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Engineering Guide



L lntroduction

II. S€ries Descriptions

III. Supporting FIBERBOND@ Piping Systems

ry. CalculatingExpansion

V. ControllingExpansion

\aL Hydraulics

\4I. Other Design Considerations

VIII. Physical and Mechanical Properties

IX. Appendix I: References

X. Appendix II: Governing Equations

Wat is FM?

FM was originally an ab brettiat ion for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic. As

qdditionalfiber reinfotce lents vere inlroduced, the term hqs been expandetl to
reJbr to Fiber Reinforced Plastic. You may also hear ofterms such as GRP (glass
reinfurced plastic), RTP (reinforced thermosetting plasti4 and RTRP (reinforced
lhetuosetling resin pipe). Even more specific, there is GRE (glass reinforced
epo4t), GRVE (glass reiforced vinyl ester) and GRUP (glass reinfurced
uns alulated pobesler). The list of terms seems to go on and on.

What these tet' 1s do haye in common is lhat they refer to a reinforcecl plastic trtith
q lhermoselting resin as the natrix. Unlike therntoplastics (such as PVC, CPVC,
PE, etc.), Ihermosetting resins arc infusible and insoluble whenfully cured cmtl
thus pt'ol,ide better mechanical properties. Combine d ytith the r einfor cing;fibers,
FRP has an excellent sb'e gth-to-weight ldtio y)hile naintaining wry good
coftosion resislance lo awide range o;fmedia.


INTRODUCNON losses and water hammer in a is awarc of the limls of currently
FIBERBOI{D@ Pipins System. availabLe industry standards and learns

F]BERBOND@ Engineered
how ihe product is deslgned and
Composite Piping Systems are
Future Pipe Industries is committed manufactured. We feel it s mporlant
to supporting its customen. An thal the englneer designing a
economical choices for use in
engineering stalf is on hand to FIBERBONDO Piplng System has a
conosive flujd transpod. The answer all your questions or design woking knowledge of how ihe raw
FIBERBOND@ product is an
altemative to stainless steels,
the system with the customer. materials interact to provlde the
chemlcal reslstance and the
copper-nickel, and other reinforced
FIBERBOND@ Custon Piping mechanical properties of the pipe.
and non-reinforced plastics and
Systems once the engineer understands ihese
alloys. FIBERBOND6) can be used
basic principles, he or she can truly
in environnents at temperatures up
In addirion to the FIBERBONDO apprecjate the fl exibility FIBERB0ND@
to 250"F (121"C) and pressures up
Engineered Composite Pipins Piping Systems offer in soving difficult
to 290psig (2Obarg). The
S€ries, Future Pipe Industrieso corroslon pping problems atlhe lowesl
information contained in this ofers a custom line of
piping possible cosi. The lnformation in the
Engineer;ng Guide js the first step
systems. FIBERBOND@ custom FIBERBoND@ Eoqineeinq Guide
lowards designing the opiimum products arc pipe systens cove6 the design of Series 20HV,
FIBERBOND@ Piping System.
engineercd by Future Pipe 20FR-E, 20JF, 20FR16, 20FR20,
lndustries nr meet individual 20JF16 and 110FW lt is our mulual
FIBERBOND@ FRP Piping customer specifications. By interest that ihe FIBERBoND@ Piping
S\stems the system,
customizing an System selecled meets the cusiomefs
All FIBERBOND@ Piping Series optimum pipe product is produced deslgn crleria and is insta ed al the
use a glass-fiber rejnforcement
savine the customer time and mosl economical cost wilhin the
bound in a resin matrix. Together,
material. The custom products guidelines set forth by this eng neering
the glass-fibers provide strength ofitred in the FTBERBOND@ line guide and olher lnduslry standards.
and, the resin matdx provides are engineered, manufactured, The success of your jnstallation is
superior corrosion resistance.
fabricated, and installed by Future imporlantlo ourcompany...afteral, our
FIBERBOND@ Engineered
Pjpe Industries. future depends on it.
Composite Piping Series are
filament wound producis w;th a
windine angle of54'. This is ihe
pdncipal axi s ofl oading for intemal
pressure. FIBERBOND@ Series
Statement ol Policy
20r{v, 20FR,E, 20JF, 20C,
20FR20,20FR16, and lloFW all Slandads arc a recoqnized customer
utjlize this winding pattem.
need and progress has been made ln
developing reliable standards for
Using the FIBERBONDo'
composite pipe. However, one of the
Etrsilleerins Guidc
The purpose of 'The
major benelits of FIBERBoND@
Engineered Composile Plping Sysiems
FIBERBOND@ Enginecring
man!factured by Fuiure Pipe lndushies
Guide" is to help rhe customer
is lhe ability lo engineerthe mechanica
select the proper support spacing,
guidespacing, and anchoring for an
and physical propertes to meel

above ground pjpingsystem. Other

individual customer service
requirements. Under cefi ain condit ons,
nethods to deal wirh fie flexibility
industry standards, which are
of the system, such as expansion
msunderstood and/or misappled,
loops, are also evaluated. ln
addition.'"the FIBERBOND@ become a hindrance to the
development of new and improved
Engineering Guide" will also allow
the customer to approximate head
products. lt is important ihat lhe
eno neer workinq with composile plpe


FIBERBOND@ PIPING Table I Temperature Corr€ction Facton
Supporis are designed into a piping 2OHV, 2()JF,
sysGm to prevent excessive 2(]I{V-D, 20JFl6, 11OFW
deflection due to the pipe and fluid 20HV(FDA) 20FR16,
$eiShr. V&e[-- rhe m_BLrpqL 20FR20
deflection is lnnircdJ-diJi in.. rhe 1.00 1.00 1.00
bending stress on the pipeline is 100 t00 100
normally below the allowable I75F (79c) 0.93 0.99
levels of the pipe and fittings. 200F (9lc) 092 0.99
However, in designs that arc more 225F I lO7.\ N/R 0198
stringent it rnay be necessary to use 250F (121c) 097
shorterspacing. This can betue if Conecrion factors areequivalent to 3.5% per'looFrise above 150"F for
there are a nrunber ofheavy inline 20HV, and 20HV-D, lJ% per l|]dF for 20FR-E 20FR-16, 20FR20.
components, such as valv€s, in the and 20J1. and 0.25"" per l0"f for I l0lW.
system, or if the design pressure
and/or temperature are nea( the
product limits. Once suppod
for the Types I, IL [l', and IV
s pport conditions.
spacing is calculated, the maximum
stress levels should be determined.
Above 150'F, ihe support spacins
Support conditions are defined as
may have to be degraded per the
Type I, Il, lll, or IV. The standard
Temperature Correction Factors
conrmonly used is fie Type II Table to account for the lower
condjtion in which the pipe spans
rnodulus values.
two ormore supports. The Types I,
Ill, and IV conditions refer to
single-span, tdple-span, and fi xed-
ends, respectively. For very short
runs and anchor locations. lhese
conditions should be comidered.
Referto the Suppot Types diagram

Figure 1 Support Type Loading Conditions


Tnble 2 Recommended Support Spacing (feet and meters)*
Size 20HV 2OJF ll0Fw 20FRl6 20FR20 20c
2111. 9.8 - 12.8 7.8 - lt.8 8.1 - 1l.7 9.8 - r2.8 9.8 - 12.8 9.8 - 12.2
(3.0 - 3.9) (2.3 - 3.6) (2.5 - 3.6) (3.0 - 3.e) (3.0 - 3.9) (3.0 - 3.7)
3in. 10.6 - 1,1.5 8.9 - 13.6 8.6 - r 3.1 I0.6 - 14.5 10.6 - 14.5 10.6 - 13.8
(3.2,4.4) 12.7 - 4.1) (2.6 - 4.0) (3.2 - 4.4) (3.2 - 4-4) 13.2 - 4.2)
4in- l l.l - 15.8 9.6 - 15.0 8.9 - 14.2 ll.l - I5.8 l l.l - 15.8 I 1.1 - 15.0
(3.4 - 1.8) 12.9 - 4.6) (2..7 - 4.3) (3.4 - 4.8) (3.4 - 4.8) (3.4 - 4.6)
6in. 12.9 - t 8.8 l1.6 - 18. I 41.0 - t7.3 11.7 - lz8 12.7 18.6 11.7 - 16.9
(3.9 - 5.7) (3.5 , s.5) (3.3 - 5.3) (3.5 - 5.4) (1.8 - 5.7) ,(r.5 - 5.1)
8in. 14.5 - 21.3 13.3 - 20.7 12.7 - 20.0 13.5 - 20_5 14.7 -2t.5 13.4 - I9.3
(4.4 - 6.5) (4.0 - 6.3) (3.8 - 6.11 (4.l - 6.3) (1.5 -.6.6) (4.0 - 5.9)
l0in. 15.8 - 23.5 14.8 - 23.0 14.2 - 22.3 r3.6 - 20.6
(4.8 - 7.2) (4.5 - 7.0) (4.i - 6.8) (,1.6 - 7.0) (5.0 - 7.3) (4.1 - 6.3)
l2in. 17.t - 25.6 16.2 -25.1 15.6 - 24.4 16.5 ,25.1 18.2 - 26.5 t5.1 - 2L6
(5.2 - 7.8) (1.9 - 7.6) (4.7 - 7.4) (5.0 - 7.6) (5.5 -8.1) (4.6 - 6.9)
i4in. 16.4 - 26.A 16.9 - 26.5 18.0 - 27.i I8_8 - 28.0 16.4-21.6
(5.0 7.9) (5.1 - 8.1) (5.4 - 8.1) (5.7 - 8.5) (5.0 - 7.5)
l6in. t7_6 -27.8 18.0 - 28.3 t9.2 - 29.2 20.t - 29.9 17.6 - 26.1
(5.3 - 8.5J (5.5 - 8.6) (5.8 - 8.9) (6.r - 9.0) (5.3 - 8.0)
l8in. 18.7 - 29.6 l9.l ,30.0 20.1,30.0 21.4 - 10.0 I8_7 - 28.0
(5.7 -9.0) (i.8 - 9.0) (6.2 - 9.0) (6.5 - 9.0) (5.7 - 8.5)
20in. 19.8 - 30.0 24.2 - 30.0 21.4 - 30_0 19.8 - 29.6
(6.0 - 9.0) (6.r - 9.0) (6.5 - 9.0) (6.0 - 9.0)
24in. 2l.7 - 30.0 22.1 - 30.0 23.5 - 30.0 - 30.0
21 .',l
(6.6 - 9.0) (6.7 - 9.0) (7.1 - 9.0) (6.6 - e.0)
l0in. 20.1- 300 20.8 - 30.0 2r.7 - 30.0 20.3 - i0.0
(6.2 - 9.0) (6.3 , 9.0) (6.6 - 9.0) (6.2 - 9.0)
22.1 ,30.0 22.8 - 30.0 23.8 - 30.0 22.3 - 30.0
(6.8 - 9.0) (6.9 - 9.0) (7.2 - 9.0) (6.8 - e.0)
42i^. 1',7.4 -30.0 lE.0 - 30.0 21.3 - 30.0 17.4 - 30.0
(5.3 - 9.0) (5.4 - 9.0) (6.5 - 9.0) (5.3 - 9.0)
48in. 18.6 - 30.0 19.2 - 30.0 22.8 - 30.0 r 8.6 - 30.0
(5.6 - 9.1) (5.8 - 9.0) (6.e - e.0) (5.6 9.0)
NTable is based on Eq. I dd Eq-2 in appendix II. Valid for waler and sea$aler (s.g. = 1 .0 lo I 0' )- The maxreco'nmended
suppon spacineis 30n (9ml Spans are based on a maximun deflection of0.5oin (l2.5mm) and anaximuur beDding slress that
varies liom 500psi (3.4MPa) to I ,50 0psi ( I 0.3 MPa). The sm aller value is lbr piping sections with heavy inline conpo nents or
\€rl shor! rum of pip ing. The higher value i s for long straight runs of piping. c. g-, for I 0" 20FR-E pip€, spals up 10 I 5.8fl (4.8m)
should be used tbr shon runs ofpipins or piping with valves and spans up lo 23.5ft (7.2m) can be used for lons slraighl runs of


