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CRECIS Center for REsearch in Change, Innovation and Strategy

Working paper 03/2005

Telework: a challenge to knowledge creation

and transfer

Flore BRIDOUX and Laurent TASKIN

School of Management

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Figure 1. Integrative framework

Despatialization design Relational Knowledge

dimensions Employment relationship variables outcomes outcomes

• Teleworking
location(s) Social inclusion and relationships • Transfer of
• Teleworking • Social identity • Organizational teleworkers’
frequency • Social support commitment knowledge
Contextual and individual variables (company
• Autonomy, trust •Moderators
Perceived organizational support intensity,
• Interpersonal • Creation of
size, corporate culture, knowledge
and monitoring training, degree of union representation,relationships organizational
• Formalization of
Role boundaries knowledge
•number of children,
Work-family etc.)
role conflict


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