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A System Integration and Architecture Proposal

Presented to the

Information Technology Education Faculty

Legacy College of Compostela

Compostela, Davao de Oro

In Partial Fulfilment

Of the

Requirement for the Degree in

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


Charmel P. Camposo

Kate C. Pendon

Hanna Gladys A. Sala

October 2021


Chapter I – Introduction …………………………………....………………….………….….3

1.1 background of the Study.……………………………………….………..………..3

1.2 statement of the problem…………………………………….……….….………..4

1.3 Objective of the study.……………………………………….………..…………. 5

1.4 significance of the study ………………………………………...………………..5

1.5 scope and limitation ……………….……………………………………..……….6

1.6 Definition of Terms ………………….…………………………………………....6

Chapter II - Review of related literature that the and studies ..…………………………...… 8

2.1 Related Literature ……………………………………………………………..… 8

2.2 Related studies …………………………………………………………………... 8

Chapter III - Presentation and Analysis of existing System ……………………………..….10

3.1 The existing System ………………………………………………….………….10

3.2 Scope …………………………………………………………………………….10

3.3 Conceptual Flow Diagram of the Existing System ……………….……………..10

3.4 Problem Analysis of the Existing System …………………………..…………...11

3.5 Data flow diagram of the existing System …………………….………………...11

Chapter IV - The Proposed System ………………………….…………………………...... 12

4.1 Project Planning ……………………………………….….……………………. 12

4.2 Gantt Chart ……………………………………….……….……………………. 12

4.3 Use Case Diagram …………………………………..…….……………………. 13

4.4 Context Flow Diagram of the Proposed System ……………...…………………14

4.5 Data Flow Diagram of the Proposed System ………………..…………………. 15

Chapter V – References …………………………………………….………..…………….. 16


Appendix A - Company Letter………………………………………………...……….. 17

Appendix B - Letter to the Grammarian……………………………………….....…….. 18

Appendix C - Letter to the IT Consultant…………………………………….……..….. 19

Appendix D - Survey Forms Output……………………………………….………..….. 20

Appendix E - Sample Forms……………………………………………..………..……. 21

Appendix F - Photo Gallery……………………………………………..………..…….. 24



[Kate] Nowadays, in a highly technological society, human work is made more

efficient through the development of various kinds of applications. The invention of
technology in schools is very useful not only to the students, faculty and staff but also to the
administration. The use of technology maximizes the ability and knowledge of the students
to come up with better solutions in improving the daily transactions of the institution.

[Hans] The library is regarded as the brain of any educational institution. Many
institutes understand the importance of the library to the growth of the schools and their
esteemed users. Library resources are considered as assets of the institution for this is one
of the sources of learning for the students. Thus, it is important to have organized and
proper management of these resources to cater for the needs of the learner. [1] The purpose
of the library is to enrich and develop subject areas of informal education by providing the
informal needs of the students and faculty like materials and referrals. The librarian is the
one who manages the responsibilities such as acquisition, classification, cataloguing and
maintenance of the library documents and resources. Most of the library operates a manual
system, but because of the increasing library users and resources, the librarian encounters
problems in the library operation. [Charmel] The involvement of the computer is now
introduced to solve library problems. Institutions nowadays are accepting the use of
computers and computer systems as the business solution and to improve services. A
library management system is a term for a computer-based system that manages the
catalogue of a library. The main purpose of this system is to manage library daily operations
efficiently. Library Management System provides solutions to school library operations ,
organizing and borrowing books according to subjects. [12]

Global Setting

[Hans] In the past year history of Tanzania (a country of East Africa), as in
many developing countries, the new phenomenon is library automation though some
notable progress has been made thus far.

The first and oldest university in Tanzania was the University of Dar es
Salaam and the first to automate its library functions in the early 1990s. At that point,
different colleges went with the same pattern in 1991-2000 (30%), 2001-2010 (43%) and
2011-2014 (26%). The results reveal that although library automation is a new phenomenon
in Tanzania, public university libraries have registered good progress in automation as they
have partially automated some of their functions. By 2010, the library automation process
had reached a high percentage of 43%. [11]

National Setting

[Kate] The De La Salle University-Manila has a physical dominant library which is

accessed by seven academic units namely, College of Business and Economics, College of
Computer Studies, College of Education, College of Engineering, College of Liberal Arts,
College of Science and Graduate School of Business. The University library has an average
potential patron of about 3,000 graduate and post-graduate students, 480 full-time faculty
members and 365 part-time faculty members. It provides more than 10,000 periodicals,
95% of which are accessed electronically.