CALCULATING temperature use, thus mahng tenperdturc .ha ge and total
EXPANSION thermal expansion linear. etpa,itor. Future Pipe Industries
feels thal a better desi$ will resull
Thermal Expatrsion fiom this approach.
The length change for any Pressure Er?ansion
aboveground piping s)stem must Although generally n€gle cted, axial
be calculated. The
thermal expansion due to intemal pressure
expansion of contact molded and can sometimes be in equal
filament wound fiberglass pipe in magnitude to thennal expansion
the a,\ial direction is generally two due to the low modulus values of
to five times greater than that of fiberglass pipe. The result is a
some steels! thus making it signj ficant , pr essure expansion,
importani to adequately design for which must be taken into account to
these length changes. The thermal achieve accurate results.
expansion of fiberglass pipe is a Thoughout the rest of tlis design
tunction ol the expansion guide, F ture Pipe Inlustties
coeficient, tempemtur€ change, rcconmends thdt bath thenml an l
and ihe lolal lenglh of the piping ptetsurc dpansion be included in
system. Thermal expansion the design calc lations ,hen
coeficients of FRP are generally justifed. Th s, the Anchat Laads
constant over their designed tables, Guide Spaci g tabks, etc.,
prcride dqta dccodi g to

Table 3 Thermal Expansion*

AT (deg F) Expansion AT (deg F) E\pansion AT(deg Expans ion

(in./ 100ft) (in./100ft) C) (mm/m)
5 0.06 105 t.26 5 00s
10 0.12 I t0 1.32 t0 0.18
t5 0.18 |5 t.38 l5 0.2'7
20 024 120 1.44 20 0.36
25 0.30 125 1.50 25 0.45
30 0.36 130 t.56 30 054
35 0.42 135 1.62 35 0.63
40 048 140 168 40 0.72
0.54 145 r.74 45 0.81
50 0.60 150 1.80 50 0.90
55 0.66 155 1.86 55 0.99
60 0.'72 160 1.92 60 1.08
65 078 165 1.98 65 l,17
70 0.84 170 2.04 '70 1.26
75 0.90 1',75 2.10 75 I 35
80 0.96 180 2.16 80 r.44
85 1.02 185 222 85 1.53
90 108 ts0 2.28 90 L62
95 I r4 195 2.34 95 1.71
100 1.20 200 2.40 100 I80

t{ge 5 JUNE 2015 EDITION

Table 4 Press re Erpansion (in/l00ft and mm/m) @ s0psig (3.4barg)*
Size 2oHv 2OJF
t lloFw 20FRl6 20FR20 20c
2in 0.023 0.015 0.038 0.023 0.023 0.429
(0.01e) (0.012) (0.032) (0_019) (0.0r9) (0.024)
0.033 0.020 0.054 0.033 0.033 0.040
(4.027) (0.0r7) (0.045) (0.027) (0.027) (0.034)
0.042 0.025 0-069 0.042 0.042 0.052
(0.035) (0.021) (0.057) (0.035) (0.03s) (0.043)
0.049 0.031 0.070 0.061 0.051 0.075
(0.040) (0.026) (0.058) (0.050) (0.042) (0.063)
0.053 0.036 0.07r 0.062 0.051 0.078
(0.044) (0.030) (0.059) (0.051) (0.042) (0.065)
l0!n 0.056 0.040 0.071 0.062 0.051 0.096
(0.047) (0.033) (0.059) (0.052) (0.043) (0.080)
l2in 0.058 0.043 0.071 0.061 0.050 0.095
(0.048) (0.036) (0.060) (0.052) (0.042) (0.079)
0.078 0.073 0.063 0.057 0_096
(0.065) (0.061) (0.053) (0.048) (0.080)
l6in. 4.017 0.073 0.063 0.057
(0.064) (0.061) (0.053) (0.048) (0.080)
0.0'7'7 0.073 0.064 0.057 0.095
(0.064) (0.06r) (0.053) (0.04?) (0.079)
20in. 0.076 0.073 0.064 0.094
(0.063) (0.06r) (0.053) (0.079)
24in. 0.076 0.073 0.063 0.094
(0.063) (0.061) (0.053) (0.078)
30in. 0_l l2 0.106 0.097 0. 38
(0.093) (0.08e) (0.081) (0. 15)
36in. 0.llt 0.106 o.t)t)l 0. 37
(0.092) (0.08e) (0.081) (0. l4)
42in. 0.221 0_205 0.144 0.274
(0.r84) (0.r7r) (0.120) (0.229)
,18in. 0.220 0.206 0.144 0.272
(0.183) (0.172) (0.120) 10.227)

*_Iable is b6ed on Eq.4 in alpendix Il wirh P = 50psig. For design conditions, multiply the value in lhis
ldb e b) \P 50) il P i. in pie or Lt 1.4, ill
is i1 hdr.


CONTROLLING tables inthis section account for the

D(PANSION thermal and pressure expansion of

FTRF,R RONI,O Engineered
Anchor Loads Composite Piping Systems. To use
One advantage in the design of tiese tables, rcfer to the system
fibergiass piping systems is the low design pressure and temperature.
modulus values. lngeneral, For more conservative results the
fiberglass pipe tensile modulus degradation ofmodu[ a.nd strength
vahes are 1/151h to l/30d1 fiat of are neglected in fie eq ations.
steel. One immediate benefil ofthis
mechanical property is the small
end loads creacd from lernperature
and pressure ellects, allowing
lighter anchors. For anchor-to-
anchor conditions, it is normally
not necessary to include prcssule
expansion in the design as presswe
effects only occur at direction
changes. Flowever, for each design
case the pressure effects need
assessment. The Anchor Loads

Tabl€ 5 Anchor Loads obs) Series 20HV, 20FR-E, 20JF*

Series 20lry rnd 20FR-E

Sire Temperature Chatrge (d€g F T€mp€rature Change (dcg F
20 60 100 r40 z0 60 100 140
Expansion (ir./100 ft) Exprnsion (in./100 ft)
o.24 o-72 1.20 t_68 o-24 o.72 1.20 1.68
2ir. t,484 2,474 3.464 938 2,8t4 4.640 6.566
3in. 715 2,t44 3,574 5.003 1,323 3,969 6,615 9,260
2,804 4.673 6,542 1,708 5,123 8.539 I1.95,1
6in 1,735 5,206 8_676 t2-t47 2,859 8,577 14,294 20,4t2
8in. 2,',]63 8,288 13,813 19,338 1,231 12.7t0 21,184 29,657
l0in. 4,0t 1 12.050 20,n84 28,l] 8 5,841 | 7,524 2q,207 40,890
l2ln. 5,498 16,493 27,489 38,485 '7,673 23,019 38,364 5t,7t0
l4in 5,652 16,957 28.262 39,567
l6in. 7,367 22,t01 36.8i5 51,569
l8in. 9,308 46,542 65,159
20in. I |,477 14,410 57.383 80,116
16.493 49.480 82,467 115.454
\6,974 50.923 84.872 118,821
i6in. 24,110 '13.231 \22,051 170,871
121n. 16,428 40,284 82,140 114,997
48in. 21,441 64,14 107.207 150,090

+Table is bascd on Eq.i in appendix lI


Flgure 2 Anchors are placed along straight runs ofpiping to alleviate expansion, especially in higher
temperature systems (above 150F, 65c).

