Increased

15% Decreased

44% Stay the same


Do you employ temporary staff in your business?

35% Yes - they are a key part of our workforce

38% Yes - sometimes for specific projects or busy periods

27% No

In 2021 do you expect your temporary staff levels to change?

30% Increased

10% Decreased

60% Stay the same


It’s time for a restructure

Businesses in various sectors have been forced to temporarily close to stem the spread of the
virus and to adapt their normal working arrangements because of increased occupational
safety and health measures.

Even when governments act quickly, many businesses still face the risk of going out of
business and millions of workers have already lost their jobs. The uncertainty surrounding the
duration of the pandemic and the decline in economic activity is likely to force many firms to
restructure to try to save their operations.

42% of businesses we surveyed already have or are restructuring due to changing business
needs with 45% saying it was due to the need to be a more flexible workforce, 38% due to
digitisation and 38% due to Covid-19.

Our research also indicated that 56% of workplaces used the disruption of Covid-19 as an
opportunity to transform their business with 72% improving the digitisation of their business
and 52% introducing new or better operating systems. 35% introduced a new product or
services to their business offering.

Did you use 2020 and the distruption of Covid-19 as an

opportunity to transform your business?

Yes 56%
No 44%

If yes, what key projects did you undertake?

Respondents can select more than one

72% Improved the digitisation

of the business

35% Introduced a new product or service

52% Introduced new or better operating procedures

25% Reduced the business physical footprint


Are you currently restructuring your organisation or considering

a restructure to keep up with changing needs?