In 1999 the T- series System was run successfully and has only the basic
functionalities. The Millennium Library Automated System is an innovation that all replaces
the current system.

During the early part of the school year, 1994-1995 a need assessment
survey was conducted. The results confirmed the need to establish an integrated Library
System including automated circulation.

The DLSU Millennium Library System Implementation project formally kicked
off on February 11, 2004. Some specifications were determined, reviewed, and tested.
Presently, the primary concern of the DLSU library is the full operation of the newly installed
system covering the functionality of acquisition, cataloguing, circulation, serials, report
generation, and system management. The positive feedback from internal and external
customers is encouraging. [2]

Local Setting

[Charmel] 4 out of 5 schools in Poblacion, Compostela, Compostela Davao De

Oro are using a computerized but not fully automated library system because of its
geographical location and less in priority when it comes to the investment of the state-of-
the-art technological systems. Legacy College Of Compostela, caters to more or less 800
students who use the library. The library of the campus consists of different books that are
categorized into various types. Because of the complexity, the librarian cannot perform its
job conveniently. It affects the productivity of the librarian on its performance. For this
reason, the proponents proposed the library management system to Legacy College Of
Compostela. The proposed system is aimed to enhance the procedures of the library from
manually operated to computerized systems. The system’s purpose is to ease the
transaction in the library, lending of books, storing of books, a search engine for books,
inventory of books, managing members of the library and securing the library system.


The proponents found the following problems of the existing manual system of the school


1. There is limited access to books in the library. [Limited access on checking the
availability of the books

As the current situation arises due to COVID, school limits the patrons’ access
in the library, transportation and visit become a hassle not knowing the books are available
or not, and it can cause risk to the patron and the staff.


2. Difficulty in updating out-dated books (Difficulty in monitoring out-dated library


Books that are more than 5 years old are replaced or updated, and the
institution needs to have the report of those out-dated books, however, the staff has a hard
time getting the reports promptly as they have to check each of the accession books


3. Data manipulation in the borrowers’ card.

There is data manipulation in the borrower's card since the patron is the one who

writes the book details and dates on the borrowers’ card.




The objective of the study was to develop a computerized library system that will store the
patrons' records such as the patron's basic information, borrower record and inventory of
books. To be specific, it attempted to satisfy the following objectives:


1. To develop a system that allows patrons to check the book's availability at their own
convenient time. [To develop an online system for the Patrons to check the book
status at any time.]


2. To develop a system that will monitor the detailed reports on library holdings. [to
develop a task that will po]
[ Monitoring the out-dated books is time consuming - develop a system that provide
the details of outdated books accordingly as it will be [ BARCODE] NEED A BARCODE



3. To develop a system that will secure records in the library.






[Hans] The LCC Library Management System will effectively address the problems of the
school’s library system. It is a big contributing factor to the overall success of the school.
The following will be the beneficiaries of the proposed system.


The librarian can produce timely reports and inventory of library materials. It will
help the librarian to work easily and to increase efficiency in monitoring book circulation.


The teachers will be able to inquire and reserve books easily by having the web-
based Library with its fast and convenient transactions.



The student will be given a better library service by having the web-based system to
help find books, receiving updates on the new books and reservation of books.


Legacy College Compostela

The Institution will be notified and be updated with the inventory reports regarding
tracing outdated books.

Future researchers

The research information will serve as a guide and reference for future researchers
and studies.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