Table 6 Anchor Loads (lbs) - Series 110FW 20C+

Series 11oFw Scdes 20C

Size Temperatur€ Chanse (deq F) Tenpcrature Chatrge (deg F
20 60 100 t40 2n 60 100 140
(in./100 ft) (in./100 ft)
0.21 0.72 1.2[ 1.68 0.24 0.72 1.20 t.68
2in 1.484 2.1',74 3.464 399 1.198 2.796
iin. 715 2.144 3_574 5_003 1.731 2.88,1 4.038
,lin. 935 2.804 1,673 6,542 754 2.263 3.772 5.281
6in. t,7i5 5.206 8,676 12,t41 I 109 1.128 5.547 7.766
2.763 8,288 13,813 19,338 1.844 5.533 12,910
l0in 4.017 12.050 20,084 28,1l8 2,288 6,864 I l_440 t6,at7
12in. 5,498 16,493 27,489 38,485 3_295 9,885 t6,414 23.064
l4in. 7.329 21.988 36,646 5t,in5 4,562 l],687 22.8t2 31,9i6
l6in. 9,278 27.833 46.388 64_943 5.946 2C,7li 4t.621
lSir I1.453 34.i58 57,263 80,r68 7.51i 22.540 i7,566 52.593
20in. ll_854 41_563 69.2?2 96,981 9,263 27.790 46.316 6,1.843
24in. i8,0t5 96,692 135,369 t3,3t2 39.937 66.5Q 93.187
20.452 61.355 102 749 t4t,t62 r3,?01 41.102 68.504 95.905
24.575 85,',724 t42-871 200_023 t9,702 50.107 98.512 t37.917
42in 2t 184 63,s51 105,918 148.286 l3_260 66.299 92,819
26.870 80.611 134.352 188.093 17,306 51,919 86.5i1 t2t,r44

*Table is based on Eq.5 in appcndix Il


Table 7 Anchor Loads 0bs) Series 20FR16, 20FR20*

Series 20FR20
Sze Temp€rature Change (deg F lhanse(degF
20 60 100 140 20 60 100 140
Expansior (in./I00 ft) ExDarsior (in./100 ft)
n.t4 o.72 1.20 t.6a o.24 o.72 I.20 1.68
2in. 495 t.484 2,474 1.464 495 t,484 2,474 3,464
3in. 715 2,t44 3,574 5.003 715 2,t44 1,574 5,001
2,804 4,673 6,542 2,804 4,673 6,512
1,374 1,123 6,872 9,621 1,663 4,988 8,313 11,618
2,342 7,026 I t,710 16,394 2.878 8,615 14,391 20,148
l0in. 1,564 10.693 17,822 24.95r 4,425 l3_275 10.'r75
l2;n. 5,042 15.125 35.292 6,418 19.255 32.09t 44,928
7,025 21,076 35.t2',7 49.178 7,838 23.513 39.188 54.864
9,047 27,140 45.231 63,328 t4,127 30.381 50.6i4 70.888
l8in. I1,323 56,6r6 79,262 I2,881 18,648 64.414 90.179
20in. ]],854 41,563 69.272 96,981
24irr. 19,91r 59,732 99.55,1 139,376
19,615 58,844 98,07:l 137,103
28,074 84,22t 140.368 196,5t5
42in. 2i.205 75.886 126.477 I77.068
48in. 32.765 98,244 16i,824 22q,l5l

*Table is bded on Eq.5 in appendix Il


Table 8 Anchor Inads (kIY)
Series 20HV, 20FR-E, 20JI, 20IIV-C, 20HV(FDA), 2oFR-EC, 20JT-C*
Series 20HV and 20FR-E

kN) kN)
1.1 11 .1

11 5

22 1

'Tab e s based on Equation 5 in Appendix ll

Table 9 Anchor Loads (kI{)
Seri€s 11oFW 20C*

kN) kN)



12 22.1

20 5 5.7

'Table s based on Equation s n Append x L


Table 10 Anchor Loads (kN)
Series 20FR16, 2oFR16-C, 20FR20, 20FR20-C*

tN) kN)
11 55 11
15 15 15



'Tab e is besed on Equalloi 5 ii Appendi! rr


Guide Spacing modulus values degrade above
I 5 0" F at similar rates, the rati o will
In the pipe wall, conpressive forces
not be affected. The reconmended
iolrr expansion may result in guide spacing design, however,
buckiing, aM in seneral, jnstabilitn
does not take into account the
unless the piping system is properly
combined loading etrects of
restrained with guides. cuides are
buckling and dead weight. If a more
rigidly fixed to the srpporting conservative desigl is desied, this
structure to provide pjpe suppolt
phenomenon should be investigated
and prevent buckling due to turther. Since guides act as
expansion while still allowing the
suppots, ihe guide spacing should
pipe to move in the axial direction.
be designd with the support
Under normal conditions, tlle linear
spacing for optimum results. The
expansion of the piping system
guide spacing datais based on fixed
between anchor points can b€
ends. If ihe systen has direction
controlled without exceedjng tle
chanses, expansion loops, or
allowable axial stress levels of the
expansion joifis, guide spacing
pipe and fittings. The bending-
may be jncreased. This increase js
comprcssive modulus ratio that is
dependent upon a total system
used is
only valid at ambient evaluation,
temperatures. However, if the

Table 11 Guide Spacing (ft) - Series 20HV,20FR-E,20JF*

Se rie! 20lry. 20FR-E Sedes 20JF
tmperature ChaDg€ (deg F lhange (des F
20 60 100 r40 20 60 t00 110
(in.^00 ft) (in./100 ft)
0.24 o.'t2 1.20 t.6E 0.24 0.72 1.20 l_68
2in 6.7 5.6
iin. 21.5 1r4 8.1 21.5 12.4 81
4in. 28.0 t6.2 t2.5 10.6 28.0 'J6.2 12.5
6in. 41.5 21.0 18.6 t5.7 41.5 24.0 18.6 15.7
it I 24.6 24.6 20.8
259 25.9
l.2in. 82.0 47.l 36./ 31.0 82.0 47.3 36.7 ll0
l4in. 96.3 55.6 43.1 36_4

l6in. r09.8 63.4 49.1 41.5

123.3 '71.2 55.1 46.6
20in. 612 5t 7
24in. 163.8 '73.3 61.9
30in. 202.2 116.8 90_4 76.4
242.3 r39.9 108.,1 91.6
42ir 279 5 16t.4 125.1) t05.7
3192 184l 142 8 12t) 7

'Table;s based onEq.6 in appendix ll

Pag€ ll .]UNE 2015 EDITION

Figure 3 Guides are added lo control €xpansion and prevent buckling and instability ilr the system,

Table 12 Guide Spacing (ft) - Series 11{)FW 20C*

Series 20C
Sizc Tenperrtur€ Change (deg F Tenr pe ratur€ Chanse(deq F
20 60 100 140 20 60 100 140
ExpaDsion (in./100 ft) Eapansion (in./I00 ft)
0.21 0.72 1.20 r.68 0.21 o.7z 1.20 1.68
2ii1. 155 14 9 5.6
3in. 22.0 12.7 9.8 2l.5 12.4 8l
4in. 28.6 16.5 12.8 10.8 28.0 16.2 l2 5 r0 5
42.1 24.3 18.8 15.9 4l.l 23.7 18.4 15.5
8in 321 249 21 0 24.4 20.6
l()in 261 25.6
12in. 82.6 36.9 31.2 81.2 :t6.i
l4in. 97.7 i6.4 43.7 36_9 96.3 55.6 43.1 i6.4
l6in 111 7 61.2 49.7 109.8 6i.4 49.1 4i.5
lSin 1217 724 55.8 471 t2l 3 717 55.1 46.6
20i.. 138.2 79.8 522 B68 51.7
),65.2 95.4 62.5 163.8 71.3
243.7 t17.6 9t-l 77.0 202-2 I16.8 90.4
140 7 r09.0 92.t 242.3 r39.9 108.4 91.6
42in 280 I 162 2 125.6 1t)6 2 179 5 I61.4 125.0 10i.7
48in. 320.6 r 85.1 1212 3192 142.8 r20.7

+Table is based onEq.6 in appendix ll


Table 13 Guide SpaciDg(ft) - S€ri€s 20FRl6,20FR20*

Size lhangc (dcs F) Tem pe raturr Change (deg f

20 60 100 140 20 60 r00 140
Expansion (in./r00 ft) Expansion (in./r00 ft)
0.24 0.72 l.ztl I.68 o.24 n.72 '1.20 1.68
2in. 14.9 8.6 6.1 5.6 14.9 IJ.6 6.7
3i!. 21.5 t2.4 8.1 21.5 t2.4 9.6 8.1

4iir. 28.0 t6.2 12.5 10.6 28.0 16.2 12.5 10.6

4tl 117 249 15.6
8in. 31.5 244 20.6 55.I il.8 208
l0in. 682 19.4 :i0 5 2i.8 68.8 .19.7 30.8 264
12i!. 8l.7 47.2 36.6 30.9 82.5 36.9 31.2
l4in. 91.0 56.0 43.4 36.7 562 4i.6 36.8
05 lll0
l8in 124 I 717 124 1 n.a
20in. 1]7.7 79.5 61.6 52.0
24in. 164.8 95.2 73.7 62.3
202 I 117 1 94.7
243 I 140 i 108 7
42in. 281 I 162 3 t25.7 106 2
48in. i20.9 143.5 121.3

rTable h based on Eq.6 in appendix ll


Table 14 Guid€ Spacing (m)
Series 20HV, 20FR-E, 20JI, 2oIIV-C, 20HV(FDA), 20FR-EC, 20JF-C*
ser es 2oHV and 20FR-E

kN) (N'

26 22

5 11 .1

10 220
15 2


'Tab e is based on Equation 6 n Append x I

JL]NE 2015
Tabl€ 15 Guide Spacing (m)
Series ll0FW,20C*


22 17


Tab e s based on Equaiion 6 nApp€ndrl


Table 16 Guide Spacing (m)
S€ri€s 2oFR16, 20FR16-C, 20FR20, 20FR20-C*

2.2 17

11 1

11.5 1 0.1


17 3 15 I

' Tabl€ is based on Equat on € in Appendix ll.