42% Yes we are currently restructuring

27% Yes we will be restructuring in 2021

31% No

What is driving the need Requirement of a more

flexible workforce
to restructure?
Respondents can select more than one



Impact of
Acquisition 6% 38% Covid-19

8% 32%
8% Change in
skills required
Outsourcing 32%

Accounting & Finance


Occupation Low High

Accounts Officer/Clerk 55,000 65,000

Accounts Payable 60,000 70,000

Accounts Receivable Credit Officer 65,000 75,000

Assistant Accountant 65,000 75,000

Audit, Risk and Operational Review 110,000 170,000

Bookkeeper 70,000 85,000

Business Analysis, Planning and Strategy 90,000 150,000

Chief Financial Officer 170,000 290,000

Commercial Manager 115,000 270,000

Credit Manager 90,000 140,000

Divisional Accountant 90,000 155,000

Finance Accountant 90,000 160,000

Finance Manager 115,000 200,000

Finance Officer 60,000 75,000

Financial Accountant 95,000 140,000

Financial Controller 120,000 190,000

Group Accountant 100,000 165,000

Insolvency and Corporate Recovery 105,000 170,000

Internal Auditor 115,000 175,000

Management Accountant 100,000 150,000

Management Accountant (CA/CPA) 105,000 155,000

Payroll Manager 90,000 130,000

Payroll Officer 65,000 85,000

Payroll Team Leader  75,000 90,000

Product Control 100,000 140,000

Product Control Manager 140,000 170,000

Project Accountant 100,000 150,000

Regulatory Accountant 135,000 170,000

Senior Tax Accountant 100,000 140,000

Systems Accountant 100,000 165,000

Tax Accountant 90,000 120,000

Tax Manager 155,000 225,000

Treasury Accountant 90,000 165,000


Banking & Finance


Occupation Low High

Business Bankers 73,440 102,000

Compliance Mangers 85,000 98,000

Credit Risk Analysts 88,740 122,400

Operations Manager 74,460 120,000

Private Bankers 78,000 120,000

Product Manager 71,400 94,860

Relationship Managers 76,500 99,960

Risk Analysts 99,960 96,900

Senior Finance Lawyer 78,540 107,100

Senior Credit Analyst 71,400 94,860

Senior Investment Banker 78,540 130,000

Senior Product Manager 78,540 96,900


Call Centre

Occupation Low High

Call Centre Management 85,000 163,200

Call Coach/Quality Assurance 55,000 79,560

Collections (Inbound and Outbound) 55,000 68,000

Customer Service (Inbound) 55,000 65,000

Help Desk Operator 60,000 85,000

Operations Management 115,000 180,000

Sales and Service (Inbound) 50,000 70,000

Sales and Service (Outbound) 55,000 75,000

Team Leader 70,000 105,000

Telesales (Outbound) 53,040 69,360

Trainer 75,480 107,100

Workforce Management and Planner 90,000 125,000



Occupation Low High

Associate Professor 135,000 150,960

Childcare Worker 41,000 66,300

Early Childhood Area Manager 86,000 150,000

Early Childhood Teacher 55,000 87,000

Enrolment Manager 77,000 120,360

Head of Department 94,000 150,000

IT Security Specialist 87,000 105,000

Lecturer 102,000 167,280

Primary School Teacher 60,000 103,000

Principal 105,000 185,000

Deputy Principal 106,080 160,000

Secondary School Teacher 58,000 120,000

Tutor 45,000 75,480



Low High Low High Low High

Records & Information Management 61,000 77,000 70,000 105,000 67,000 95,000

Procurement Specialists 80,000 120,000 87,000 115,000 84,000 159,000

Tender Specialists 72,000 115,000 90,000 110,000 84,000 117,000

Grant Administration 75,000 95,000 75,000 95,000 84,000 95,000

Policy & strategy 66,000 133,000 48,000 78,000 96,000 159,000

Communications 66,000 163,000 48,000 78,000 76,000 117,000

Policy Program Managers 92,000 153,000 65,000 158,000 96,000 139,000

Regulatory Advisors 92,000 122,000 48,000 87,000 76,000 107,000

Research & Data Analysts 70,000 120,000 48,000 97,000 84,000 139,000

Executive Officers 92,000 128,000 110,000 120,000 84,000 117,000

Ministerial Liaison Officer 87,000 102,000 73,000 79,000 67,000 95,000

Secretariat Officer 65,000 102,000 75,000 95,000 84,000 95,000

Investigations Officers 63,000 95,000 72,000 85,000 84,000 117,000

Human Resources 56,000 133,000 60,000 110,000 67,000 107,000

Project Manager 75,000 170,000 85,000 135,000 96,000 159,000

Low High Low High Low High

Records & Information Management 42,000 85,000 46,000 66,000 46,000 56,000

Procurement Specialists 61,000 77,000 55,000 80,000 60,000 75,000

Tender Specialists 65,000 90,000 80,000 110,000 77,000 112,000

Grant Administration 70,000 90,000 70,000 83,000 75,000 95,000

Policy & strategy 59,000 78,000 66,000 92,000 75,000 92,000

Communications 66,000 97,000 77,000 92,000 87,000 95,000

Policy Program Managers 67,000 78,000 92,000 110,000 87,000 112,000

Regulatory Advisors 59,000 78,000 82,000 100,000 87,000 118,000

Research & Data Analysts 52,000 64,000 66,000 82,000 71,000 82,000

Executive Officers 63,000 86,000 77,000 120,000 85,000 110,000

Ministerial Liaison Officer 52,000 64,000 66,000 92,000 85,000 100,000

Secretariat Officer 80,000 115,000 82,000 97,000 82,000 91,000

Investigations Officers 90,000 155,000 90,000 140,000 87,000 135,000

Human Resources 90,000 150,000 85,000 118,000 90,000 112,000

Project Manager 90,000 160,000 92,000 133,000 87,000 143,000


Health Care

Occupation Low High

Aged Care - Care Manager 90,000 120,000

Aged Care - Enrolled Nurse 50,000 75,000

Aged Care - Facility Manager 120,000 150,000

Aged Care - Nurse Unit Manager 90,000 120,000

Aged Care - Registered Nurse 70,000 90,000

Aged Care - Support Worker 42,500 58,000

Case Worker 45,000 80,000