[Hans] The LCC Web-Based Library Management System will be accessible online
and will automate the library operation. There will be an automated inventory of books
and monitoring of book status. By providing the information required, patrons can create
an account to the said system, once the account is already set up, they can access their
respective library accounts which can be used in viewing or recording their details and to
check the availability of the book they wish to get and request for reservation at any time.
Patrons will receive an SMS notification reminding the books due dates. Borrowed books
and borrowers will be monitored. The system will have additional features about
implementing penalties and fines for lost books and borrowed books. It will also send
notification of the borrower's due date that will notify the librarian and patrons. It is
equipped with system security to secure the information of the library using a password.
The admin of the system will also have its scope in manipulating the system’s
environment to ensure the library system information confidentiality and avoid deletion
of data. In addition, the librarian is the only one who can add a library staff account which
allows the staff to login into the system. Furthermore, the librarian manages the
inventory of books. The library staff will only entertain borrowing, returning and adding
new books. Viewing library patrons are also part of the privileges of the library staff. The
system will also automatically add an archive record for inactive patrons. Inventory, library
holdings, out-dated books and penalty collections are the reports that the system can

[Kate] LCC Web-based Library Management System is only intended and designed
for the library operation of the Legacy College of Compostela and its library users. The
system is not capable of scanning codes like barcodes and QR codes for a borrower card. In
a borrowing transaction, if the student borrowed three books, the student cannot borrow
another book until they return the borrowed book.

1.6 Definition of Terms

Conceptual definition

● [Hans] Loaning of Books - The borrowing and returning of books.

● Book Status – Monitoring the availability and remaining items in the bookshelves.

● [Kate] Borrower’s Record – Shows the information of the designated borrowers and
the borrowed book details.

● Inventory Report – This report is a summary of the movement of items in and out of
your organization and their quantities. It contains the stock which is on hand,
committed and available.

● [Hans] Penalty Report – Lists of fines accrue for overdue items for all library users.

● Attendance Report – Provides a flexible way of looking at each student and teacher
with attendance, regardless of attendance type, date range by class.

● [Charmel] SMS Notification – Stands for Short Message Service which is text
messages that are sent when an event occurs.

● Cataloguing - is the process of creating metadata representing information

resources, such as books, sound recordings, moving images, etc.

● [Kate] Patron - one who buys the goods or uses the services offered especially by an
establishment. [5]

● Library Management System - is an enterprise resource planning system for a

library, used to track items owned, orders made, bills paid, and patrons who have
borrowed. [4]

● [Hans] Circulation - passage or transmission from person to person or place to place

especially: the interchange of currency. [6]

● Web-Based System - is an application that is accessed via HTTP. The term web-
based is usually used to describe applications that run in a web browser.

Operational Definition

● [Charmel] Loaning of Books – Turns the manual borrowing and returning of books
into automated.

● [Kate] Book Status – Easily monitor or update the booking status according to its

● [Hans] Borrower’s Record – Assurance of file security in keeping borrowers records.

● Inventory Report – Provides a real-time inventory report including the number of

remaining books, and can be categorized monthly or yearly.

● [Charmel] Penalty Report – Automatically calculations of penalties and produced

output from overdue borrowed books.

● Attendance Report – An output of the students and teachers who successfully

performed in electronic equipment.

● [Kate] SMS Notification – Automatically sending a message that contains borrowed

book information and penalty warning to those unreturned books. [4]

● Cataloguing - provides information such as creator names, titles, and subject terms
that describe resources, typically through the creation of bibliographic records. [3]

● [Hans] Patron - The one who uses the service such as to borrow, return, inquire
about books from the library and these include the teacher and the student. [7]

● Library Management System - is the proposed system that will help the LCC LMS
library in the monitoring of books circulation and library operations and
transactions. [9]

● [Charmel] Circulation - The process of borrowing and returning books. [8]

● Web-Based System - a particular type of software that allows users to interact with
a remote server through a web browser interface.

CHAPTER II - Review of Related Literature

2.1 Related Literature

[Kate] The researchers gathered some related literature about the Library
Management System. (Muller, 2011) LMS is useful system software that allows the libraries
to handle catalogue records for library material and for them to circulate to the users as
well. In choosing a suitable system for the library, it is important to consider the
performance and the efficiency of a system that can facilitate the librarian’s daily tasks
including the circulation.

[Charmel] In some cases, (Khan, 2016) stated that the Library Management System
is used to monitor the flow of the library’s processes such as data storage of new materials
and patron details. This monitoring function helps the librarian to reduce the effort of
managing the library by keeping inclusive of the user's record which can be monitored in a
few clicks and the librarian can get what they need.