Cuide Spacing for D ection in dre fiberglass fittings, and the distance to the 6nt guide or
Changes specjfically elbows, at directional hanger. The equation used by
Directional changes, as part ofihe changes must be kept below the Future Pipe Industries
geomety ofthe piping system, can allowable bending stress level of approximates a cantilever beam
alleviate the stresses created due to the pipe and fittings. The stress deflected due 10 ihefln.l and
thermal and pressule expansion. level in tlle pipe and fittjngs pressure expansion. There are more
However- the stress levels creared depends on the total length change accurate equations, however. since

Table 17 Guide Spacing at Direction Changes (ft and m) - All Series+

Size Series 20lry.20FR-E '

Total Expansiotr (in. aDd nm) Total Erpansion (ijr. aod mn)
0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5
(r2.5) (J7.5) (62.s) (87.s) (r2.s) (37.s) (62.s) (87.s)
2in i.3 9.2 I l_8 l4_0 5.7 9.8 t2.7 15.0
(1.6) (2.8) (3.6) (4.2) (l.7) (3.0) (3.8) (4.5)
3in. 6.3 10.8 14.0 16.6 6.6 lt.4 t4.7 t7.4
(1.9) (3.3) (4.2) (5.0) (2.0) (3.5) (4.5) (5.3)
4i'i. 7.1 t2.3 15.9 18.8 7.4 128 16.5 19.5
12.1) (3.7) (4.8) (5.7) (2.2) (3.e) (i.0) (5.9)
8.6 14.9 19.2 22.8 15.3 19.8 23.1
(2.6) (1.5) (5.8) (6.9) (2.1) (4.6) (6.0) (7.1)
9.9 t7.t 22.t 26.2 10_1 t7.5 22.6 26.7
(3.0) (5.2) (6.7) (1.9) (3.1) (5.3) (6.8) (8.1)
l0in ll.0 l9.t 24.7 292 11.2 19.4 25.) 29.7
(3.3) (5.8) l'7.s) (8.8) (3.1) (5.9) l7.6) (9.0)
l2in 12.1 27.A 3r.9 12.2 2t.2 27.3 32.4
(3.7) (6.3) (8.2) (e.7) (3.7) (6.4) (8.3) (e.8)
r3.0 22.5 29.r 34.4
(i.9) (6.8) (8.8) (10.4)
13.9 24.1 3 t.l 36.',7
(4.2) (7.3) (e.4) 01.l)
14.7 25.5 32.9 38.9
(1.5) (7.7) (10.0) 0 t.8)
20in 15.5 26.9 34.7 41.0
(.7) (8.1) (10.5) 112.4)
1',7.0 29.4 3',7.9 44.9
(5.1) (8.e) (11.5) 03.6)
r8.8 32.5 42.0 49.',l
(5.7) (e.8) 1t2.7) (1i.0)
20.5 35.6 45.9 54.4
(6.2) (10.8) (13.e) (16.5)
42ir 22.4 i8.0 49_t 58.1
(6-7) 01.5) o4.e) (t7.6)
23.5 ,10.6 52_5 62.1
o-1) 02.3) (15.9) (18.8)

*Tablc is bded on Eq.7 in appendix II: since the values in ihis table ee a tunction ol the pipe O.D.. the
ql' e' $ l ..tua| ) \ dr) .lie 1rl) fi^ - ..eie, ro .er'es.


Figure ,l A properly guide FRP system at direction changes is one form ofcontrolling thermal and
pressure expansion.


J/ ru Eo! vrth Wr;r Fnd-r

Se.tirn d-A

a lnorc coNervative result is large diameter pipe to 200% in tables are for butt-welded joirls.
produced fomr t|is equaiion. this small diamecr pipe. A larger T}e butt weld has a higherbending
mcthod is recom,nended. I-lowever. dircctional guide spacing strength ihan an adhesive bond.
Futrrc Pipe Industries does requirement can nean less This factor should be taken inlo
recommend a more conservative flexibility in des;gning the sysiem. account in the design of
gorerning equation when adhesive Refer to Appendix II for the design FIBERBONDG) Engineered
bonded joints are used. This equatiorB. The Guide Spacins for Composite Piping Systems.
equation accounts fur the bending Direction Changes table in this
stength ofthe elbow joint, not the section provides the niinimum
pipe, with a safety factor of 8.0. In recommended guide spacing afGr a
general, if the elbowjoint strength direclional change. Tlre values are
;s neglceted, guide spacing valid only for the expansions gi\ren.
requirenenls increase liom 25% in The guide spacing values in rhese


Expansion Loops more conservative and should be
An cxpansion loop is another considered in any detailed design.
nerhod rsed 10 alleviale stresses Other effects. like seisnic loads,
due lo length changes in the piping but especially wind Loads, have not
sysGm. Expansion loops are been accounied for in ihis design.
generally employed between With longer aDd longer expansion-
extremely long straighl runs ofpipe loop leg lenglhs, the stresses in the
to alleviate the end loads and elbows increase dueto the moments
buckling between anchors. As with crealed- This conlbined loading
Guide Spacing for Dhection condition should b€ evaluated in the
Changes, lhe design recommended detailed desisn. The Expansion
by Future Pipe lndustries is a Loop rable ili this sectioD coniains
simplified approach, however, it die recorixnended leDgths lbr the
leads to more coDsavative data. expansion loop legs perpendicular
Other equations are more accxrate. to the piping stem.
taking into accountlhe flexibilily of
the entire loop, but again, they are
omitted forthe rcasons stated in the
previous section. Again, the design
paramclers include ihermal and
pressure €xpansion. not jusL
lenrperature changc. In addiiion, as
in all dher calculations. the
modulus values have not been
degrad€d above 150'F. Degrading
the mod li leads io resulls that are

Figure 5 Expansion loops are another form of controlling thermal and pressurc erpansion iD a
fib€rglass PiPing system.

B lei€th 5 equo to one-hzlF ,i A

C Lenqth Ir aolr tm€s the nomia dlsmeter
aeg fD. a 6tn. ppln€ system. C = 24n)
D -€rE-i , our t€E- frE. Lle or-ar dEBLer '
<eE far z An PiPln! 5y.tem, D = 84ii,)

(5e" lrev ous F+ure)


Table 18 Expansion Loop Leg Lengths - "A" L€g (ft and m) - Series 20IIV,20FR-E, 20JF*
Size Se ries 20 HV. 20FR-E Series 20JF
Total Expansion (in. and Inr Total Exprnsion (ir. |nd ftm)
1.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 7.0
(2s) (7s) o2s) (r7s) (2s) (7s) o25) o7s)
2in 5.3 9.2 I1.8 14.0 5.7 9.8 )2.7 150
(1.6) (2.8) (3.6) (4.2) (t.7) (3.0) (3.8) 14.5)
lin. 6.3 10.8 l4 0 r6.6 6.6 11_4 11.7 t7.4
0.e) (3.3) (1.2) (5.0) (2.0) (3.5) (4.5) 15.3)
4ir. 7.1 12.3 r5.9 18.8 7.4 12_8 16.5
(2.1) \3.1) (4.8) 15-7) 12.2) (l.e) (5.0) (5.9)
6in 8.6 14.9 t9.) 22.8 8.8 15.3
12.6) (4.5) (5.8) (6.e) 12.7) (4.6) (6.0) \7.1)
t7.1 22.r 26.2 l0.l 17.5 22.6 26.7
(3.0) 15.2) 16.7) (7.e) (3.1) (5.3) (6.8) (8.l)
loih I1.0 l9.l 24.',l 29.2 I1.2 l9_4 25.1 29.7
(3.3) (5.8) (7.5) (8.8) (3.4) (5.9) (7.6) (e.0)
l2in t2.1 27.0 3t.9 t2.2 21.2 27.3 32.4
(3.7) (6.3) (8.2) 19.7) (3.7) (6.1) (8.1) (9.s)
l4in 13.0 22.5 29.). 31.4
(3.e) (6.8) (8.8) (10.4)
24.1 3l.l 36.7
(1.2) (7.3) (e.4) (r l.r )
lSir 14.7 25.5 32.9 38.9
(4.5) (7.7) 00.0) (r 1.8)
20in 15.5 26.9 34.7 41.0
(1.7) (8.1) 00.5) (12.4)
24in. 17.0 29.4 37.9 44.9
(5.1) (8.e) 0t.s) (r.6)
r8.8 32.5 42.0 49.7
(5.7) (e.8) 112.7) (r5.0)
20.5 35.6 45.9 54.4
(6.2) 00.8) 03.9) (16.5)
42in 22.0 38.0 49.r 58.1
(6.7) (11.5) 04.9) (17.6)
23.5 40.6 52.5 62.1
17.1) (12.r) (15.9) 08.8)

{Table is bascd on Eq.7 in appendix IIi since lhe values in this iable are a funclion of thc pipe O.D.. the
values $illactuallv lafy slightly film series 1o series.