Clinical Care Coordinator 80,000 110,000

Clinical Manager 90,000 120,000

Clinical Practice Consultant 92,000 120,500

Community Service Manager 119,000 138,000

Director of Nursing 120,000 150,000

Director of Clinical Services 150,000 175,000

Midwife 55,000 96,000

Occupational Therapist 75,000 105,000

Physiotherapist 75,000 98,000

Program Director 100,000 125,000

Program Manager 62,500 115,000

Psychologist 80,000 115,000

Radiographer 50,000 105,000

Social Worker 70,000 95,000

Speech Pathologist 76,500 97,000


Human Resources

Occupation Low High

Change Manager 95,000 155,000

Human Resource Officer 55,000 75,000

Human Resources Generalist 70,000 90,000

Human Resources Manager 95,000 185,000

Remuneration Analyst/Consultant 60,000 80,000

Talent Acquisition Specialist 85,000 120,000

Work Health & Safety Manager 94,000 155,000

Work Health & Safety Officer 72,000 95,000


Manufacturing and

Occupation Low High

Automotive Production Workers 40,800 48,960

Food Process Workers 40,800 48,960

Maintenance Managers 102,000 147,900

Operations Managers 132,600 173,400

Packaging Specialists 47,940 59,160

Packers 40,800 48,960

Plant Manager 102,000 142,800

Process Workers 40,800 48,960

Procurement Analyst 53,040 76,500

Procurement Manager 76,500 106,080

Production Managers 132,600 153,000

Production planner 53,040 66,300

Production Superintendent 81,600 96,900

Quality and Safety Officer 47,940 59,160

Quality Assurance Coordinators 86,700 102,000

Quality Control Manager 102,000 127,500

Quality Managers 102,000 127,500

Stock Picker 45,900 48,960

Team Leaders 65,000 95,000

Technical Manager Operations 96,900 122,400


Office Support

Occupation Low High

Administration 55,000 75,000

Business Support 65,000 87,720

Data Entry Operator 45,000 65,000

Executive Assistant 80,000 145,000

IT Support 60,180 83,640

Office Manager 65,000 94,860

Operations Manager 95,000 140,000

Personal Assistants 55,000 84,660

Project Administrator 69,360 85,680

Receptionist 55,000 70,000

Sales Support 57,120 73,440

Secretaries 61,200 87,720

Senior Office Support 77,000 99,960

Senior Office Support/Team Leader 85,000 95,000

Website Support 53,040 74,460



Occupation Low High

Junior Buyer 80,000 100,000

Senior Buyer 100,000 150,000

Sales Assistant 47,000 53,000

Senior Sales Assistant 53,000 65,000

Supervisor, Small Business 50,000 65,000

Supervisor, Large Business 55,000 70,000

Assistant Store Manager, Small Business 54,000 60,000

Assistant Store Manager, Large Business 65,000 85,000

Store Manager, Small Business 60,000 80,000

Store Manager, Large Business 85,000 130,000

Area Manager 75,000 115,000

National Manager 105,000 145,000


Sales, Events
& Marketing

Occupation Low High

Advertising Executive 81,600 99,960

Advertising Manager 93,840 200,000

Brand Manager 80,000 120,000

Campaign Manager 89,760 107,100

Digital Producer 75,480 97,920

Direct Marketing Manager 75,480 130,560

Event Coordinator 55,000 78,000

Event Manager 75,480 112,200

Market Analysis Manager 56,100 75,480

Market Research Analysts 60,000 75,480

Market Research Manager 85,680 120,360

Marketing Assistant 55,000 74,863

Marketing Coordinator 69,360 79,560

Marketing Director 165,000 245,000

Marketing Executive 75,480 99,960

Marketing Manager 95,000 145,000

Online Marketing Manager 93,840 143,820

Product Manager 94,860 107,100

Product Planner 56,100 75,480

Public Relations Admin. 47,000 57,120

Public Relations Director 116,280 158,100

Public Relations Manager 85,680 130,560

Senior Marketing Manager 140,000 210,000

User Experience Manager 93,840 129,540

Website Manager 99,960 137,700



Occupation Low High

Advanced Rigger 85,000 110,000

Advanced Scaffolder 60,000 85,000

Auto Electrician 69,000 82,000

Boilermakers 69,000 82,000

Cabinet Maker 58,000 70,000

Carpenters 65,000 95,000

CNC Machinist 55,000 70,000

Concreters 60,000 80,000

Diesel/Heavy Vehicle Mechanic 69,000 110,000

Drillers 70,000 95,000

Electrical Fitters 70,000 95,000

Formwork Carpenters 65,000 95,000

Maintenance Electrician 90,000 102,000

Maintenance Fitters 70,000 90,000

Mechanical Fitters 70,000 90,000

Mechatronics Specialists 80,000 120,000

Motor Mechanic 60,000 75,000

Panel Beater 66,000 91,000

Pipe Fitter/Layer 60,000 85,000

Pump Technician 69,000 79,000

Service Technician 60,000 85,000

Sheet Metal Trades 60,000 75,000

Shopfitter 85,000 120,000

Spray painter 65,000 89,000

Steel Fixers 55,000 80,000

Trade Assistants 50,000 60,000

Utilities Lineman 90,000 150,000

Welders 59,000 65,000


Transport and Logistics


Occupation Low High

Account Manager 102,000 127,500

Branch Manager 100,000 150,000

Distribution Manager 117,300 153,000

Export Clerks 40,000 55,000

Import Clerks 40,000 55,000

Logistics Managers 90,000 150,000

Logistics Operations Manager 90,000 135,000

Stock Admin. 40,000 55,000

Storeperson 40,000 55,000

Supply Chain Director 163,200 209,100

Supply Chain Manager 132,600 224,400

Transport coordinator 50,000 70,000

Transport Manager 100,000 137,700

Transport Operations Manager 90,000 130,000

Warehouse Manager 80,000 130,000

Adelaide Clayton Newcastle

Albury/Wodonga Acacia Ridge Parramatta

Bathurst Darwin Perth

Blackburn Derrimut Rockhampton

Brisbane Hendra Sydney City

Canberra Melbourne City

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