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Name : Rois Prawira

Nim : 2019050025
Courses : Poetry
Supporting Lecturer : Sholihin, M.Hum





Literature is basically a creation, a creation not merely an imitation (in

Luxemburg, 1989: 5). Literary work as a form and result of a creative work, is
essentially a medium that utilizes language to express human life. Therefore, a
literary work, in general, contains the problems that surround human life. The
emergence of literature was born against the background of the basic human
urge to express his existence. (in Sarjidu, 2004:2).
Usually literature is divided according to geographical region or language. So,
what are included in the Literature category are: Novels, short stories (written
orally). poetry, rhymes, plays/drama, paintings/calligraphy.
Novel is one form of a literary work. Novel is a fictional story in the form of
writing or words and has intrinsic and extrinsic elements. A novel usually tells
about human life in interacting with the environment and each other. In a
novel, the author tries his best to direct the reader to pictures of the reality of
life through the stories contained in the novel.
According to the repertoire of modern Indonesian literature, novels are
different from romances. A romance presents a more complex storyline and
the number of actors (story characters) is also greater. This is very different
from the novel which is simpler in the presentation of the storyline and the
story characters shown in the story are not too many.
Based on the reviews above, I created this paper to help readers who want to
pursue the world of novels. In addition to the definition and elements of the
novel, this paper is also equipped with examples of novels by type.

I created this paper to help readers to get to know more about the novel. To
understand the meaning of the novel in more depth, to know its
characteristics, to know what types of novels are and their examples.
Hopefully this paper can increase interest in reading about literature,
especially: novels for teenagers today. Make them appreciate the various
literary works that have been made to be enjoyed by the readers.


1. What is the Meaning of Novels?

2. What are the characteristics of a novel?
3. How many types of novels are there? And what are some examples?



Of the many forms of literature such as essays, poetry, novels, short stories,
dramas, novel forms, short stories are the ones that are read the most by the
readers. Classical modern works in literature, mostly also contain works of
Novel is the most popular form of literature in the world. This form of
literature is the most widely circulated, because of its broad communication
power in society. As reading material, novels can be divided into two groups,
namely serious works and entertainment works. This opinion is true but there
is also a continuation. Namely that not everything that is able to provide
entertainment can be called a serious literary work. A serious novel is not only
required to be a beautiful work, interesting and thus also provide
entertainment for us. But it also demands more than that. Novel is a novel,
the main condition is that it must be interesting, entertaining and bring
satisfaction after people have read it.
A good novel to read for self-improvement. A good novel is a novel whose
contents can humanize the readers. On the other hand, entertainment novels
are only read for casual purposes. The important thing is to give the reader
fun to finish it. The entertainment novel tradition is bound up with patterns.
Thus, it can be said that serious novels have a social function, while
entertainment novels only have a personal function. Novels have a social
function because good novels help foster community parents to become
human. While entertainment novels don’t care whether the stories that are
presented do not build people or not, the important thing is that the novels
are captivating and people want to read them quickly.
Many writers provide a limit or definition of the novel. The boundaries or
definitions they provide are different because the point of view they use is also

The novel has elements contained in these elements are:

1. Intrinsic Element

a. Theme
Theme is the main idea or main problem that underlies the novel’s storyline
(Drs. Rustamaji, M.Pd, Agus Priantoro, S.Pd)

b. Settings
Setting is the background that helps the clarity of the storyline, this setting
includes time, place, social culture (Drs, Rustamaji, M.Pd. Agus Priantoro, S.Pd)

c. Viewpoint
Perry Lubback’s point of view is described in his book The Craft Of Fiction
(Lubbock, 1968).

d. Plot
Plot is a series of events in the novel. The plot is divided into 2 parts, namely
the forward (progressive) plot, which is when the events move gradually based
on chronological order to the storyline. While the afur backwards (progressive
flash back) that occurs has something to do with ongoing events (Paulus Tukan,

e. Characterizations
Characterizations describe the characters for the actors. The perpetrator can
be identified by the way he acts, physical characteristics, and the environment
in which he lives. (Drs. Rustamaji, M.Pd. AgusPriantoro, S.Pd)

f. Language style
Is the dominant style in a novel (Drs. Rustamaji, M.Pd. Agus Priantoro, S.Pd)
2. Extrinsic Elements
This element includes the background of creation, history, author biographies,
and others, apart from the intrinsic elements. Elements that exist outside the
body of a literary work. Attention to these elements will help the accuracy of
the interpretation of the contents of a literary work (Drs. Rustamaji, M.Pd,
Agus Priantoro, S.Pd).


Types of entertainment novels vary by endeavor, such as:

1. Romance
Novels that tell love stories.
Example: The Notebook, Pride and Prejudice, Call Me by Your Name, Ayat-Ayat
Cinta, Dilan.

2. Comedy
Novels that contain elements of humor so as to keep the readers entertained.
Example: Lucky Jim, Kambing Hitam, Ubur-Ubur Lembur, Three Men on a Boat,

3. Mystery
Novels that tell mystery stories and arouse the curiosity of readers because
they are full of riddles.
Examples: Sherlock Holmes, Murder on the Orient Express, The Tokyo Zodiac
Muders, The Memory Police, Pintu Terlarang.

4. Sci-Fiction
A novel that discusses the influence of imagined science and technology on
society and individuals.
Example: Dune, Star Wars, The Martian, Brave New World, Neuromancer.

5. Thrillers
Novels that have a suspenseful effect on the reader.
Example: The Silence of the Lambs, Psycho, The Girl on the Train, The Silent
Patient, Confessions.

6. Horror
Novels that have a suspenseful effect on the reader. The stories presented in
this novel are usually scary stories, they can be mystical or supernatural.
Example: The Shining, Dracula, Frankenstein, It, The Exorcist.

7. Crime
A novel that depicts a narrative centered on criminal acts.
Example: The Godfather, The Da Vinci Code, Red Harvest, The Postman Always
Calls Twice, The Black Dahlia.

8. Fantasy
A novel that deals with fantasy or something that doesn’t really exist.
Example: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit,

9. Inspirational
A novel filled with inspirational stories. This type of novel is intended to
provide a moral message or motivate the readers.
Example: Laskar Pelangi, Negeri 5 Menara, Edensor, 9 Matahari, 5 cm.



Novel is one form of a literary work. Novel is a fictional story in the form of
writing or words and has intrinsic and extrinsic elements. A novel usually tells
about human life in interacting with the environment and each other. In a
novel, the author tries his best to direct the reader to pictures of the reality of
life through the stories contained in the novel. Japan is the birthplace of the
first novel. The novel is titled The Tale of Genji, which was written in the 11th
century by Murasaki Shikibu.


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