Head L6scs itr Fittings make reference to tbe
Elbows, reducers, tees, etc., also
produce pressure losses. For
manufacturer's literaturc for other ral =ral
r..^ | rooo
fitlings outside of ihis engineering
example, in standard elbows, the guide.
pressure loss is created by the One additional item should be
resistance due to the length and due The Equi\alent Pipe Length for mentioned rcgading pressure
to the bending in the elbow. On the Fitiings table provides the engineer losses and an adhesive bonded
other hand, reducers create pressure dala for standard fiberglass filtings. system. lt is imperative rbat
losses due to the reduction in size- To use fhe lable, simply read fie qualified FRP pipe fitters install ihe
All fifiings have specific value under the fitting heading for piping systen. It is very common
characteristics that lead to pressure the particular nominal diameter to have inexperienced fitters place
losses. One way to account for desired. Thig value can then be used too much adhesive on the fittings
these losses is to represent the as an equi\alent straight length ol which will result in,as much as 50%
fitting by an equivalent iength and pipe and the pressrn3 losses can be fi lting. This results
pipe closure at a
teat this length as in the previous calculated as in the previous in huge pressue losses in the
section. Thjs method provides an section. Since ihis approximation is system. No matter how careful the
accurate estimate of the pressure only true for turbulenl flow, an system is designed, the quality,
losses in a sysiem. However, since approximation must be made for reliability, and efficimcy of the
all manufacturers have their own laninar flow: In rhis equaiion, L is system is only as good as the FRP
data for their products, it is the equivalent length in feet and D
impossible to amass a1l ofthe data is the inside diameter in inches .

neededto evaluate every system. lt

is recommended that the engineer

Table 20 Eqnivalent Lengths of F'ib€rglass Fittings (ft)

Size (in.) 90'Elbow 450 Tcc Reducer
Long Short Run Branch
2in '7 9 4 18 2
3in. 9 t2 7 4 25 2
ll 14 t0 5 32
6i.. t5 1' ll 8
l8 23 ln 5
l0in. 21 27 l9 l2 12 1
l2in. 24 3l 22 14 85
14in. 27 32 24 16 97 9
29 .18 27 l8 10
18in. 32 41 29 20 t21 1l
20in. l4 31 22 t32 t2
24in. 39 50 3i 26 l5i l4
30i!. 45 59 4l 3l 188 t'/
36in. 5l 67 47 37 220 2t)
42in. 51 14 52 42 25t 23
48in. 63 8l 57 47 282 27
54in. 6E EE 62 52 3t2 28
73 95 67 57 342 31
* Based on equations in Benedict * Valid for a flow rate of l0 fl,/sec.
For I fl/sec, nutiply b) 1.9, for 5 n/sec, by 1.2, md for l5 ff/sec, by
0.89. Reducer valEs are for one size reduction, e.9., a I 2in. x I 0in.
reducer is equallo 8liof l2in. pipe.


Table 19 Properties of Common FIuids and Gases (@ 68F, 20c)*
Fluid Specific Density Kin€matic Dynrmic
Gravity (lb/cu ft) Viscosity Viscosity
0.001225 0.0765 14.6 0.0179
1.0 62.4 ] 005 1.005
1.025 64.0 1.061 1n91
Brine 20%Nacl 1.149 '71.',7 I J98 1122
Eihanol (etlyl
0.789 492 I 525 120
JetFuel 062 - 0.88 38.7 - 54.9 12-15,')4Oc 0.11 - 1 .32
0.78 - 0.82 48.',7 - 51.2 2.71 2.11 -222
I-islr crude oil 0.855 53.4 9 234 7.895
Medium Crude
0.855 53.4 4.620 i95
(merhvl alcohol) 0.810 0 7lt 0 592

20% Sodium
122 76.1 4.0 4.88

1.841 114.9 l3.8 25.4

HCI ( .5%,
105 1.9 ] 54
Alllalues are tenperoture dependentand valid only for ambienl I empentue unless noted olheNise.
D)nanic (absolure) viscosil] = kinemaLic !iscosiry * S.G.
lS.G. = lkg/mr = 62.41b/ftr. lcsl = 0.0387511 /hr= 0.0lcn':/sec (Stokcs). lcP = 3.6ks/mft =
0.0006721b/ft scc = 0.01s/cn{cc (Poisc).

this guide. The ensineer is direcred The tables/gmphs on the followins equation for head losses in laminar
to the references listed in the back pages can be used to calculate the
of this guide for further pressure drop in psi for all
hformation. FIBERBOND@) Piping Series.
Knowing the flow rate in It/s and 0.AAl21a rLQ
Hcad Loss€s in Straight Lengths the nomtual pipediameter, ihehead
ofPipc loss and llow velocib' can be
One source ofhead loss is due to the delenniied. The information in this
ln lhis equation, v is the absolute
liictional resislance of the pipe section is valid only for seawater
viscosily in centiloises. L is the
material. This pressure drop in (SG:1.025). Refer to the Fluid pipe lenglh in fe€t, d is the internal
FIBERBOND@ Piping Slslems Conve$ion Facton to calculate the
diameter in inches, and Q is the
can be accounted for with the head losses for other fluids. These
volume flow rate in GPM. Notice
Darcy-weisbach equation for factors are a fluction of lhe fluid
water. This analysis calculates ihe specific graviq, and k;nematic
that the surftce roughness ol the
pipe is not a factor.
headloss based on the volune flow viscosiq,. For more accurate
rac, pipe insjd€ diameter. and the results, ho*€ver, the convcrsion
friction factor, which is a function factors shouldnot be used. Refer to
of the surface rougbness and flow the hydrauljc equations l0 - 13 in
rate. A surface roughness value of Appendix II. Also, a diffcrenl
0 00021 in is nsed to A..ormt for equation must be used to account
lhe smooth fiberglass pipe interior. for laminar flows. Poiseuille's


HYDRAUUCS for turbulert flows. cenet"lly, for
FIBERBOND@ Ensineered
, =l:'1,' pipes, a Re)'nolds number great€r
Composite Piping Syslems ofler than 5000 defines tu$ulent flow.
The Reynolds number is defined as:
sigdficant advantages in flow This velocjB, should be below the
propeties over stainl€ss steels, maximum allowable velocily in the
lined steels, and other alloys due to uD ( tn \
R" =
its smooth resin rich inlerior surface | \t2 tn. )
and resistance to conosion. Flow Factors Affectin g Velocity
capacities are greater and the Pressure loss obviously needs to be In the above equarioq u is rhe
possibiljb, of foLrling is greatly considered when selecdng pipe velocity in ft/sec, D is the diameter
reduced. The engineer should take sizes and vglume flow rates. This of dre pipe in inches, and v is the
advantage of the superior flow is especially true in small bore pipe kjnemaiic viscosib,, in ft 2/sec. lf the
properties of fiberglass over sizes where pressure losses can flow is laminar or transirional (R.
altemalive pipe system materials. reach lopsi per 100-feet or more <5000), diferent equations must be
even at vel ocities of l6ftsec or I ess. applied br conection llctors rnLrsi
Maximum Flow Velocity be used. One example of a
The continuous llow velocities for lntennittent exculsions can reacb as
most liquids;n fiberglass pipirrg high as 10r/sec (32.8fr/sec). Some
will generally fall between I and 5 studies have been done for per;ods LLA !)
meters per second (3.3 and 16.4 as long as 3 months and at
ft/sec). One general rule eqration to conlinuons v€locities up to D
-),,-=-),,,( D 1000

determine the maximum 7.6m/sec (25ftisec) that have shown

conrinuous flow velociry is: In this equation, L is the equivaient
little or no degradaiion ofthe FRP
length in feet and D is the diameter
in inches.
Other factors to consider when
Other Flows
sizing the pipes jnclude 1) erosion,
Morc complex situatiom, such as
2) caviratjon, and i)water hammeL.
In the above equal;ons, u.., is in gas flows, ard h general,
fi/sec and p is in lb/ftr. For erosjve compressible flows, two-phase
fluids, dre marimum velocity can flows, and non-Newlonian flows
be as little as halfofthe values fiom
The information in this section (where the viscosil' is not a
concerning headlosses is only valid
t\is equation. constant), are beyond the scope of
Ifthe volune flow rate (cPM) and Example Hydraulic Calculations:
pipe size arc ihe known variables,
then the actual flow velocity can be Consider an FRP system that is pumping water from a station to
calculated with the following adischarge lin€. The pumps operate at6500cPM and the size is
equadon. 1Sin., FIBERBOND@ Series 11oFW. Calculate lhe velocity and
check lbr turbulence.
o(ttt,n \t lmL. \, r/r I

With Q :6500GPM, the actual velocit

al lsrl .ll bu sec ll l2t l
u: 6500 / (iTl4 * l8) + 231 / 60 / 12 : 8.2 ftAec

Inthe above equation, u is in fusec, The Reynold's nunberisl

Q is the volume flow rate in GPM,
and A isthe interna-L cross-sectional Re : 8.2 * 18 / 0.000010'76 I 12 : 1.14 + 106
area in sq. in.:
Therefore, the flowis turbulent and the graphs and tables in this
section can be used. 2l JI'NE 2OI5 EDITION

Pressurc Cu rves for W !ter

100 00

volun e Iflo$ Rrte (CPv )

+ A11lalues are based on SeaWaler atambicnl tempeEture.

Tabl€ 21 Pressure Curves Conversion Factols

Fluid / Gas
Brine. l0% Nacl
litht Ctudc LJjl r.654 +/- 20%
Mediud Fuci Oil l'378 +t- 12%

HCI(31.5% liquidl I 12r)

Conversion t.rctors dre ba-sed on thc nuid/gas sfecific gravity and
kinematic viscosjty. ConveNion factoB are dcpcndentupon cach
fluidNith amainum derialion of 5% unles olheNise noted-
Conversion laclors \rerc calcLrlaled fion the Coleb rook e qualioh,
\!hich hai a l% uncertainty.


Pressure Ctrrves for W ater

->l // L
* /t /,

1t-T ,l
/--> g'
/ 7

(/ (,/, ,'/


Volune Flos Rate (cP jlr )

+ Alllalues are based on SeaWaLer atambient temperature. +See convc6ion percenlages 1o deviate belween


Water Hammcr atrd Transi€nts nrade aboul bulterfly valves and
When punrping fluid thLough an other valves that do not have linear
FRP system under normal closing limes. Some butterfly
conditions. the ;nt€mal prcssure is valves that are closed 1o 80% still
naintain€d. However. during pump have flow rates of 50% or nore.
startup/shutdolr, or when valv€s Therefore, closing times nay have
are opened or closed quickly, to be lenglhened to take this innr
pressure surges and transients can
be created that are deldmenlal 1o
the piping system. The tem] water
ha ner desc bes the pressure
surge ihatis createdwhen a\ralve is
opened or closed too rapidly and
there is asudden large change in the
monlcnlu1l 0f the fluid. The term
hansient flow describes the
unsleady flo*, conditions oeated
by one or nrore ol the above-
menliored occunenc€s. Both ofthe
subiecls are ver) detail€d and
involved, howcver, their effects on
an FRP s),slen can not be
overlooked. ]n genel?l, Future Pipe
Industlies reconxnends the
following guid€Unes to deal with
$aler hanxner: 1. Use valves w'th
closing limes in the 3-5 second
range. For hig! fiow mtes or for
large borepiping (> l4in.,600mm),
even longer closing times may be
needed. 2. Never stat pumps into
empg/ discharge lines without the
use ofactuated valves. 3. Corsider
the design of surge ta*s or
Pressurc accumulators inlo
pipelines when t|e lolential 1br
water halxner exists.