[Hans] Library management system was developed to expedite the librarian’s task.
This system will help the librarian to increase motivation and satisfaction in doing the task
effectively. According to Yong ming and Dawes (2012), the development of the Library
Management System will provide more flexibility and enable librarians to work efficiently.
The new Library Management System is not only accessing the printed materials in the
library, but it also improved the system that is peer on electronic resources. It provides a
feature which they called “federated search” for a direct access on electronic materials
based on the links available. This feature was included because the electronic materials can
possibly grow from time to time. With this effort, the patron can directly get what they
need regarding the e-resources. [7]

2.2 Related Studies

[Kate] Computerized Library System

There are related researches that have similarities about the research. The proposed
computerized library system is recommended by Sta .Monica De Minalin Montessori School.
Similar to our study, the aims of researchers of the computerized library system for Sta.
Monica Minalin Montessori School is to give an effective and efficient library system to the
school not only for accommodating the large number of books but also to make updating
and borrowing, returning and organizing of book records.

In the past years of history, the researchers of the computerized library system
found out that some school libraries operated the library transaction manually and one of
these is the Sta. Monica De Minalin Montessori. The solution of the proponents is to
develop a system that can handle and manage the library activities in an efficient and
reliable way like borrowing and returning books.

[Charmel] The proponents proposed the school a computerized library system that
will help the school library in book borrowing, returning, searching, adding, deleting of
materials and generating reports. Retrieving and organizing of materials will improve, thus
an accurate inventory control. With the computerized system, data such as inventory can be
retrieved easily.

Since this is the first time that the library will have automated processing, a user-
friendly computerized system must be taken into consideration. It will help, especially those
who are not literate enough with computers, to adopt the new system and communicate
with it more easily. A systematic way of generating necessary reports, a database where the
necessary information about the processing is organized, which is to be updated from time
to time. [8]

[Hans] University of Makati Library Learning Commons (UMAK LCC)

Another related study was conducted at the University of Makati (UMak). UMak is
an LGU fully-funded public university originally established in 1972 as the Makati
Polytechnic Community College. In response to the growing demands for more curricular
program offerings, the Polytechnic Community College was elevated to the status of a full-
blown college and renamed Makati College in 1987.

Since UMak is in Makati, it is known that the University provides better assistance to
the students. Umak has a large number of students, and it is still using a manual library
system. The University encountered problems because of their populations.

[Charmel] The general objective of this study is to propose a systematized way of
keeping and filing all the books' information in the library of the University of Makati. The
researchers proposed a system entitled “A Proposed Library System with Barcode Reader
for the University of Makati” that will computerize the library activity of the said University.
The study will serve better assistance to the students, teachers, and the staff through the
effective use of library resources. The systematized library activities such as borrowing of
books, computation of penalty for overdue books fine, and keeping track of lost. This
proposed system involves the usage of computers as additional help for doing their task.
The proposed system will easily monitor the availability of books so the librarian will know
what the status is and what books are available. The involvement of computers also aims to
minimize the time to search a specific book by inputting its information. This proposed
system also provides security for the login. The researchers hope that their study would
help the university’s library. [9]

[Kate] Electronic Library Management System (ELMS).

From Kampala International University Dar Salaam campus some proponents

propose a system entitled electronic library management system (ELMS). According to the
researcher, in many institutions of learning, library management has become a problem due
to the continued use of manually supported systems. Kampala International University Dar
salaam Campus is among those affected by the above problem due to the increased number
of students. The current system makes it hard to serve students effectively. This is seen
when students queue for not less than 10 minutes to borrow a book from a librarian who
has to register each student and the book borrowed manually hence wasting a lot of time. It
is this perceived inefficiency and its associated high cost of labour in hiring several library
assistants that rendered this study important.

The objectives of the system are to examine the weaknesses of a manual library
system, to identify the requirements for the library management system and to develop an
electronic library management system with search functionality to facilitate the search and
management of library resources. [10]

[Charmel] Online Library System with SMS Notification for FFHNAS

Library System with SMS Notification is a website that displays the books that are
available inside the library, and shows which students are currently borrowing books. It also
notifies the book borrowers the date when the book must be returned to the library. This

website will also notify the users the total penalty if the book is not returned on the exact date
or if the book is lost by the borrower (Cañete & Itchon, 2016).