Table ll in this s€ction refers to

rcconxnended minimun valve
closure/oparing tirne s. These times
g;ve an approximale prcssure surge
equivalent to the m:Lximum shut-in
prcssure (133% of des jsn pr€ssure).
It should b€ noted ihal lhese times
are based on panicular flow rates
and do not eliminate the potential
negative cftecls of water hammer.
By keeping valrc closing times to
these numbers or h;gher. yoLr are
sinpl) reducing the surge that is
crealed. A second note should be


OTHER DESIGN is impotant that a spiml wrap be catefully. ln addition, fieezing of
used for heat tracing. Because of the fluid canied inside the piping
COIVS/DERAIIONS the low thennal conductivib' of system must be prevented to avojd
fiberglass pipe, if only one side of bursting of th€ fiberglass piping
Tbcrmal Condrctivif the pipe is heated, the heat will not system.
Thermal conductivity is defined as transfer properly creating the
the rate of heat transfer per unit potentjal for bowing to occur in the
area, per unit tempetature piping. It is also agood Static Electricity Internal
differential, per unit thickness, per recommendation to use the Charg€s
unjt time. Themal conductiviry is ninimlun heat tracing temperature Static elecliciB, is generared when
usually expressed in w/(mrK), that wiU meet the design two dissimil materials genente
BTU(hr-ft-'F), or Bru-in/(lr-lu- requiremenL. It is not uncommon friciion llom confact. Two tlpical
"F). Most fiberglass products have in freeze protection applications examples of the pocntial intemal
lhermal conductiviq/ values that arc that a tmcjng temperature ofas low gereration of siaiic electricity in
less than l% ofsteel and which are as 120"F wlll suffice. fiberglass p;ping systems are 1) dry
only 4 - 8 times gr€ater than that of gas flowing tfuough a duct systen
corrunon insulating materials, such al high velocity with non-
as fiberglass or elastonedc foan Abrasive FIuids conductive paticle trapped in the
B€cause oflhis, there are not nearly Fiberglass piping has been used flow and 2) non-conductive liquids
of fiberglass
as many applications successfully in a lunber of flowing through a pipe or falling
piping that require insulation. difTerenl se ices where is tbrcugh into a collection tank. In
However, when rhe oeed ior "bnsion
present. Howev€r, because of the most applications for fiberglass
insulation is required, wh€ther it is large nunber of varjables involved pipe,there is litlle or roconcernfor
for controlling heal loss, providing in desjgnins systems for abrasion, the generation of static electdcily.
Personnel protection, or reducing including fluid velocity, parlicle However, in applications such as
heat gain, the insulation materials slze and shape, and temperature, i1 those described above, static
for fiberglass pipjng can be chosen is dijiculf 10 delemine 11. eleclfcity can be a serions concern
in the same manner as for steel suitability ol a product in a thal musl be addressed in the design
piping. parlicular service without actual phase of the project. Tpical
test dala. Future Pjpe Industries fiberglass composiles have a
offers a custom manufact red volume resistivib' of 10"13 - l0^l5
Heat Tracing fibergiass product with abrasion ohms-meler. A volume conductive
Heat tacing, for fteeze procction resistant additives built into the material typically has a volume
and/or for maintaining the process liner. Asain, because ofthe number resisliviry of less lhan 10"6 ohlns-
fluid at a specified temperanre, by ofvariables involved in the design, meter. The FIBERBOND@ 20C
means of elecldcal tr acing is it is reconrmended that field test Series achieves lhis level ofvolume
acceplable for fiberglass pipe as results be obtained ftoln test spools resistivity through lhe use of a
long as certain precautions are install€d inactual servic€ bomogenously
taken. 1. The average wall conditioDs. laminate. By naking the piping
tenperature created from the heat produci homogenously conduclive,
trac;ng m st be less than tlre the slatic electricity that is
fiberglass temperature mtjng ofthe l,ow Tem peratu re Service generated can be dissipated through
product. 2. The maximum tacing Many llberglass products, grounding straps as in steel
temperature musl be no more than including FIBERBOND@, are
100"F above the iemperature rating suitable for use at low
of the fiberglass product. 3. The temperatures. Tests corducted as
maximum iemperature al the inside lowas '45"Fhave s|own little or no
wall ofihe fiberglass Foduct nust degradation in
the mechanical
be less than the t€mperature raiing properties ol the fibeLglass
oI the fiberglass product for the products. In designs at low Static El€ctricity - Hazardous
paticular fluid in the piping. In temperatures, ihe effect of
addidon to the above precauljons, j! contraction should be investigate d


Static electricity in hazardous areas may occur it is important to vedfy The best defense against pulsation
is a completely different lhe allowable vacuum rating ofthe is lo use a pulsation danrpener such
phenomena than those created flom product. When economical, as a hydro-pneumafic dampener
internal charges. In
hazardous stiffener rings are sometimes which essentially consists of a
areas, fie dreat is from l) a siatic manufaclued into the piping pressure vessel containirg a
charge sourc€ being generated in product to improve the vacuurl compressed gas that is separaied
fie vicinif of the FRP piping, 2) Iating. liom the liquid by a bladder.
that generated charge accumulating Nontally, the dampener should be
on lhe exteriorofthe piping sysiem. This, however, is nainly linited to placed as close to the pump as
and 3) the accunulated charge then duct service and very large possible. Note that pulsaljon is
crealing a sparkthat could ignile the diameter pipi4 (>2,+in. dianeter). normally uncommon with
flammable atmosphere in
the centrifugal pumps.
hazardous area. While the .

likelihood of all of these events

occurring at the right limes is very Vibration can be a problem in Lry/ Weathering
lo\ the negative consequences fiberglass piping syst€ms ifil is not Al1 fiberglass piping will
from this combination of events designed for properly. The two expe ence sorle changes in
colrld be catastrophic. concerns of vibration incftrde appearance when exposed to
damage to the piping system sunlight. Ite exposure to UV will
When siafic electrjcity cannot be because of high stresses and cause degradation of some fom.
ruled out, we have develop€d damage to the pjpiDg s)stem While this degradation generally
several FIBERBOND@ product because of abrasion io the pipe at does not affect the perfonnance of
lines just for these appLications. supports. When high stresses are lhe product, it is
an aesthetic
TIese include Series 20FR-EC, created lioln vibration, it is problem similar to rusting of steel
20JF-C, 20JF16-C, 20FR16-C, important to isolate the source. In piping. Unlike st€e] piping,
20FR20-C. and 20try-C. All of these severe cases. a flexible howev€r, it isproblemthat can be
these product lines ar€ ideniical to connection should be nade avoided. All FIBERBOND@
their base product (20FR-E tor between the source and the products design€d for use in
exanple) except for fie fiberglass piping. The abrasion at aboveground applications are
inco{roration of an electdcally supports can be easily avoided by manufactured with an e)rtemal
conductive e)rterior that can be using wear pads at allsleel conosion barrier. which conlaiis
grounded to earth. Grounding to irterfaces. It is siandard pmctice in W inhibiton and a special
earth is very impofant as FIBERBOND@ Pipins Systems to polyester fabdc. This exrernal
conductive materials that are use wear pads or some other form corrosion bafiier prevenis thc "fibcr
ungrounded pose a greater danger ofrubberpadding at all FRP / Steel bloom" associated with fiberglass
(due 10 the increased ability to interfaces to prevent this abrasion products thal are not manufactured
accumulale cha(get than non- with an extemal conosior banier.
conductive materials. ln addition, this extemal corrosion
bani€r makes the FIBEIBOND@
Pulsation product splash-resislant to
Vacuum Considerations Pulsation js usually caused by the seawater, freshwater, and oils.
The potential for vacuum collaps€ acceleration and decelemlion of a
can occur in any system. AII pumped liquid ftom areciprocating
FIBERSOND@ products with pump. The forces fiom d s acrion Fungsl/ Bacterial Attack
pressur€ ratings of l50psig or can create press re spikes several Fiberglass products are considered
higher are rated for fuU vacuun. times larger than the operaiing inert to marine life. They offer
Vacuum mainly become sa concern pressure of the system. From visual neither nourishment nor toxic
with larger diameterpiping (> l2in. inspection, the pipe appears to be effects. Therefore. while marine
diameter) and with very ihin wall vibrating and eventually damage fouling can occur, loDg-terln
p;ping, such as t|ose used for duct '$ill be caused to seals, sauses, and studieshave shown that this fouljng
service. When pipjng such as these even the piping material itsell can easily be cleaned. Fouling is
are used in s€rvices where vacuum most common in lines whi.n are


stagnant for long periods of time. hannner include l) slow
Siudies at one facility where FRP closing/opening valve s, 2) complex
pipes were left under stagnant systems wilh lnany branches and Fstigue Loading
conditions for one-mont\ showed shoa runs ofpiping, and and 3) low The standard long tenn test method
some fouling to occur. Odrer operating velocjties. fbr FRP mate als is the ASTM
facilities have had FRP slstems in D2992 Procedur€ "B" which is a
operation for 5 years wirh The best solulion lo the water static long telm irternal pressure
maximum fl ow velocities of 5ft/s€c hanxner problem is elimination of 1es!procedure. T$ically, when the
with no signs of fouling. When the source. Ifthese sources cannot number ofcycles in the design life
continuous operating I ines naintain be eliminated and lhe water of the syslen is less tban 7000
flow velocilies. fouling is hanxner problem is severe, sonle (about one cycle per day in a 20-
type of sute tank or pressure year design), the syslen can be
accumuiator should be designed considered slatic and
Marine life, such as oysters, inlo the system. As wilh all consideration needs to be given to
mussels. aDd barnacles tend io systemsj the surge pressures due lo ladgue Ioading.
attach less io FRP pipes compared waier hammer should b€ kept
to steel due to lhe smoolh interior below the naximuln allowable When fatigue loadjng is a concern.
suface ofFRP. pressure rating of the piping faiigue data should be used for
system. delennining ihe allowablc stresses.
Hypochlorination is an effeci;ve Depending upon the seveLiq, ofthe
mclhod 10 prevent fouling fatigue ioadins, the allowable
problems. Sorne studies have Cavitatioo fatigue stress can be as litrle as half
sho\\'n continuous chlodnation If rhe pressure in a closed piping ofrhe static v.lDe This can he lrue
conceDlations as low as 0.25 to syslem w€re to drop below the at l0^8 cycles ofloading.
0.5ppm to be effective. fluid's vapor pressure, then cavities
would form. Tbese cavities are air It should be noted that occasional
slaces and the phenomena is also loads, such as a 50-year storm
Water Hanm€r known as water colun separation. design, are tpically not faligue
Water hammer is ihe sllrge of This is anoilrer consequence of cases since the number olcycles is
int€rnal pressure created when lhe quick closing rBlves since the same be]ow7000. Daily wave action, or
liquid velociry suddenly changes. pressure wave that causes a the other hand, car be a faligue
Since the liquid is essenrially pressure surge also caus€s a
;ncompressible, any energy that is
applied to it is instantly tansmitted An alternalive 10 the fatigue data is
somewhere else (to the pipes, T|e result ;s essentially a vacuum in 15014692 which has a 'lactor'
fittings, joints, valves, even on the piping syslen, which iflarge for de-ratins the staiic auowable
suppots). enough, can lead to collapse ofthe stre ssto a " cycii c ' al lowable siress.
pipe wall-And when the water This is the so cal1ed "A3' lacior for
The bigg€st cause ofwaterhamner columns rejoin,ihe result is usually de-rating for cyclic sewice.
;n FRP systens is drc qujck closing apressure spjk€ inrhe sysiem. Thjs Ref€rence shouldbe nade to Pat 3
valve. Unfortunately. there is no is cspecially tue in large diameier (design) oflSO14692.
sjrnple calculation to deGrmhe plping systems with thin pipe walls.
wheth€rwater hanmer is a concern With water or seawater sysielns:
or not. Negative faclors that affeci water colunn separation is less
the magnitude ofwater hammer are likely to occur because ofthe very
l) fast valve closing limes, 2) long low vapor pressue ofthe fluid. For Sodiun Hypochlorite
staight ruDs ol' piping with no water, the vapor pressure is about Sodium Flypochlorite (NaOCl) is a
fittings nor branches, and 3) high 0.5psia (l4.2psig bclow very strong oxidizer thal, at certain
operaling velocities. alrnospheric) at anbient concedratioDs. can be detrirnental
temperature and aboxt 3.5psia 1o the perfo nance of FRP. Most
Factors that are positive and can (1i.2psig below atnospheric) at FIBERBOND@ products are
help reduce the efiect of water 150F. suitable for cxposure to Naocl up

t!gc Jl JUNE 2015 EDITION

to 100ppm and up to 120F (49c). corosjon is dominated by either Safety Factors
Above this concentration, special physical or chemical mechanisms Safery factors (the inverse of the
liners may be required. Corrosion or a combination of both. In ser.r'ice fbctors in ASME 831.3 or
resi siant testing has been perfonned aqueous medi4 a physical attack the partial factors inISOl4692) can
at concentations as high as 15% fhe FRP dre to th. vary widely for FRP materials,
(150,000ppm) wilhsatisfactory osmotic permealion ofthe resin by depending upon the test melhod,
However, at lhe fluid- The physical attack or duration, loading condition, eic.
concentrations above lffl.
a dual- FRP is often more severe when rhe For example. for a short term
laminate (a PVC, CPVC, or PTFE fluid is pure water mther than ionic 'bulst" test such as ASTM D1599,
liner with FRP sfucture) Inay be solutjons. These physical altack 4.0 is a b'pical salcly factor. For a
can rcsult in delaminations or long lenn rellession analysis such
bListeriDgs., as ASTM D2992, the safet factor
would be closer to ] 5. Long term
Chemical attacks can also occur. safety factors for occasional loads
Corrosion Resistance An example is ihe saponificarion by can be even lower. closerto 1.12.
While metallic corrosion is sodiun hydroxide or the oxidatior
dominated b)' electrochemical bysodi n hypochlorite-
corrosion mechanisms FRP


Table 22 Typical Strengths and Moduli

Property 20HV,20HV-C, 20FR.E,2OFR.EC, 1lOFW 20c

20HV(FDA),20HV" 20FR16, 20FR16-C,
D 20FR20,20FR20-C,

Temp Rating 150F 185F 250F 185F

(65c) , (85c) (121c) (85c)
AxialTensile 8,400psi 8,400psi 8,400psi 6,780psi
Strensth (57.9[rPa) (57.9[,4Pa) (57.9llPa) (46.7MPa)
AxialTensile 1,400,000psi 1,400,000psi 1,400,000psi 1,130,000psi
(9.7GPa) (9.7GPa) (9.7GPa) (7.8G Pa)

Hoop Tensile 26,400psi 26,400psi 26,40opsi 26,400psi

Strength (182.0[,4Pa) (182.0N]Pa) (182.0[IPa) (140.7MPa)
Hoop Tensile 2,200,000psi 2,200,000psi 2,200,000psi 1,700,000psj
(15.2GPa) (15.2GPa) (15.2GPa) (11.7GPa)
Bending Strength 16,800psi 16,800psi 16,80opsi 13,560psi
(115.8[,4Pa) (115.8[,lPa) (115.8[IPa) (93.slnPa)
Bending Modulus 1,400,000psi 1,400,000psi 1,400,000psi 1,130,000psi
(9.7GPa) (9.7GPa) (9.7GPa) (7.8GPa)
Density 0.06|b/in.3 0.06|b/in.3 0.06|b/in.3 0.061b/in.3
1.791m3 1.7glmx 1.7glmj 1.7 glm3
Thermal 0.00001in./in /F 0.00001in./in./F 0.00001in./ln./F 0.00001in./in./F
Expansion 0.000018mm/mm/C 0.000018mm/mm/C 0.000018mm/mm/C 0 000018mm/mm/C
Maior Poisson's 0.35 0.35 0.35 035
0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55

150 150 150 150

Specific 0.0002in 0.0002in 0-0002in 0.0002in
Roughness (0.0005cm) (0.0005cm) (0.0005cm) (0.000scm)



March 2010r clarified major and minor

Many exc el lent texls and other references wereutiliz€d in poisson's rado; updated wordirrg on fatigxe
the Miting ofthis Engineering guide and the following loading.
are recommended for further infonnation:
June 2015: No major changes;updated some
American Socie0 of Mechanical Engineel.s, wodiDg to naintain consistency iiom one
As\4I aode lor Presure P p:ng Bi Li. sect'on to another and with other docrmenrs
Chem;cal Plant and Petrolernn RefiningPiping,
ASME, New York, 1996 E{tition.

Benedic! Robert P., I.,,dalnentdl:r of Pipe

F14,. John Wiley & Sons, New York, Copyrisht

Holnres, Emesl, CEl1g. FIMechE, MIES, FRSA,

Ed., Hd n d boa k af I n du:t tri a I P ipe\,t ot k
Engineeting, John \N iley & Sons, New York.
Copydglrt 1973.

Mallinson,lohn H., P.8., Catosion Resistant

Plastic Conposites inChenical Pldnt DesiEn,
Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, Copyright

NBS Voluntary Product Standard, PS l5-69,

Custom Contact Molded Reinforced Polyestet
Chemical Resistant Process Equipment,
Department of Commerce.

Pannakian, John, Watethannet Anab)sis,

Prentice-Hall, N ew York, Copyright 1955.

Stringfellow, P.E., Ed., aiberylass Pipe

Ilandbook,The Conpasit€s Instil te, A
Division ofthe Sociely ofthe Plastics IndrLs!y,
New York. Copyright 1989.

Wylie, Benjamin E., Fl td Ttunsienrs, FEB

Press, Ann Abor, MI, Corrccted Edition,
Copyright 1981.

Young, Wanen C.. Roarlr's Fornulas lot Sness

,,r1Stdt,, 6fi Edition, Mccraw-Hill, New
York. Copyrisht 1989.