Library System with SMS Notification, helps manage the effective delivery of library
services. It will play in planning and implementing library automation projects, keeping these
things in mind to develop a library system for Fortunato F. Halili National Agricultural
School. Itremoves manual process involved and simplified way of issuing books saving time
and effort.Students can also check the availability status of a particular book online. It will
enhance the effectiveness of the library. A good library management system should enable
librarians to manage library resources in a more effective way to save time and effort (Cañete
& Itchon, 2016).[13]

CHAPTER III - Presentation and Analysis of the Existing System


3.1 The Existing System

The library plays a critical role in supporting academic programs since the
library is considered the brain of the institution. The LCC LMS is doing most of the library
operations, transactions and services using the manual system. This manual library system
has been used by the LCC library for a long period. Due to the increasing demands from the
students and the faculty, the librarian and the library staff find it challenging in handling
such problems.


3.2 Scope

The manual library system comprises the library transactions such as borrowing of
books, returning of books, monthly book inventories and arranging of books according to
call numbers.
3.3 Context Flow Diagram of the Existing System

Figure 1

3.4 Problem Analysis of the Existing System

[Hans] Many problems arise because of the inefficiency of the system. Due to the
increasing demands from the students and faculty, the librarian and the library staff find it
difficult to manage library services. The librarian also faces difficulties in searching the books
which are not returned and has to go in and every library user files to locate the borrower's
due dates. Librarians must be consulted directly to find out the availability of the book since
it may be issued to some other library user. Often, the books are lost and the librarian is not
aware of this.

[Charmel] Data duplication can occur. It lacks security and has poor data
storage. The information is stored in different parts; therefore, it takes a long time to
retrieve the data. Data is not reliable since it is handwritten and some human errors might
have occurred. No proper records for the workers, members and transactions if the manual
record is lost, data will be completely lost.

3.5 Data flow diagram of the existing System

Figure 2

CHAPTER IV - The Proposed System

4.1 Project Planning

[Charmel] Planning is very vital in making research. The proponents spend time and
effort in gathering data that will be useful in analysis for finding solutions to the existing
problem. In creating a Web-Based Library Management System the proponents study how
the library works, its operations including circulation of books and the users involved in the

Formulation of the Interview questionnaire is one of the tools used by the

proponents to gather information about the Library operations. The library forms used in its
operation are also gathered to analyse the library flow and to be the basis for designing
forms in the system. Research on related studies and literature has been made to prove the
effectiveness of the system in real settings. The analysis of other relevant research helps us
widen our ideas in making our system effective to be the solution to the existing problem of
the Legacy College of Compostela library.

4.2 Gantt Chart

Figure 3.1 (1st Title Def.)

Figure 3.2 (2nd Title Def.)

4.3 Use Case Diagram

Figure 4: Shows the use case diagram of the proposed system.

4.4 Context Flow Diagram of the Proposed System

Figure 5.

4.5 Data Flow Diagram of the Proposed System

Figure 6



[1] Library Management System | Library Management Software in India (


UNIVERSITIES. University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal 11, 1(2016), 21-30





[7] Soliman, S., Khalid. Library Management System (LMS): Impact on Library Environments.
In Proceedings of the 29th International Business Information Management Association
Conference (Vienna Austria, 3-4 May 2017)

[8] Alcantara, A., Mabel, Munoz, A., Christian Bryan, Ocampo, B., Mara Clara. A PROPOSED
March 2011 from

[9] StudyModeResearch 2010, September 23. “a Proposed Library System with Barcode
Reader ”

[10] Alikira Richard (Author), 2012, Electronic library management system (ELMS), Munich,
GRaIN Verlag,

[11] Garcia, T., Perla, De La Salle University Library System Migration: a Strategic Decision.
Paper presented in a conference, “Library Management in the 21st Century” ( Loyola
Heights, Quezon City, 29-30, March, )

[12] Library Management System: RFID Library Management Software (


Online Library System with SMS Notification for FFHNASA Capstone Presented to the
Faculty of the College ofComputer Studies and Information TechnologyImmaculate
Conception I-College ofArts and TechnologySta. Maria Bulacan


Appendix A - Company Letter

Appendix B - Letter to the Grammarian

Appendix C - Letter to the IT Consultant

Appendix D - Survey Forms Output

Appendix E - Sample Forms


Borrower’s Card

Appendix F - Photo Gallery


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