Stress Based Design

The follolling equations were used in the calculations ol L=

design standards for all FIBERBOND6T Engineered
Composite Piping Series. The tuil derivation of each 8 ru ]
equation is not included here. The engineer is direcred to the
rcferences atthe end ofihis guide fortunher infomation. Q)

SUPPORT SPACING L.' Support spacing. ft

Deflection Based Design o - Bendnrg stress. psi
1, - Moment of ine]tia, reinforced- in1
c - Pipe outside radius. in
lE IA ) r \v.- Pipe and fluid $eigh! lblin.
I fr, I r12,, l
Con' der I{., plc L e\ceot. no$ de rgl rle,, pport, t"r a
muimum bending stress of500psi:
L"- Supporl spacing. ft
Er, - Axialflexural (bendine) modulus, psi o:500 psi
l, - Momentofineftia. rcinforced, ini Ii = n /61 (1.51,1.04t:3.17 nr.1
A Allowabie deflection = 0.5nr. c= 1.75 in.
w.- Pipe and fluid s,eight, lb/in. w. = n /4 (3.5r - l.0r) (0.06) + tr /,1 (3.0r) (0.0361) ( 1.2) =
K - Support t)pe factor 0.46lb/in.
:0.013 for Type I
L": 10.5 ft
= 0.0069 for T}?e ll
:0.0065 for Tlpe III
= 0.0026 for T}?e lV

Example I Calculationsi
, (too ,.1 _ (3)
Consider a 3in. 201ry Series (200psig) piping sysrem ^/ \. 1n )
op€rating at anbient temperaiurc and 100psis and
carying a fluid with a specific gravily of 1.2. Calculate An"-"r - Th ermal expa nsjon in./100 fl
the rcquired suppot spacing based on a deflectionof0.5" C, - Coeffi cient of themal expansion, in./in./'F
and a bending slress of 1,000psi. A T - Tempemiure clrange, "F

EL,:1,400,000 psi - For totalthermal expansion, mukiply A1".nby (Lengrh /

I.: n i6a (1.5r - 3.044) = 3.17 in.{ r00f0.
A:0.5 in.
K:0.0065 Example 2 Calculaiions:
\v, = n i4 (3.5: ' 3.01) (0.06) + n /a (1.0:) (0.0361) (1.2) = Consider a pipeline, made of 2,1in. piping. Series ll0
046lb,/in. rl00p.ig). ,he opero rg rerrp.rdrrre olrlre.l.rell t
L" = 13.8 fl 180"F. The install ati on temperatrn€ is 75"F. Calculate the
rher naLc{paaion lor a o0 r.eclioror ppinJ.

C'= 0.000010 in./in./"F

A T = 105'F
Aft*.d = 1.26 in./]00 ft: (90/l00) * L26 = 1.13 in./90 ft



( , ,q(rorr
,l t :,n \ P.) = ,'1,E,^ (5)
Pt = l/)-(P)
[2r! ,E ) lrr.,]
- (4)
P - Anchor loads, lbs
Ai- Cros s-sectional area. total, sq. in
(r L - Axialtensile modulus, psi
A - Expansion, in./in.
1L. )
- Note that the anchor load is not a tunction ofthe loral
leng6: expansion is dimensionless.
It) + 21 tt ,- t- - Modnlus values are not degraded atdesigntemperature (for
conserlative rcsrltt.

Example 4 Calculations:
PF - Pressure expansion, in./I00 ft
r - Raditrs. in. For a 16in. 110 Series (lsopsig) s)sleln calculate the
t. - Srructural $ all thickness, in. anchor loads along a stnight run ofpiping with the
tr - Liner thickness. in. following design data: design lemperatlre 140"F, :
lD = Inside diameier, in. install ati on temperature : 70'F, and design pressure -
E, -,{\ial
tensile modulus, psi 50psig. FiNt, thetotal expansion ollhe system n€eds nl
Eh- Hoop lensile modulus. psi be calculated:

v^. - Minor Poisson's ratio

P- tntemal pressure, psi A, - n /4 ('1- 16.2sr): l3.l in'z
E: l,:100.000 psi
Exanrple 3 Calculaiions: C.= 0.000010 in./h./"F
Consider a pipeline nude of 12in. Sedes 20HV 200psig A T= 7O"F
piping with a design pressurc of 200psig and a design r:8.375 in.
lcmperature change of l0'F. Calculale the pressure t:0.39 in.
E,: 1.400.000 psi
r = 6.26 in. Eh:2,200,000 psi
l:0.48 in. P= 50 psig
tr= 0.02 nr. v..:0.63
E,: 1,400,000 psi A = 0 84 1. 0 09 = 0 93 in./100 ft : 0.000778 in./in.
v= 0.,1 P = 36.052 lbs
Eh= 2,200,000 psi
P:200 psig If the layout does nor require pressure expansion io be
v^. = 0.63 included as part ofthe design, ihen:
PF:0.22 in./100 ft
Ci= 0.000010 in./in./"F A:0.84in./l00 ft = 0.0007 nr./in.
AT= 3(]"F P = 32.438 lbs
Aft--i= 0 36 nr /100 ft



fl;*'r*t (6)

L" = (1)
La Guide spacinc. ft

I - Moment ofinertia. reintorced. in.1 LDi Guide spacingfor direction changes. ft

A. - closs-sectional area, reinforced, in-r Eb - A\ial flexural(bendins) modulus, psi
A - E\paDsion. in./in. D - Outside diameter, in.
A - Totalexpansion, in.
Eb- A\ial fl exural (bendins) modulus. psj
E.- Compressive modulus, psi o - Allowable bending sirengtb, psi: 1,500 psi
ID - tnside diameler, in.
- Referto the Suppod Spacing section for notes. - E\pansion is rhe leng r change from the anchor 1o the
first direction change.
Exanple 5 Calculadons: - includes a2.3 stress inrensity factor.
Consider a piping system operaling at 125"F and
I50psig with an installation temperature ol75'F. Etlrmple 6 Calculations:
For a 1,lin. 20HV system. operating at 155'F
Caiculate the recoDxnended guide spacing for a 6in.
20FR-E systeln.
(installation tempe ra0re 75 "F) and l50psig, calculate
the guide spacing at a direction change. The distance
n:3.14159 ftom the elbow to thc anchor is 24.0 ft.
Eb: 1,400,000 psi
I' = 8164 (6.625a- 6.04t:29.23 in.i Eh = 1,400,000 psi
A,: 814 (6.625r- 6.04' = 5.82 in., D: I5.125 in.
E.= 1,,100,000 psi C,- 0.000010 in./h./"F
Ci= 0.000010 in.,rin./"F
A T= 50"F | = 7.335 in.
r:3.3166 i0. t= 0.,12 in.
t = 0.2925 in. v:0.4
E = 1,100,000 psi P = 150 psig
v: 0.,1
E(: r,400,000 psi
Ei= 2,200,000 psi Eb= 2,200.000 psi
P= 150 psig v.i:0.63
A=0 96+ 0 07 = 1 03 h/100 ft :0.15 in. for 24 firun
A 06 0.11 0.71 ir./100ft 0.000617in./I LDi = 9.2 ft
L!:23.6 ft
Neglecling prcssure expaDsion. Ior i rem,whcrcrhc finin3joir ma) be$ecler n

A:0.6 in./100 ft = 0.0005 in./in. bendjng thanthe pipe, such as many adhesive-bonded
L:=26.2 ft '\ocket ' systems, re strength ofthe fitting4oint should be
taken jnto accountwith this equa on:

r (2 r)(r j)rnour, ) '' r, r

\ 26 ) t,t2 in.)


Head Insses in Stnieht Lengths ofPipe

(r.rXr .5)
A.A@216 ILQ ' p

H - Turbulenthead loss- psi

- Refer to the previous section for notes.
f- Moody's ftiction factor, dimensionless
L - Pipe length, ft
- E\pansion is the length change along both st aighr runs on
D - Fluid density, lb/cu ft
each side of ihc loop, not one shzightrun.
Q - Voiume flo\r'rate, cPM
D - Inside diameter. in.
Lxample 7 Calculitions:
For a 24in. Series 110 piping syst€m, operating at 200"F
(installed at 75oF) and 50psig, calculate the leg lengths
needed to alleviate the stresses along a200 ft section of
A .OOO213 LO v
pipe tretween two anchors . (12)
t o'
D:26.00 in. Ill- tnminar head loss, psi
Eb= 1,,100,000 psi v - Absolute viscosity, cP
o = 1,500 psi L - Pipe length, ft
Ci: 0.000010 in./in./'F Q - Volume flow rate. GPM
AT= 125'F D - Irside diameter, in.
r= 12.50 in.
t - 0.265 in.
E: 1,1{0.000 psi
I t"/ '";rl
l,''ar :
Eh:2.200.000 psi
v: , = o,\ r.e (13,
P = 50
v.i :0.63
psig t
A: 1.5 + 0.20: 1.70 in./100 ft = 3.40 in. for a 200 ft nn
Lr,: ll.4 ft
'- = -2
orus i '
:! + --------:-. (11)
For .)5 em, \lere he finigJon. ma) be $edkcr in ' i.'' n l t
bcndingthan the pipe, such many adhesive -bond ed
"socket" systems. the stengfi ofthe fiiiindjoint should be f,-Moody's friction factor, guess, dimensionless
taken into accountwith this equation: f- Moody's fiicrion factor, dinensionless
e - Absolute roughness - 0.0002 in.
lF, r A(/ar )tr
r, il-(2 rJ(2 2i2d tt D 'Inside diameter in

I t,t2h

(10) R.- Reylold's nunber, dimcnsionless


WATER IIAMMER Water Hammer for lrutantan€ous Closure
Celeriry (velocity ofsound in the liqtrid) (Joukowsky\ Folmula)

Kg *114 in)
144 s
Pressure Wive Speed
Water Hanmer for Tined Closure
a=c for tipia pipet (1sb)
P^ =-rtr T >r.., (17^l
ItA sT
I fi'
fat non isi.t pipes (l5c) P",,. = !!L k, r.r (r7b)
144 s

Definition ofQuick Closing Valve

c - Celerity (Speed ofsoud in the flu;d), ftsec
a - Pressure wave sp€ed, f/sec 2L
K - Liquid bulk modulus, psi (18)
g - Ura!iD - Jl.2R,ec drsed le\el

lD - Inside diameter, in. Pftb - Water Hammer due to instantaneous valve c losure
E - Tensile modulus, psi (in addition to line prcssure). psi
t - Wall thickness- in. a- Pressure wave speed, ftsec
Cr =Pipe restraint coefficient, rypically 0.84 (for a fully
p - Densit, lbrn/ft3
anchored system) to 1.0 (fora s)€tem with expansion)
g - Graviry = 32.2ftlsec'zat sea level

Pd,"" - Water Hammer due to a timed valve closure fin

addiiion io line pressurc), psi
L - Pipe length, ft
T - Valve closuretime, sec

Tq,i r - Closing time for quick closing valve, s


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